Archived Newsletters

Important Notices to Members

Election Results
The total count of ballots was completed on April 3, 2000. Bo Hammer was elected Chair-Elect, Laurie Fathe was elected Vice-Chair, and Mark Sakitt and Steven Smith were elected to the Executive Committee. 475 votes were cast via the web, 102 votes via paper. A comment about the time schedule: Our original plan was to have the election issue of the Newsletter in the hands of readers by late January, and to set the ballot deadline at March 1. As it turned out, the election slate was not received by the Editor until later than planned, and so the Newsletter did not reach readers until late February. (The web ballots were available earlier.) The deadline for voting was then delayed until March 25. Our intention has been to give members at least four weeks to vote after receiving the ballot. In the past we've given even more time. I think the reason for allowing so much voting time is that at one point we received a few (maybe just one) nasty complaints from members who got the Newsletter too late to meet the ballot deadline. In comparison I might note that the Forum on Education gives members only 10 days to vote via the web. They "encourage" you to vote on the web, and while it's possible to submit a paper ballot, I somehow didn't come across any way to do so. The time from the Editor's receiving all election materials to the Newsletter's reaching the reader is about five weeks, including three weeks for third class mail. When time is short we've used first class mail, costing about $1000 extra. This year, as Treasurer, I nixed that.

Michael Sobel, Secretary/Treasurer

Retiring Chair's Statement
It was an honor to serve as the Chair of FPS during the last year, one of the toughest the Forum has faced since its founding. Physics & Society, our newsletter turned almost-journal continued to improve and to feature great articles by distinguished authors; the program committee under Aviva Brecher served up several important sessions in both Minneapolis and Long Beach. The "Pseudoscience" symposium in March may have set an all-time record for attendance at an FPS or any other APS session: more than 2,000 people crowded into the room, even more than turned out for James Randi at the Atlanta meeting. Sid Drell's talk on the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty and National Security in Long Beach was the best presentation of the case for the CTBT I have heard. Unfortunately the year was marred by the resignation of our tireless and creative Chair Elect Priscilla Auchincloss who found the work load for the Forum on top of her university and family commitments unbearable. That catapulted Vice Chair Aviva Brecher into the number two spot where she had to function as program committee chair but still remained chair of the fellowship committee. In addition, Aviva almost jumped into my job because I had a serious health scare in December, 1999 and came within a day of having to resign. Had I been forced to step down, Aviva would have had to do all three jobs. We must shortly revise our by-laws to provide for ways to fill double vacancies.

At the beginning of the year the FPS finances were in bad shape, and by the end of the year they were in even worse condition. We transferred a substantial fraction of our reserves to APS to bring the fund for the Szilard Lectureship over threshold. That deprived us of the reserves, and also the interest income on the reserves. In addition, the revised dues allocation from APS began to bite, reducing our income. But we continued to outspend the income, and by the end of the APS fiscal year we would have been in danger of having our checks bounce. The major sink for money is, of course, the conventionally printed and distributed Physics and Society which cost very nearly $4000 for each printed and mailed issue. I became famous, or infamous, among my executive committee colleagues for saying "no" to all requests however worthy to spend money, for the simple reason that the treasury was bare. In the hardest decision of my year as FPS Chair I recommended to the Executive Committee that we pare back P&S drastically in order to get into the black and rebuild some reserves. The committee agreed.

With regret I have to tell you that P&S will now publish two 20 page issues a year both in hard copy and on the Web (July and January) and an additional two Web-only issues. The Web has advantages, of course. We can do color, include video files, and generally "print" a very attractive product. In addition, important articles can appear immediately without waiting up to three months for print publication as they do now. The 20 page print issues will be larger than our present 16 page norm, so there will be more to read over the course of the year. This will save FPS about $6,000.

APS has also granted a measure of relief from the dues allocation rules, upping the contribution to Forums by $0.50 per member, a bit more than $2,000 for FPS. Together the two measures will mean that my successors will have some money to work with, and so have the chance to sponsor different kinds of sessions, bring in speakers who could not otherwise attend our meetings and carry through our long-hoped-for resumption of Forum studies. Thanks to all of you for the pleasure of serving as FPS chair! And thanks to all of the officers and committee members as well as the P&S staff who make the Forum function.

Peter Zimmerman, Retiring Chair, FPS

CTBT, SSP, and U.S. National Security

American Physical Society, May 1, 2000

Sidney Drell

I want to address three questions: Why in the year 2000 is there so much interest in the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty? Secondly, what strategic assumptions underlie U-S- signing the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (still to be ratified)? Thirdly, what do I see as the prospect, on technical grounds, of meeting the challenge to maintain reliable nuclear deterrence for US security under the CTBT?

First two comments: Efforts to end all nuclear tests are not new. They commenced more than four decades ago during the Eisenhower administration* Upon leaving office President Eisenhower commented that not achieving a nuclear test ban "would have to be classed as the greatest disappointment of any administration - of any decade - of any time and of any party.,"

And second: If the U.S. is to ratify and adhere to a CTBT, it must first understand the technical implications well enough to conclude that its restraints are consistent with our national security.

Question 1: Why is there so much interest today in the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty? Why have the U-S. and a total of 155 nations altogether, including all 5 declared nuclear powers, signed the CTBT following the U.S. lead as first -signatory on September 24, 1996? The reason is simply that it is broadly recognized that a CTBT banning all nuclear explosive tests is essential to accomplishing broadly shared non-proliferation goals.

This was made clear in the debate at the United Nations in May 1995 when 181 nations signed on to the indefinite extension of the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) at its fifth and final scheduled five-year review. A commitment by the nuclear powers to cease testing became an essential part of the NPT bargain in 1995. It reflects the growing importance of reducing and eventually eliminating the discriminatory nature of the NPT in the post-Cold War world. The NWS would have to cease testing if the NNWS were to agree to forego all such work. [Positive and negative security assurances by NWS to NNWS, and Article VI on reductions.]

The CTBT will do more than help limit the spread of nuclear weapons through the nonproliferation regime, particularly if current diplomatic efforts succeed in strengthening the provisions for verifying the NPT and for imposing appropriate sanctions for noncompliance. It will also dampen the competition among nations who already have nuclear warheads, but who now will be unable to develop and deploy with confidence more advanced ones at either the high or the low end of destructive power.

The CTBT would also force rogue states seeking even a primitive nuclear capability to place confidence in untested bombs.

As of this year, 187 nations have agreed to the indefinite extension of the NPT. There are only 4 non-signatories: India, Pakistan, Israel, Cuba. 155 nations have now signed the CTBT ending all nuclear explosions, anywhere and without time limit, This comes after more than 2,000 nuclear tests extending over the past 50 years. For the Treaty to come into force all 44 nations deemed nuclear capable, that is who have nuclear weapons or nuclear reactors for research or for power, must ratify the Treaty. 28 nations of the 44 required have ratified the CTBT. Altogether 53 nations have ratified it. The Russians, the Chinese, and the U.S. have signed but not ratified the Treaty. Eleven NATO nations, including France and UK, have ratified it. India, Pakistan (they await us), North Korea have not signed it.

The US Senate voted the CTBT down in October in a highly charged political confrontation between the White House and the Senate- This action generated a world-wide torrent of criticism of US "unilateralism" (London Economist), since we led the right for it, generated a strong world-wide consensus for a true ban on all nuclear explosive testing as the NNWS insisted, and then blinked at the moment of truth.

Turning next to Question 2: What are the strategic assumptions underlying interest in the CTEV. This is the context for considering the CTBT.

  1. The US intends to maintain a credible nuclear deterrent for the foreseeable future.
  2. The US remains committed to support a worldwide non-proliferation effort. (Figure 1)
  3. Most critical is that the current US policy, first announced by President George Bush in 1992, of not developing any new nuclear weapons designs for deployment, will stay in effect; i.e. we will not encounter new military or political circumstances in the future causing us to abandon this policy.

This reflects a Judgment that the U.S. does not need to develop new warheads with either larger or smaller capabilities than those currently in our arsenal. Our present large yield warheads are quite destructive enough. (up to 100 times the yields of the A-bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki). At the lower end of the scale it would be better to seek conventional weapons with improved accuracy and penetration. Indeed, against a hard military target, each factor of two improvement in accuracy translates into an effective increase of 23 , or a factor or 8, in the effectiveness in destroying that target. This judgment could change in the future, were we to encounter new military or political circumstances, and therefore the U.S. has to maintain a readiness to respond appropriately.

