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Every year the APS seeks nominations for a large number of standing committees ( click here for descriptions ). We encourage all members to peruse the list and self-nominate. In addition, we would like to make a small number of targeted nominations for committees of particular interest to unit members. If you are interested in being nominated by GSNP, please click here and fill out a short form before Monday morning June 10 . The membership of APS is diverse and global, and the members of APS committees should reflect that diversity so that all are recognized for their impact on our community. Nominations of members belonging to groups traditionally ...
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The new Center for Soft and Living Matter (CSLM, ) at the University of Pennsylvania is excited to announce a Kickoff Meeting, to be held Wed-Thu June 12 -13 on campus in Philadelphia. The program features confirmed speakers… Rae Robertson Anderson, Tommy Angelini, Katia Bertholdi, Dan Blair, Jasna Brujic, Paul Chaikin, Bulbul Chakraborty, Sujit Datta, Zvonimir Dogic, Nikta Fakhri, Margaret Gardel, Zev Gartner, Sharon Glotzer, Michael Klein, Ching-Yao Lai, Cecilia Leal, Dov Levine, Tom Lubensky, Lisa Manning, Xiaoming Mao, Nuris Figueroa Morales, Michael Murrell, Arvind Murugan, Ilya Nemenman, Michael Rubinstein, Yuhai ...
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Congratulations to Colin Scheibner for the 2023 Dissertation Award in Statistical & Nonlinear Physics "for exceptional early-career scientists who have performed original doctoral thesis work of outstanding scientific quality in statistical & nonlinear physics." Read more about the award here .
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Congratulations to the 2024 Lars Onsager Prize recipient, Jacques Prost. This prize recognizes outstanding research in theoretical statistical physics including the quantum fluids. You can read more about this prize here .
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Congratulations to the 2024 Kadanoff Prize recipient, Mark Newman (University of Michigan). This prize recognizes scientists whose theoretical, experimental, or computational achievements have opened new vistas for statistical and or nonlinear physics. Read more about the Kadanoff prize here.
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Hi everyone, please send us some great nominations for students and postdocs! GSNP Student Speaker Award Nominations Submit your nomination for the Student Speaker Award Nominations for the 2024 March Meeting are due October 20th, 2023 Each year GSNP offers a Student Speaker Award for best contributed talk at the March meeting by a graduate student in the area of Statistical and Nonlinear Physics. Up to five finalists will be selected. Up to 500 dollar travel funding will be provided to chosen finalists presenting their talk in person. The first-place winner will receive an additional $500 award. ...
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GSNP Student Speaker Award Nominations Submit your nomination for the Student Speaker Award Nominations for the 2023 March Meeting are due November 1st 2022 Each year GSNP offers a Student Speaker Award for best-contributed talk at the March meeting by a graduate student in the area of Statistical and Nonlinear Physics. Up to five finalists will be selected. Up to 500 dollar travel funding will be provided to chosen finalists presenting their talk in person. The first-place winner will receive an additional 500 dollar award. Prizes will be announced at the GSNP Business meeting. Students must be nominated by their dissertation advisor. ...
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Dear GSNP Members, The GSNP Nominating Committee is seeking your help in identifying a diverse slate of outstanding candidates to run for open leadership positions in the GSNP Executive Committee . Current positions open for nomination: • Vice Chair, 4 years - advances to chair-elect, chair, past chair in succeeding years • two Members-at-Large, 3-year term The terms and responsibilities of each position are described in the GSNP Bylaws , Article VI. Officers and Members-at-Large of the Executive Committee must be members of the Topical Group at least during the year of their nomination and during their tenure in office ...
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The APS Topical Group of Statistical and Nonlinear Physics (GSNP) welcomes your suggestions for Invited Symposia and Focus Sessions at the 2023 APS March Meeting, March 6-10, 2023, in Las Vegas, Nevada. Invited symposia consist of five 36-minute invited talks. Submit a proposal for an Invited Symposium Focus sessions typically include one invited and 12 contributed talks. Submit a proposal for a Focus Topic Proposals are due by May 27, 2022. Serving a diverse and inclusive community of physicists worldwide is a primary goal for APS. Nominations of women, members of underrepresented minority groups, and scientists ...
