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Nobel Prize 2024 klogW zoom seminar Wednesday October 16, 2024 12:00 p.m. ET Congratulations to this year's physics Nobel Prize winners, John J. Hopfield and Geoffrey E. Hinton! The prize celebrates the impact of simple physics-based models of neural networks. The invention of the Hopfield network (Hopfield) and Boltzmann machine (Hinton) are quintessential physics approaches to emergence: aiming to capture the gist of the mechanism of associative memory and generative modeling., The bold ideas by the laureates to adopt how physicists model properties of magnetic materials laid the foundation for remarkable breakthroughs (in physics and elsewhere) using today’s ...
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GDS is happy to announce our short course at the APS Global Physics Summit. The short course is titled "Data Science for Physicists" and is co-sponsored by the Division of Biological Physics, the Division of Computational Physics, the Division of Particles and Fields, and the Division of Soft Matter. This two day course will take place the Saturday and Sunday before the APS Global Physics Summit (March 15 - 16). The first day of the course is an introduction to the fields of data science and machine learning (ML) as they apply to physics data. We will then provide an introduction to machine learning, including both regression and classification algorithms. ...
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The call for abstracts is open for the Joint March Meeting and April Meeting, called the APS Global Physics Summit. Share your March Meeting and April Meeting research at the APS Global Physics Summit. All abstracts are due Oct. 25. Become a presenter today ! #FeaturedNews
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APS prizes, awards, and fellowships recognize outstanding achievements in research, education, and public service. With few exceptions, they are open to all members of the scientific community in the US and abroad. Please consider nominating a colleague for these opportunities. APS Fellowship APS Fellowship is a distinct honor signifying recognition by one’s professional peers for making advances in physics through original research and publication, significant innovative contributions in the application of physics to science and technology, or to the teaching of physics or service and participation in the activities of the Society. View ...
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The deadline for proposing a GDS Focus Topic for the 2025 March and April Meetings has been pushed back to May 22, 2024 . A Focus Topic is a theme drawn from currently relevant topics in data science as they apply to physics research. Each three-hour meeting session includes one invited talk (36 minutes) and twelve contributed talks (twelve minutes). To propose a Focus Topic. complete this online form by May 22, 2024 . You will be asked to provide a title, a brief description addressing the topic's relevance and importance, and suggested organizers. Self-nominations are encouraged! Please send any questions or comments to Julie Butler ( ...
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The deadline for the 2024 GDS IMPACT Award for Excellence in Graduate Research has been extended! Deadline February 5th, 2024 This award covers conference registration fees for the 2024 APS March or April Meetings! Award Allocation : Registration fees Eligibility: Graduate students who are members of APS and GDS, and presenting during the 2024 APS March or April Meetings. Application materials: A 1 to 3-page CV including publications (if any). A recommendation letter A maximum 1-page motivation letter and list of objectives. The motivation letter should describe the applicant’s interest, the impact of their research ...
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The APS Topical Group on Data Science (GDS) IMPACT Award recognizes graduate students who have made noteworthy progress in their academic careers in the Data Science field. This award covers conference registration fees for the 2024 APS March or April Meetings . Deadline Friday, January 19, 2024. Applicants will be notified by the end of January 2024. Award Allocation : Registration fees Eligibility: Graduate students who are members of APS and GDS, and presenting during the 2024 APS March or April Meetings. Application materials: A 1 to 3-page CV including publications (if any). A recommendation letter A maximum 1-page motivation ...
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We invite your nominations of candidates for election as members of the Executive Committee (EC) of the APS Topical Group on Data Science. The following positions are open for election for the specified terms. Submit Your Nomination Here Vice Chair* (4-year term) Two Members-at-Large (3-year term) One Student Member (2-year term) *Please note that the member elected as Vice Chair shall serve in that Office for one year, then for one year as Chair-Elect, and then for one year as Chair, and then for one year as Past Chair. If you wish to nominate yourself or another member as a candidate for election to an open position, please submit your ...
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GDS IMPACT Award for Excellence in Graduate Research The APS Topical Group on Data Science (GDS) IMPACT Award recognizes graduate students who have made noteworthy progress in their academic careers in the Data Science field. This award covers conference registration fees for the 2023 APS March or April Meetings . Deadline Monday, January 16, 2023. Applicants will be notified by the end of January 2023. Award Allocation : Registration fees. Eligibility: Graduate students who are members of APS and GDS, and presenting during the 2023 APS March or April Meetings. Application materials: A 1 to 3-page CV including publications (if ...


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GDS IMPACT Award for Excellence in Graduate Research The APS Topical Group on Data Science (GDS) IMPACT Award recognizes graduate students who have made noteworthy progress in their academic careers in the Data Science field. This award covers conference registration fees for the 2023 APS March or April Meetings . Deadline Monday, January 16, 2023. Applicants will be notified by the end of January 2023. Award Allocation : Registration fees. Eligibility: Graduate students who are members of APS and GDS, and presenting during the 2023 APS March or April Meetings. Application materials: A 1 to 3-page CV including publications (if any). A recommandation ...
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The deadline for nominations has been extended to June 22 . You can find the list of deadlines for each unit here . APS fellowships recognize outstanding achievements in research, education, and public service. Please consider nominating a colleague! #FeaturedNews
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NSF Director Explains Vision for Science Agency in APS News In the June edition of APS News, National Science Foundation (NSF) Director Sethuraman Panchanathan discusses his vision for the science agency, including its role in supporting research and training the future STEM workforce. Panchanathan is a computer scientist and engineer, and NSF’s 15 th director, after being confirmed by the US Senate on June 18, 2020. Additionally, he is a leader in science, engineering, and education with more than three decades of experience. Read about his vision for NSF here . #FeaturedNews ​
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APS has released a new report that provides recommendations to strengthen the nation’s STEM workforce, including building research capacity among emerging research institutions (ERIs), establishing a clear path for international talent to study and work in the US, confronting hostile work environments, and addressing the shortage of qualified STEM teachers. Titled “Building America’s STEM Workforce: Eliminating Barriers and Unlocking Advantages,” the report examines both domestic and international challenges and opportunities. It synthesizes a range of public data and reports—complemented with surveys of physics department chairs and APS ...


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Hello and welcome to your new unit website! APS has been hard at work revamping your current unit site and is excited to introduce your new online unit community — a member benefit powered by APS Engage . In keeping in line with APS’s strategic plan , this new site will not only serve our members, but will also serve the greater physics community as well. It will allow you to interact with other unit members beyond in-person meetings, share and discuss content relevant to your field of study and interests, and create a shared repository of useful resources. The site features: a community discussion board a unit community library a unit directory ...