Let me then come to the third question, and that is: What is the technical situation with respect to testing vs. a comprehensive test ban and US national security'? To start with I want to review four important facts. These are:

  1. Today the nuclear weapons that are designated to remain in our enduring stockpile are, and will remain for the near-term future, meaning for the next 5 - 10 years, safe, effective, and reliable. This is a finding of all technical reviews of the stockpile that I am aware of - including my own official studies. Our confidence in the stockpiles is based on understanding gained from 50 years of experience and analysis of more than 1,000 nuclear tests, including more than 150 nuclear tests of modem weapons types over the past 25-30 years.
  2. The overwhelming majority of our nuclear tests during the Cold War were devoted to developing for deployment new and more advanced warheads and weapon-, systems. Only a very small percentage, well under 10% of the 150-200 underground nuclear explosive of modem weapons from 1972 to the end of testing in 1992 by the U.S., were so-called stockpile confidence tests; i.e. tests conducted on currently deployed weapons to confirm our confidence in them. That is well less than 1 year for the whole arsenal of many thousands -
  3. The CTBT in no way limits most of the testing and analysis work that goes on in connection with our deterrent. It permits all testing activities about a weapon, including the high explosives that initiate the implosion in the primary leading up to the ignition of the fission stage itself. The launch of the missiles and the test of their guidance systems and so forth are regularly, and will continue to be regularly, tested. Indeed in the nuclear warhead itself there are typically 6,000 or so parts having to do with its operation, other than the nuclear package, and all these components will continue to be tested under the current stockpile stewardship program, as they have been for more than 40 years, (Figure 2) In the U.S. program statistically significant numbers of such experiments have been carried out and they provide meaningful measures of high confidence in the system. Functional testing of the non-nuclear components of a nuclear warhead and flight testing of the weapons system are not - should not be - will not be - restricted by a CTBT. [Since 1958 there have been a total of 830 findings of anomalies and potential defects - only 1% from all types of nuclear tests. including development of new designs- An overwhelming majority occurred in first year or two of new life.]
  4. Finally, the CTBT is of unlimited duration, but ten years after it enters into force, a conference of the states parties will be held to review the operation and effectiveness of the treaty. Each party has the right to withdraw at any time, with 6 months notice, if it decides that extraordinary events are changing the strategic situation, or unanticipated technical findings are jeopardizing our "supreme national interest". The U.S. highlighted the importance of this safeguard at the time of its signing.

I will divide this discussion of the technical issues into three parts:

  1. Can the U.S. maintain confidence in the reliability and effectiveness of our forces over the long term under the treaty'? This is what the Stockpile Stewardship program (SSP) is all about- What does it do?
  2. Can we verify the treaty effectively; i.e., consistent with U,S. security requirements?
  3. Can we maintain safety of our deterrent without underground yield producing tests?

These three questions were all raised in the Senate hearings last October and were the subject of some controversy and disagreement. What I will be describing are my own views, based upon more than a decade of extensive involvement in the nuclear weapons program in several capacities. Most relevant, during the 1990's I led a number of independent technical studies on the CTBT and stockpile stewardship for the US government. Most of these were done with scientists of the so-called JASON group, a group of independent scientific consultants, largely academic, with long experience working on technical problems as requested by U.S. government deparments. For a critical study on the specific role of what we learn from low yield tests, we were joined by four senior scientists who made more contributions to developing our modem irsenal. I also chaired for more than 6 years, up until March, 1999, the oversight council for the labs managed by the University of California, in particular, Live more and Los Alamos, i.e. the physics labs for developing and maintaining our nuclear arsenal.

First as to reliability and effectiveness. The careful management and stewardship of the U.S. nuclear arsenal, that is its evaluation, surveillance, and maintenance has, been going on for more than 40 years. This program, led and implemented by outstanding scientists at the weapons labs, has given this country a nuclear deterrent that today is reliable and safe. We have a good statistical basis for high confidence in the deterrent.

Since 1994 in response to the continuing moratorium on testing, and in anticipation of the signing of' a comprehensive test ban, a more sophisticated and technically demanding and comprehensive stockpile stewardship program has been developed.

This program is being implemented today with Strong and critically important bipartisan support including financial support of Congress and the White House. It is providing the needed data - which is the coin of the realm - for deepening our scientific understanding of nuclear weapons and what goes on during the explosion process, and of signatures and effects of the aging of the warheads that will be remaining in the stockpile longer than the earlier generations.

For example, a variety of dynamic and static tests, including the important sub-critical experiments being pursued with very sophisticated equipment underground at the Nevada Test Site, are revealing detailed features of the crystal structure of plutonium, and whether its aging affects its strength and integrity under the enormous pressures and temperatures during the implosion. In addition we are doing detailed forensics on each weapon type in the stockpile. In particular each year 11 copies of each type are removed from the stockpile and evaluated for evidence of changes. One of each type is destructively disassembled and inspected in every detail for signs of cracks or defects developing as the warhead ages due, for example, to the radiation environment created by the plutonium, or due to defects in its production. These are areas in which the data are now available - for example on properties of plutonium and high explosives - and in which findings so far have shown that the weapons are not noticeably aging. With improved diagnostics in above ground experiments we are able, literally, to x-ray the behavior of a warhead up to when the nuclear chain reaction would be ignited, had the plutonium not been replaced by a non-fissioning substitute. (Over two years, such analysis gives 90% confidence of detecting a flaw present in 10% of the weapons in the stockpile).

We also have the ability now, with the world's most powerful computers acquired by the Accelerated Strategic Computation Initiative (ASCI), to make detailed analyses and simulation-, using quantitative three-dimensional explosion codes. With these advanced codes and computers we can model imperfections due to cracks or voids that may develop in the structure and calculate to what extent they would degrade the performance of a warhead. The codes can be benchmarked against old data, and in particular by study of previous anomalous observations, as well as against new data on plasmas under extreme conditions of pressure and temperature anticipated in the future -from NEF. Overall this is a very sophisticated and technically challenging program* We are getting data not heretofore available. And with the two device labs, Livermore and Los Alamos, peer-reviewing each others work, there is no room for slack. (This is the best argument to keep both labs active in weapons work). This will tell us if, when, and what we have to do to refurbish or remanufacture warheads as needed, and most importantly it will enable us to hear whatever warning bells may ring signaling evidence of deterioration due to the aging, no matter how unanticipated, and enable us to make the necessary fixes. in a timely fashion.

4 Any scientist will always welcome more quality data, but the question is not what makes the job easier, or what is useful, but what is necessary. It was the unanimous conclusion of our studies -including four of the major creators of our present arsenal - that underground nuclear explosions have little to contribute, and nothing essential, relative to what we are presently learning from a multi -faceted, well supported stewardship program.

There are qualified people who disagree with that conclusion, and the most serious arguments come in the following forms:

Without testing, our cadre of nuclear weapons scientists will inevitably lose competence.

We are already losing confidence in our deterrent because of the lack of testing since 1992.

We have in the past found by testing that weapons already deployed in the stockpile had to be withdrawn and refurbished or redesigned, because of problems that developed and were only detected subsequently, some on the basis of test explosions.

Clearly these questions have to be better addressed than they have been by the political process before a consensus for the CTBT can he established, It is a failing that we have. not done that well enough so far; but let me give here briefly my answers to those three concerns.

My response to the first concern about retaining competence is based on my own research career at SLAC, also on my oversight of the programs at Livermore and Los Alamos for U.C., also my interactions in my various technical studies, and most importantly as a member of the Congressionally mandated Commission chaired by Admiral Hank Chiles, former CINCSAC, on Maintaining United States Nuclear Weapons Expertise. I am confident that a strong science based stockpile stewardship program that challenges the scientists to develop a deeper understanding of what goes on during an explosion, and also provides them with the latest diagnostic and computer tools, will challenge, attract, and sustain. top notch weapons scientists at Livermore and Los Alamos much more effectively than blowing out the side of a mountain with an already existing warhead. They may not test and prove new designs but they can of course think about them too. This is a big management challenge, and a major responsibility of government to provide sustained support.

As far as losing confidence in our deterrent, I said in my Congressional testimony on October 7, that I, today, have more confidence in the long-term credibility of our stockpile than was possible five years ago. This conclusion is based upon what has been learned from the stockpile stewardship program over the last five years, and the formal reviews that require the laboratory directors to certify annually, to the President, the Secretary of Energy, and the Secretary of Defense, that our weapons are meeting stated military requirements. The data being derived from our stockpile stewardship program is far more important for understanding our enduring arsenal, and maintaining confidence in its performance, than continued underground, very-low-yield testing. We now know much more, based on real data, how Pu, high explosives, etc. age. They aren't! We have looked at this with care.

