Article XIII - Amendment of Bylaws
Proposal of an Amendment to these Bylaws may be made by the Council, by the Executive Committee, by the Society Governance Committee, or by a petition to the Chair signed by not fewer than five percent of the members of the Division. However an amendment or revision is initiated, it must be approved by Council before further action may be taken. Following Council approval, the Secretary-Treasurer shall distribute copies of the proposed Amendment to members of the Division not less than three weeks before the Regular Meeting. Opportunity shall be given for discussion during the Business Session. If a special election is not immediately held to consider the proposed Amendments, the Secretary-Treasurer shall again distribute to all members of the Division copies of the proposed Amendment, accompanied by ballot forms in conjunction with a regularly scheduled election and a vote on the proposed Amendments taken at that time. Adoption of the Amendment shall require a two-thirds vote of those voting.
Amended 2001, 2007, and 2017 by votes of the DCMP Membership