Nominating Committee: The Nominating Committee shall consist of four members appointed by the Chair to staggered two-year terms and one member appointed by the APS for a one-year term. The Secretary/Treasurer at the direction of the Chair shall ascertain through the Corporate Secretary of the Society the identity of this member. The Nominating Committee shall prepare a slate of candidates for the positions of Vice Chair, Secretary/Treasurer, Councilor, and Members-at-Large of the Executive Committee according to Article VII.3 of these Bylaws.
Program Committee: The Program Committee shall consist of the Chair, the Chair-Elect, the Vice Chair, the Secretary/Treasurer, the Past Chair, and a minimum of ten at-large members to staggered two-year terms. The Officer who will serve as Chair-Elect at the beginning of the meeting shall serve as Chair of the Program Committee to organize that meeting and appoint the members. Terms of Program Committee members shall begin two months prior to the beginning of the term of the incoming Chair.
The Program Committee shall have the responsibility of assisting the Director of Meetings for the Society or his or her designee in arranging the meetings of the Society. This activity shall include the scheduling of contributed papers within the area of interest of the Division, as well as the arranging, in cooperation with the Director of Meetings for the Society or designate, of symposia and sessions of invited papers sponsored by the Division.
For meetings of the Division, including the Regular Meeting, the Program Committee shall be responsible for the solicitation and selection of invited and review papers and, in collaboration with the Executive Committee, shall be responsible for the arrangement of the programs of such meetings.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee. The DEI Committee shall consist of a Chair and at least seven other members, serving staggered, two-year terms. All Committee members are appointed by the Chair and approved by the DNP Executive Committee, in consultation with the DNP Allies Program Chair. The DNP Allies Program Chair is appointed every three years by the DNP Chair. All Committee members shall undergo annual DEI training. The Chair of the DEI Committee will be chosen by the DEI Committee membership. The members shall include a member of the DNP Executive Committee, the Chair of the DNP Allies Program, at least three senior scientists with a record in DEI activities, and at least one early career scientist, one graduate student representative, and one undergraduate representative. The undergraduate can serve a one or two-year term, as appropriate. The DEI Committee membership should be as diverse as possible.
The Committee shall undertake activities related to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the DNP as deemed necessary by the Executive Committee in consultation with the members of the DEI Committee.
Education Committee. The Education Committee shall consist of a Chair and at least seven other members serving staggered, two-year terms, appointed by the Chair in consultation with the Executive committee. The members shall include a member of the DNP Executive Committee, the Director of the Conference Experience for Undergraduates (CEU) Program, one graduate student representative, one undergraduate representative, and at least three other scientists with a record in educational activities. The Director of the Conference Experience for Undergraduates (CEU) Program, for the period that the agency grant shall exist to support this activity, shall be a member of the Committee. The membership of the Education Committee should collectively have expertise in the education of undergraduate, graduate, postdoc, and traditionally underrepresented populations as well as outreach to the broader population. The Education Committee membership should include representation from a national laboratory, have expertise in tracking students, and be as diverse as possible.
The Education Committee shall undertake activities related to the education of young scientists in nuclear physics, as deemed necessary by the DNP Executive Committee, in consultation with the members of the Education Committee.
The National Nuclear Physics Summer School Steering Committee. For the period that the agency grant shall exist to support this activity, the Committee shall consist of eight members of the Division, four experimentalists and four theorists, appointed by the Chair of the Division in consultation with the Executive Committee to staggered four-year terms. The holder of the grant, which supports the operation of the summer school, shall be a ninth member of the Committee. The terms of the new appointees will begin in August.
Fellowship Committee. The Fellowship Committee shall consist of the Past Chair and four other members appointed by the Chair, upon recommendation for the Executive Committee, to staggered two-year terms. The Past Chair shall serve as Chair of the Fellowship Committee. The Committee shall promote the nomination for candidates for Fellowship, shall review the qualifications of such candidates, and shall report its recommendations to the Executive Committee for approval before submission is made to the Honors Program Manager of the Society.
Distinguished Service Award Committee. The Committee shall consist of the Division’s Chair, Chair-Elect, Vice Chair, Past Chair and Secretary/Treasurer, serving at the time that the call for nominations is made. The Chair of the Division shall serve as Chair of the Committee.
Dissertation Award Committee. The Dissertation Award Committee shall be chaired by the Chair of the Division. The membership of the Committee shall also include the Past Chair of the Division and two additional members appointed by the Chair of the Division in consultation with the Executive Committee to staggered two-year terms. It is customary for the mentor of a past prize winner to serve as a member of this Committee.
Mentoring Award Committee. The Committee shall be chaired by the Past Chair of the Division. The membership shall include three additional members appointed to one-year terms by the Chair of the Division in consultation with the Executive Committee. It is customary for the prior Award winner to serve for one year as an additional member of the Committee.
Bethe Prize Committee. The Committee shall consist of at least four members, two from the Division of Astrophysics and two from the Division of Nuclear Physics. The members of the Division of Nuclear Physics shall be nominated by the Executive Committee and appointed according to Society policies to staggered two-year terms. In alternate years, the Division’s newly appointed member shall be designated to serve as Vice Chair of the Committee, and this member shall chair the Committee the following year. It is customary for a Prize Winner to serve for one year as an additional member of this Committee.
Bonner Prize Committee. The Committee shall consist of at least four members of the Division, nominated by the Executive Committee and appointed according to Society policies to staggered two-year terms. One of the newly appointed members shall be designated to serve as Vice Chair of the Committee, and this member shall Chair the Committee the following year. It is customary for the Prize Winner to serve for one year as an additional member of this Committee.
Feshbach Prize Committee. The Committee shall consist of at least four members of the Division, nominated by the Executive Committee and appointed according to Society policies to staggered two-year terms. One of the newly appointed members shall be designated to serve as Vice Chair of the Committee and this member shall chair the Committee the following year. It is customary for the Prize Winner to serve for one year as an additional member of this Committee.
Freedman Award Committee. The Committee shall consist of at least four members of the Division, nominated by the Executive Committee and appointed according to Society policies to staggered two-year terms. One of the newly appointed members shall be designated to serve as Vice Chair of the Committee and this member shall chair the Committee the following year. It is customary for the Prize Winner to serve for one year as an additional member of this Committee.
Terms of Office of Appointed Committee Members. The terms of committee members appointed or recommended by an incoming Chair shall commence at the beginning of the period in which he or she assumes office, unless otherwise specified in the Bylaws establishing the appointed committee.
- Ad Hoc Committees. The Chair shall appoint other ad hoc committees as necessary, which shall serve only during his or her term as Chair.