As to the allegations that in the past we have found that many of our weapons introduced into the stockpile had subsequently developed problems and were withdrawn, I have two comments to make. One statement in congressional testimony claimed that 75% of our weapons had faced such post-deployment problems. In fact, most of those cases refer back to the period 1958 to 1961, during a testing moratorium with the Soviet Union when a number of new weapons were introduced into the stockpile. without tests. Furthermore what is now a mature subject was then in a much more speculative, developmental stage, As to more recent history, numbers like 33% have been bandied about as the percentage needing post-deployment fixes. But in our 1995 JASON study on Nuclear Testing, we went through this in detail, working with the four weapons designers mentioned previously, I will quote our unclassified conclusion. This is the unclassified summary of a very detailed, several hundred page long classified study full of technical details:

"For the weapon types planned to remain in the enduring stockpile we find that the device problems which occurred in the past, and which either relied on, or required, nuclear yield tests to resolve, were primarily the result of incomplete or inadequate design activities. In part, these were due to the more limited knowledge and computational capabilities of a decade, or more, ago. We are persuaded that those problems have been corrected and that the weapon types, in the enduring stockpile are safe and reliable in the context of explicit military requirements."

There is a basic point in all this when we compare now with 10 or more years ago:

The end of the Cold War has signaled a dramatic change in the nuclear weapons program of the U.S. The continuous cycle of new nuclear weapons development, testing and deployment has ended. We have replaced it by a SSP that I support and view to be both necessary and appropriate to ensure that the nuclear weapons in the arsenal remain safe and reliable into the indefinite future without nuclear testing.

Let me turn next to the second part of the technical case. Can we verify effectively a CTBT? This again proved a contentious point in the discussions and was not satisfactorily resolved, but has to be in the future. Let me give the reasons I state that the CTBT can be effectively verified. The word "effective" is critical here: Will the kinds of low-yield, covert tests that we may not detect or identify have any impact on our security?

When it comes into force, the CTBT will improve America's current ability to detect and identify very low yield nuclear testing that may be done in violation of the provisions of the CTBT. In particular the Treaty will add a significant number of seismic, hydroacoustic, radionuclide, and infrasound sensors that are part of the CTBT's International Monitoring.

System to supplement the existing system, including our national monitoring capabilities, Furthermore with the CTBT in force we will have the ability to request short-notice, on-site inspections of suspicious events. Added together these will make it much more difficult for other nations to believe that they might get away with very low-yield clandestine testing.

Having said that, let me add: I consider cooperation, with appropriate transparency and confidence building measures, to be essential ingredients of a successful CTBT regime. I support every serious effort to achieve such cooperation with other weapon states - and Russia and China in particular. I know that there are serious questions about what the Russians are doing at their test site in Novaya Zemlya. I am aware of extensive work there as part of the Russian stewardship program and have been extensively involved in reviewing it for the DCI. I am not persuaded by the evidence - and we do get very good data from a seismic array in the Scandanavian area - that nuclear-yield producing testing has occurred in violation of the CTBT_ Previous allegations that the Russians carried out nuclear yield producing tests at Novaya Zemlya in August 1997 were demonstrated to be false. Concerning our detection limits and possible value to the Russian military of very low yield testing I can make two comments: We will be able to strengthen our ability to monitor and detect nuclear explosions when the CTBT's full international monitoring network and challenge on-site inspection regime is in force, as I already remarked. And secondly, I see no threat to U.S. security in what is going on at present at Novaya Zemlya, This is, an issue that will require resolution in a satisfactory treaty regime for which improved information exchange and transparency with the Russians will he required. I support adding specific requirements to our record of ratification of the CTBT to ensure more transparency, and mutual access with sensors at the test sites, on a direct bilateral basis with Russian and China. As in the debate leading to ratification of the Chemical Weapons Convention in 1999, this should not require reopening the Treaty for re-negotiation.

The International Monitoring System of the CTBT will also greatly strengthen the ability to monitor and interpret activities by rogue states seeking to develop a new weapon capability. The Treaty will of course not affect those who choose to ignore it and it will be up to the international community to deal with such states through sanctions and political pressure, aided by whatever added credibility and power of dissuasion that is gained from establishing a no-testing norm. However for those countries -seeking to enter the nuclear club clandestinely, the task will be made

Statement Upon Receipt of Templeton "Science and Religion Prize"

Freeman Dyson

At the Templeton Prize News Conference, March 22, 2000
First, a big thank you to Sir John Templeton and the administrators of the Templeton Foundation for giving me this undeserved and unexpected honor. Second, a big thankyou to the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton for supporting me as a Professor of Physics while I strayed into other areas remote from physics. Third, a big thankyou to the editors and publishers of my books for giving me the chance to communicate with a wider public. Fourth, a big thankyou to my wife and family for keeping me from getting a swelled head.

Now I have five minutes to give you my message. The message is simple. "God forbid that we should give out a dream of our own imagination for a pattern of the world." This was said by Francis Bacon, one of the founding fathers of modern science, almost four hundred years ago. Bacon was the smartest man of his time, with the possible exception of William Shakespeare. Bacon saw clearly what science could do and what science could not do. He is saying to the philosophers and theologians of his time: look for God in the facts of nature, not in the theories of Plato and Aristotle. I am saying to modern scientists and theologians: don't imagine that our latest ideas about the Big Bang or the human genome have solved the mysteries of the universe or the mysteries of life.

Here are Bacon's words again: "The subtlety of nature is greater many times over than the subtlety of the senses and understanding." In the last four hundred years, science has fulfilled many of Bacon's dreams, but it still does not come close to capturing the full subtlety of nature. After sketching his program for the scientific revolution that he foresaw, Bacon ends his account with a prayer: "Humbly we pray that this mind may be steadfast in us, and that through these our hands, and the hands of others to whom thou shalt give the same spirit, thou wilt vouchsafe to endow the human family with new mercies." That is still a good prayer for all of us as we begin the twenty-first century.

Science and religion are two windows that people look through, trying to understand the big universe outside, trying to understand why we are here. The two windows give different views, but they look out at the same universe. Both views are one-sided, neither is complete. Both leave out essential features of the real world. And both are worthy of respect. As the old Swiss nurse who helped to take care of our babies used to say, "Some people like to go to church, and some people like cherries."

Trouble arises when either science or religion claims universal jurisdiction, when either religious dogma or scientific dogma claims to be infallible. Religious creationists and scientific materialists are equally dogmatic and insensitive. By their arrogance they bring both science and religion into disrepute. The media exaggerate their numbers and importance. You media people should tell the public that the great majority of religious people belong to moderate denominations that treat science with respect, and the great majority of scientists treat religion with respect so long as religion does not claim jurisdiction over scientific questions. In the little town of Princeton where I live, we have more than twenty churches and at least one synagogue, providing different forms of worship and belief for different kinds of people. They do more than any other organizations in the town to hold the community together. Within this community of people, held together by religious traditions of human brotherhood and sharing of burdens, a smaller community of professional scientists also flourishes.

The great question for our time is, how to make sure that the continuing scientific revolution brings benefits to everybody rather than widening the gap between rich and poor. To lift up poor countries, and poor people in rich countries, from poverty, to give them a chance of a decent life, technology is not enough. Technology must be guided and driven by ethics if it is to do more than provide new toys for the rich. Scientists and business leaders who care about social justice should join forces with environmentalists and religious organizations to give political clout to ethics. Science and religion should work together to abolish the gross inequalities that prevail in the modern world. That is my vision, and it is the same vision that inspired Francis Bacon four hundred years ago, when he prayed that through science God would "endow the human family with new mercies."

Freeman Dyson
Institute for Advanced Study
Princeton, NJ 08540

Science Education and Religion-Science Conversations

George L. Murphy

Last year's Kansas school board decision reminded us that there are ongoing attempts to limit the teaching of evolution and other aspects of science which disturb some Christians, and has evoked a good deal of concern in the scientific community. Adrian Melott discussed the matter in these pages and noted both "the relative passivity of the mainstream churches" on the issue as well as the potential value of clergy support for good science education.

Melott's criticisms of clergy and religious communities are generally on target. There is a lack of willingness on the part of clergy to get involved in public debates about evolution and a fear of membership loss if they do speak out among many religious leaders who are not hostile to evolution itself. There are, however, positive suggestions which can be made with regard to these clergy and religious communities in answer to Melott's question "What to Do?" To put it briefly, more serious attention needs to be given to dialogue and cooperation between scientists and theologians.

Interest in relationships between religion, science, technology, and ethics (often abbreviated "religion and science") has grown tremendously over the past twenty-five years, and there are now many organizations, journals, books, conferences, and centers devoted to this work. College, university, and seminary courses, many of which have received support from the John Templeton Foundation, explore different parts of the science-religion interface, and related programs of the AAAS have encouraged these discussions. Much of this work, while valuable, is academic and hasn't yet percolated down to clergy and congregations.

