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Nobel Prize Seminar on October 16th

By Madison Mincevich posted 10-15-2024 10:06


Nobel Prize 2024 klogW zoom seminar
Wednesday October 16, 2024
12:00 p.m. ET

Congratulations to this year's physics Nobel Prize winners, John J. Hopfield and Geoffrey E. Hinton! The prize celebrates the impact of simple physics-based models of neural networks. The invention of the Hopfield network (Hopfield) and Boltzmann machine (Hinton) are quintessential physics approaches to emergence: aiming to capture the gist of the mechanism of associative memory and generative modeling., The bold ideas by the laureates to adopt how physicists model properties of magnetic materials laid the foundation for remarkable breakthroughs (in physics and elsewhere) using today’s complex neural networks.

GSNP and GDS are pleased to host a klogW virtual seminar discussing the 2024 Nobel Prize in Physics awarded to John Hopfield and Geoffrey Hinton "for foundational discoveries and inventions that enable machine learning with artificial neural networks". Our panel of experts (Nicolas Brunel, Duke; Eun-Ah Kim, Cornell; Pankaj Mehta, BU; David Schwab, CUNY; Sara Solla, Northwestern; Yuhai Tu, IBM) will give introductions to the statistical physics underpinning these advances, and then discuss the frontiers and future implications of these developments for physics and data science.

Register for the event here!


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