Prizes & Awards

Distinguished Service Award

The call for nominations for the Division of Nuclear Physics’ Distinguished Service Award will be posted in the November newsletter.

Purpose: This APS Unit Award is intended to recognize those who have made substantial and extensive contributions to the nuclear physics community through the activities of the DNP.

Nature: The award will consist of a certificate with the citation specified by the selection committee.  Nominees should be active or emeritus members of the DNP. There are no time limits on contributions that can be recognized by this award. Nominations will remain active for three years. The award need not be given each year. No more than two recipients will be selected in a given year.

Selection committee: The selection committee will consist of the DNP Chair, Chair-Elect, Vice-Chair, Past-Chair, and Secretary-Treasurer. The DNP Chair will serve as the chair of the selection committee.

Rules and Eligibility: Nominations should be limited to a one-page description of the candidate's contributions to nuclear physics through the DNP, plus an optional listing of positions held, major committee memberships, and other relevant information. Duplicate nominations are not helpful.


2024 Shelly Lesher
“For her leadership in growing, strengthening and optimizing the DNP CEU program, advocating for and implementing effective mentoring at different career stages for DNP members, for her service and leadership on Workforce Development and Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging, for her commitment to improving the working and learning conditions for DNP students and other early career members, among many other acts of service.”

2024 Robert McKeown
“For his steadfast and long term scientific and administrative leadership in the Nuclear Physics community, including rejuvenation of experiments in parity violating electron scattering, service in the DNP chair line, and steering the scientific program at Jefferson Lab as its Chief Research Officer, as well as serving as Speaker of the APS Council of Representatives."

2023 Roxanne Springer
For rich and passionate efforts to advocate and improve Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) for DNP members and beyond, especially those from marginalized groups, including steering the DNP Allies program, helping broaden the Allies Program to other APS Units, co-founding the DNP DEI committee, and making DNP session chair training a best practice.

2022 Robert V. F. Janssens
”For his exemplary service to the DNP, particularly his extended leadership in the chair line, and the nuclear physics community, including as Director of the Physics Division at Argonne National Laboratory and as Director of Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory.”

2021 Filomena Nunes
"For her exceptional and rich contributions toward making the DNP a place where all members can thrive, especially those from traditionally underrepresented groups, including service as the inaugural chair of the Subcommittee on Harassment Prevention and the creation of the DNP Allies program."

2020 Wick C. Haxton
"For his generous service to the Division of Nuclear Physics spanning two decades, including his role as DNP Chair, his thoughtful service on numerous DNP Prize committees and as Division Councilor at the APS."

2019 John F. Wilkerson
"For his generous service to the Division of Nuclear Physics in numerous roles spanning more than three decades, including his role in the Division's Chair line, his thoughtful stewardship of numerous committees, and his continued service on the DNP Funding Issues Committee."

2017 Robert P. Redwine
"For his generous dedicated service to the Division of Nuclear Physics in numerous roles spanning more than three decades, and in particular, for his thoughtful leadership of the ad hoc Funding Issues Committee, and the important role that has played in ensuring nuclear science remains a high priority for our nation."

2016 Donald F. Geesaman
"For his substantial contributions to the Division of Nuclear Physics, sustained from the 1980s to the present, culminating with his leadership role in the formulation of the 2015 Long Range Plan for Nuclear Science."

2015 Robert E. Tribble
"For his outstanding service over three decades on behalf of the Division of Nuclear Physics, for his skillful stewardship of the Division that strengthened its vitality as a unit of the American Physical Society, and for his extraordinary service on the Nuclear Science Advisory Committee, including his leadership of the NSAC long range planning process to the benefit of the Nuclear Physics community."

2014 Bradley M. Sherrill
"For his exemplary service to the Division of Nuclear Physics and his skillful leadership that have enhanced the vitality of the Division as a unit of the American Physical Society, and for his tireless efforts in advocating for nuclear science to a broad audience."

2013 Susan J. Seestrom
"For her sustained contributions to the Division of Nuclear Physics extending over three decades that have enhanced its vitality and strength, and for her skillful leadership of both the Division and the Nuclear Science Advisory Committee."

2012 Robert A. Eisenstein
"For his exceptional contributions to the Division of Nuclear Physics and to the American Physical Society on behalf of the Division, including his crucial role in establishing a lasting mechanism for providing broad community input into the Long Range Planning process via the DNP, and for spearheading the successful drive to fund the Bonner Prize."

2011 John P. Schiffer
"For his decades of exemplary service to the Division of Nuclear Physics which have enhanced the strength and vitality of the Division as a unit of the American Physical Society, for his efforts on behalf of younger colleagues and the Bonner and Bethe prizes, and for his sage advice in faithful service on countless advisory committees and review panels."

2010 A. Baha Balantekin
"For his sustained and extensive contributions to the Division of Nuclear Physics over two decades that have enhanced its strength and vitality, especially in areas such as education and communication, while promoting its relationship with the American Physical."

2009 Warren F. Rogers
"For his tireless effort in initiating and sustaining the Division of Nuclear Physics' Conference Experience for Undergraduates program that has so successfully connected the DNP membership with the undergraduate research experience, enhanced the appeal and visibility of nuclear physics, and inspired undergraduates to continue their education in graduate physics programs at universities throughout the country."

2007 Benjamin F. Gibson
"For his sustained and extraordinary contributions to the Division of Nuclear Physics that have enhanced its vitality, ensured its success, and have always been carried out with professionalism, integrity, and civility."

2006: Noemie Benzcer Koller
"For her sustained and exceptional contributions to the Division of Nuclear Physics and to the American Physical Society on behalf of the Division, for her creative promotion of education and the climate for women in nuclear science, and for her vigorous efforts to develop the Division's initial Nuclear Physics brochure and to fund the Bonner Prize."

2005: B.C. Clark
"For her exceptional contributions to the Division of Nuclear Physics, her leadership of the Division and of the American Physical Society on behalf of the Division, and her tireless effort to promote science and the status of women in nuclear physics, including the initiation of many programs to enhance the participation of under-represented groups in nuclear science."

2004: Ernest M. Henley
"For his exceptional leadership of the Division of Nuclear Physics, his sage advice to the Division and the American Physical Society, his creative efforts in science outreach and his vigorous leadership in the creation of the Hans Bethe Prize and the Nuclear Physics Dissertation Award."

2003: Virginia R. Brown
"For substantial and extensive contributions to the nuclear physics community through her commitment to the Division of Nuclear Physics, particularly for her very successful efforts to strengthen the financial standing of the Division, for building up the divisional archive, and for her role in bringing to fruition the historic first joint meeting of the nuclear physicists of the American and Japanese Physical Societies as the Chair of HAWAII 2001."

Nominees for and holders of APS Honors (prizes, awards, and fellowship) and official leadership positions are expected to meet standards of professional conduct and integrity as described in the APS Ethics Guidelines. Violations of these standards may disqualify people from consideration or lead to revocation of honors or removal from office.