There has, however, been some activity at a more practical level. There is, of course, a great deal of attention given to ethical issues associated with biomedical technologies and environmental issues. Many seminaries offer courses dealing with science and theology and a number of denominations have work groups on issues related to science and technology, groups which cooperate in the Ecumenical Roundtable on Science and Technology. Many of the clergy and laity involved in these activities are sympathetic to work in physical cosmology and biological evolution and think it possible to understand these scientific developments in a theologically responsible fashion.

Thus there are teaching theologians, clergy, and laity who are concerned about good science education and who don't want to maintain the tired old "warfare of science with theology" model. They recognize that bad science is often a mainstay of toxic religion, and that proper education in science and technology is an appropriate social concern of religious communities. These people are interested in cooperation with the scientific community to promote good science education and to resist movements to excise certain areas of science from public education or attempts to get pseudoscience into school curriculums. (And it ought to be emphasized that there is significant overlap between the scientific community and communities of faith. There are many scientists who are religious believers.) But cooperation will be effective only in the larger context of a dialogue between science and religion.

That seems fairly obvious but it runs counter to the views of some scientists. We may put aside those like Richard Dawkins, whose contempt for religion is clear. There are, however, also scientists such as Stephen Gould and Lawrence Krauss who grant some legitimacy to religion but think that it and science should have nothing to do with one another. Gould's proposal of a NOMA (non-overlapping magisteria) principle requires that he condemn attempts to explore common ground between the two, while Krauss thinks that dialogue would keep scientists from criticizing fundamentalists as strongly as they should.

There is a variety of views about the appropriate relationship between science and theology, of which positions like those of Gould or Krauss form only one group.. My own belief is that because Christianity speaks about God as the creator of the physical world (though it does not give a modern scientific description of creative events), and because science encounters boundary issues of meaning, purpose, and value which cannot be answered within science itself, genuine science-theology dialogue is both possible and desirable.

All of these views can be debated. What seems to me quite certain, however, is that a rigorous application of something like a NOMA principle would seriously hinder any cooperation between the scientific community and churches in attempts to resist obscurantism and promote good science. Many clergy, as I've noted, are in favor of such efforts, but this work is understandably not their highest priority. Those who are, as Melott observes, concerned about backlash from some parishioners and loss of members will have their anxieties increased by a perceived hostility from scientists. Clergy who get the sense from scientists that their ideas are of no interest, that their cooperation is not wanted, or that they will only be tolerated as token witnesses before school boards or legislative committees, will decide to spend their time on issues more closely related to their primary ministries.

This would be unfortunate because there is a need for informed clergy to speak out in such forums. If legislators get testimony on educational issues only from religious leaders who are opposed to evolution, their natural political tendency will be to hear that as the voice of the religious constituency. Clergy with a more balanced approach may not be able to change the theological views of politicians but they can have a significant practical impact if they make it clear that there are committed church members who view attempts to limit or distort science education with disfavor.

If clergy and laity are to be effective in support of the work of scientists and science education, there must be at a minimum some discussion between the two groups about areas in which action is needed and appropriate strategies and tactics for dealing with problems. But conversation really has to go beyond that. If they are to be supportive in intelligent ways, clergy will need to have some understanding of the current state of science. In gaining that understanding they may raise questions and challenge claims made by some scientists, such as ideas that evolution can explain the meaning of life or demonstrate its meaninglessness. Scientists, on the other hand, must have some grasp of theological concepts if they are to be able to defend competent science in public forums without unnecessarily offending religious believers who have no quarrel with the big bang or evolution. They may need, for example, to ask theologians, "What do you mean by a 'doctrine of creation' if not a naive reading of Genesis as scientific or historical narrative?" But they may also have to disabuse theologians of some misconceptions about science, such as beliefs that evolutionary theory has to do with optimistic ideas of "progress."

A scientist need not accept the views of creation of modern theologians but it is important that those views be known and that their commonalities with and differences from more traditional ideas be recognized. Serious dialogue does, however, require openness to being convinced by what the dialogue partner says: No real understanding or appreciation will be gained if we think, "I'll listen to what these people say but I sure won't believe it!" The very reason that there is consonance between much of modern theology and science is that some theologians have been willing to hear what scientists have had to say and to modify or expand some traditional religious concepts.

In the nature of things, specific problems related to science in public schools are likely to be perceived sooner by scientists than by clergy of mainline churches, and scientists should take the initiative in contacting sympathetic clergy. It will not be immediately obvious what clergy are "sympathetic": Views on issues like evolution do not always follow denominational lines, although general tendencies exist. Prior familiarity with stances of different churches and acquaintance with local clergy will be helpful. Work groups on science and technology within churches which have them may be able to suggest resources for clergy and congregations who want to be involved with issues of public policy in this area.

Scientists don't necessarily have to "get religion" and religious believers may question some scientific and technological developments. But the respect and understanding which can result from serious dialogue between science and religion, including disagreement which is conducted in a civil manner, can be conducive to cooperation directed toward improved understanding of the world and the human place in it.

George L. Murphy
St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Akron, Ohio,
and Trinity Lutheran Seminary, Columbus, Ohio

So You Want To Become A Critic

Dean E. Abrahamson

A number of students and former students have asked how established interests react to a critic or what they should do if they aspire to effective criticship. The following response is based on thirty years of personal experience doing public education work regarding atomic energy.

A critic is defined as one who publicly expresses disagreement with established policy or dogma.

The Response to a Critic
A critic must be prepared for attempts to be discredited, intimidated, co-opted, and, or, fired. Attempting to discredit is a routine part of the agenda for dealing with a critic be it relating to atomic energy, drug or tobacco testing, or most other issues. The usual steps in the process are:

  • The critic appears. The first response is to ignore the critic. The critic either goes away or does not go away.
  • The critic persists. The second response is for representatives of the established interest to allege that the critic is not an expert. These allegations can, by themselves, compromise the critic’s employment and reputation. It is much more difficult to sustain a claim of incompetence when the critic comes from within the establishment that is subjected to the critic’s attention — in this case the critic becomes a whistle blower.
  • The critic must demonstrate expertise. He or she must convince someone that they know their subject of criticism. Many critics cannot demonstrate competence and they either fade away or associate with like-minded folks and are largely ignored. Others demonstrate expertise by convincing experienced members of the written press, by withstanding cross-examination at a hearing or in a court, by publishing and meeting the tests of referred journals, or in other ways.
  • The critic is allowed a fair hearing. The forum in which the discussions are taking place may respond favorably, the critic will be given what he or she considers to be a fair hearing, and that will more or less be the end of it.
  • An attempt to co-opt the critic is made. This is often the next step in cases when a fair hearing is granted. The critic will be thanked for bringing the issue to attention and the critic may be asked to serve on this or that high-level advisory committee or some such and the critic is admonished to defer any more public activities until the committee’s work is done. (One must be particularly wary of high-level advisory committees. Such committees are seldom taken seriously or they have a lifetime exceeding the schedule for the events of interest.) Novice critics often take this bait.
  • The critic persists, has demonstrated expertise, has not been given what he or she considers to be a fair hearing, and has not succumbed to co-option. The fourth response is usually to threaten the critic’s well being — threaten to get the critic fired or to get his or her funding cut, assert pressure on officials at his or her university, muck around with the critic’s credit rating — or engage in more personal efforts to discredit the critic. The latter can take one of several forms, e.g., investigations into the critic’s personal life looking for scandal; setting the critic up with a honey trap or some such; alleging that the critic is not really interested in anything other than personal fame or financial gain; the list goes on. Note that the fourth response, unlike the second response, is easier when the critic is a whistle-blower.
  • The critic persists, has demonstrated expertise, has not been given what she or he considers to be a fair hearing, does not fall for co-option devices, and it has not been able to otherwise discredit the critic on personal grounds. It seldom gets to this point, but things can get rough.

