Archived Newsletters

Where Nuclear and High Energy Physicists Went Wrong

The pain we nuclear and high energy physicists are now experiencing due to lack of public support is, in my opinion, well deserved! Before World War II, we never even dreamed of the tremendous amount of public money that has come our way over the last 50 years. We soon forgot that this money was given to us not only because of the military applications of nuclear technology, but also in the belief that peaceful applications of it were the key to a bright future for mankind.

Things went well for 25 years, as nuclear power and radiation technologies developed. Their potential environmental impacts were scientifically analyzed to an extent never even approached by any other technology, before or since. The bright new future was coming to fruition. But in the early 1970's, nuclear technology came under attack from a group of scientific illiterates looking for a political battleground, aided by a tiny minority of scientists. Most of the opponents had minimal scientific or technical competence, but were able to distort and reinterpret the environmental science analyses of nuclear technologists so as to drive the public into an insane fear of anything nuclear.

While this was going on, very few of us did anything to defend the technology that was the underlying reason for the support of our science. Most of us didn't spend the few hours required to read the pertinent scientific literature, and often accepted the distorted information given by Media reporters with close ties to the anti-nuclearites. The American Physical Society gave a prestigious award to one of the leaders of the nuclear opposition, and sponsored at least one report that was widely interpreted as concluding that nuclear power is similar environmentally to coal burning--- by any objective standard, coal burning is at least 100 times worse.The hot issue now is radioactive waste disposal, a "mole hill" of a problem that the anti-nuclear-power people and their Media allies have converted into an unclimbable mountain.

How do we justify the support from Society? We point to the knowledge and understanding of nature we have achieved as a contribution to human culture. In a course I have been teaching for non-science majors about the wonders of our universe, class feedback forced me to all but eliminate discussion of quarks and heavy leptons, and start after the first microsecond with protons, neutrons, electrons, and neutrinos. Other parts of the course that are of most interest to us are of minimal interest to the students - and the public. Surely there is no justification here for billions of dollars of public money.

We try to justify our support by the wonderful contributions of condensed matter physics--- they truly have been stupendous But these fields have received only a very minor share of the public money. We who have received the lion's share have contributed virtually nothing to technology for several decades, nor have we done much else of a practical nature for Society. My solution to our present dilemma is to go back to where we went wrong and try to get back on the right track. There are many ways in which we can support nuclear technology --- a lot more of our efforts should be in that area. It may not be "too late", as long as it is not "too little".

Bernard L. Cohen
Physics Dept.
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA 15260
Tel: (412)624-9245
Fax: (412)624-9163

A comment on Terence Kealey's The Economic Laws of Scientific Research and the review by Allan Walstad (October 1997)

I do not know any scientist who takes seriously the "linear model" to which Kealey devotes much of his book, but which was not mentioned in the review. Thus much of the book consists of setting up straw men and then demolishing them. This is aided by the failure of the scientific community to address the basic causes of the actual problems we now face. I think we can all agree that politicians do not make the best custodians of support for science, but that hardly justifies the alternative Kealy seems to regard as the only possibility. The basic problem which needs to be addressed is that maybe 5% of research pays off commercially, and no method for selecting that 5% is known (other than to MBAs, they think). However, the 5% pay off so well that they make the aggregate enterprise a good investment to society, but not to individual investors unless they are large enough.

So we jump to the conclusion that only the government is large enough! This is the one point where Kealey has a proper criticism, but he fails to analyze all the alternatives. The patent system was designed to deal with this problem, but most patents these days are defensive devices and do not fulfill the original intent of the designers of the patent system. Government clearly has a role here, to set the ground rules. Rewards should of course come to successful commercial developments, but work which contributed to the successes also needs reward according to the value added. There needs to be a mechanism to provide feedback, so the successful 5% steer support to promising areas.

I know of no current work trying to develop infrastructure to promote such a goal, but it seems apparent that without input from the science community the present situation will continue. What might be a possible infrastructure? When a patent is granted, an assessment is made--not necessarily by a government agency--of the contributions to the patent by the open literature, and a corresponding license fee used to finance further research in the corresponding area. This is, at least, an alternative to government financing of research or the low level of support which prevailed before the war iintervened. Support can be based on usefulness to society at large, but only retroactivly. I do not think anyone now knows what level of support is best, and in view of the factors I outlined, I do not think the unaided system now in place can make a proper determination.

For the "hidden hand" to function properly, Adam Smith stated that the market must be supervised so as to be honest. In response to criticism, I fail to see how some provision for rewarding those who have done 90% of the work amounts to a subsidy. Currently the patentee who may have provided less than 10% gets the entire reward. My proposal is intended simply to stimulate thought on practical proposals for minimizing government involvement while making the system work. Understanding the problems with the current patent system is greatly facilitated by actually trying to get a patent and having it respected. I do not claim that my proposal would solve the problem, but I do claim that it is crucial to recognize what the problem really is.

Elmer Eisner
4401 Laurel drive
Houston TX 77021-1646

Liquidating the Cold War

Leo Szilard Award Presentation-19 April 1997

Thomas L. Neff

Approximately sixty years ago, the world began a technological revolution that would transform the nature of war, alter the relationships between nations, and ultimately restructure the economies and governance of the United States, Russia, and other nations. The invention and deployment of nuclear weapons by the United States and the Soviet Union led to a different world, a bipolar one in which regional struggles were often merely proxies for the main adversaries in the Cold War, where nuclear weapons arsenals were the measure of greatness, and where domestic economies and decision-making were often dominated by Cold War considerations. This was also a new world in which scientists -- particularly physicists -- actually seemed important to government and the public.

