Archived Newsletters

Renewable Technologies vs Renewable Populations

The article: "Looking Forward: The Status of Renewable Technologies" is quite revealing and disturbing.

The four quotations from the National Energy Policy Plan say nothing about the main cause of the worlds growing energy problems, i.e. growth of U.S. and world populations. As long as these population growths continue and per capita demand continues to grow, it is difficult to see how renewable technologies can be developed on the needed scale and timetable so that "Electricity and the services it provides will be available to almost everyone on the planet."

To get an idea of how difficult this will be, please examine the statement quoted from the World Bank, which predicts that in the next 30 to 40 years the developing countries will need "5 million megawatts of new [electric] generating capacity . . . this corresponds to a $5 to $10 trillion market, exclusive of associated infrastructure costs." Now let's do the simplest possible arithmetic. Let us take the population of the developing countries as being 4 x 109 and let's use the upper cost of $ 1013 so that this amount should include at least some of the associated "infrastructure costs." Now divide the cost by the population. The result is $2000 to $3000 dollars per person in the underdeveloped world! Even spread over a period of years, this is a large per capita cost for people, many of whom are now struggling to exist. This is the order of $100 per person per year for every man, woman, and child in the developing world and this is just the cost of the required capital construction of the electric generating facilities. To this must be added the cost of fuel and other operating costs and costs of distribution of the electricity. These all add up to approximately what we pay now in the U.S. for our electricity.

The article talks of photovoltaic systems with lifetimes of "over 30 years" and of wind energy systems with lifetimes of "at least 20 years." No mention is made of the net energy. So someone has to ask, "How long does it take for a photovoltaic system or a wind energy system to 'produce' as much energy as was required to manufacture the system?" In particular, can these systems pay back the energy costs of their manufacture in their expected lifetimes with enough energy left over to make the enterprise worthwhile?
It is frightening that the people in Washington fail to address population growth in the U.S. and in the world as the fundamental problem in the area of energy.

It is especially frightening that the focus of the "leaders" in Washington is one that treats struggling and starving people as "markets," and whose interest in renewable energy is based on the belief that "renewable energy can mean big business and high profits in the longer term.

Albert A. Bartlett
Department of Physics
University of Colorado
Boulder,Colorado 80309-0390

Personal Memories of Chien-Shiung Wu

N. Benczer-Koller

The following talk was given at the APS Meeting in April, 1997

It is an honor to be here today to remember Chien-Shiung Wu, a unique scientist, a very special human being and a friend.

It is impossible in the short time available to cover the breadth and depth of her accomplishments. Nevertheless, I will try, through a few examples, to present to you a flavour of the influence she has had on physics and her impact on the personal and scientific life of her students and collaborators. I will mostly talk about the period in her life preceding the momentous experiment that overthrew the time-held belief that parity was always a conserved quantity. What happened after that discovery is well known history. However, I feel that the story of her life up that point in her career serves as a poignant example of how determination, motivation and the sheer curiosity of how nature operates carried her to new intellectual heights.

Chien-Shiung Wu was born in LiuHe, Jiangsu Province, China, on May 31, 1912 to Wu Zhongyi and Fan Funhua, in a family where education was paramount. Her father had had engineering training, but at that time was the Director of a School for Girls. He wanted women to be educated and ``that every girl have a school to go to''. {1}

Chieng-Shiung graduated from this school in 1922 and had to leave home and travel to Nanjing to continue her studies at the Soochow School for Girls. She had enrolled in the Normal School program which was favoured by women pursuing teaching careers. However, she knew already then, that what interested her was science, especially physics and mathematics. She had to study most of these subjects by herself, with books borrowed from other students. Her father's advice, ``ignore the obstacles and keep walking ahead'', was the motto she followed then, as well as later in life, to overcome the many hurdles that arose in her path throughout her professional life.

In 1930, determined to study physics, she registered at the National Central University in Nanjing. Upon graduation, she worked for two years teaching and started research in x-ray crystallography at the National Academy of Sciences in Shanghai. One of her instructors recommended that she consider continuing graduate work at the University of Michigan. With financial support from an uncle she sailed for America in 1936. Her first stop in the US was at the University of California in Berkeley. Within a few days, she had visited the laboratories, met her future husband who was also a student recently arrived from China, was offered the possibility of continuing her studies and found out, in addition, that women were not allowed in the University of Michigan student union building. She promptly enrolled at Berkeley where she worked under the guidance of Ernest Lawrence and the direct supervision of Emilio Segr\'{e}. Her Ph.D. thesis (1940) involved studies of fission products of Uranium and she earned wide recognition through the identification of two radioactive Xe isotopes.

In 1942 the nation was at war. Chieng-Shiung Wu was able to obtain a teaching position at Smith College. But she was interested in research. While it was very difficult at the time for a woman to obtain a position in a research institution, instructors were needed because most men were serving in the war effort. Thus she moved to Princeton in 1943. In the last move of her career, she was hired by Columbia University in 1944 to work on radiation detectors for the Manhattan Project and she was again in the laboratory.

The war had ended in 1945 at which time she was finally able to take the direction of her career in her own hands. As a result of the war work, several faculty colleagues at Columbia started working on neutron physics. She needed a problem that would be hers, and most important, that would make significant advances in our understanding of nature. She felt very strongly that, as C. N. Yang once said, ``if you choose the right problem you get important results that transform our perception of the underlying structure of the Universe.''

Enrico Fermi had, several years earlier, proposed a theory of beta decay, but the experimental results were not in agreement with the predictions or with each other. Chien-Shiung Wu recognized the importance of the problem and its impact on a fundamental interaction. Chien-Shiung Wu had carried out significant work on fission in California and had worked on perfecting radiation counters during the war. She knew that she needed more sophisticated instrumentation. An iron-free magnetic spectrometer had been constructed before the war at Columbia. Realizing the potential of the instrument, she retrieved it from storage, rebuilt the coils that had frozen because of having been stored with water in them, and started her experiments on the shapes of the spectra of electrons emitted in beta decay. Through her exquisite sense of experimental physics, utter care for precision and reproducibility, she realized that what was required to obtain a correct spectrum of low energy electrons was to prevent electron scattering in the source. Her systematic approach to obtaining ever thinner and thinner sources enabled her to complete a series of superb experiments, which confirmed the Fermi theory of beta decay for allowed transitions and, further, showed that the predictions for the shapes of forbidden transitions were also totally confirmed by experiment. As T. D. Lee described her and her work, ``C. S. Wu was one of the giants of physics. In the field of beta-decay, she had no equal.''

After these experiments which placed her at the top of the profession, and brought her world-wide recognition, she was poised to handle the next challenge, presented to her again by T. D. Lee who wanted to know what the evidence was for parity non-conservation in weak interactions and especially in beta decay. After finishing the beautiful and very challenging experiment on non-conservation of parity in weak interactions she went on to carry out equally elegant, albeit not as momentous, experiments in search for double beta decay, conserved vector current, exotic muonic atoms, search for a breakdown of time reversal invariance, and submicrocopic M\"{o}ssbauer studies of the reactions in hemoglobin that play a role in sickle cell anemia. Beauty and aesthetics were major ingredients of her work, of her demeanor, of her relationship with friends, and of her home.

I worked with Chien-Shiung Wu at Columbia as a graduate student and a postdoctoral fellow from 1953 to 1960. She was at the beginning of this period an associate professor without tenure and a key member of the large Atomic Energy Commission contract that had started during the war as part of the Manhattan project. It wasn't until after the parity work that the recognition, honors, prizes and appreciation she so amply deserved finally came her way. At that time she worked very closely with her graduate students. She appeared early in the laboratory and stayed late and expected everyone to be as totally devoted to physics as she was. On the other hand, her students played the role of her extended family. She cared about our lives and relationships, even wrote to our parents to relate good news on our progress and achievements.

I think I speak for all her graduate students in recognizing that she opened for us the doors of the physics community, inspired us with the highest professional standards, endowed our advisor-student relationship with grace, love and affection, showered us with friendship, encouragement, nurturing and continuous support long, long after we had left her laboratory.

Professor Wu has led in many of the discoveries in nuclear physics in the second half of the 20th century. She has been a teacher to many a generation of nuclear and particle physicists. In her role as President of the American Physical Society, she supported the improvement of teaching physics, mathematics and science. She supported efforts to uphold the freedom of scientists elsewhere in the world. In later years, she devoted much of her time to develop the scientific infrastructure in both China and Taiwan.

There has been much progress since Chien-Shiung Wu first landed in California in 1936, both in physics and in the recognition of professional women, much of it due to the perseverance, enlightment and accomplishment of women like her. We will remember the spirit of dedication to science and to her people that characterized Chien-Shiung Wu.

{1} Many of the biographical notes pertaining to Chien-Shiung Wu's early education in China were taken from the chapter ``Chien-Shiung Wu'' by Sharon Bertsch McGrayne, in her book ``Nobel Prize Women in Science'', Birch Lane Press, 1992

N. Benczer-Koller is with the Department of Physics and Astronomy, Rutgers Univ., New Brunswick NJ

Women in Physics in Canada

Jolanta B. Lagowski and Janis McKenna

A recent international study [1] of women in physics showed that the representation of women in physics departments at the faculty level ranges widely --from a high of 47% in Hungary, 23% in France, Italy and Turkey, 6% in the Netherlands and New Zealand, to surprisingly low values of 3% in Korea and the US In general, the proportion of women in physics decreases as the educational degree level increases [2]. This phenomenon is often referred to in the American literature as the "leaky pipeline" [2].

At the 1995 Canadian Association of Physicists (CAP) Congress hosted by Laval University in Quebec, an evening session on Women in Physics was arranged, and among the presentations were results of several surveys of women in physics. Several congress participants asked how Canada compares worldwide with respect to these statistics, as Canada was not listed in the international comparison study [1]. Apparently, statistics have not previously been collected regarding the number of women in faculty positions in physics departments in Canadian academic institutions.

A simple survey, sponsored by CAP, was made to estimate the number of female faculty in Canadian physics departments. This survey was never intended to be as exhaustive as that performed by the Committee on the Status of Women in Physics (CSWP) of the APS, but it is a first attempt to present quantitative data on women physicists in Canada. A brief summary of the recent female physics graduates at the B.Sc. and Ph.D. levels is also given.

The Survey
Early in the Fall of 1995, the CAP survey was sent to 63 physics departments in colleges, CEGEPs, and universities in Canada, including all 54 CAP member physics departments. The CAP survey that was mailed to Canadian academic institutions is shown below.

1. Does your institute grant PhD's in physics? 2.a. How many students have received a BSc in physics from your department from 1993-95? 2.b. Of these BSc graduates, how many were female? 3.a. How many students have received a PhD in physics from your department from 1993-95?? 3.b. Of these PhD graduates, how many were female? 4.a. How many faculty members are presently in your department? 4.b. Of these faculty members, how many are female? 4.c How many tenured faculty members are presently in your department? 4.d. How many female tenured faculty members are presently in your department? 4.e How many tenure-track faculty members are presently in your department? 4.f How many female tenure-track faculty members are presently in your department? 4.g If 4f + 4d does not equal 4b, or if 4c + 4e does not equal 4a, please state discrepancy. 5. If you have any comments on women in physics issues that you'd like to share with us, please feel free to include any comments. Information supplied by: ______________________________ Position:__________________________________ Department of Physics, University:_________________________________ Phone:______________________________________ Email:______________________________________ Fax:________________________________________

Results and Discussion A total of 40 responses to the survey were received in the late Fall of 1995; 25 were from PhD granting institutions, and 15 from non-PhD granting institutions. The survey data [1] are summarized in Table 1. No attempt was made to verify numbers that were provided to CAP. Percentages were tabulated based on the data given without changes or interpretation (e.g. numbers reported by the respondents as "approximate'' were treated the same way as the more "accurate'' numbers).