Hints for the Aspiring Critic
Effective criticship requires discipline and, in some ways, is an art form. Some suggestions are:

  • Make no errors, particularly technical errors. Spokespersons for and employees of established interests will be protected by their institutions unless they demonstrate a truly extraordinary degree of incompetence or mendacity. But the critic stands alone, protected only by his or her creditability. The demonstration of error quickly results in the erosion of a critic’s credibility.
  • Understand your own motives, purposes, and goals — understand what you want and why you want it.
  • Try to understand your opponents’ assumptions, arguments, evidence, and goals as well as you understand your own.
  • Cultivate the press. Understand the press. Never mislead the press. Remember that every Interaction with members of the working press is an exchange transaction: they want something from you and you want something from them. The critic’s objectives should include being the first person called by the press for comment or explanations. It is also best for the novice critic to avoid TV reporters unless he or she knows that they and their editors know the difference between a scientific or policy disagreement and a train wreck. (Experienced critics understand how to craft ten-second sound bites that are irresistible to TV reporters and editors.) An exception to the TV rule is when there is live broadcasting with no possibility of incompetent or malicious editing.
  • Acquire some friends but avoid the zealots and crackpots who, unfortunately, are usually found in all camps in serious policy debates.
  • Never assume that a conspiracy is under way. This is not to say that there are no conspiracies, but making such an assumption without there being overwhelming evidence will not only detract from your credibility but also will lead you down hopeless rabbit trails.
  • Beware of strangers bearing gifts. Be particularly wary of copies of supposedly sensitive documents that are delivered anonymously.
  • Be scrupulous about your taxes and other financial affairs. A critic’s tax returns and credit record will be examined carefully.
  • Assume that all telephone, email, and such communications are being monitored. They often will be.
  • Remember that so-called scientific or technical experts have no qualifications beyond those of any other citizen to express opinions on policy or political outcomes. A delicate balance between the rôles of credible expert and advocate is difficult to strike.
  • It is helpful to have competent legal council available from time to time.
  • Finally, remember that if bitten when swimming with sharks, the cardinal rule is: do not bleed!

Dean Abrahamson

Visiting Professor, Department of Physical Resource Theory, Institute of Physics & Technical Physics, Chalmers Technical University, Göteborg, Sweden & Professor Emeritus, Institute of Public Affairs, University of Minnesota.

Mailing Address:
82 Orlin Ave. S.E.
Minneapolis, MN, USA


The letters are dedicated to free expression on societal topics of interest to the physics community. As a forum for all physicists we welcome all views, but of course the Forum on Physics and Society does not necessarily endorse any particular view found in these pages. Readers are most heartily invited to respond to letters, comments, or others items in Physics & Society. Letters should not be longer than 500 words.

Science and Ethics (Letter from student in "Physics for Poets" class)

There is an ethical dimension to the pursuit of universality as it arose out of Enlightenment positive science. If Newton could do it in physics, then it could be done in the social sciences as well--that is the gist of thinkers such as Comte, Bentham, and Marx. Universality is attractive because, by definition, it transcends cultural differences. If one believes that humans are essentially good and will treat each other properly if they understand each other (optimistic and debatable assumptions that are prevalent in much humanistic and social scientific literature), it becomes clear that universal knowledge, i.e., knowledge that is not culturally conditioned, is the backbone of a universal community. The immediate goal of science may be a workaday synthesis of observed fact, but a larger and more important goal is the adumbration of a systematic theory whose predictions are correct and verifiable by all observers. This larger goal has an ethical dimension.

Let me explain why. Before Newton and Galileo, even educated people believed that there were two distinct and mutually exclusive physical realms, superlunar and sublunar, i.e., the heavens and the earth. Different rules applied there than did here. Newton's hypothesis was so enamouring, aside from the mathematical brilliance involved, precisely because it proved that the same laws applied here as did there. In fact, it no longer made sense to speak of here and there; things were, physically speaking, everywhere the same. But what does this have to do with ethics? It has everything to do with ethics. If one believes that different moral rules apply to one's own group than apply to another group, then disputes, confrontation, and possibly violence will ensue. If one values the people who live here more than those who live there, then inevitably conflict will arise, especially concerning scarce or essential resources. On the other hand, if one believes that all people are of equal moral value, then the possibility of mutual cooperation amongst people and groups is greatly enhanced. The analogy between ethics and science should now be clear. A 'pre-Newtonian' ethic sets up opposing camps, us and them. In a 'post-Newtonian' ethic it makes no sense to speak of us and them; things are, morally speaking, for everyone the same. Strongly implied in such an ethic are the values of reciprocity and tolerance. This is corroborated by the history of physics. It has always been, continues to be, and will continue to be an international effort. It crosses gender, racial, ethnic, national, and religious boundaries in the pursuit of truth. I think this is a tacit performative statement of the tolerance and sense of community that lies at the heart of the modern scientific enterprise. Just because many--or even most, for all I know--physicists may not consciously recognize this does not detract from the importance of this ethical component of Science. Maybe the scientists can learn something from what the humanists have learned from the scientists.

John Turri, Jr.
26222 Annagrove Lane
Chesterfield, MI 48051

Science and Creationism

I think that the educational (or lack thereof) developments in Kansas need to be viewed in proper perspective: a major problem in the philosophy of science has been that of the demarcation between science and non-science. However some years ago Larry Laudan showed that there is no rigorous way to distinguish the two. Hence we are entitled to make any theories or models we wish. The distinction between good science and bad or non-science lies in the success of the former. If the creationists wish to replace a consistent, factually supported view of the universe with it's creation in the last 10000 years they are entitled to do so, but it is extremely unlikely that it will provide any insight into or be able to answer the many questions which still exist. Unfortunately as a result of the KBOE's action it will be the students who suffer most, but hopefully the gap in their education will eventually be corrected.

Derek Walton
Dept. of Physics and Astronomy McMaster University

Licensing Journalism

I could not agree more with Melott's assessment (P&S, April,2000) of the role of "journalists" in the sad saga of science education. In fact, Americans are - in general - ill served by our popular press. Despite their protestations to the contrary, and despite any useful functions they may otherwise serve, Melott's analysis is too true. Our own error, however, is to view the unacceptable performance of journalists through the narrow lens of physics. In fact, the problem is at once deeper and broader. Let's be specific (using Melott's words): 1) Journalist's have an unacceptably high rate of "substantive errors". 2) The press is unable to distinguish expertise from propaganda. The "opinion of someone who (is a true expert) is no more worthwhile than the opinion of anyone else". 3) "...the need to cast every story as a conflict" Now, let me broaden the context from physics to politics. I happen to have been in the Middle East during one of the periods of highest anxiety when Israel opened what became known as the "tunnel" near the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. As usual, our press immediately leaped onto the conflict aspects without so much as a sidelong glance at the facts. As usual, the opinions of careful expert observers were given no more weight than those of the most radicalized Arab propagandist. And, as usual, journalists got the facts wrong. (For starters, the "tunnel" ran away from -- not toward -- structures on the Temple Mount.) We routinely license plumbers, hairdressers, and others whose impact is minuscule in comparison with society's need for a high-quality press. Again, despite protests to the contrary, licensing is not censorship. The minimum citizens must demand is that journalists be knowledgeable in the area on which they report. This knowledge should be established by a university degree in the subject matter (be it physics, politics, or any other), be current via required ongoing training, and be subject to discipline by revocation of the journalist's license. There are countless mechanisms whereby idiots can make their views known. One, as a society, we should not permit is mass media (general distribution newspapers, magazines, TV, radio, etc.). Working to improve the quality of the Fourth Estate gives us common ground with others (no matter their specific field) fighting for intellectual integrity, gives added meaning to responsible citizenship, and will reduce the opportunity that "creationists" and their elk have to hijack society.

Bernard H. White, Ph.D.

Criticism of P&S

In the January issue of P&S you asked for feedback on your decision to reduce typesize so that you could CRAM more stuff into each issue.... There HAS been a problem with P&S and it is related to your desire to cram more material into each issue. But, the solution has nothing to do with typesize. You have been entirely unselective in the articles you print and many of them are too long and too boring to be read in any typesize. Most of the articles could benefit from the imposition of some length constraint which, apparently, you have been unwilling to do. As a result, when I receive my (hard)copy of P&S I start one or two articles, grow bored and impatient, and throw away the entire issue. Talk about a waste of paper....

In my view, the function of the FPS newsletter should be to keep us informed about issues in general by providing readable overviews while pointing us towards those articles where we could, if interested, find more quantitative details. Physics Today often does a very good job of this in its specialized sections. In my view the FPS newsletter would be successful if it introduces its readership to new issues and stimulates us to learn more about them. Speaking, perhaps, only for myself, my eyes glaze over when reading an overly detailed, quantitative article on a subject which is new to me and which may have lacked an introduction designed to tell me why I should be interested in the subject.... Permit me to suggest that you consider publishing concise articles which begin with a statement of the issue/problem and why I should be interested in it, followed by an overview of its past, recent and current status. These articles need not go into the depth of detail or argumentation appropriate to, for example, a refereed manuscript, but should provide enough information so the reasons behind the conclusions/recommendations can be understood, along with references to more detailed articles and further reading.

