
About the Topical Group on Precision Measurement & Fundamental Constants

The Topical Group on Precision Measurement & Fundamental Constants is a subunit of the American Physical Society. Its objective is to serve as a focus for research related to investigating and testing the fundamental laws of physics and their underlying connections, determining fundamental constants, and developing and improving basic measurement standards, with special emphasis on the high precision experiments that are characteristic of such research.

How to Join

You must be a member of the APS to be a member of the Topical Group. The additional cost to join the Topical Group is $10.00. Joining is most conveniently done when you renew your APS membership. If you are not yet a member of the APS, visit the APS Membership page for information on how to join. If you have already renewed your APS membership and don't want to wait until the next renewal to join the Topical Group, look here.