Table 1: Summary of survey results (received from 40 Canadian academic institutions and collected in the Fall of 1995) on women in physics in Canada.

All Canadian Physics Departments

Total Number Men and Women Number of Women Percentage Women
B.Sc. Graduates* 1613 284 18
Faculty 707 34 5
Tenured Faculty 621 12 2
Ten.Track Faculty 76 21 28

*total number of degrees granted in the period 1993-1995

Canadian Ph.D. Granting Physics Departments Only

Total Number Men and Women Number of Women Percentage Women
B.Sc.Graduates* 1453 261 18
Ph.D.Graduates* 336 44 13
Faculty 612 27 4
Tenured Faculty 539 8 1.5
Ten.Track Faculty 65 18 28

*total number of degrees granted in the period 1993-1995

The survey results show that in Canada, 18% of all recipients of a B.Sc. Degree in Physics, and 13% of all recipients of a Ph.D. Degree in Physics are female. 5% of all physics faculty members and 2% of tenured physics faculty members are women: the "leaky pipeline'' trend is present in Canada, and is in fact very similar to the situation observed by our American colleagues in their country.

The percentage of women faculty at non-Ph.D. granting institutions is somewhat higher (7%) than in the Ph.D. granting institutions (4%). However, it is encouraging to see that approximately a quarter of all tenure-track faculty positions in Canadian physics departments are currently held by women. It should be noted that tenure-track faculty members (of both gender) constitute only 11% of all physics faculty members. Table 2 summarizes results from a similar American survey[2] in 1994 for comparison with the Canadian survey results in Table 1.

Table 2: Summary of results from an American survey [3] similar to the one presented here. The American study provided information on faculty rank (full, associate, assistant professor), which is approximately equivalent to the tenured and non tenured categories presented in Table 2.

American PhD Granting Physics Departments Only

Total Number Men and Women Number of Women Percentage Women
Faculty 4746 229 5
Assoc. & Full Prof. 3584 132 4
Asst. Prof. 592 60 10

The CAP survey results also show that of the forty Canadian academic institutions that responded, 80% of them have one or no woman faculty member, and almost a half of the responding institutions (45%) have no woman faculty member in their physics departments. While it is true that the smaller non-PhD granting institutions tend to have fewer physics faculty members, and hence fewer women faculty members, a very large fraction of them have no women faculty members at all (60%) and hence have no role models for their undergraduate women students. In Table 4 these Canadian statistics are compared with the analogous statistics in the US for 1994 [3]. The situation in Canada is indeed very similar to that in American universities.

Table 3: Percentages of Physics Departments with only one or no woman faculty member.

Number of Women All Canadian Physics Canad. PhD Granding Phys. Canad. non-PhD Granting Phys. American Phd Granting
Faculty Depts. Depts. Depts. Depts.
none 45% 36% 60% 36%
none or one 80% 72% 93% 69%

This article should not be taken as a definitive study (see for example footnote 1) on women in physics in Canada. No attempt was made to estimate the accuracy of final numbers. The results of this survey suggest that further studies could be undertaken to address questions such as: (1) What was the effect of Women's Faculty Awards (WFA) (a program sponsored by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council) on the above percentages? (2) Do women progress to tenure more slowly than men? (3) How would the inclusion of institutions that chose not to reply affect the above results? Answers to questions like these would indicate ways of assessing and improving the situation for female physicists in the Canadian institutions. We conclude by stating that with 5% representation of women in physics departments at the faculty level, the situation for women in physics in Canada is comparable to the US, and notably worse than in many European countries.

Jolanta B. Lagowski is with the department of physics at Memorial University of Newfoundland (St. John's, NFLD, A1B 3X7). Janis McKenna is with the department of physics at the University of British Columbia Vancouver ( BC, V6T 1Z1);


[1] W.J. Megaw, Gender Distribution in the World's Physics Departments, paper prepared for the meeting, Gender and Science and Technology 6, Melbourne, Australia, July 14-18, 1991.

[2] Mildred S. Dresselhaus, "Update on the Chilly Climate for Women in Physics," Committee on Status of Women in Physics Gazette, Vol. 14, No. 1, Spring 1994. Mildred S. Dresselhaus, Judy Franz, Bunny C. Clark, "Improving the Climate for Women in Physics Departments'', published by the American Physical Society and the American Association of Physics Teachers.

[3] American Institute of Physics; Education, Employment and Statistics Division, data for the year 1994.

1 Some universities (2) did not supply data for B.Sc. graduates. The faculty total is not equal to the sum of tenured faculty plus tenure-track faculty due to the inclusion of visiting faculty positions, faculty with the emeritus status, and part-time faculty positions which respondents listed as faculty, but neither tenured nor tenure-track faculty.

Points of Derailment: The Making of a Female Physicist

D. Elizabeth Pugel

Being a physicist is not simply an occupation, but a manner of living that carries with it a distinctive mindset. Physicists question, investigate and scrutinize all systems. This same scrutiny should be applied not only towards discussing the interactions of matter in nature, but to interactions between members of our field. We should address any problems in these interactions and determine the nature of these problems. It is through communication that we can come to an understanding of the dynamics within our field. In attacking problems, physicists look for the statistical anomalies and demand explanation for a state. The disproportionate number of men over women in physics is just such an anomaly, worthy of investigation and discussion.

Historically, the number of women in physics in the United States has been small. This fact continues to hold. Even today it occupies a visible position as a "problem" in physics since the answers behind this truth are neither obvious nor well-defined. Currently, 9% of the PhDs awarded in physics in the United States are presented to women[1]. Several articles in Physics Today, American Journal of Physics and other prominent physics journals have attempted to address this issue through statistics but have not been able to elucidate the distinct sociological deterrents for women. Thus, if we are to understand the roots of this dilemma, it seems that the use of statistics alone will not provide substantial insight.

As physicists, we are used to reams of data to characterize behaviors. In the study of the male-female asymmetry in physics, we need to acknowledge that there are few studies currently in existence that are capable of discussing in statistical detail the sociological aspects involved in the process of becoming a physicist. The inability to quantize this problem does not lessen its magnitude. We must scrutinize the education and socialization processes of physicists, to further pinpoint the mechanisms which result in such a small number of women in this field using the results of studies regarding women in science in general, extrapolating it to the field of physics. This paper will attempt to watch the progress of a young female physicist in the United States, from the day of her arrival in to the world, to her schooling, and and on through her entrance into bureaucratic world, attempting to pinpoint the times in her life where she may be derailed from her track to become a professional physicist.

A Preamble: The Motives Behind This Discussion
Many physicists have looked upon this issue as a "feminist issue" or perhaps have not even seen it as a problem[2]. Asymmetries in a physical system force us to question the mechanisms driving the imbalance. Asserting the number of women in physics as "a problem" and striving for a solution is no different from noticing a statistical anomaly in a physical system and searching for its cause. We cannot know that there exists a statistically "true" gender asymmetry until we have looked at all the possible events that may lead to an asymmetry and systematically ruled them out. We cannot simply write off this issue because we are unwilling to think about it or probe further. This would be contradictory to our nature as physicists.

At a time in which there are few positions available in physics, why is this asymmetry a concern? Why should we search for the causes of this asymmetry and seek solutions when it would simply encourage more people into an already saturated field? Times are tough in this field, but this does not justify ignoring this problem. Women as well as men should be entitled to partake in the challenge of physics and perhaps attempt to strive for one of its selective positions. The pursuit of intellectual sports should not be tainted by social mores, which sidle along with the anti-intellectualist stance of the majority in the United States. Rather, the pursuit of intellectual sports for men and women should be celebrated and encouraged. Thus, the search for the mechanisms and perhaps solutions attempts to create an equitable market indifferent to gender.

Finally, why even talk about this issue? It has been said that women stand to gain more if they simply struggle through the system, "get their papers" and achieve. Women, it seems, tend to suffer more than their male counterparts as they pass through the system, for reasons that I will try to address in this article. The point is that women should not have to struggle any more than men should. Physics is a competitive field, it holds no mercy for all those who attempt to become professionals. We must talk about the injustices that we incur in this struggle, not for catharsis alone, but to make our male counterparts aware that we see some problems unique to being different from the majority. Being a statue does not facilitate change. Change is the product of discussion and action.

It is hoped that this article will highlight some of the issues that may contribute to the asymmetry of women in physics and also stimulate constructive discussions.

I. Nature vs. Nurture: The Paradoxical Dichotomy
The first argument for the small number of women in physics rests in the most familiar differences between men and women: the tug-of-war between social and biological forces (nature vs. nurture). This tension has pulled at the potentiality for professional women since the advents of biology, evolution and psychology. Each one of these fields has used its methods to maintain the stereotypes of women, even if unintentionally. The nature vs. nurture issue is sensitive, requiring deep analysis not only into the results, but the methods used to achieve these results.

A. Nurture: Learning On Your Mother's Knee
The nurture-governed destiny to be a physicist (or any scientist) has been distilled by sociologists to four main issues: parental interaction, toy selection, and both child and adolescent interactions with peers.

The first of these socially defining experiences is parental interaction with the plastic mind of the very young child. From the day of birth, Mischel (1966)[3], noted that caregivers treat boys differently than girls.[4] Boys, even as infants are allowed to explore their environment by crawling and grasping, unlike girls, who spend less time independent of their parents or cradles. This is a perpetuation of the boy-child stereotype as "strong" and able to deal with the external environment alone as opposed to the girl-child as "frail" and needful of protection. Mischel's study further revealed that rewards and punishments are administered for specific behaviors which seem to perpetuate parents' gender stereotypes. This conditioning habituates children to react in an expected (read: stereotypical) manner. For example, toddler boys who are thought to be "strong" or "clever" will take on traditionally masculine attributes. Similarly, girls who are complimented as "cute" or "precious" will take on traditionally feminine attributes. Thus, parental expectations direct the child's notions of appropriate or inappropriate behaviors. These expectations set the stage for a life of pre-determined actions, where girls expect to become the passive object of adoration and boys become independent innovators.

It may seem far-fetched at first to believe that parents' expectations for their young child shape the course of his/her future career. The invocation of Melville Feynman's comment to his wife while she was pregnant with Richard Feynman should be sufficient evidence: "If he is a boy, he will be a scientist.[5]" Feynman's father, we are told, started to hone Richard's physical intuition early, showing him patterns in colors of floor tiles when Richard was a few months old and at a few years old providing simple explanations of fundamental physical phenomena, such as why balls roll to the back of a moving wagon. Feynman is an example of parental expectations shaping the course of a child's future.

Both great physicists such as Feynman and mere mortal physicists are shaped by their experiences as young children with toys and with their first friends in elementary school. Before school, young friends and toys are the outlets for personal expression. We see parental expectation for gender and the resulting future behaviors in the selection of toys.[6] It is claimed that toys such as blocks develop logical/spatial skills and dolls develop social skills. This is not so terrible an observation if we assume that the possibility to be a scientist is linked to the development of social as well as logical skills. Unfortunately, parents may falsely assume that the choice of dolls eliminates the possibility for logical thought, limiting their daughter's exposure to physics.