Gary Steigman

Minutes of FPS Executive Committee

The annual FPS Executive Committee (ExCom) meeting took place on Sunday, April 30, 7:45-am to 11 am, in conjunction with the APS Annual Meeting in Long Beach. Members present were: Peter Zimmerman, outgoing Chair; Aviva Brecher, incoming Chair; Bo Hammer, Chair-elect and Program Chair for 2001; Laurie Fathe, Vice-Chair (who will also serve as Fellowship Chair); Ed Gerjuoy, the incoming Forum Councillor, who had just ended 2 days of APS Council Meetings; Carroll Quarles. For brief periods we linked to Al Saperstein via the phone, and were joined by Tom McIlrath, APS treasurer, who shared his insights and experience regarding a transition to web-based publication of P&S. The issues discussed followed Peter's agenda, but they will be listed below in order of decreasing importance:

  1. Secretary-Treasurer's Report from Michael Sobel: The budget report had been previously provided by Mike Sobel. It showed that out of an annual revenue total of $15,760 in FY00, the Newsletter publication cost $15,221, and misc. conference and award cost another $1600, so the FPS operated with a deficit of over $1K. This crisis brought home the issue that FPS has been operating on the margin, with no discretionary funds to sponsor studies, invite speakers, or defray an occasional dinner. The endowments for the 2 FPS Awards are entirely managed by the APS, and even the interest is not controlled by us. Options for decreasing FPS newsletter issues per year (from 4 to 3), the hard copy mailings (from 4 to 2 per year), and marginal mailing costs by reducing the size ($ of pp) were offered via e-mail by ExCom members in advance.
  2. New business: Councillor's report. The good news from Ed Gerjuoy, our new Council representative, were that the APS Council approved an increase of 50 cents per unit member, up to $4.50. For a FY00 FPS membership total of 4,596, or 10.77% of the APS total of 42,662 members, this amounts to an extra income for the formula allocation of about $2.5 K for FY01. Other budget cuts were discussed per 3. below.
  3. Changes in P&S Publication Policy: savings from web publishing: The ExCom weighed several options for further savings from changes in the number or size of P&S issues published and mailed per year. At $4K/paper issue mailed, publishing 4 issues on the web (see discussion of pros and cons below) but mailing out only 2/yr would save us another $8K. One option is to continue to mail hard copy to libraries and institutional subscribers (about 400 cc for libraries as cheap Kinko copies), and to mail out to the membership (4000 strong) only 2 x 20pp paper issues per year (including the Jan ballot and the July issue). In this July July issue we announce this new policy as a "Transition to electronic publishing of P&S". We'll send a quarterly e-mail to FPS alerting them to a newly posted P&S issue and include the Table of Contents and the hotlinks, to facilitate browsing. Al Saperstein joined in by telecom for part of this debate and agreed that web publishing makes for more timely issues (all we have to do is tag "NEW" items). We can also routinely request all FPS session invited speakers to submit their overheads as .ppt files and post them sooner, while requesting a text version for P&S. Tom McIlrath stressed the advantages of web publishing for APS journals, and C. Quarles concurred: no limit on # of pages, more timely posting, hotlinks to references or related URL's, more visual presentations, easier browsing and searching by topic, etc. The APS moved to 3 tiers of subscription cost, proportional to size and means. The FPS obviously can't implement this.
  4. Chair's Report: Peter Zimmerman's report welcomed the newly elected members and thanked outgoing ones for their contributions. He stressed the need to renew FPS studies and take on "projects" (like arms control analyses, or pseudoscience debunking case studies by students and physicists), for which we need some discretionary funding. Hence he and Aviva participated in the Units Convocation and pushed for changes in formula allocation. The approved increase (from $4 to 4.5 per member) should strengthen the FPS budget for the coming year, especially when combined with savings from P&S web publishing. He discussed this year's problems with the timing of nominations for ExCom, which delayed the election. We must complete FPS Fellows nominations in May (Laurie Fathe, the Vice-Chair responsible, is to send packages to Ken Cole by June 15); Forum Awards nominees by July (to Tony Nero, the Chair); and the Nom Com cycle to be done before Nov for the Jan ballots. The timetables and people in charge should be posted on the web. Peter pointed out the problem that other fora have diluted the originally broad scope of FPS; education now in FEd, other issues on secrecy and security are now addressed by FIP; and FIAP took over some technology and policy issues. Peter will act as NomCom ex-officio. The ExCom roster on the web and in the e-mailer, as well as the expanded Friends of FPS e-mailer must be updated (by Al?).
  5. Webpage report (Aviva for Marc Sher) and Questionnaire (Aviva Brecher) Marc has greatly improved the FPS page timeliness and completeness. We introduced electronic balloting and automated its analysis, and also posted the membership Questionnaire on the web. We need volunteers to analyze the responses! (Reminders to respond will be sent out in all e-mails to members). NB: Since the meeting ended , exchanges by Marc and Aviva with Joan Fincham, the APS webmaster explored how the FPS website could be hosted and serviced by the APS (a separate URL was also considered). The URL will be rather than the complicated URL we have now on a Williams & Mary server. An attractive, consistent APS "look and feel" will be selected.
  6. Program Chair Report (Aviva): When Priscilla Auchincloss stepped down as Chair elect (and program Chair for 2000) in May, Aviva was bumped up and - with strong cooperation from ExCom session organizers - coordinated a strong FPS showing. The March and April sessions were publicized in advance via APS e-mail to the membership: 2 very successful sessions in March (Ed's well attended Physics and the Law, and Bob Park's Voodoo Science featuring 4 published authors, which packed a ballroom!). Two more sessions in March were co-sponsored: Civics 101 with FEd and the Nicholson Awards with CSWP. The 4 invited sessions in April were well organized, but rather sparsely attended given the small turnout in Long Beach (except the Physicist- writers session which was packed, and I offer to serialize by public demand!) The incoming 2001 Program Chair is Bo Hammer, who has already proposed and solicited ideas for invited sessions: the March meeting in Seattle and the April meeting in DC will both have better turnouts and should each have 3-4 FPS sessions. (Unless we get volunteer organizers/chairs, we'll have to assign topics...We should also approach FEd and FIAP to co-sponsor sessions.) We got good publicity this year, both as oral plug-ins and Aviva's redesigned FPS fliers placed on grab tables, but we should check how many members joined in March and April to assess "success".(NB: We should continue to have an FPS room set aside for about 150 people, and try to cluster our sessions near the middle of the conference, while avoiding competition.) New business included a look ahead by Peter, who suggested using the discretionary funds for some timely NMD or Energy study (he decried his conflict of interest constraints). A financially stronger FPS in the coming year and an energetic leadership promises further membership growth, visible and relevant sessions and a more active profile in the APS.

New Bills to Improve Science Education

One of the two physicists in Congress, Vern Ehlers (R-MI), introduced three bills that will help improve the recruitment, preparation and retention of good science and math teachers. The bills target three different aspects of federal involvement in science education. The National Science Education Act (NSEA) focuses on improving and expanding the activities of the NSF. It authorizes the NSF to give grants to public and private schools to hire "Master Teachers" to provide support to K-8 teachers, creates a national scholarship to reward teacher participation in research, requires information on NSF-sponsored programs to be posted on the NSF web site, provides access to technology training to middle school teachers, creates a competition for high school and college students to develop educational software and encourages information technology development in poorer schools. The National Science Education Enhancement Act (NSEEA) focuses on Department of Education activities. It gives col lege students work-study credits for training K-12 teachers in technology, creates after-school science day care programs, authorizes peer-reviewed quality summer professional development institutes and provides additional teacher training. The National Science Education Incentive Act (NSEIA) provides tax credits for college tuition, "Externships" for practical research experience for science teachers, establishes a tax credit for companies to let teachers participate in training workshops and for contributions to K-12 instruction and for equipment donations. More details can be found at fyi:

Congressional Interest in Nanotechnology

Nanotechnology has been getting a lot of attention in Congress and the Administration recently. One of President Clinton's major priorities in his FY2001 budget is the "National Nanotechnology Initiative", with a $227 million increase for such research. According to the Clinton budget request, "The essence of nanotechnology is the ability to work at the molecular level, atom by atom, to create large structures with fundamentally new molecular organization....control of matter at molecular levels means tailoring the fundamental properties, phenomena and processes exactly at the scale where the basic properties are determined. Therefore, by determining the novel properties of materials and systems at this scale, nanotechnology could impact the production of virtually every human-made object and lead to the invention of objects yet to be imagined. Nanotechnology's expected to be at least as significant as the combined influences in this century of antibiotics, the integrated circuit and human-made polymers". The additional funds would be spread across many R&D agencies, including the NSF, DOE, NASA, Commerce and NIH, with most of the increase going to the NSF. 70% of the money will go towards university-based research. Congressional response so far has been supportive of this investment. Senator Evan Bayh (D-IN) noted that "innovation is the key to our comparative advantage in the global economy, yet federal investment in the physical sciences...are all declining, as are the number of college and advanced degrees in these areas...It is vitally important that we increase our investment in the physical sciences, including nanotechnology...". Whether congressional appropriators have sufficient funds to support this request, of course, remains to be seen. The Administration's nanotechnology initiative can be found at

