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April 16, 2022
Invited speakers:
David Bacon — Google Research
Brian La Cour — University of Texas, Austin, Center for Quantum Research
Ezekiel Johnston-Halperin — Ohio State University; Director, QuSTEAM
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Fall: Virtual: Building Enthusiasm through Introductory Physics – Sharing Engaging Teaching Strategies for All Levels
Fall: Virtual: Improving Physics Instructional Lab Experiences
Spring: Springfield College: How Physics Research and Physics Teaching Can Inform One Another
Spring: Suffolk University:
Fall: University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth: Gravitational Wave Astronomy & Computational Physics
Spring: Worcester Polytechnic Institute: NanoScience and BioPhysics
Fall: University of Rhode Island: Physics with Applications in Industry
Spring: Wheaton College: Fluids Dynamics of Very Large and Very Small Systems
Fall: Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts: Undergraduate Research: Pedagogy and Possibilities
Spring: Boston University:
Fall: University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth: Inner Space Meets Outer Space
Spring: Boston College: Energy Matters
Fall: Wentworth Institute of Technology: Physics at the Extremes
Spring: University of Massachusetts Lowell, Lowell, MA: Materials: The Foundation of Our Future
Fall: University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst, MA: Climate Change and the Future of Nuclear Power
Spring: Union College, Schenectady, NY: Modern Nuclear Applications
Fall: Brown University, Providence, RI: Nanobiophysics in the 21st Century
Spring: Northeastern University, Boston, MA: Elementary Particle Physics in the 21st Century
Fall: University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH:Our Universe – 400 Years After Galileo
Spring: The United States Coast Guard Academy, New London CT: The Science of Homeland Security
Fall: University of Massachusetts, Boston, MA: Out of Equilibrium
Spring: University of Maine, Orono: Statistical Physics and Applications
Fall: University of Connecticut, Storrs CT: Carbon in the 21st Century
Spring: Boston University: Physics and Cosmology - at the interface
Fall: The College of the Holy Cross: The Physics of Sports
Spring: Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT): Einstein
Fall: University of Vermont: Nano and Soft Matter Physics
Spring: Philips Exeter Academy: Astronomy and Space Physics
Fall: Pratt & Whitney Corporation: Climate and Flight
Spring: Williams College: Quantum Bits, Ultrafast Pulses, Beyond the Visible Spectrum, and Teaching Physics
Fall: Bates College: "Physics We Haven't Told You Yet" and "Passing The Torch: Helping new Physics Teachers without getting burned (out)"
Spring: Brandeis University: Expanding Horizons of Physics
Fall: Bridgewater State College: Exploring the Physics of the Big and Small
Spring: Middlebury College: Chaos, Complexity, and Self - Organization
Fall: Keene State College: Confluence of Physics & Chemistry
Spring: Rhode Island College: Physics, Industry, and Society, Teaching Physics
Fall: Central Connecticut State Univ.: Photonics and Electroactive materials, Industrial Roundtable, General Physics
Spring: Yale Univ.: History of Physics, Physics of water
Fall: Colby College (ME): Quantum Technology, Novel Semiconductors
Spring: Clark University: Granular Matter and Pattern Formation, Magnetism and Superconductivity
Fall: Univ. of New Hamp.: Advances in Condensed Matter& Undergraduate Education
Spring: Univ. of Maine: Tribology – Modern Perspectives on Friction & Related Phenomena
Fall: Hanscom AFB: Physics in Industry and Government
Spring: M.I.T. (MA): Relativity in Astrophysics: General and Applied Imaging (medical and otherwise)
Fall: Univ. of Vermont: Biophysics Quantum Devices & Nanostructures
Spring: Univ. of Connecticut: The Structure of the Nucleon Atom Manipulation & Nanoscience
Fall: Bowdoin College: History of Physics - 100th anniversary of discovery of x-rays and radioactivity, Magnetic Recording Technologies
Spring: Harvard University: Science, Society, and Education, Quantum Mechanics at Work
Fall: Brown University: Dark Matter The Search for the Top Quark
Spring: Williams College: Laser cooling and Trapping of Atoms Buckyballs and other Fullerenes
Fall: Amherst College: Precision Measurements, Physical Phenomena in Restricted Dimensions
Spring: Wellesley College: Physics in Medicine Physics and the Environment
Fall: Dartmouth College: Astronomy and Space Physics Planetary Magnetism
