Join APS Sections and Topical Groups
We urge all of our division members to consider joining sections, forums and topical groups relevant to you. Membership is free for sections and forums, and very inexpensive for topical groups. There are benefits beyond the obvious ones of the meetings, newsletters, and lobbying efforts of the units. Your membership benefits the units and, indirectly, astrophysics.
The geographical sections are funded entirely by APS in proportion to the number of members. It takes seconds to register for free online and help your section. The topical groups (e.g., Plasma Astrophysics, and Gravitation) are funded through their dues, but are awarded invited sessions at APS meetings and APS Fellowship Nominations in proportion their membership. More members in groups of interest to you result in more talks and more Fellows in your area. Further, the existence of the topical groups depends on their maintaining a membership threshold. There are several good reasons to join, and no good reasons not to.
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