National Missile Defense

A critical decision is nearing on the deployment of a National Missile Defense. This fall, President Clinton is to make a decision on whether to deploy the initial phase of the NMD system. This would involve deploying 100 ground-based interceptors in Alaska, with the intent of defending all 50 states from a few warheads launched by a "rogue" state, such as North Korea, Iran, Iraq, or Libya. It would directly violate the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty. Negotiations are currently underway with the Russians to amend the treaty, but many in Congress and the Administration have argued for going ahead with deployment even if such negotiations fail. The Russians have said that such a deployment would not only abrogate the ABM treaty, but made their recent ratification of START-2 dependent on US adherence to the ABM treaty. The decision is scheduled for October, although many senators (including both supporter

In the mid-80's, after President Reagan proposed the Strategic Defense Initiative, the nation's physicists, and the American Physical Society in particular, played a major role in evaluating the technical feasibility of the SDI. The vast majority of American physicists believed that the "umbrella" envisioned by President Reagan was technologically impossible, and the APS's Directed Energy Weapons Study played a major role in the Pentagon's 1988 decision to scale the program back substantially. However, many physicists have also believed that a defense against a few ballistic missiles, although it may not be wise, is technologically feasible.

Several recent reports, however, have cast doubt on the feasibility. Should the rogue states take no action to improve their missiles, then the currently designed NMD system could be effective against a small scale launch. However, there is grave concern that very simple countermeasures, which would be readily available to any state sophisticated enough to possess ICBMs, could overcome the NMD system. For example, if, just after reaching a ballistic trajectory, the missile deploys a large number of mylar balloons, and also surrounds itself with a large balloon, then the NMD will be unable to distinguish them until reentry. Other countermeasures may also be available (see the next news item).

At its April meeting, the APS Council passed the following statement:

STATEMENT ON NATIONAL MISSILE DEFENSE SYSTEM TECHNICAL FEASIBILITY AND DEPLOYMENT (Adopted by the Council, 29 April 2000) The United States should not make a deployment decision relative to the planned National Missile Defense (NMD) system unless that system is shown -- through analysis and through intercept tests -- to be effective against the types of offensive countermeasures that an attacker could reasonably be expected to deploy with its long-range missiles. The planned NMD system is intended to defend US territory against tens of long-range ballistic missiles carrying biological, chemical or nuclear weapons. The ability of the NMD system to deal with countermeasures is a key factor in determining whether the system will be able to defend against the threats it is intended to meet. A decision on whether or not to deploy the NMD is scheduled for the next few months. The tests that have been conducted or are planned for the period fall far short of those required to provide confidence in the "technical feasibility" called for in last year's NMD deployment legislation. This statement implies no APS position with respect to the wisdom of national missile defense deployment and concerns itself solely with its technical viability.

References: National Intelligence Council, "National Intelligence Estimate (NIE): Foreign Missile Development and the Ballistic Missile Threat to the United States Through 2015," unclassified summary, September 1999, p. 16. Available at:

"Director of Operational Test and Evaluation, FY 1999 Annual Report," submitted to Congress February 2000, p. VI-13. Available at:


In April, a study group of eleven physicists, chaired by former APS President Andrew Sessler, released its report entitled Countermeasures: A Technical Evaluation of the Operational Effectiveness of the Planned US National Missile Defense System. The report is available at Among their overall findings and recommendations: Any country capable of deploying a long-range missile would also be able to deploy countermeasures that would defeat the planned NMD system. Biological or chemical weapons can be divided into many small warheads called "submunitions". Such submunitions, released shortly after boost phase, would overwhelm the planned defense. Moreover, there are no technical barriers to their deployment or use.....An attacker using nuclear weapons could also defeat the planned system. An attacker could overwhelm the system using "anti-simulation balloon decoys", that is, by deploying its nuclear weapons inside balloons and releasing numerous empty balloons along with them. Or an attacker could cover its nuclear warheads with cooled shrouds, which would prevent the kill vehicles from detecting and therefor from homing on the warhead. Thus, we find that the planned NMD system would not be effective against the limited long-range missile threats it is intended to defend against, whether from Russia, China or emerging missile states. The upcoming deployment decision will be made on the wrong technical criteria. The Pentagon will asses the technical readiness of the system prior to the presidential deployment decision. However, this assessment will consider only whether the first phase of the system would be effective against a threat with no credible countermeasures; it will not consider whether the full system would be effective against a threat with realistic countermeasures. The US cannot reasonably exclude the issue of countermeasures from a decision to deploy the first phase of the system. A deployment decision should be postponed until the system has been tested success fully against realistic countermeasures such as those described in this report. The US should demonstrate, first by analysis and then in intercept tests, that the planned defense would be effective against realistic countermeasures such as those we examine in this study. This should be done before the commitment to deploy even the first phase of a planned NMD system. The report is clearly in accord with the above APS statement (although the statement was made without reference to the report). It should be pointed out that the countermeasures discussed in the report are just examples. There is concern about the feasibility of the "liquid shroud" countermeasure, for example. In addition, the "submunitions" countermeasure on missiles with biological and chemical weapons is very well known in the arms control community. However, the question of why any rogue state that wished to deliver biological weapons to American soil would use ballistic missiles is unclear. Such a state could much more easily deliver the weapons via Federal Express or a commercial airline (biological weapons are easily transportable and not made of metal). A test of the NMD system (on a projectile without countermeasures) was scheduled for June but in mid-May it was announced that the test has been postponed due to wiring problems in the interceptors.

Rep. Rush Holt on Science Policy

The second physicist in Congress, Rep. Rush Holt was a guest on National Public Radio's "Talk of the Nation: Science Friday"( late last year. Selections (made by AIP, from his interview with Ira Flatow follow. The entire interview can be heard at the Science Friday web site.

The Relationship Between Congress, Scientists, And Facts:
"The way facts are treated is indeed different. Scientists would help themselves and help society, actually, if they explained to the public that facts are not cut-and-dry and immutable. Even scientists are dealing with provisional understandings of how things work..... I think, obviously, you don't want the arrogance of science saying that we have all the answers. But, by the same token, we do need to educate the public that there are some things that are well-understood, and if they are going to be challenged, than the standard of the challenge is pretty high."

How Congress Views Scientists:
"I think that most Members of Congress think of scientists as another interest group. Perhaps smarter lobbyists...the science lobby. They are coming in asking for more research and development money...more instruments, better telescopes..... I think there is a general sense, as there is in society at large, that scientists are pretty smart people. And so maybe this interest group gets a little more hearing than some other interest group. But I think that is partly how Members of Congress look at scientists. So we have the challenge, scientists have the challenge, and I as both a scientist and a legislator, have the challenge to help everyone understand...what is so special about science."

Balancing Federal Support Between Nih And Other Budgets:
"We could hope that there would be a little more balance in the portfolio so that physical sciences and others would have more of an increase. [Holt was then asked about lobbying.] NIH and the health industry in general are very effective at lobbying because for one thing, you can bring it home. You can relate this to the legislator's husband or wife or kids or grandparents or aunts or uncles. And it's hard to vote against health."
"I am particularly pleased that we able to include some money, a small increase, for training of teachers who will be teaching science and math. This would include elementary school teachers; we make enormous demands of elementary school teachers and we need to help them in the teaching of science and math. I think that is particularly important." [Holt then discussed the reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act.] "We have been able to emphasize science in several parts of it. In seeing that states not only have standards for science, but they actually test in the area of science as they do in reading and math, to find out if students are meeting those standards. Let me come back to the training. I think that it is particularly important that we provide funding for that. Because in education we devote a small fraction of a percent to training of teachers. Whereas in most industries, companies will spend five, ten, even twenty percent, training their workers in their areas, ongoing training. So we should be doing that in our education as well."

Relationship Of Science To The Public And Congress:
"Science seems somewhat remote to most people.... Remember the House of Representatives is nothing if not representative. And generally speaking, the representatives are very smart, very good at what they do. But they represent the hopes and fears and general understanding of the public in general. So I think, again, that science is seen as something of an interest group. And what we would like to do is help people understand that science not only can improve the thinking of individuals, the citizenship of individuals...but will contribute to our economic growth. That investment in science really makes this a better country. One of the things that I am pleased to be working on is a bill calling for the doubling of the federal investment in research and development. One of the reasons is that it is through federally funded research and development that we train our future scientists."

Problems Requiring A Long-term Approach:
"Our political system generally struggles to deal with things that require a long-term perspective."