As a young woman enters elementary school, she is faced with not only the elements of parental gender expectations, but also those of new-found friends and teachers. Since the majority of elementary school young women may have already succumbed to parental selection rules for gender-specific behaviors, nontraditional young women, few in their beliefs, may face serious challenges to their belief structures from their new-found peers and teachers.

Female teachers tend to carry their own ideas about gender appropriate behavior. Some teachers come from a generation where science education was less emphasized for women or where their own fears of science limited their knowledge. In fact, the majority of K-8 teachers (predominantly women) suffer from insufficient science training or a fear of teaching science.[7] As a consequence, they may not be able to emphasize science in the elementary school classroom. If they do teach science, they may have difficulty serving as suitable female role models or in articulating that science is a viable career option for young women. Teachers, like parents, come to expect habituated, gender-specific behaviors. In a study by Ernest, most teachers expected male students to do better in mathematics, whereas they expected none of the female students to do better.[8]

As we progress to the middle and high school years, pressure to conform reaches its peak. Young women are enchanted by media images (in addition to peers and parents) to persist in their stereotypical femininity.[9] Granted, this is a problem for male scientists as well, due to the overwhelming anti-intellectual sentiment in this country towards science (the "nerd" phenomenon),[10] but it seems that many male physicists (i.e. Einstein, Oppenheimer) have achieved icon status within American popular culture and there are many more texts to be found which highlight a male scientist's career than a female scientist.

There are few female role models in our popular culture to encourage young women to pursue or maintain their interests in the sciences. When have you seen a female physicist on TV?[11] Those images are nonexistent compared to those of women as supermodels and seductresses. These common images of women are appealing to a female adolescent's natural interest in the opposite sex and thus lure her from a path of science. Guys[12] are conditioned to believe that smart girls are ugly. Girls, interested in guys play down their intelligence and act dumb for the sake of "the catch". To act smart would make girls social outcasts, "nerds". So, the young physicist is lost to the media and conformity.

For those who manage to survive the social aspects, high school holds an equally debilitating social threat: the teacher. It has been shown by Eccles and Jacobs[13] that teachers selectively call on boys rather than girls. To compound this problem, the socialization of boys in earlier stages tends to make boys more aggressive and confident in their capabilities. Adelman illustrated[14] that young men tend to believe that they excel in math and science as compared to young women even if their grades are lower. All of these notions continue to inhibit women as they enter into the undergraduate and graduate levels of education. This paints a dismal picture for the female physicist-in-training. Unless she is a female Feynman with eager teachers and is resilient under social pressures, our young physicist is unlikely to pass through secondary education unmarred by social pressures.

From the nurture aspect we expose three main fallacies, the first is that the development of social skills inhibits the ability to become a physicist. This claim neglects the very basis of physics: to communicate ideas regarding the natural world and validate or disprove these ideas via experimentation and peer-reviewing. The antiquated notion of a scientist working alone is one that exists in the minds of fiction writers and screenplays. As the interdependence of scientific groups rises and international collaboration becomes commonplace, communication is an essential skill. If the child-physicist is subject to play that encourages such behavior, she need not be turned away from physics.

The second fallacy is that social people do not possess the skills to be physicists. This is a corollary to the first fallacy. We often mistake intelligence as a trait that is associated with social maladaptation. Again, we dwell in the minds of the media image of the "nerd-scientist" whose colossal intellect results in an equal, but opposite magnitude of interpersonal skills. The presence of social capacity does not limit the logical skills of an individual.

This stereotype often causes male physicists to "write off" female physicists, who tend to be more social than the norm. We must realize that the mind is not polarized: development of one skill does not inhibit the development of another skill.

The third -and most disturbing- of fallacies is that since these differences exist, it should come as no surprise that women are minorities in physics. Social values are dynamic; they are reflective of the mores of the masses. To claim that women are not "geared" for physics because of social perception/conditioning is to believe in the status quo that has persisted for centuries. It is to believe that the techniques to raise and teach children cannot be changed. This is inherently false, assuming we survey childrearing techniques and pedagogical techniques in different cultures. To believe that nuturing is static is to continue to stratify women and men in the way that the lowered expectations of teachers or the pigeonholing of young women due to gender-specific roles has presented women. It is to maintain women as "the second sex."

Despite the fact that we have cleared the air regarding some of the fundamental social issues in the development of a female physicist, the struggle continues. We must now argue along the lines of reproduction and evolutionary biology.

B. Nature: Learning on Charles Darwin's Knee
" Nature herself perscribed to the woman her fucntion as mother and housewife and that laws of nature cannot be ignored...without grave damage which...would especially manifest itself in the next generation."
Max Planck, 1897[15]

Biology has been an oft-abused tool to deter women from entering into the intellectual world. For centuries, women were thought of as members of a "lesser species," incapable of surviving in the mental world of their male counterparts due to the effects of menstruation and the "inherent frailty of the female[16]". Women's "biologically determined[17]" roles as wife and mother were justified by scientific methods. The few women who managed to be physicists during the early ages of Victorian science in Europe, the golden age of Quantum Mechanics or even during the post-war era in the United States went unnoticed or were thought of as "men" or genetic aberrations. Biology was a science which spoke truths regarding the division of the sexes, not only physically, but in the intellectual realm. Thus, women were restricted from participation. Collectively, biologists went as far as to say that evolution delineated the intellectual roles of men and women. Even now, remnants of the abuse of biological theories remain in the guises of premenstrual syndrome theories and in misinterpretations of Charles Darwin's theory of evolution.

The issues of menstruation and reproduction were thought to negate the possibility of logical functioning. Thus, our young physicist, having survived the brutalities of socialization was forced to conclude by the tenets of her sister science, biology, that she was born into a life of emotional irrationality and fragility.

Back in the dark ages of biology, menstruation was thought to be a crippling, logic-dissolving state. Changes in hormones made women into a new being: an illogical, impulsive beast, hardly the logical, rational mind needed to be a physicist. She was physically weakened by the loss of blood, thus unable to work for long periods of time. Her only choice: to suffer the irrationality, her birthright.

Where are we now? Today there is still controversy about Premenstrual Syndrome. Medication has made painful menstruation and anemia due to blood loss a controllable fact of life, not a "condition" or a "crippling malady." Studies regarding hormonal fluctuations tend to agree that there is little correlation between drastic alterations in logical faculties and PMS.

In the dark ages, maternity excluded her from work and the lack of child-care banished her to the home, unable to work until her children were grown. Now, work during pregnancy is encouraged. The issue that remains in maternity is child care. Taking off large amounts of time to care for a child would certainly put our young physicist behind the rapid pace of research. Theorists might have it easier, since it may be possible to conduct work via phone or email. Also, both child care and maternity leave policies at most universities are progressing. Many universities & companies encourage maternity or paternity leaves and have established sites near or on site to provide child care. Thus, our young physicist can move forward with the knowledge that family life may be possible for her.

Despite the progess, she must challenge yet another great scientist, Charles Darwin, and his ideas regarding the evolution of social structures in our primate ancestry. The impact of evolutionary biology on social dynamics and thus, gender asymmetry in physics claimed to have been solved through the study of non-human primates. Studies of primate hierarchical structures led primatologists to extrapolate observed behaviors to human interactions and thus explain the existing differences between male and female structures. In particular, baboon studies have noted that the matriarchal systems are not structured on position and hierarchy, rather community. Chimpanzee studies indicate a bias in patriarchal systems towards a pecking order and an aggressive struggle for power.[18] These studies conclude that by associating in community, females do not thrive on competition and power, the staples of any burgeoning scientific field such as physics. thus, our ancestry dictates our destiny.

Primatologists have gone as far as ascribing deeper aspects of these social qualities to social human dynamics. They have made gross errors in the attempts to trace the nature of gender-specific behaviors and apply them to the current societal state. For example, the male, as the hierarchical leader, has no social commitments. He need not be present for the maintenance of the young. In fact, it is genetically advantageous for him to distribute his sperm to as multiple partners. He may do as he pleases, searching lands, conquering animals and women. Some claim this wandering-conquering behavior is the root of the stereotypical nature of the inquisitive, exploring male.

To continue along this line of reasoning, it is not advantageous for the female to stray from the den in which she is raising children. She is thus relegated to a life of childbirth and nurturance of new generations. Additionally, the apparent behavioral effects due to menstruation and pregnancy hindered her ability to think rationally at times. Thus, the desire in women to explore their environment is stifled in one fell swoop.

Critical thinking is necessary to evaluate the results of these studies. Many of these field-based primate studies were challenged and found to contain far too many errors to be considered seriously[19]. The leap between non-human primate and human social behavior is indeed a large one, one which more often than not is left to the subjective (and often imaginative) mind of the primatologist and sociologist.[20] The idea that acquired traits are heritable, created by the biologist Lamarck, is the challenge to Darwinian theory of evolution. In this theory, even social traits can be passed from generation to generation in an evolutionary sense, thus supporting from the beginning of primate existence, the nature of the asymmetry of women versus men in our field. Although Lamarckian theory is again in vogue, there is no evidence for the passage of social traits via conventional evolutionary means. Furthermore, the power of Darwinian theory diminishes the possibility for belief in Lamarckian theory. It is absurd to assume human social behaviors stem from non-human social behaviors by the sheer application of evolution in a Lamarckian guise. This is an abuse of scientific knowledge. An illuminating approach would be to explore human behaviors on a grand sociological scale.

So despite the claims of her forefathers, our young physicist survives the years of training only to enter into a bureaucracy that seems inherently biased with male "rules". She will be put to the test again...

II. A Gender-Biased Bureaucratic System: Who is the Favorite Child?
" A man can always command his time under the plea of business; a woman is not allowed any such excuse."
Mary Sommerville, 1780[21]

Our young physicist has suvived to achieve her PhD and is now deeply involved with "the system," organized Western bureaucracy. Perhaps she is seeking a postdoctoral position, tenure or an industry position. In all of these situations, she will encounter an organizational structure that maintains her work environment. In most of these situations, she'll notice that the members of those structures are predominantly male and that the policies which govern the structure tend to exclude the needs of women.

Sparse policy on maternity issues, child care as well as sexual harassment do little to promote women to senior positions[22]. It is true that the system is in a state of optimistic metamorphosis, but there is much to be done. With few support structures in place, it seems that the edifice of the bureaucratic/academic system implicitly favors those who have someone to care for children (if they exist), someone who is not pregnant, has no glass ceiling and is not different from the other members on the board: men.

Our young physicist must struggle once more to understand this system and either change it or suffer through it. To change the bureaucratic system while in the thick of it is a delicate task. It can put one's position at risk, stir up ill-feelings or stereotypical behavior in male colleagues, or worst of all, have no effect whatsoever. It seems then that it is best to change the system once one has made it to a higher position. Many women neglect this option and ignore the issue of bureaucratic bias in the physics academic (and other) realms. This is known as the "Queen Bee Syndrome" where women who have "survived" and have attained senior positions do not use their power to assist struggling women or to change the system that they have struggled through.[23] These women who choose to struggle through in turn tacitly validate the "male" system. To do well in this system shows the male authorities that the system is hospitable to women, no change is required by the male authorities.