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Dear Members. See this link to get an advance copy of the 2022 GSNP newsletter. It's full of links for your use pointing to events at the March meeting and other sites. This will appear on the GSNP web site and will be emailed to members in due course. Best wishes, Tom Witten, GSNP Chair #FeaturedNews
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For the March Meeting 2022, GSNP is the primary sponsor for 6 invited sessions, 20 focus sessions, and 6 contributed sessions. The titles of the sessions appear below. Once APS has finalized the room assignments, we will send out another message giving the time and location of each session. A big thanks goes to all the GSNP members who helped out this year by proposing invited symposia and focus sessions and joining in the abstract sorting process. All GSNP members are encouraged to plan ahead and start thinking about good symposia and focus topics for 2023. A successful meeting depends on strong participation! -Cynthia Reichhardt, GSNP Chair-Elect and Program ...
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Dear Colleagues, [this is the text of the email to GSNP membership Nov 11 2021] The GSNP Nominating Committee is seeking your assistance in identifying a diverse slate of outstanding candidates to run for leadership positions within the GSNP Executive Committee. Current positions open for nomination: Vice Chair: will serve in four successive years as Vice Chair, Chair-Elect, Chair and Past Chair Secretary/Treasurer: 3 year term, 4th year in advisory role Two Members-at-Large, 3 year term Two Student/Postdoc members, 2 year term Elected candidates will begin their terms at the conclusion of the next March Meeting. Current officers are listed ...
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For the 2022 March meeting, the Topical Group on Statistical and Nonlinear Physics is pleased to present six invited sessions and to serve as the primary sponsor of eleven focus topics. A big thanks goes to the members of GSNP for making this program possible! We encourage you to get involved in the excitement by submitting contributed abstracts to the GSNP focus topics. Each invited session is paired with a focus topic to help facilitate interaction. As a reminder, abstracts are due by October 22. This year’s invited sessions include granular and particulate systems, network theory in a variety of contexts, the deeper statistical underpinnings of machine ...
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NSF Director Explains Vision for Science Agency in APS News In the June edition of APS News, National Science Foundation (NSF) Director Sethuraman Panchanathan discusses his vision for the science agency, including its role in supporting research and training the future STEM workforce. Panchanathan is a computer scientist and engineer, and NSF’s 15 th director, after being confirmed by the US Senate on June 18, 2020. Additionally, he is a leader in science, engineering, and education with more than three decades of experience. Read about his vision for NSF here . #FeaturedNews ​
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[don't see clickable links? try clicking on the headline of this post] The GSNP has arranged several Zoom rooms for conversation for March Meeting goers. These are listed in your program by session number: F83.Tuesday 11:30-1:00 CDT Interactive GSNP Networking I M82. Wednesday 11:30-1:00 CDT Interactive GSNP Networking II P82. Wednesday 5:30-7:00 pm CDT Interactive GSNP Networking III S83. Thursday 11:30-1:00 CDT Interactive GSNP Networking IV V83. Thursday 5:30 -7:00 CDT Interactive GSNP Networking V Y81. Friday 11:30-1:00 CDT Interactive GSNP Networking VI Your moderator can tell you about becoming a GSNP member. For ...
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APS has released a new report that provides recommendations to strengthen the nation’s STEM workforce, including building research capacity among emerging research institutions (ERIs), establishing a clear path for international talent to study and work in the US, confronting hostile work environments, and addressing the shortage of qualified STEM teachers. Titled “Building America’s STEM Workforce: Eliminating Barriers and Unlocking Advantages,” the report examines both domestic and international challenges and opportunities. It synthesizes a range of public data and reports—complemented with surveys of physics department chairs and APS ...


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Hello and welcome to your new unit website! APS has been hard at work revamping your current unit site and is excited to introduce your new online unit community — a member benefit powered by APS Engage . In keeping in line with APS’s strategic plan , this new site will not only serve our members but will also serve the greater physics community as well. It will allow you to interact with other unit members beyond in-person meetings, share and discuss content relevant to your field of study and interests, and create a shared repository of useful resources. The site features: a community discussion board a unit community library a unit ...