Allocating Federal Resources To Deal With Societal Problems:
"Scientists do not have the ultimate answers. Science can put a limit on what is possible. Science can't balance school lunches v. transportation projects v. defense projects. That depends on the values of societies. We certainly need to enhance the values of society that are based on human welfare. ...let me go back to research and development. This is not some esoteric concern. It really makes a difference for people.... It is research and development that gives us the new ideas to allow for the productivity growth that will allow us to meet the material human needs.... Research is critically important for that."

Long-Awaited Commission Report on Women in Science and Engineering

Two years ago, Rep. Constance Morella (R-MD) introduced legislation called the "Advancement of Women in Science, Engineering and Technology Development Act" to establish a commission to study the factors which have contributed to the relative lack of women in science and engineering, and to issue findings and recommendations to improve practices related to recruiting, retaining and advancing women scientists and engineers. The legislation was passed and signed into law in the fall of 1998. After over a year of hearings, the Commission is preparing its final report. It should be available by the end of July at

The Natural Wealth of Nations: Harnessing the Market for the Environment

By David Malin Roodman. W.W. Norton & Company, 1998, $13.00.

Any physical scientist worth his or her salt cares about natural resources. Physical scientists are involved with understanding global climate systems, developing ways to track monarch butterflies to see if they’re being threatened by transgenic corn, and developing new energy technologies. Caring about natural resources also means trying to understand relationships between humans and the environment. This requires consideration across multiple disciplines, one of the most important of which is economics. Fortunately, there are a lot of good books available today that deal with relationships between economics and the environment. The Natural Wealth of Nations, by David Malin Roodman, a senior researcher in at the Worldwatch Institute in Washington, D.C., is a decent broad-based introduction to the subject.

Roodman presents numerous examples of environmentally harmful public subsidies in various sectors, including mining, logging, fishing, agriculture, grazing, water and energy use, and highway transportation. He identifies some of the cited rationales for such subsidies, such as economic stimulation, national security, job preservation, and social equity. He proceeds to explain how these subsidies can waste public resources (e.g., land, water, and money), fail to fulfill originally-stated objectives, and lead to environmental harm. High on Roodman’s list are fishing and agricultural production subsidies. He reports that these subsidies have been tremendously expensive to the public, may have hurt the very fishers and farmers they were intended to help, and have encouraged overfishing and environmentally destructive farming.
Roodman offers both general and specific suggestions for reform. These include removing environmentally harmful subsidies such as below-cost extractive use of public land, and adopting new policies, such as targeted taxes and tradable emissions rights, that would use the market to actively encourage better practices. As he acknowledges, some of these may present significant political challenge. He suggests that this is partly attributable to varyingly nondemocratic aspects of current political regimes–from what some see as fee-for-service campaign financing in the U.S., to nakedly corrupt practices in countries like Nigeria. At the same time, he observes that more populist approaches don’t always favor environmentally sound policies. As examples, he points to the widespread popularity of low gasoline prices and the broad support among Alaskans for expanded drilling to boost future oil royalties. When push comes to shove, however, Roodman says he’ll put his money on democratic practices.
It’s hard to argue with Roodman’s view that governments–especially ones that would like to be perceived as democratic and concerned about fiscal and environmental sustainability–should do away with policies that waste money, harm the environment, and wouldn't be supported by a well-informed public. Although this book generally doesn’t have room for thorough analysis of all the suggested policies, some of them are clear candidates for reform.

The problem is figuring out what to do in less black-and-white situations. For example, Roodman suggests that if the U.S. would stop giving away mining and logging rights in places like Oregon, nature-loving information workers would quickly move in, to the benefit of those places. However, in making this suggestion, Roodman does not deal with the possibility that those workers and their families would demand services such as roads, schools, gas stations, and shopping malls. Would the end result still be environmentally preferable to logging, or to more sustainable logging? I’m not sure and neither, I suspect, is Roodman.
Roodman later does devote an entire chapter to infrastructure subsidies, related for example to water resources and highways. He suggests that reforming these subsidies would tend to discourage the sort of exurban sprawl I raise here as a possible concern. Further, Roodman’s discussion of potential reforms is refreshingly level-headed compared to recent calls to abandon regulatory mechanisms in favor of the market. For example, he observes that the market can only deal with the measurable. And he acknowledges that although environmental sustainability probably can’t be achieved without market reforms, such reforms aren’t a panacea. They have to be complemented with education and technological progress, as well as regulations that, for example, discourage black markets.

There are a few areas I would like to have seen addressed more extensively. Although Roodman offers some very good examples of subsidies that lead to ecosystem degradation, he doesn’t present a satisfying set of market-based approaches to preserve biodiversity. Perhaps the market doesn’t have much to offer here. He does mention that some pharmaceutical corporations appear willing to pay for rights to genetic information accumulated in Costa Rican ecosystems. However, while he notes that there are probably limits to this approach, he doesn’t offer ideas regarding the preservation of species that don’t serve some anticipated commercial purpose. He also doesn’t address broader moral questions regarding whether humans are the appropriate arbiters of biological worth and, even if they are, to what extent one ought to own rights to genetic information accumulated over vast expanses of time and without human assistance. I also would like to see Roodman deal more directly with population and the subsidies that influence it. Perhaps the environmental community no longer has the stomach to take on this issue, but it’s fundamental enough to deserve more than the occasional passing reference to family planning.
It’s a good sign that The Natural Wealth of Nations left me hungry for more. It is a well-organized review of a range of environmentally problematic policies, with alternatives worthy of consideration. It isn’t an environmental policy cookbook, but it goes a long way toward helping one to distinguish between good recipes and bad.

Kevin Green
99 Haynes Hill Road, Brimfield, MA 01010

The Politics and Technology of Nuclear Proliferation

By Robert Mozley, University of Washington Press, Seattle, 1998, 316 pages, $25 paper.

I switched. My spring quarter class, "Nuclear Proliferation in the Post-Soviet World" (Physical Science 171) will be using Mozley's very nice book, The Politics and Technology of Nuclear Proliferation. Since it's a science course, we do quite a bit of science for the humanists in PSC-171. Of course we talk about the Nuclear Nonprolifeation Treaty, but we also do descriptive science. And Mozley does the mix of politics and technology with style.

I am delighted to review Mozley's book, not only to report that it is very good, but also to commemorate the man. Bob Mozely had a prolific and fruitful career at SLAC where as associate director he was a true leader on carrying out discoveries in particle physics. He was a physicist's physicist. After retiring at age 70, he spent the next 10 years of his life dedicated to slowing the proliferation of nuclear weapons. Mozley was active with the U.S. and Soviet scientists, under Sagdeev and von Hippel, to smooth the transition at the end of the Cold War. He wrote many key papers on warhead detection and monitoring, as part of a thrust to make individual warheads accountable. Because Mozley was such a good physicist, he knew how to approximate complexity to get very good answers. Certainly Mozley is a role-model for us, as we all begin to gray. Why not live in a small apartment in Washington, DC, and work on important physics-related issues? When Physics and Society suggested I review Mozley's book, I immediately agreed since Mozley was an inspiration and I already had the book and was going to choose it for PSC-171.

Nuclear proliferation is far more complex than the Soviet-U.S. strategic arms race. The former concerns 190 nations, the commercial sector, thousands of nearest-neighbor conflicts, a global norm of behavior, the denial of sovereignty in military technology, the coupling to energy issues, and more. This list makes the two-party START treaties intellectually simple by comparison--but too difficult nevertheless.
Chapter 1 lays out dangers of proliferation and the present status. The next four chapters cover the technical issues of weapons, plutonium, uranium, and bomb-assembly. These chapters are not the usual brief renditions, as Mozley describes in non-mathematical detail the nuclear physics of weapons and their components. Even though I have been reading these things for many decades I found the writing so well done that I wanted to read more about what I mostly already knew. The changing of the isotopic content of plutonium with further irradiation is still a lively topic, and is essential for students in order to discuss weapons-grade and reactor-grade plutonium, and their differences.

Chapter 6 shifts the book from the technical to the political. It nicely summarizes the non-proliferation efforts, the IAEA, the NPT, and safeguards. Chapter 7 is a nice summary of the evolution of proliferation from the U.S. to the more than 20 states that have at least flirted with the bomb. Chapter 8 addresses the theft of nuclear materials by smaller nations or subnational groups, an issue that could be very dangerous with the complications following the Cold War. Of course there is no silver bullet for totally curing proliferation, but Chapter 9 reviews the main ideas and concepts of various luminaries. I am looking forward to using this book and telling my class about a fine gentleman, Bob Mozley.

David Hafemeister
Physics Department
California Polytechnic State University

Diagram of a nuclear weapon.

Figure 1: Diagram of a nuclear weapon.