GFB Travel Awards 2025 Cycle
The APS Topical Group on Few-Body Systems and Multi-Particle Dynamics is sponsoring travel awards for young researchers. The rules governing these awards are:
Awards shall be open to Ph.D. students, or researchers who are within three years of the awarding of their Ph.D. degree at the time of the meeting.
Those researchers who have won a travel award from GFB in either of the previous two cycles are not eligible. For example, the same person cannot win an award without at least a three-year gap.
We shall only give one award per research group per year.
Awards shall be for travel to either the Global Physics Summit or the DAMOP meeting.
Awards shall be for $650, in order to defray travel and registration expenses.
To be eligible, both the applicant and their advisor must be members of GFB. In the case of post-doctoral researchers "advisor" is defined as any senior researcher with whom they are collaborating on a project. If you wish to join GFB you may add GFB membership to your APS membership here.
The applicant must have submitted an abstract for the meeting and must present a talk or a poster.
Awards will be made on the basis of merit. Merit will be judged from the applicant's CV, the quality of the work, and advisor recommendations.
Advisor recommendations should include a brief description of the work to be presented at the meeting that briefly explains the most important result and its impact on the field. The letter should also explicitly delineate the contribution of the Ph.D. student to the research.
Additional consideration will be given to students who are nearing the completion of their Ph.D.
In the case of equally qualified applicants, preference will be given to the applicant from a minority/underrepresented group
Application Deadline
The GFB travel award application deadline for the “Global Physics Summit” and “DAMOP Meeting 2025” is Friday, January 31, 2025.
Application Submission
Application Form
Deadline: In order to apply for the award you must submit your application by Friday, January 31, 2025, for both the Global Physics Summit and DAMOP Meeting 2025.
Note that your advisor will be contacted for his/her letter of recommendation once your application is submitted. The deadline for submission of your advisor's letter of recommendation is Friday, February 7, 2025.