Business Meeting Minutes
Officers Present: Emily Carter, Mark Ratner, Hailung Dai, Bruce Garrett, Nancy Levinger, Charles Parmenter, Daniel Neumark
Others Present: about 12 other DCP members were present
New APS Fellows from the DCP were announced. Stephen Holloway was in attendance to accept his award.
The nine recipients of Graduate Student Travel Awards were announced: Susan Dounce, Deen Jiang, Ashish Kumar, Jun Lu, Marie Mapes, Yoonsoo Pang, Pavel Paramonov, Ivan Piletic, Debodhonyaa Sengupta.
Bruce Garrett presented a financial report. The balance at the end of the last fiscal year (ending December 2004) was 77,493, which is a decrease of 1,818 from the previous year. Expenses for fee waivers for overseas speakers at the March 2004 meeting were significantly higher than usual, accounting for the decrease in net assets for the year.
Bruce Garrett presented our membership statistics for 2004. DCP membership dropped to 1758 last year, down from 1815 the year before. Some of the decrease may be attributed to the fact that the letter reminding former DCP members to renew was sent late last year. Several ideas were solicited for increasing membership:
Send email to academic members asking them to encourage their graduate students to join. Message should emphasize the opportunities for graduate students to give oral presentations at the March meeting.
Ask the ACS Physical Chemistry Division to send out a message to their membership encouraging them to join the APS/DCP. We will offer to send our members a similar message asking our members to join the ACS PChem Division.
Advertise DCP membership and provide application forms during focus sessions.
Mark Ratner was recognized for putting together an excellent DCP program at the 2005 March Meeting. Attendance at the DCP sessions was good, particularly for the focus sessions. It was thought that the handouts of the schedule of talks were useful and should be continued next year.
Ideas for DCP focus topics at next years March Meeting were solicited. The following ideas were suggested to Hailung Dai, who will organize next year’s DCP program:
Nonlinear optical methods in chemical physics
Nanoparticles in biology (chemistry, physics, and biology?) (Imaging in biology?)
Cold molecules
Attosecond laser physics
Ultrafast xray science
Electrons in clusters and ?
Physics and chemistry of aerosols
Gas-phase ions of biological molecules
Frontiers in computing for chemical physics
A status report was presented of APS prizes sponsored by DCP. Currently funding for future Langmuir prizes is uncertain. Emily Carter and Mark Ratner presented the actions being taken to secure future funding.
The National Academies Committee on Advance Research Instrumentation has requested that scientific organizations complete a survey about future needs for research instrumentation in the price range $2 – 100 million. The DCP will request input to the survey from members by email.