Change, however, is the essence of survival for women seeking arrival among the bureaucratic ranks. Often, in conjunction with struggling, there is a denial of one's femininity, known as internalized sexism.[24] To succeed, as stated earlier, is to avoid pregnancy, children and a glass ceiling. It is to avoid dressing feminine, associating with women, discussing issues regarding the state of women or being proud to be female. This is an early stage of the "Queen Bee Syndrome" and furthers isolation between women. The possibility of support and advice from other women is curtailed. Hence women who work through the male system are less likely to survive carrying any traits of "femaleness" are less willing to support other women and succumb to the "male" scheme of interaction. These traits are seen as survival methods to make it through the system, at least until the glass ceiling is hit.

The glass ceiling: full-time lecturer, associate professor, technician. A high percentage of professional women end up with these unlike their male counterparts who usually end up in full-professorships or in senior researcher positions.[25] Our young physicist's dreams of a full-professorship or senior scientist are dashed by a system which has decided that the traits of a woman do not make a full professor. Bureaucrats who follow such policies are living by the logic presented in the first section of this paper: woman as social being, incapable of the harsh competition inherent in the research venue, incapable of sole responsibility for a laboratory or research group.

Our young physicist is confused. She desires success in the bureaucracy. She wishes to punch through the glass ceiling, achieve tenure or a senior position, perhaps even have children. History had its unfortunate toll on organizations such as universities and corporations: they are male-dominated, with few considerations in place for women's and family issues. The existence of a glass-ceiling limits her ability to rise in the bureaucratic ranks. She wishes for change within the system for herself and for the women to follow. What can be done? She has perservered against the odds, it is our duty to analyze the reasoning behind such a system and save our young physicist!

Any growing system requires competition to survive. One must have the willingness to make some sacrifices and deal with their consequences, indifferent of gender. Denial of femininity, however, does not seem beneficial for the young physicist or for the system. These successful women, who have flown through the glass ceiling, must be immune to the "Queen Bee Syndrome" in order for progress to occur. They must be willing to talk with male counterparts about benefits for women and men during and after maternity, reasonable options for child-care and perhaps even a different mode of achieving tenure for women who choose to have children during that time. Since the system has been predominantly male, with male-based standards, it is time for it to be fair to all people. Policies that are gender-sensitive or gender free will be the policies that support our young physicist and her sisters of the future.

III. The Idealist Speaks Out: Gender-Free Thinking, The Present and Future
"Scientists ought to be interested in things, not people."

Marie Curie

"I believe that men and women's scientific aptitudes are exactly the same."

Irene Joliot-Curie

Looking to Marie & Irene Curie, our young physicist realizes that becoming a physicist should be about becoming a person: a bright, competitive innovator in touch with nature. This genderless approach, where we acknowledge people, not men or women, has been mentioned as a possible solution to the small number of women in physics. This is a lofty goal, one that requires generations of change in order to be fully operational. Right now, we are far from a gender-free society and must deal with the current conditions.

To live in today's society in terms of a genderless model would commit the flaw of internalized sexism. We must acknowledge, for now, that society still thinks in gender-stratified terms. Thus, using a genderless model with the standards and stereotypes that the majority holds would be devastating rather than helpful in promoting women to study physics.

Our young physicist is living in a time of transition, where her forefathers have realized the importance of supporting women and her foremothers have realized the poor logic used to keep her from pursuing her dreams. She lives in a time where people are starting to acknowledge that stereotyping at any stage from birth along the way of career development is neither helpful nor appreciated. People are beginning to comprehend that the pursuit of physics (but not the facts) may have socialized roots in gender, race or ethnicity[26], each aspect holds validity in the understanding of nature.

IV. We're Not Just Buzzing Around: Solutions to Promote Structural Change
Our young physicist cannot be a queen bee. It is simply not enough for her to discuss this issue. She must act upon her ideals and promote change at several possible levels.

Returning to her beginnings, she can raise her children (male and female) to be curious about the world. Knowledge has no gender-specific limitations. She can encourage their interests, be they physics or non-physics and insure an education that does not carry with it a gender-based bias. She can mentor middle, high school or college women to buffer their struggles and to provide a challenging intellectual environment. She can even argue for representation by the mass media, so that young physicists can find inspiration from her work or life.

In the bureaucracy, she can strive for equal standards for pay. Perhaps a shift in the age for tenure in women could be achieved. Child-care, maternity policies, standards for admitting and retaining female graduate students could all be addressed.

Our young physicist, aware of the struggles involved, can stay on course in pursuit her heart's desire, working within a system in transition and seeking to change not only her understanding of nature's interactions, but interactions among members in her field.

The author sincerely acknowledges the countless hours of discussion with colleagues, faculty and friends. In particular, she would like to acknowledge the contentious stamina of Ben Mathiesen, Sharif Razzaque, and Jack & Rebecca Sadleir whose ideas and willingness to banter were invaluable in the creation of this paper.

  1. Button-Shafer, J."Guest Comment: Why so Few Women? American Journal of Physics, vol. 58, No. 1, January 1990, p 13-14.
  2. Wallace, J.L., What Really Keeps Women From Physics? (letter), Physics Today, September, 1993, p11-13. Zaziski, P. (private communication).
  3. Mischel, W. (1966). A Social Learning View of Sex Differences in Behavior . E.E. Maccoby (Ed.) The Development of Sex Differences, Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
  4. I use the terms boys and girls to denote male and female infants and toddlers. The terms young women/men will be used in the primary and secondary school classifications.
  5. Gleick, James ,Genius: The Life and Science of Richard Feynman, Pantheon Books, NY, 1992, p 25-26.
  6. Maccoby, E.E. (1966). Sex Differences in Intellectual Functioning, in E.E. Maccoby (Ed.) The Development of Sex Differences, Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
  7. Weiss, I. (1993). Science and Mathematics Briefing Book (Vol. 4). Chapel Hill, NC: Horizon Research.
  8. Ernest, J. (1976). Mathematics and Sex. American Mathematics Monthly, 83, 595.
  9. American Association of University Women. (1991). How schools shortchange girls. Washington, DC: B.M. Vetter.
  10. Wallace, J.L. (1993).What Really Keeps Women From Physics? (letter) Physics Today, September, 11-13.
  11. Based on WIPHYS newsgroup forum, October, 1996.
  12. I use the terms guys and girls to emphasize the stereotypical attitudes that come along with these colloquial terms.
  13. Eccles, J.S. & Jacobs, J.E. (1986). Social forces shape math attitudes and performance. Signs, 11, 367-380.
  14. Adelman, C. (1991). Women at thirtysomething: Paradoxes of attainment. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Educational Research and Development.
  15. Krafft, F. (1978) Angew. Chem Int. Engl. Ed., 17, 826
  16. Delaney, J., M.J. Lupton et al (1976), The Curse: A Cultural History of Menstruation, New York:E.P. Dutton and Company, p40-48.
  17. Cayleff, S.E. , (1990), She Was Rendered Incapacitated by Menstrual Difficulties: Historical Perspectives on Perceived Intellectual and Physiological Impairment Among Menstruating Women, Menstrual Health in Women's Lives, A.J. Dan and L.L. Lewis (Eds.), Chicago, IL: University of Illinois Press.
  18. Sperling, S.,(1996). Baboons with Briefcases: Feminism, Functionalism and Sociobiology in the Evolution of Primate Gender. Gender and Scientific Authority, B. Lassett, S.G. Kohlsted et al, (Eds.), Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.
  19. Hyde, Meta-Analysis of Gender Differences, (1996), Gender and Scientific Authority, B. Lassett, S.G. Kohlsted et al (Eds.), Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.
  20. Sperling, p. 373.
  21. Osen, L.M., (1974) Women in Mathematics, Cambridge, MA, and London, MIT Press.
  22. note: the author is aware that such issues as child-care, harassment and the glass ceiling are becoming more important to males and thus may carry with them similar problems. However, these are less likely to pose difficulties in career advancement of males.
  23. Mierson, Sheela and Chew, Francie, (1993),Dismantling Internalized Sexism, A Hand Up: Women Mentoring Women, D.C. Fort, et al, Washington, D.C.: Association for Women in Science.
  24. Ibid.
  25. Vetter, B.M. (Ed.) (1994) Professional Women and Minorities: A Total Human Resource Data Compendium (11th Edition), Washington, D.C.: Commission on Professionals in Science and Technology, Table 5.1.
  26. Fox Keller, Evelyn,(1996), Feminism and Science, Oxford, Eng: Oxford Series on Feminism in Science.

D. Elizabeth Pugel is a graduate student at the James Franck Institute, University of Chicago

Forum Elections

Peter Zimmerman was elected Forum Vice-Chair while Art Hobson and Jerry Marsh were elected to the Forum's Executive Committee in the first APS election in which both paper and electronic voting was possible. There were 298 valid paper ballots and 468 valid web ballots, which was a significant increase over recent all-paper votes (224 in 1996).

Joint Statement on Scientific Research

In an unprecedented show of unity, 23 organizations from the American scientific and engineering community issued a joint statement on scientific research. The AIP's FYI #34 (by Richard M. Jones) reported that the presidents (or equivalent) of the following organizations endorsed the statement:

  • American Association of Physicists in Medicine
  • American Astronomical Society
  • American Chemical Society
  • American Geological Institute
  • American Institute of Biological Sciences
  • American Institute of Physics
  • American Institute of Professional Geologists
  • American Mathematical Society
  • American Physical Society
  • American Society of Engineering Education
  • Association for Women in Mathematics
  • Association for Women in Science
  • Astronomical Society of the Pacific
  • Council on Undergraduate Research
  • Engineering Deans Council
  • Federation of Materials Societies
  • Geological Society of America
  • Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
  • Materials Research Society
  • Mathematical Association of America
  • Optical Society of America
  • Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics

The statement, among other things, states that federal investment in scientific research is vital to the four national goals of economic competitiveness, medical health, national security, and quality of life. It stresses the interdependence of science disciplines and urges a comprehensive approach to funding. It specifically calls for 7 percent increases, for FY 1998, for NSF, NIH, DOE, DOD, and NASA. And it ends by warning that our national well-being will be jeopardized in the event of excessive constraints on funding.

Creationism Again

What's New (from Robert Park) on February 28, 1997, reported that the APS Executive Board reaffirmed the 1981 APS statement on Creationism. The Board, once again concerned with recent attempts to have Genesis taught as science in public schools, wrote,"Scientific inquiry and religious beliefs are two distinct elements of the human experience. Attempts to present them in the same context can only lead to misunderstandings of both." In a related development, the state Senate of New Mexico voted, also in February, to restore the teaching of evolution in public schools. Such teaching had been prohibited by the State Board of Education in August of last year.

Mission to Planet Earth under attack!

In March, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) provided a witness to the House Science Subcommittee on Space, Edward Hudgins, who urged abolishment of NASA's Mission to Planet Earth. According to AIP's FYI#47, Hudgins claimed that the Mission is a purely politically driven, bogus issue based on bad science, and an excuse for NASA to keep asking for money. In the past, Rohrabacher has described the theory of global warming as "...liberal claptrap...", but NASA's Acting Associate Administrator for Mission to Planet Earth, William Townsend, tried to explain why the Mission should not be considered "claptrap", including his description of five principal themes of the Mission: Land Cover and Land Use Change; Seasonal-to-interannual Climate Variability and Prediction; Natural Hazards Research and Applications; Natural Variability and Change of Long-term Climate; and Atmospheric Ozone Research. To Hudgins' charge that NASA sees "environmental projects aspotential cash cows", Townsend pointed out that expected costs through the year 2000 have been reduced by more than 60% from earlier projections based on responsive program cost management.

