
APS Fellowships

The APS Fellow Archive is an historic record of every APS Fellow, from 1921 to the present. The details contained in the archive are intended to document an individual's institutional affiliation at the time of their election to Fellowship, and is not updated to reflect current information.

Fellowship in the American Physical Society is a great honor. In accordance with the APS Constitution,

"there shall be elected to Fellowship only such Members who have contributed to the advancement of physics by independent, original research or who have rendered some other special service to the cause of the sciences."

All DCP members are invited to nominate deserving colleagues as potential Fellows of the APS. Information on the APS Fellowship Program is available from the APS Fellowship page and nomination forms can also be downloaded. Nominations for the Division of Chemical Physics are due in February of each year.

DCP Deadline for APS Fellowship Nomination: Monday, April 3, 2023