Business Meeting Minutes
In attendance: Eric Heller, Arthur Suits, Andrew Rappe, Jim Skinner, Tamar Seideman, Jim Lisy, Amy Flatten, students receiving travel awards.
Amy Flatten International Programs APS Many programs; 3 that serve our units
ITGAP support collaboration between member of unit and member of developing countries. What are developing countries? Can apply twice a year, get up to $2000 for travel. One-time contribution makes us eligible for life of the program (at least 5 years). Increasing funds by contribution would mean more awards. 2-3 awards/cycle out of 15 applications. Could get external donors also. Online proposal submission system; proposal review committee. Participating divisions review proposals. Financial management; fundraising, etc.
Beller and Marshak Lectureships Solicitation is on APS website. Chance to gain money to pay for foreigners to travel to APS March meeting.
US-India Travel Award Program Physics student visitation program up to 3000 to attend a short course Professorship award in physics up to 4000
Changes to the executive committee Congratulations to Will Castleman ending his term as chair (3/2009). Congratulations to Gil Nathanson ending his term as member at large (3/2009). Congratulations to Charlie Parmenter ending his term as councilor (12/2008).
Welcome to Birgitta Whaley starting her term as vice chair (3/2009). Welcome to Jim Lisy starting his term as member at large (3/2009). Welcome to Nancy Levinger starting her term as councilor (1/2009).
Thanks to Eric Heller for filling in and presiding at this meeting.
New 2008 APS fellows were announced both at the DCP Awards reception and at this business meeting. The Plyler, Langmuir, and Broida prize winners were also announced both places.
GSTA Travel award winners were recognized and given award checks.
DCCA award winner was announced.
Financial report was made by secretary/treasurer. The DCP is currently spending more than it takes in, by several thousand dollars per year. This trend will need to be reversed soon to keep the divisions finances healthy.
The slight downward trend in DCP membership overall and as a percentage of the society was also documented and discussed.
Chair-elect Eric Heller reported on this year's Focus Sessions. Consensus opinion seemed to be that topics relating to chemical biophysics, and chemical energy physics were very popular.
Attendees and all DCP members are encouraged to send ideas for focus sessions to incoming Program Chair and incoming Chair-elect Arthur Suits. Opinions for improving the APS March meeting were solicited; a sampling of responses follows:
Focus sessions (Eric Heller): this is not ACS; pure chemical talks were not popular DFT is extremely popular.
Jim Skinner: Mostafa El-Sayed reinvigorated JPC and helped physical div of ACS Can Marsha and JCP help invigorate us?
Students: Reach out to chemistry departments more.
things relating to energy spread through the entire week. Maybe it's too much biophysics.
Additional conference hotels were not good.