Benefits from what we do: Exhibits available from AIP

For physicists that are interested in showing the public and the Congress the benefits of physics research, and who want some help in doing so, the AIP has produced 12 exhibits for use in writing to or meeting with Congresspersons, teachers, other public leaders and officials. There is no charge for a limited number of copies of these "Physics Success Stories", which concern medical imaging, lasers, global positioning systems, the environment, new materials, telecommunications, computers, consumer goods, national defense, transportation, energy efficiency,and medical physics. To obtain these materials, send your name and U.S. mail address to or to:

American Institute of Physics
Public Information Division
One Physics Ellipse
College Park, Maryland 20740-3843

Their fax number is 301-209-0846. You can also review the materials at

Peer Review? It Helps To Have a Y Chromosome and Connections.

Given the concern in this issue with the careers of women in physics, the item by Robert Park in the June 6 "What's New"seems to be very appropriate:

"It used to be said that women have to be twice as good as men to succeed. In Sweden, a more precise number is 2.5 times as good --and Sweden is generally regarded as the world's leader in gender equality. A study of postdoctoral fellowship awards found that reviewers gave women far lower rankings than men with the same publication impact as measured by citation count. 'Anyone who is surprised is naive,' shrugged Laurie McNeil of the APS Committee on Status of Women in Science. At NSF, funding rates for female PIs have been higher than for males for five of the last seven years, but Luther Williams, Assistant Director for Education and Human Resources, agrees that the figures ignore relative impact. He believes NSF should carry out such a study. The Swedish study, 'Nepotism and Sexism in Peer-Review' which appeared in Nature (Vol. 387, p.341), found another variable that correlatedwith high scores: having a colleague on the review committee."

Clinton Budget Requests

Richard M. Jones, of the Public Information Division of the AIP, reports in FYI of February 13, 1997 that the Clinton administration's FY 1998 NSF budget request includes the following increases over FY 1997:

  • Astronomical Sciences: up $2.5M to $118.8M
  • Physics: up $9.5M to $148.2M
  • Materials Research: up $2.9M to $186.3M
  • Atmospheric Sciences: up $0.85M to $ $151.3M
  • Earth Sciences: up $1.4M to $95.1M
  • Ocean Sciences: up $4.3M to $206.2M
  • The Education and Human Resources budget proposals include:
  • Education Systems Reform: up $0.9M to $102.8M
  • Elementary, Secondary, and Informal Education: down $13.8M to $183.3M
  • Undergraduate Education: up $11.3M to $98.7M
  • Graduate Education: up $3.0M to $73.8M
  • Research, Evaluation, & Communication: up $6.4M to $56M

NSF Director Neal Lane has warned, though, that "Securing this level of support in the Congress...will require an extraordinary level of commitment and dedication from the science and engineering community."

The End of Science: Facing the Limits of Knowledge in the Twilight of the Scientific Age

by John Horgan. Addison-Wesley, 308 pages, $24

John Horgan explains that scientists now understand everything important that can be explored scientifically. Horgan, an editor of Scientific American, writes that "There will be no great revelations in the future comparable to those bestowed upon us by Darwin or Einstein or Watson and Crick....After the fundamental laws are discovered, physics will succumb to second-rate thinkers, that is, philosophers....The vast majority of physicists...will continue to apply the knowledge they already have in hand--inventing more versatile lasers and superconductors and computing devices--without worrying about any underlying philosophical issues. A few diehards dedicated to truth rather than practicality will practice physics in a nonempirical, ironic mode, plumbing the magic realm of superstrings and other esoterica and fretting about the meaning of quantum mechanics....Ironic science is science that is not experimentally testable or resolvable even in principle and therefore is not science in the strict sense at all. Its primary function is to keep us awestruck before the mystery of the cosmos."

Will there then be no place for us second-raters but details?
Horgan's views are not shared by all the physicists he interviewed. Steven Weinberg writes in his superb book Dreams Of A Final Theory that "the discovery of a final theory would not end the enterprise of science....No one knows how galaxies formed or how the genetic mechanism got started or how memory is stored in the brain. None of these problems is likely to be affected by the discovery of a final theory."

No one has described the qualitatively new complexity of large systems as clearly as Philip Anderson, who explained to Horgan, to no avail, that reality is a hierarchical structure: "At each stage, entirely new laws, concepts, generalizations are necessary, requiring inspiration and creativity to just as great a degree as in the previous one."

How do you know when you know everything important? You can survey, inch by inch, the finite surface of the earth and state confidently that there are no more undiscovered islands. How do you survey all knowledge? Horgan's solution to the epistemological problem is to ask great physicists what are the big questions. Not surprisingly, they could only think of things they could think of. As the British geneticist J.B.S. Haldane remarked, "The universe is not only queerer than we suppose, but queerer that we can suppose."

And right here on Earth, it is widely considered that new physical formulations, emerging from the fundamental laws but only indistinctly and distantly encompassed by them, will be needed to describe complex biological systems--sight and pattern recognition, hearing, memory, consciousness, the brain in all its actions. Are these not immense questions? Yet biology is deemed by Horgan to require no further break-through insights. According to Horgan, biology is just chemistry, and everything about chemistry is understood "in principle." To say that "It's all in the Schroedinger equation" glosses over the problem that to solve the Schroedinger equation one must first know the solution.

The story is told that Heisenberg in his later years believed that he had invented a comprehensive theory, though there were many things he did not know how to calculate. Pauli sent Heisenberg a drawing, an empty square. Pauli wrote that he had drawn a great picture, as good as any Rembrandt. He simply hadn't filled in the details. Let those who argue that biology is all in the Schroedinger equation teach the rest of us their quantum theory of biological memory.

I hope and trust that Horgan sells us short. It may be too soon to crow about such things as superstrings, but it is also too soon to sneer. It seems to me that the rest of us should be cautious in derogating an effort that very bright people are very excited about. Superstring theory has made and continues to make stunning advances. Suppose those bright theoreticians develop a theory that is so beautiful and robust as to give us a feeling of inevitability. Does it not seem likely that such a radical theory would have some implications--leave some fingerprints, for example proton decay or particle supersymmetry--on the observable world?

Scientists are optimists. We have more than 300 years of success on our side. For 2500 years philosophers have been hypnotized by the shadows on the wall of the cave, debating whether the world exists, while scientists simply ignored Platonic idealism. The proof of the pudding is not merely in the transistors; it is quantum mechanics, relativity, evolution, DNA, and whatever comes next--real philosophy. Darwin wrote, "He who understands the baboon would do more toward metaphysics than Locke."

And now my final dissatisfaction. Throughout the book Horgan refers to The Answer in italics. At first I assumed this was shorthand for supergrand unification. But it is not. Perhaps because of the arrogance of such phrases as "final theory" and "theory of everything," Horgan has been looking in physics for God. And now Horgan is bitter and disappointed. But he should have learned long ago that The Answer is not to be found in physics, biology, neuroscience--fields in which he has looked in vain. In the epilogue, entitled "The Terror of God," Horgan discusses mystical experience as perhaps the only way we can attain absolute truth. Horgan then relates his own mystical experience: "I was hurtling through a dazzling, dark limbo toward what I was sure was the ultimate secret of life...I knew that I was the only conscious being in the universe....If I alone existed, who could bring me back from oblivion?...For months after I awoke from this nightmare, I was convinced that I had discovered the secret of existence: God's fear of his own Godhood, and of his own potential death, underlies everything. At the heart of reality lies not an answer, but a question: Why is there something rather than nothing? The Answer is that there is no answer, only a question."

And then, to conclude the book: "My practical, rational mind tells me this terror-of-God stuff is delusional nonsense. But I have other minds. One glances at an astrology column now and then, or wonders if maybe there really is something to all those reports about people having sex with aliens....Our plight is God's plight. And now that science--true, pure, empirical science--has ended, what else is there to believe in?"
That is what the book is about.

Earl Callen
Professor of Physics (retired)
American University
Washington DC 20016

Why Things Bite Back: Technology and the Revenge of Unintended Consequences

by Edward Tenner 346 pages, $26.00, ISBN 0-679-42563-2

From the moment when prehistoric people shaped stone tools to the present-day creation of nuclear arms, benefits and disadvantages have walked side-by-side along the path of technological advancement. Events of historical magnitude have resulted from unanticipated flaws in an invention's design or failure to predict an invention's impact on society. Edward Tenner's book chronicles the historically unexpected consequences parented by innovation.
At the outset, Tenner engages the reader in a discourse on technology by anthropomorphizing inventions. A flurry of angry toasters, autonomous automobiles and chime-terrorizing clocks hearken back to the days of "Twilight Zone" and Mary Shelley's Frankenstein.. For Tenner, technology is a monster of society's own creation. Although the best intentions exist in its creation, the final semblance of nuts and bolts when released into the countryside produces sheer mayhem.

The book argues that Frankensteins have proliferated in almost every aspect of existence. From medicine, pest control, and even sports, their vengeful motions are manifested as innovation which complicates our lives, congests our airwaves and highways, dulls our senses with repetitious tasks, and makes our environments intolerable. This is addressed rather systematically through both research studies and expert opinions, with a careful analysis of the dynamics of innovations and the social structure.

Tenner is careful to note the Dr. Frankensteins of technology, the innovators, cannot be held responsible for these problems. The blame for such problems is difficult, if not impossible to place. At times, the users are to blame. Overconfidence in an invention rises from an overflowing well of trust in technology. A prime example is the technological majesty of the Titanic which endowed its operators with the bravado to sail fearlessly through iceberg-infested waters. Upon colliding with an iceberg, the crew delayed activating safety mechanisms because of their iron-clad trust in the Titanic's hull, leading over 1500 people to an icy death.

Hoards of technological tragedies do not block the light of optimism. Not all inventions can achieve a rigorous level of testing in a laboratory setting. When an invention does fail, we must take all possible measures to limit problems and to prevent future disasters. Tenner's immense research database finds that even the failings of technology can yield beneficial results. For example, the "unsinkable" Titanic resulted in increased security on ships as well as the invention of iceberg detection mechanisms which continue to be of use today.

Although the depth of Tenner's research is almost overwhelming, there are places where Tenner's speculations seem invalid. A glaring example is his discussion of the electromagnetic fields (EMFs) found in power lines and household electrical devices, and the cancer debate between physicists, physicians and the general public. This debate has gone on for over two decades, with little or no conclusive evidence in support of a correlation between EMFs and cancer. Although correlations existed in a few of the studies, they were either weak or based on poor experimental technique. Most recently, the correlations between EMFs and cancer have been dissolved by the National Research Council (Physics Today, January 1997).

In addition, Tenner occasionally falls prey to one of the most obvious fallacies: argumentum ad hominem, the fallacy of proof by belief in an authority figure. Tenner cannot be expected to substantiate all of his arguments in excrutiating detail, but some further information is essential in thinking critically about these issues. Technology and its impact on society is a delicate field, requiring as much information about the type and quality of research as about the results of the research. Tenner's frequent reliance on the names of authority figures rather than the arguments themselves is ineffective in strengthening his thesis.

Luddites and Technophobes beware! Although Tenner's book does talk of the historical failings of technology, it emphasizes the dynamical interactions between technology and society. Inventions alone do fail, independent of their surroundings. What is critical, however, is not technology in isolation, but human reactions and interactions with technology. Tenner argues that in this era, society's bond with technology would make a therapist cringe. It is full of co-dependency, unwarranted trust and overconfidence. This theme is absolutely crucial in understanding the impact of technology on society. Technology alone is not to blame. Rather it is our behavioral responses to technology that can lead to devastating effects.

