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The call for abstracts is open for the Joint March Meeting and April Meeting, called the APS Global Physics Summit. Share your March Meeting and April Meeting research at the APS Global Physics Summit. All abstracts are due Oct. 25. Become a presenter today ! #FeaturedNews
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R egist ration is now open for PIXEL 2022 , which will take place in Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, December 12 - 16, 2022. Information about the conference is available at . This conference will cover developments in pixel detectors in nuclear and particle physics, astrophysics, bioscience, and x - ray science, with emphasis on pixel sensor technolo gy and device design, front - end readout electronics, radiation effects on devices, mechanics and integration, calibration, and data processing. All talks will be plenary , and travel stipends for junior scientists are available . The deadline ...
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For more information, please click here or visit #FeaturedNews
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Snowmass Community Summer Study Second Bulletin We are looking forward to seeing you in Seattle, July 17-26, 2022 ! There is a lot of information in this bulletin, including information about registration, dorm rooms and hotels, social events, DOE visit, and DANCE, a software training event. Full details can be found at our website: , which we are updating regularly as new information becomes available. Please register now and plan your travel as soon as you can. Early-bird registration is open until June 5, 2022. Plane flights and lodging are all increasing in price. Lodging Dorm room booking is open! ...
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Dear Colleague, We would like to inform you that, since the pandemic situation seems to be gradually improving, the ICHEP 2022 conference will be organised in mixed mode, e.g. both in-person (favoured) and online participation will be possible. ICHEP 2022 will take place in Bologna from July 6th to July 13th : We hope that many of you will be able to be present in person at the conference and we look forward to seeing you in Bologna in July. The call for abstracts is open since the 25th of January and the deadline will be on March 31st, 2022 . The deadline for the Early registration is fixed at May 15th, 2022 . For the registration ...
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The 15 th International Conference on Interconnections between Particle Physics and Cosmology (PPC 2022) will be held at Washington University in St. Louis on June 6-10, 2022: . The goal of PPC is to discuss the profound interconnections between the micro and macro-worlds – from the smallest to the largest structures in the universe. We hope to provide a stimulating venue for fruitful discussions and exchange of scientific ideas at the intersection of nuclear physics, particle physics, astrophysics and cosmology. Topics include: Early Universe Cosmology Late Universe Cosmology Dark Matter Physics Neutrino Physics ...
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NSF Director Explains Vision for Science Agency in APS News In the June edition of APS News, National Science Foundation (NSF) Director Sethuraman Panchanathan discusses his vision for the science agency, including its role in supporting research and training the future STEM workforce. Panchanathan is a computer scientist and engineer, and NSF’s 15 th director, after being confirmed by the US Senate on June 18, 2020. Additionally, he is a leader in science, engineering, and education with more than three decades of experience. Read about his vision for NSF here . ​
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Dear DPF Colleagues, DPF21, hosted by Florida State University, will be held online (via Zoom) from July 12 to 14, 2021. It is an opportunity for attendees, especially young researchers, to present their findings. The bulk of this year's meeting will be parallel sessions with only opening and closing plenary sessions. There will be no registration fee for attending DPF21. Registration (deadline July 10, 2021) and Abstact Submission (deadline June 9, 2021) are available at this website: We encourage all members to register and participate - and especially invite attendance by students and postdocs. Best Regards, ...
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New CPAD Website

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A new website for CPAD is now available. CPAD, the Coordinating Panel for Advanced Detectors, seeks to promote, coordinate and assist in the research and development of instrumentation and detectors for high energy physics experiments.
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APS has released a new report that provides recommendations to strengthen the nation’s STEM workforce, including building research capacity among emerging research institutions (ERIs), establishing a clear path for international talent to study and work in the US, confronting hostile work environments, and addressing the shortage of qualified STEM teachers. Titled “Building America’s STEM Workforce: Eliminating Barriers and Unlocking Advantages,” the report examines both domestic and international challenges and opportunities. It synthesizes a range of public data and reports—complemented with surveys of physics department chairs and APS ...
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The DPF Ethics Advisory Committee has been established in November 2020. The Committee shall consist of nine members appointed by the DPF Chair in consultation with the DPF Executive Committee, following a call for nominations. These members shall represent a wide variety of professional and personal backgrounds across the DPF membership who are committed to creating a safe professional community in which to collaborate. At least two members of the Committee shall be early career members of the DPF, and the Committee shall include one graduate student. The Ethics Advisory Committee will appoint a Chair among its serving members. The term of all appointees shall ...

Snowmass: NEW Timeline

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Dear members of the Snowmass community, We are writing to inform you that, because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Snowmass Report will be delayed by one year and the overall schedule for the Snowmass process will be adjusted accordingly. Over the past year, the U.S. particle physics community has skillfully navigated many challenges to keep projects moving forward and enable experiments to continue producing excellent results. We learned from DOE and NSF at the HEPAP meeting on December 3-4, 2020 that some important scientific milestones will arrive later than anticipated. For this reason, extending the timeline of the Snowmass and P5 process would enable ...
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Dear Colleagues, "Transformative discovery in science is driven by innovation in technology. Our boldest undertakings in particle physics have at their foundation precision instrumentation. To reveal the profound connections underlying everything we see from the smallest scales to the largest distances in the Universe, to understand its fundamental constituents, and to reveal what is still unknown, we must invent, develop, and deploy advanced instrumentation." The above words are the opening paragraph of the DOE Basic Research Needs for High Energy Physics Detector R&D Report which has has just been released. ...
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Dear colleagues, I am writing to inform you that we are establishing the Ethics Committee. The Committee members will represent a wide variety of professional and personal backgrounds across the DPF membership who are committed to creating a safe professional community in which to collaborate. It will consist of eight members appointed by the DPF Chair in consultation with the DPF Executive Committee , following a call for nominations. The Committee will appoint a Chair among its serving members. The term of all appointees will be two years. Terms are renewable, but an individual should not serve more than four consecutive years. At least two members ...
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Dear colleagues, I am pleased to inform you that registration for the "virtual" Snowmass Community Planning Meeting (that will take place on Oct. 5-8) is now open. Please register as soon as you can at . Registration is required to attend the CPM meeting. Best, Young-Kee Chair of DPF


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Hello and welcome to your new unit website! APS has been hard at work revamping your current unit site and is excited to introduce your new online unit community — a member benefit powered by APS Engage . In keeping in line with APS’s strategic plan , this new site will not only serve our members, but will also serve the greater physics community as well. It will allow you to interact with other unit members beyond in-person meetings, share and discuss content relevant to your field of study and interests, and create a shared repository of useful resources. The site features: a community discussion board a unit community library a unit directory ...