The Executive Committee consists of the Chair, Chair-Elect, Vice-Chair, Past Chair, Secretary-Treasurer, Division Councilor(s), two Early Career Members-at-Large, and six Members-at-Large as voting members. There are also several non-voting members. Elections are held in the summer/fall of each year. The term of office of all members of the Executive Committee begins on the first of the year following election.
A new Vice-Chair is elected each year. This person serves the first year as Vice-Chair, the second year as Chair-Elect, the third year as Chair, and the fourth year as Past Chair. Prior to formally taking office, the newly elected Vice-Chair immediately becomes Chair of the Fellowship Committee for the next year. The Past Chair serves as Chair of the Nominating Committee for the year in which they are Past Chair. The Chair-Elect serves as Chair of the Program Committee for the DPB portion of the April (and possibly March) APS meeting(s) for the year in which they are Chair-Elect. In years in which an xPAC is held, the Chair-Elect also serves as Deputy Scientific Program Chair of the xPAC. (xPAC includes the NA-PAC and the IPAC held in North America.)
A new Secretary-Treasurer is elected initially for a four-year term, with normally the first year serving as Deputy Secretary-Treasurer being trained in duties and responsibilities of the position by the present Secretary-Treasurer. The Executive Committee can decide to renew the term for another two-year term at the end of any term. If, when two years remain in any term, and the Secretary-Treasurer gives notice that this will be their last term or the Executive Committee decides that this will be the last term for the Secretary-Treasurer, then an election for a new Secretary-Treasurer will be held the following year, allowing for one year of overlap. If the Secretary-Treasurer office is vacated for some reason, then the Executive Committee will appoint a non-voting Secretary-Treasurer to act in this role until an early as possible election for a new Secretary-Treasurer can be held.
When the acting Secretary-Treasurer decides to finish their DPB Executive Committee function, they will serve another calendar year as the Past Secretary-Treasurer, in order to provide the new Secretary-Treasurer with feedback, guidance and assistance as requested.
New Division Councilor(s) are elected every fourth year (unless the office is vacated earlier for some reason) for a four-year term. (The DPB is presently entitled to one Division Councilor.)
Members-at-Large serve staggered three-year terms, with two new Members elected each year.
Early Career Members-at-Large serve staggered two-year terms, with a new Member elected each year.
Non-voting members of the Executive Committee include:
- The Chairs of appointed committees, including the Publication, Wilson Prize, and Doctoral Research Award committees, and the ad hoc Education and Outreach committee. (As described above, the Chairs of the Nominating, Fellowship and Program committees are automatically voting members of the Executive Committee.)
- Two members of the Organizing Committee for the xPAC Particle Accelerator Conferences (the Conference Chair, and the Conference NPSS/IEEE Representative). xPAC Particle Accelerator Conferences meetings are held every 18 months (alternating with IPAC in Spring and NA-PAC in fall). Assuming that a new xPAC Organizing Committee is constituted shortly after the close of an xPAC meeting, the two members of this Organizing Committee serve two-year terms as nonvoting members of the Executive Committee until the close of the subsequent xPAC meeting. (In addition, the Past Chair of the xPAC Organizing Committee is expected to make a report to the DPB Executive Committee at its next Regular Meeting following an xPAC meeting.)
- The Editor of the APS-DPB Newsletter. The Executive Committee appoints an Editor for the APS-DPB Newsletter for a three year term.