Despite limitations in predicting failure in an invention, we must continue to think deeply about the interactions of technology and society. Technology cannot exist as an isolated black box whose wiring is capable of curing social ills or causing mass devastation. It must exist as an organism having a symbiotic and sometimes even parasitic relationship with society and with other inventions. We are just beginning to realize the profound learning process involved in understanding this process. Tenner's work is an insightful opportunity to think critically on the perpetually evolving relationship between technology and society.

Elizabeth Pugel

Betsy Pugel

James Franck Institute , University of Chicago

5640 S. Ellis Avenue

Chicago, IL 60615

Article Reviews: Articles from Science on Global Warming

Reviewed by Art Hobson

The journal Science has been a gold mine of reports and orginal articles on global warming. Here are reviews of articles published since December 1995.

If you come across articles from which other FPS members could benefit, please write your own brief (200 words maximum per article) review and send it to Art Hobson (addresses are on page 2).

Usability of Reactor-grade Plutonium in Nuclear Weapons: A Reply to Alex DeVolpi

We are in sympathy with DeVolpi's skepticism about the implication of the 1962 U.S. nuclear test for the usability of reactor-grade plutonium in nuclear weapons. The information disclosed about this test in 1977 represented a compromise between policy makers in the Carter Administration who wished to high-light the proliferation risks of of civilian plutonium use and those responsible for protecting classified weapons-design information. We have been briefed on the details, and do not believe that, even if design and yield of the device had been made public, that the issue would have been settled. However, contrary to DeVolpi's inferences from the 1962 test, reactor-grade plutonium can be used to make nuclear weapons at all level of technical sophistication.

In what follows, we briefly outline the technical basis for this conclusion within the limits of classification.

To our knowledge, all U.S. nuclear weapons use weapon-grade plutonium, i.e. plutonium with an isotopic fraction of at least 93.5 percent Pu-239. The same is probably true of the weapons in the arsenals of the other weapon states. There are several reasons for this. One of these is that the natural-uranium-metal fuel used in early production reactors had to be discharged after low U-235 burnup because of both reactivity and metallurgical fuel constraints. Such reactor operation naturally produces plutonium with a high Pu-239 fraction. It was also recognized that radiation exposure to workers fabricating plutonium weapons components in glove boxes would be minimized if the plutonium had a low fraction of the higher plutonium isotopes.

However, the most important factor in motivating the high Pu-239 content plutonium in early nuclear weapons was the problem of pre-initiation of the chain reaction. In nuclear designs such as the Nagasaki weapon, where the chain-reaction was designed to be initiated at the point of maximum core compression, neutrons from the spontaneous fission of the even plutonium isotopes (primarily Pu-240) could pre-initiate the chain-reaction leading to significant reduction of the yield of the device.
Even with very high Pu-239 plutonium used in the Nagasaki bomb, there was an estimated 12 percent of reduced yield from this cause. For weapon-grade plutonium as defined today, this probability would have been considerably higher -- on the order of 50 percent -- unacceptably high to the U.S. military. This provided one of the many motivations for going to more sophisticated designs of fission weapons which incorporated faster assemblies and smaller quantities of fissile material. The introduction of "boosting," i.e. having a low-yield fission explosion ignite deuterium-tritium fusion in the primary releasing neutrons which increase the fission yield by an order of magnitude, further reduced the sensitivity to pre-initiation.

The current state of the art is that U.S. nuclear warheads are designed to operate in high-neutron environments due to concerns about interceptors armed with nuclear warheads. This suggests that current warheads are virtually immune to pre- initiation.

Reactor-grade plutonium puts out about six times as many spontaneous neutrons per kilogram as weapon-grade plutonium. It also generates about six times as much decay heat; and, after two years storage, its output of penetrating radiation is also six times greater and continues to increase as long as the plutonium's Am-241 content continues to build up.

The heat problem can be dealt with, however, if necessary, by increasing the thermal conduction between the plutonium and the outside of a weapon and the radiation problem could be dealt with by adding radiation shielding at warhead fabrication and storage sites.

These considerations underlie the recent and most explicit declassified government statement on the usablility of reactor- grade plutonium in weapons:

"At the lowest level of sophistication, a potential proliferating state or subnational group using designs and technologies no more sophisticated than those used in first-generation nuclear weapons could build a nuclear weapon from reactor-grade plutonium that would have an assured, reliable yield of one or a few kilotons (and a probable yield significantly higher than that). At the other end of the spectrum, advanced nuclear-weapon states such as the United States and Russia, using modern designs, could produce weapons from reactor-grade plutonium having reliable explosive yields, weight, and other characteristics generally comparable to those of weapons made from weapons-grade plutonium. The greater radioactivity would mean increased radiation doses to workers fabricating such weapons, and military personnel spending long periods of time in proximity to them, and the greater heat and radiation generated from reactor-grade plutonium might result in a need to replace certain weapons components more frequently. Proliferating states using designs of intermediate sophistication could produce weapons with assured yields substantially higher than the kiloton-range possible with a simple, first-generation nuclear device."

Even if a rogue state used a design that realized "only" a one-kiloton yield, the consequences would be catastrophic. (5 psi, LD-50 radii)

In sum, we are not arguing that a proliferator would not prefer weapon-grade plutonium or highly-enriched uranium to reactor-grade uranium. However, the possible use of reactor-grade plutonium cannot be discounted.

Carson Mark, "Explosive Properties of Reactor-Grade Plutonium,"

Science & Global Security 4 (1993), pp. 111-128.

U.S. Department of Energy,Nonproliferation and Arms Control

Assessment of Weapons-usable Fissile Material Storage and

Disposition Alternatives (Draft, October 1, 1996).

Marvin Miller and Frank von Hippel
Marvin Miller, recently retired from MIT's Department of Nuclear Engineering, currently does research on nonproliferation at MIT's Center for International Studies and is a consultant to the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency. Frank von Hippel, a Professor of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University, was Assistant Director for National Security in the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy during 1993- 94. During that period he founded and chaired the U.S. Government's interagency committee on plutonium disposition and launched the associated U.S. negotiations with Russia.

Heinz Barschall

The nuclear physics tradition at the University of Wisconsin was established by Breit and Ray Herb before the War. After the war Herb had rebuilt the experimental program by bringing in Hugh Richards and Heinz Barschall so they were there when I joined the Wisconsin Department of Physics in the Fall of 1947. My work was mostly in nuclear theory so I had close contact with them and their students from the start. Ray had established a tradition for the experimental group to meet daily for coffee and conversation at the "Long Tank" electrostatic generator experimental area. I became a regular attendee and, as a result, I learned a great deal about experimental nuclear physics and its practitioners, in addition to learning to drink Norwegian style boiled black coffee. What I found out about Heinz there and in my many other contacts with him in the Department is that he had rare qualities of determination and of dedication to his research and teaching as well as to his students and research associates, all of which combined to account for his great success as a physicist and teacher. His commitment to his research and to his students is illustrated by the fact that, when his group was running an experiment at the electrostatic accelerator, he always scheduled himself to take shifts, in particular night shifts, in the same way that the students were scheduled. That was true until, while he was on shift one night in 1956, he announced to the group that he was going to have to miss his next few turns because he would be out of town for a few days. I have all of this by hearsay so that I do not know whether he told them the reason for his brief trip; itwas to attend his own wedding! This illustrates another of his personal characteristics, Heinz was, at least in his early years at Wisconsin, what we now call an extremely private person. Evidently the students did not have an inkling of his imminent marriage. I know that my wife, Jean, and I had no inkling. It happened that we were on sabbatical in Princeton at that time and one day we received a letter from a woman we had never heard of inviting us to her wedding with Heinz. The wedding was to take place at Eleanore's family home in one of the Orange's in New Jersey, which are not far from Princeton. We were certainly surprised! And delighted. Another characteristic for which Heinz was well known was his exceptional efficiency; he didn't waste time on anything, especially on words. Therefore it was natural that the Department called on him to Chair the Department. I believe it was somewhat to the surprise of the University Administration that he demonstrated a high degree of general managerial ability. His determination must have been an even bigger surprise to them. An unforgettable incident illustrating this determination occurred when as chairman he was trying to persuade the Dean to approve a pay raise for a young member of the physics faculty. The Dean said that there was no money in the budget for the raise. Heinz promptly replied that since he (Heinz) had a standing offer from Los Alamos, he would be glad to relieve the pressure on the budget by resigning and accepting the Los Alamos position. The Dean somehow found the money without resorting to that drastic a solution. Heinz's reaction to the disquieting litigation over his study of the pricing of scientific journals, which we have just heard about from Harry Lustig is another example of his determination. After we were separated geographically we continued to cooperate in one way or another on a variety of things. His role in the organization of the DNP brought us together because I had a role as APS Regional Secretary for the Central States in the change in character of the Divisional structure. Later, when he was Chairman of the Physics Section of the NAS, we worked closely together on some problems there. It was always a joy to work with him, not only because of his wisdom, good judgment, and determination, but also because of his frank honesty. He was completely dependable.

Robert G. Sachs

Enrico Fermi Institute and Department of Physics

University of Chicago, 5640 S. Ellis Ave. Chicago, IL 60637

Report From The Past Chair

It has been a privilege to serve as Forum Chair during the year April 1996-97. Now that my term has been completed I am reporting on that year, as I promised I would in my January 1997 midyear Message. There have been many accomplishments; there has been one obvious failure; there are continuing concerns. I will begin with the accomplishments, which could not have been achieved without the sustained time and effort of all the Forum Officers, the Executive Committee and many other Forum Committees. Those accomplishments include, first and foremost, keeping FPS a healthy APS unit while successfully fulfilling its traditional activities. In particular, the Forum: (i) continued to issue four information- packed highly readable quarterly issues of Physics & Society, although with a new editor and editorial staff becoming responsible for P&S in April 1996 one might have anticipated some disruption; (ii) maintained its reputation for organizing interesting invited paper sessions on important issues of physics and society, at the 1997 APS meetings in March (three sessions) and in April (four sessions, not including the Forum Awards session and a session in memoriam of Heinz Barschall); (iii) through its members on the pertinent Awards Committees, participated in the selection of the winners of the 1997 Forum Award (Martin Gardner), Leo Szilard Award (Thomas Neff) and Nicholson Medal (Lizhi Fang); (iv) nominated and succeeded in having elected Nicholas Carrera, William Colglazier and John Taylor as FPS Fellows; (v) increased its membership from about 4100 to 4600; and (vi) increased its cash balance from about $7300 to $11,500, helped by this increase in membership, but also aided by careful cost controls, mainly in P&S operations.