Spring: Smith College: Dynamics in Confined systems & News about nu's
Fall: Bates College: Large-scale Universe, Lasers: Cooling & Trapping—spectroscopy, dynamics
Spring: University of Lowell: Optics (Applications& Joint mtg. w. OSA research, education, scattering)
Fall: Yale University: Major Accelerator Facilities Test of Discrete Symmetries
Spring: Wesleyan University: Synchrotron radiation, advanced light sources, Foundations of Quantum Mechanics
Fall: University of Maine: Radon in the environment Alternative energy sources
Spring: Fairfield University: Gravity & Perturbations High-temp. superconductors
Fall: Univ. of Massachusetts: Physics of Small Things
Spring: Mount Holyoke: Research at undergraduate institutions
Fall: Middlebury College: Physics of Sport, Astrophys. incl SN/1987A
Spring: Univ. of Rhode Island: The Atomic Nucleus: From Quarks to Supernovae, Physics and Climate
Fall: U. New Hampshire: Probing the nucleus, Symmetries
Spring: Clark U. (MA): Computer Simulation in Physics, Instrumentation in Condensed Matter Physics
Fall: U. Conn (CT): CHAOS & Physics behind Superaccelerators
Spring: Brown U. (MA): Amorphous Solids Electro-Weak Interactions
Fall: Northeastern U. (MA): Biological Physics Quantum Hall Effect
Spring: Bowdoin Coll. (ME): Physics of Electronic Devices for the 80's, Liquid Crystals
Fall: U. Vermont (VT): Miniaturization in Solid State Electronics, Physical Probes of Biological Systems
Spring: Boston U. (MA): Degenerate Fermi Fluids Polymer Physics
Fall: Dartmouth (NH): Free Electron Lasers Old and New Superfluids
Spring: Worcester P.I. (MA): Biophysics, Nonlinear Optics
Fall: U. Maine at Orono (ME): Submicron Physics Environmental Physics
Spring: Univ. of Rhode Island: Physical Oceanography, Physics in One and Two Dimensions
Fall: M.I.T. (MA): Terrestrial Energy Sources& Extraterrestrial Energy
Spring: University of Lowell (MA): The Sweep of Physics, Education and Careers in Physics
Fall: Bates College (ME): Experimental Relativity, Current Applications of Physics
Spring: Wesleyan University (CT): Contemporary Astrophysics & Lasers in Research and Development
Fall: Williams College(MA): High Energy Astrophysics (HEAO), Quark Dynamics
Spring: Springfield Technical Community Coll (MA): Physics and Computers: Applications in Research and Education
Fall: Univ. of New Hampshire: The Subject I'd Like to Talk About Most, Structure of Amorphous Materials
Spring: Southeastern Mass. Univ.: Astrophysics Nuclear Energy: Problems and Alternatives
Fall: U. Conn. at Storrs: Synchrotron Radiation New Materials Technology
Spring: Quinnipiac College (CT): Physics in Medicine High Energy Physics
Fall: Univ. Maine at Orono: Biomedical Engineering Surface Physics
Spring: Brown University (RI): Models of Learning Oceanography
Fall: Clark University (MA): History of Physics Alternative Energy Sources
Spring: University of Hartford and United Aircraft (CT): Laser Physics Fusion Power
Fall: U. Mass at Amherst: Astrophysics, New Accelerator Physics
Spring: Boston College (MA): Space Physics and Optical Properties of Ions in Crystals
Fall: University of Vermont: Disordered Solids and Liquid State
Spring: Amherst College (MA): Physics and the Environment Non-Linear Optics
Fall: Yale University (CT): Current State of Nuclear Physics
Spring: Boston University (MA): Low-Temperature Physics, General Relativity
Fall: Univ. of Maine at Orono: Near Future of Physics and Amorphous State of Matter
Spring: U. Conn. at Storrs: Atomic & Molecular Physics X-Ray Astronomy
Fall: Mount Holyoke College (MA): Astrophysics
Spring: Tufts University (MA): High Energy Nuclear Physics
Fall: Dartmouth College (NH): Electron-Magnetic Field Interaction
Spring: UARL and Trinity College (CT): Behavior at Surfaces
Fall: Bates College (ME): Molecular Biophysics
Spring: Brown University (RI): Semiconductor Physics
Fall: Univ. of New Hampshire: Fields and Particles in Space
Spring: Worcester Polytechnic: Coherence and Lasers Institute (MA)
Fall: Univ. of Maine at Orono: Plasma Physics
Spring: Brandeis (MA): Atomic and Molecular Physics
Fall: Amherst College (MA): Atomic Collisions
Spring: Harvard University (MA): Research in High Energy Physics in the Cambridge Area
Fall: Wesleyan University (CT): Solid State Physics
Spring: Providence College (CT): Superconductivity
Fall: Yale University (CT): High Energy Physics
Spring: Mount Holyoke College (MA): Molecular Beam Research at Harvard University
Fall: Amherst College (MA): Physical Oceanography
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