Prizes & Awards

Mentoring Award

The call for nominations for the Division of Nuclear Physics Mentoring Award will be posted in the November newsletter. This APS Unit Award is intended to recognize Division of Nuclear Physics members who have had an exceptional impact as mentors of nuclear scientists and students. This mentoring could be through teaching, research, or science-related activities.

Examples of contributions of individuals who could be candidates for this award:

  • Exceptional mentoring of early career nuclear scientists;

  • Sustained commitment to mentoring early career nuclear scientists from traditionally under-represented backgrounds;

  • Leadership role in developing nuclear science research and career development activities, such as centers for nuclear science research for undergraduates, or conference experiences for students, or summer schools for nuclear science students.

Note that early career nuclear scientists here include undergraduate and graduate students, postdoctoral scholars, and nuclear science professionals early in their careers, such as assistant professors or assistant scientists. 

The award will consist of a certificate indicating the citation chosen by the selection committee. If the recipient requests reimbursement for travel to the meeting where the award is presented, the reimbursement will come from the DNP general fund.

Nomination packets should consist of at least 3 but not more than 4 letters supporting the nomination and a brief biosketch of the candidate. At least two of the letters should be submitted by individuals who have benefited from the mentoring experience. Nominees shall be members of the DNP. There are no time limitations on contributions that can be recognized by this award. Nominations will be active for three years.


2023 Chuck Horowitz
“For his selfless mentorship and support for students and postdocs over four decades and his outstanding mentorship of early career scientists from historically underrepresented groups in physics.”

2022 Gerald Miller
”For thoughtful, stimulating, and caring mentorship in nuclear theory ranging from undergraduate students to research assistant professors.”

2021 Hamish Robertson
“For generous, sustained and inspiring mentorship of multiple generations of early-career scientists, resulting in a lasting impact on a great many scientific careers.”

2020 Jolie Cizewski
“For her exceptional commitment to undergraduate and graduate education which has had an enormous and continued impact on the lives of first-generation college students, women in physics, graduate students and early career scientists.”

2019 Samuel L. Tabor
"For his inspired, exceptional, and sustained mentorship of physics students and nuclear scientists. He has enthusiastically and successfully mentored men and women at all levels from undergraduates through early career faculty."

2018 Robert McKeown
“For his thoughtful and effective mentoring of graduate students, postdoctoral associates, and other young scientists, many of whom have gone on to become leaders in nuclear physics.”

2017 Sherry J. Yennello
“For her enthusiastic and sustained mentoring efforts, demonstrating her commitment to promoting equity and access to education and professional advancement for nuclear scientists at all stages of their careers.”

2016 Joseph H. Hamilton
“For his dedicated mentoring of a large number of students in nuclear physics; for his development of institutes, consortia, and instrumentation; and for exceptional record of teaching and making physics interesting and understandable to undergraduates and the public."

2015 John Dirk Walecka
"In recognition of his sustained excellence in mentoring at all levels, from one-on-one mentoring of more than thirty-five graduate students to his inspired teaching of graduate and undergraduate students in the classroom"

2014 Jorge A. Lopez
"For his outstanding record of mentoring undergraduate and graduate students in nuclear physics research, particularly students from traditionally under-represented backgrounds, many of whom have continued their studies to receive advanced degrees in nuclear physics, and for his leadership in the National Society of Hispanic Physicists."

2013 Benjamin Zeidman
"For a career of mentoring young scientists and commitment to the goal of increasing the participation of underrepresented minorities in nuclear physics."

2012 Michael Thoennessen
"For his dedication to attracting, nurturing and mentoring young people in nuclear science."

2011 Gerald T. Garvey
"For his remarkable record of mentorship of students and young scientists in nuclear physics. His high intellectual standards and enthusiasm for physics have inspired several generations of nuclear scientists, many of whom went on to provide leadership in expanding the frontiers of the field."

2010 Gary E. Mitchell
"For his inspired, untiring, and selfless mentoring of an exceptionally large number of students, of diverse backgrounds, from their student days throughout their careers; for his ability to see the differing needs, interests, and skills of every one, tailoring his approach to each as a unique individual and a colleague; for his extensive pro-bono mentoring of many who were not his students, enhancing further his lifelong record of devotion to the educational process."

2009 Richard F. Casten
"For his outstanding commitment to mentoring women in nuclear science and preparing them for leadership roles."

2008 William Bertozzi
"For an extraordinary career in mentoring and educating young scientists in experimental nuclear physics over five decades at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He has supervised more than fifty graduate students who are pursuing careers worldwide in teaching, research, business, and administration; twenty have become tenured physics faculty."

Nominees for and holders of APS Honors (prizes, awards, and fellowship) and official leadership positions are expected to meet standards of professional conduct and integrity as described in the APS Ethics Guidelines. Violations of these standards may disqualify people from consideration or lead to revocation of honors or removal from office.