There have been other achievements, more "one shot" than those listed above, that are worth reporting as well. I especially want to mention that the Forum Award has received an endowment sufficient to allow the Award, henceforth to be known as the Joseph A. Burton Forum Award, to include an annual prize of $3,000 starting in 1998 (the FPS officers and Executive Committee cannot take credit for this enhancement of the Forum Award's prestige, however, which resulted solely from very welcome fund raising efforts of the APS officers and headquarters staff). FPS brought a plea by an unemployed APS member to the attention of the APS Committee on Membership, with the result that unemployed APS members now may join at least one APS Forum free of charge. Also deserving special mention is our use of electronic balloting in the recently completed 1997 election of the Forum Vice Chair (Peter Zimmerman) and two new Executive Committee members (Arthur Hobson and Gerald Marsh), an election procedure never before attempted by any APS unit or the APS as a whole. Last fall, the Executive Committee agreed that giving our membership the opportunity to vote electronically might improve the voter turnout, which in recent years has been disappointingly low. We therefore decided to experiment with electronic balloting in the 1997 election, while at the same time continuing to make the customary paper ballots available. Because the FPS ByLaws provide for paper balloting only, a special dispensation to conduct the experiment had to be requested, and was obtained, from the APS Executive Officer Judy Franz. The experiment obviously had to be, and was, devised so that duplicate voting and other balloting irregularities would be detected. The balloting scheme finally constructed, involving casting the electronic ballots via the FPS Home Page, proved to be a great success. A total of 468 valid ballots were cast on the Web and 298 valid paper ballots were received, for a total turnout of 766 votes. These turnouts are to be compared with 220 two years ago and 340 last year. APS headquarters and many APS units have expressed great interest in our experiment, and well may decide to follow our example.

The failure has been our continued inability to publicize our FPS invited paper sessions beyond the confines of the APS. I take this failure personally, because in the statement I prepared as candidate for Vice Chair, published in the January 1994 issue of P&S, I wrote:

In the past the Forum has admirably illuminated many such problems [of the sort besetting physics and society], to the benefit of its members. I will work to carry on these illuminations, of course, but will also strive to have their light reach more of our non- physicist fellow citizens, an endeavor in which the Forum has not been as successful to date as might have been hoped....In sum, I want the Forum to continue its important role of enabling the APS to examine and participate in public-policy disputes of interest to its members, but believe the entire nation would profit from making the special viewpoints physicists bring to those examinations more accessible to the wider non-physics community.

Nevertheless, despite my best efforts, in 1997 no less than in 1994 the non-physics community remains unaware that the Forum customarily offers invited paper sessions which discuss subjects of societal importance in a fashion readily understandable by a non-physicist audience, e.g., the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (Indianapolis, May 1996), Nuclear Waste Cleanup Problems (Kansas City, March 1997), and Low Level Radiation Risks (D.C., April 1997). Indeed the non-physics community seemingly remains quite unaware that the physics community has any interest whatsoever in such subjects. Perhaps Washington D.C. is too blase, but I observed no local press interest in these just mentioned sessions at either Indianapolis or Kansas City. Similarly, there were very few if any non-physicists in the audiences at these sessions, although ever since 1996 displaying evidence of having paid the meeting registration fee has not been a requirement for attending FPS sessions. I hope these sad facts will not deter our new Executive Committee from renewing the Forum's attempts to advertise its invited paper sessions to the general public. I strongly believe the public debates about many problems of national interest, as well as the average citizen's appreciation of the role of physics in our society, would be greatly enriched by the success of such publicity efforts.

My concerns stem from the almost complete lack of feedback from our members to the Executive Committee. The increase in FPS membership during the past year suggests FPS continues to be a healthy APS unit; consistent with this suggestion, our 1997 voting percentage of about 17% is very respectable when compared to typical APS unit voting turnouts. On the other hand it is hard not to be troubled by the fact that each of the FPS 1996 (Indianapolis) and 1997 (D.C.) Business Meetings was attended by no more than three FPS members outside the Executive Committee, or by the concomitant fact that our annual P&S requests to our membership for Officers, Committee and Forum Fellowship nominations regularly produce essentially no response. I would feel much more secure about the Forum's health if our members voiced their pleasures and/or displeasures with Executive Committee actions more than very rarely, attended FPS Business Meetings in greater numbers, and regularly came up with at least several non-obvious good names in response to nomination calls. My concerns about the Forum probably would be almost completely assuaged if members occasionally proposed and offered to chair new ad hoc (not ByLaws required) FPS Committees intended to engage in new Forum activities, e.g., countering the growing public enchantment with pseudoscience. I hope our 1997-98 Forum Chair John Ahearne, and his successor Chairs, will manage (better than I was able) to elicit interactions between the FPS membership and Executive Committee, of the kinds described immediately above, that can evidence the Forum's continuing vigorous fulfillment of an important APS role.

Edward Gerjuoy

Electronic Voting

A year ago, the College of William and Mary considered allowing voting for various faculty committees to take place on the Web. Given that physicists are much more familiar with the Web than those in other disciplines, and that voter participation in the Forum's election of officers is very low, I proposed that the membership be given the option of voting for officers via the Web. Since the ByLaws do not provide for electronic voting, we had to ask the APS Executive Board for permission to do this. They agreed to allow the experiment to take place in this past FPS election. Following is a report on the procedures and results of this experiment.

The American Physical Society, and its various divisions and forums, hold annual elections for officers. The turnout in these elections is generally very low, ranging from 5-25% of the eligible membership. In the early 1990's, participation in the election for officers of the FPS was typically around 15%. Three years ago, as a cost-saving measure, the ballot was printed as a page in the newsletter (as opposed to being mailed separately). This may have been responsible for a significant drop in turnout, to below 5% two years ago (and 7-8% last year). {NOTE: Although eliminating the insert was correlated in time with the drop in voting, correlation does not imply causation-- it could be coincidence. Physicists often draw too many conclusions from two data points....}

One factor which may suppress member participation is the relatively large number of steps it takes to vote. One must get the ballot (which may need to be cut out), find the candidate statements (which may or may not be attached to the ballot), read them, vote, find an envelope, and address, stamp and mail it. Many who might be interested in voting fail at one of these steps, which are connected in series. Personally, I failed to vote in the FED election last year, even though I was interested and knew some of the candidates. I'd taken the newsletter/ballot home, decided for whom to vote, marked the ballot, and had intended to take it in and mail it. Other things came up, and I forgot that it was in my stack of papers until after the deadline.

With the rapid growth of the Web, it seems that allowing voting via the Web would reduce the number of needed steps, thus improving participation. Since many are on the Web for much of the day, the only action involved would be typing in a URL address, plus a few mouse clicks. The candidate statements and biographies could be linked to their names on the ballot. Obviously, there are many security issues that must be dealt with.

After discussions with the FPS Executive Committee, I proposed a procedure to Judy Franz, who presented the proposal to the APS Executive Board. They approved a one-election experiment for the FPS election. The election took place between December, 1996 and early March, 1997.

The greatest concern that many express when learning about electronic voting is security and anonymity.
Under the current system, a secretary/treasurer receives the ballots (which are signed on one side of a page with the votes on the other side), opens them, checks the name vs. the membership rolls (if he/she has time to do so--that can be very time- consuming), and after the election deadline counts up the ballots. He/she can always determine how someone votes by simply flipping over the page. Someone can, in principle, vote several times by sending in several ballots (the others obtained from libraries, others, etc.) and possibly using names from the APS directory to avoid duplications.

I wanted the anonymity and security of ballots to be no less than the current system. The following procedures were adopted:

  1. The Website for voting is given in the newsletter and in an e- mailing to the entire membership. The ballot (which you may see at listed the candidates in alphabetical order. The names had links directly to their biographies and candidate statements.
  2. The reader was instructed to type in their last name, first name and e-mail address at the top of the ballot. There was no checking to ensure that the address of the machine was the same as the e-mail address, since many physicists use a number of different machines.
  3. The reader was then told to vote for one candidate for vice- chair and two for the executive committee. The vote was cast by clicking on the appropriate box, and at the bottom of the ballot, clicking on "submit ballot". If someone voted for too many candidates (such as 3 candidates for executive committee), or if they didn't put in their name and/or e-mail address, the ballot was immediately rejected (and the voter told why) and the voter asked to try again.
  4. After submitting the ballot, the reader is thanked for voting. In addition, an e-mail message is sent to the address given by the reader, thanking them again, and asking them to contact me immediately if they did not, in fact, vote. This latter message is to ensure that if person A votes using person B's name and/or e-mail (easily accessible from the APS directory), then person B will be informed. Warning: It is imperative that the e-mail address be checked so that it only includes alphanumeric characters, plus periods and @ symbols; it is possible, although very difficult, for someone to invade the system by sending a command message as an e-mail address; the response would then automatically send things like files. The script we wrote automatically checks this.
  5. When the vote is processed, two files are made. One contains the name and e-mail address of the voter, as well as the machine IP number that they voted from and the time of the vote, and assigns a voter number. The other file contains the voter number, and the votes cast. Without looking at both files, therefore, one can't determine for whom any individual voted. It is thus at least as anonymous as the present system. A typical excerpt from the first file is:


    Sher Marc

    Tue Dec 10 20:01:03 US/Eastern 1996

    (here, 45 is the voter number). A typical excerpt from the second file is:


    Vice-Chair=Peter Zimmerman

    member-at-large=Art Hobson

    member-at-large=Jerry Marsh

  6. Following the election, the names of all of the voters are put into alphabetical order. Duplicate votes (many will forget they voted, others may click "submit" twice, etc.) are then trivial to catch. The alphabetical list is then compared with the list of FPS members (it is very quick comparing two alphabetical lists---I did it by hand, but a computer could do it pretty easily). Finally, the paper ballots, also alphabetized, are checked to ensure that nobody voted via both methods.

Here are answers to several questions regarding security:

Could someone vote twice? Yes, and some did (presumably accidentally). If they use their own name each time, they will be caught at step 6 above.

Could someone vote in someone else's name? (a)If they used that other person's e-mail address (as well as their name), then the other person would be informed, see step 4 above. (b)If they use a fake address, the message sent in step 4 would bounce and that would be brought to my attention (it happened once, and was clearly a typo in the address). (c)If the person whose name they use is not a member, it will be caught when checking vs. membership rolls. (d) If they use the name of a member (who doesn't vote themselves), and if they have several different accounts so they can use their own e-mail addresses several times, then they might be able to multiple vote (once for every different account they have). This is not much different from voting several times by going around and finding issues of the newsletter, thus I see no significant difference in security.

Could someone hack onto my machine and change the files? In principle, but I copied the files to several different machines every day (during the first week or so, when voting was heaviest), and later compared files. No discrepancies.

There were a total of 499 votes cast. Of these, there were 23 duplicates. A dozen of these were almost simultaneous, and resulted from clicking the submit key twice. The others were two months apart. They were all consistent, so there was never a question as to which of the two ballots to keep (had there been a discrepancy, I would have thrown out the second). There were 4 voters who voted by paper ballot as well as the Web; the Web votes were discarded. Finally, I found 50 names that were not FPS members according to the directory, and contacted the APS membership people. They found all but 4 of the names and said they were members. So those four were discarded. Thus 468 votes were counted.

There were 297 paper ballots received. Total votes of 765 should be compared with 220 or so two years ago and 340 or so last year. The turnout of 18% is one of the highest in many years.

How much work is this?
I hired an undergraduate to write the script (called a perl- script) for the ballot. It took him 8 hours (and he was paid $200). The script is available to anyone who wants it--just ask me. Answering e-mails from voters and other things (like writing this report) took me about 5 hours altogether. Comparing the voter list with the FPS lists took about 2 hours (and is excellent airplane work). That's it.

Next year, I'd like to check for duplicates automatically, by scanning through the names. If someone has already voted, they could be told right away. Would also check FPS list vs. voter list by computer rather than by hand. One could improve security by asking for the APS Membership number. However, this would be a major step that a voter would have to take, since most have no idea what their membership number is (and looking for a Physics Today copy would be an additional step). Thus, asking for the Membership number would defeat much of the purpose of doing this via the Web.

I would hope that the Forum would, next year, send the ballot in a separate mailing, and list the Web address on the ballot itself. That would increase turnout significantly.

Allowing voting via the Web seems to have significantly increased turnout. As the Web spreads, and high-speed lines are installed, the turnout will increase even more. The election seems to have gone well, with no significant hitches (note: the winners of the paper ballots were the same as those of the Web ballots). Certainly, one should keep the paper ballot option available for the foreseeable future. I would hope that other units will be able to use the procedures available here, and I'd be happy to send them the perl-script files.

[Note: Following receipt of the above report, the APS Executive Board voted to authorize all units (Forums,Divisions, Topical Groups) to allow voting via the Web,should they wish to do so, with the understanding that paper ballots would still be available to all members. Several units have already contacted me for the script. The APS general election will remain unchanged for the moment.]

Marc Sher

FPS Exec. Comm.

Physics Dept.

Coll. of Wm. and Mary

Report on Meeting of the Council of the American Physical Society, April 19, 1997

The APS Issues: Perhaps the most impressive aspect of the Council meetings is their continuity. This is continuity in the sense that the same concerns and topics surface every time, and continuity in the sense that slow but steady progress is made on them. One major set of issues for the American Physical Society are concerns about policy for physics, i.e. about funding for research and employment for physicists. The second major issue for the APS is its publications. These dual themes dominated not only the Council meeting, but also the plenary session of the Canadian, American and Mexican Physical Societies the night before the Council meeting, as well as the introductory remarks of the APS President Allan Bromley to the Council.

FPS Electronic Elections: The meeting started on a high note for the Forum on Physics and Society, as the APS Executive Officer Judy Franz highly praised the successful FPS electronic election. She accurately described how Marc Sher established a model that other units might do very well to follow (except that she momentarily tried to credit Marc to North Carolina). The FPS and particularly Marc should be very pleased with themselves for this success.

APS Task Force on Careers and Professional Projects: Diandra Leslie-Pelecky reported proposals from the APS Task Force on Careers and Professional Projects. Among its recommendations were a proposal to generate liaison "officers" at all physics departments; to reach physics students; and to develop various projects such as job-description video tapes for beginning students, as well as short courses at APS meetings on business management and on pedagogy for teaching assistants. A motion passed that an official APS committee should be set up to replace the task force and should begin implementing its proposals. The FPS might well be involved in some of this implementation.

Publications: Much of the report by Editor-in-Chief Martin Blume about publications is not of direct relevance to the FPS, but nonetheless is worthy of mention. For example: Western European subscriptions to APS journals now exceed those from the U.S.A. (34.4% versus 29.4%). Between 1995 and 1996 the number of articles received has gone up by 4%, the number of accepted articles has stayed constant, and the number of pages printed has gone down by 1%. These numbers are indicative of the fact that the overall acceptance rate has gone from 61% to 58% from 1995 to 96. By this summer all APS journals will exist in electronic as well as print versions. To keep the APS financially secure, non- member subscription rates will rise 7% (3% due to inflation, 3% due to declines in subscriptions, and 1% due to reductions in page charges collected). One motion with direct implications for the FPS is the proposed establishment of an electronic "highlights" journals, in which readable versions of selected Physical Review and Physical Review Letters will be available. The relationship of this journal to Physics Today was not explored by the Council.

POPA: The Panel on Public Affairs gave several reports related to public policy. It had supported a statement issued by the heads of 23 scientific societies, in which a 7% increase in Science & Technology funding was recommended to Congress. The good news is that the funding is actually heading in that direction. The Council approved a statement developed by POPA supporting passage of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty. It also approved a plaque lauding Mr. George Soros for his support of science in the former Soviet Union. POPA issued a warning about copyright laws that may restrict uses of data bases.

Councilors: The deadline for electing councilors from APS units such as the FPS has been moved from September 1 to December 1. Any APS unit that wants to take advantage of that later date may do so, but obviously does not have to do so.

Memorial Resolutions: Council approved memorial resolutions for Heinz Barschall, Chen-Shiung Wu and Edward Purcell. These resolutions are presented for great physicists who have made extraordinary contributions to the APS. Heinz is one of our own, he did great service for the Forum on Physics and Society.

Centennial Report: A tentative schedule was presented for the Centennial APS meeting March 20-26, 1999 in Atlanta. Plans include (1) a Centennial speakers booklet; (2) joint unit symposia around the Centennial theme; (3) a large collection of Nobel laureates to make contact with physicist attendees, the press, the general public, and high school students ; (4) general interests session for the world at large; (5) Centennial symposia; (6) two plenary sessions; (7) as well as the general meeting. For further information, comments or questions contact Sherrie Preische at the APS; e-mail:

Four-Corners Section: [No, this is not about UNC basketball.] The Council approved a "Four Corners Section of the APS: 4CSAPS." This will consist of members from Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico and Utah.

Plenary Sessions: The next April meeting (Columbus, Ohio, 1998) will include three plenary sessions . Each session will include three major talks on different subjects, some to be decided at the last minute to "grab" the latest discoveries. It was unclear who would select these talks; it is also unclear whether the FPS or any other unit will have any "rights" or at least consultative privileges. No other invited or contributed sessions may be held in parallel to the plenary sessions, so there will be a considerable reduction in slots available to the units for sessions.

x factor: A second reading was held of a constitutional amendment to rationalize the allocation of councilors to the various APS units. Essentially the constitution will have in it a formula for the level at which the various units may elect one or more councilors. As contained in the constitution, this formula that will have in it an x factor (multiplier) that can be changed later without having to amend the constitution each time that the formula is to change. The formula contains hysteresis; the percentage membership that a unit will have to have to get a councilor will be higher than the percentage at which it will lose its councilor.

Two-Paper Permission: APS members may now give two invited or contributed talks at a meeting, as long as one is technical and the other deals with broader topics. This has the benefit that the FPS will be more likely to get its members to contribute papers to its sessions, since the members will no longer have to choose between contributing a "technical" or a "societal" report.

Mission Statement: The Council approve a revised "mission statement" for the APS. Under Article II on the purpose of the society, it now says "In the firm belief that an understanding of the physical universe is of benefit to all humanity the objective of the Society shall be the advancement and diffusion of the knowledge of physics."

Dietrich Schroeer - FPS Councilor

The APS Issues: Perhaps the most impressive aspect of the Council meetings is their continuity. This is continuity in the sense that the same concerns and topics surface every time, and continuity in the sense that slow but steady progress is made on them. One major set of issues for the American Physical Society are concerns about policy for physics, i.e. about funding for research and employment for physicists. The second major issue for the APS is its publications. These dual themes dominated not only the Council meeting, but also the plenary session of the Canadian, American and Mexican Physical Societies the night before the Council meeting, as well as the introductory remarks of the APS President Allan Bromley to the Council.

FPS Electronic Elections: The meeting started on a high note for the Forum on Physics and Society, as the APS Executive Officer Judy Franz highly praised the successful FPS electronic election. She accurately described how Marc Sher established a model that other units might do very well to follow (except that she momentarily tried to credit Marc to North Carolina). The FPS and particularly Marc should be very pleased with themselves for this success.

APS Task Force on Careers and Professional Projects: Diandra Leslie-Pelecky reported proposals from the APS Task Force on Careers and Professional Projects. Among its recommendations were a proposal to generate liaison "officers" at all physics departments; to reach physics students; and to develop various projects such as job-description video tapes for beginning students, as well as short courses at APS meetings on business management and on pedagogy for teaching assistants. A motion passed that an official APS committee should be set up to replace the task force and should begin implementing its proposals. The FPS might well be involved in some of this implementation.

Publications: Much of the report by Editor-in-Chief Martin Blume about publications is not of direct relevance to the FPS, but nonetheless is worthy of mention. For example: Western European subscriptions to APS journals now exceed those from the U.S.A. (34.4% versus 29.4%). Between 1995 and 1996 the number of articles received has gone up by 4%, the number of accepted articles has stayed constant, and the number of pages printed has gone down by 1%. These numbers are indicative of the fact that the overall acceptance rate has gone from 61% to 58% from 1995 to 96. By this summer all APS journals will exist in electronic as well as print versions. To keep the APS financially secure, non- member subscription rates will rise 7% (3% due to inflation, 3% due to declines in subscriptions, and 1% due to reductions in page charges collected). One motion with direct implications for the FPS is the proposed establishment of an electronic "highlights" journals, in which readable versions of selected Physical Review and Physical Review Letters will be available. The relationship of this journal to Physics Today was not explored by the Council.

POPA: The Panel on Public Affairs gave several reports related to public policy. It had supported a statement issued by the heads of 23 scientific societies, in which a 7% increase in Science & Technology funding was recommended to Congress. The good news is that the funding is actually heading in that direction. The Council approved a statement developed by POPA supporting passage of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty. It also approved a plaque lauding Mr. George Soros for his support of science in the former Soviet Union. POPA issued a warning about copyright laws that may restrict uses of data bases.

Councilors: The deadline for electing councilors from APS units such as the FPS has been moved from September 1 to December 1. Any APS unit that wants to take advantage of that later date may do so, but obviously does not have to do so.

Memorial Resolutions: Council approved memorial resolutions for Heinz Barschall, Chen-Shiung Wu and Edward Purcell. These resolutions are presented for great physicists who have made extraordinary contributions to the APS. Heinz is one of our own, he did great service for the Forum on Physics and Society.

Centennial Report: A tentative schedule was presented for the Centennial APS meeting March 20-26, 1999 in Atlanta. Plans include (1) a Centennial speakers booklet; (2) joint unit symposia around the Centennial theme; (3) a large collection of Nobel laureates to make contact with physicist attendees, the press, the general public, and high school students ; (4) general interests session for the world at large; (5) Centennial symposia; (6) two plenary sessions; (7) as well as the general meeting. For further information, comments or questions contact Sherrie Preische at the APS; e-mail:

Four-Corners Section: [No, this is not about UNC basketball.] The Council approved a "Four Corners Section of the APS: 4CSAPS." This will consist of members from Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico and Utah.

Plenary Sessions: The next April meeting (Columbus, Ohio, 1998) will include three plenary sessions . Each session will include three major talks on different subjects, some to be decided at the last minute to "grab" the latest discoveries. It was unclear who would select these talks; it is also unclear whether the FPS or any other unit will have any "rights" or at least consultative privileges. No other invited or contributed sessions may be held in parallel to the plenary sessions, so there will be a considerable reduction in slots available to the units for sessions.

x factor: A second reading was held of a constitutional amendment to rationalize the allocation of councilors to the various APS units. Essentially the constitution will have in it a formula for the level at which the various units may elect one or more councilors. As contained in the constitution, this formula that will have in it an x factor (multiplier) that can be changed later without having to amend the constitution each time that the formula is to change. The formula contains hysteresis; the percentage membership that a unit will have to have to get a councilor will be higher than the percentage at which it will lose its councilor.

Two-Paper Permission: APS members may now give two invited or contributed talks at a meeting, as long as one is technical and the other deals with broader topics. This has the benefit that the FPS will be more likely to get its members to contribute papers to its sessions, since the members will no longer have to choose between contributing a "technical" or a "societal" report.

Mission Statement: The Council approve a revised "mission statement" for the APS. Under Article II on the purpose of the society, it now says "In the firm belief that an understanding of the physical universe is of benefit to all humanity the objective of the Society shall be the advancement and diffusion of the knowledge of physics."

Dietrich Schroeer - FPS Councilor