This was the world in which most of us -- in the Soviet Union as well as the United States -- grew up, chose careers, paid taxes, and served our countries. A much higher fraction of Soviet national wealth went into weapons infrastructure and into training and supporting the best and the brightest, most of whom disappeared into secret cities to work for the motherland. In the US, a strong domestic economy made the Cold War relatively cheaper.

Both the Soviet and US governments and societies-the institutions, businesses, and decision making-were reshaped by the imperatives of the Cold War. Ministries and departments with Cold War roles were ascendant. Close to the centers of power, advisors with Cold War portfolios (some of them physicists) commanded a level of attention they may never have again. Unfortunately, institutional rigidities and Cold War conditioning remain serious obstacles to liquidating the Cold War, potentially resulting in dangers greater than those faced previously.

It became clear that the Soviet Union was nearly bankrupt, politically and economically, and was forced to turn Westward to survive. It only gradually became clear that future relations would be based, not on technological capabilities in weapons and traditional diplomatic relations derived from great power status, but rather on economic forces in a politically fragmenting world. Russian scientists, engineers and technicians in secret cities lost their privileged positions and began to look for other things to do.

While Russia was forced to change, the US continued in Cold War mode. Yes, the national labs had to look for work (largely by recasting what they were already doing), but at the highest levels, policy making remained organized along Cold War lines. Today we are pursuing NATO expansion (under the rubric of bringing "democratic values" to former Eastern Bloc States); negotiating around the ABM treaty to pursue a US perimeter missile defense, and actually increasing weapons spending (with the justification that we must be sure that nuclear weapons will always work).

It seems at this point that we do not need more fathers of the H-bomb or modern equivalents, but rather morticians of the Cold War. The fundamental challenge is to find ways to restructure and redirect both the US and Russia along lines that simultaneously liquidate the dangers of the Cold War and create practical ways to use the valuable talents of scientists and engineers. The HEU deal is but the first of many possible initiatives.

The HEU Deal: In September of 1991, Presidents Bush and Gorbachov reached agreement on reduced deployments of nuclear weapons, setting the stage for the first major reduction in numbers of nuclear weapons. At the same time, it became clear that the Soviet Union was disintegrating. I soon began to worry about what would happen to surplus nuclear weapons, to surplus fissile material, and to the weapons capabilities, including a large number of highly trained people. It was immediately apparent that a potential outcome was that the weapons and personnel could be transformed in short order from a well-controlled force to a major weapons proliferation threat to the world.

The basic problem, then, was to find a way to motivate and finance post-Soviet control of nuclear weapons, fissile material, and personnel, in a country where central authorities might not have the power to do so. It occurred to me that the highly enriched uranium (HEU) in surplus weapons has a high value when blended down to enrichment levels usable in civil power reactors. The destruction of weapons and fissile material could be a self-financing process, without cost to the US taxpayer.

Highly enriched uranium (HEU) in surplus weapons has a high value
Ideally, much of the money should flow to the Russian enterprises and secret cities that had produced the weapons, as they would be essential to reversing the process. If the material in each nuclear weapon had commercial value on the order of a half million dollars, not only would it be watched carefully, but the destruction of it and the uranium fissile material would be expedited. The highly capable scientists and engineers would continue to be supported, reducing the likelihood that they would be forced to sell their talents to other national or sub-national groups. I could not think of a similar good use for the plutonium that would come from weapons, but it seemed that if weapons-most of which contain both HEU and plutonium-were to be valued for their HEU content, there was a good chance that the plutonium would be more tightly controlled than otherwise.

Once begun, the enterprises involved in the destruction of weapons and the blending of HEU to civil fuel would demand weapons and weapons material to destroy. Weapons destruction would not be driven by Russian compliance with treaty requirements, but by powerful self-interested forces within Russia. Politically, these large enterprises would enlist regional support in the fragmented post-Soviet system, ultimately helping to shift national policy away from new military spending.

One would think that such a simple idea would immediately appeal to US officials, however, the responses were largely bureaucratic. In some frustration, I submitted the proposal to the New York Times as an Op-Ed piece. By timely coincidence, I was invited to a meeting organized by the Federation of Atomic Scientists (FAS) and the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) in Washington involving Russian and American weapons specialists to discuss the build-down of nuclear weapons. At the prompting of Frank von Hippel, I outlined the idea of fissile material destruction and presented a draft of the Op-Ed piece, just days before publication, to Victor Mikhailov, then Deputy Minister for the nuclear weapons program of the Soviet Ministry for Atomic Energy (MinAtom).

The Op-Ed was published and circulated to US government agencies by mid-level State Department officials. This led to requests for a more detailed analysis of the idea, which I drafted and circulated. However, because of the institutional rigidities of the US interagency process, it was not possible for the US to come a quick decision, let alone take action. As usual, studies were commissioned.

In November, Senators Cranston and Pell drafted and introduced legislation to implement the purchase of Soviet HEU (S.2011). The legislation did not pass.

Just before Christmas, I went with an FAS/NRDC group to Moscow and Kiev. The week of meetings was extremely intense, reflecting the imminent breakup of the Soviet Union and arguments about the future roles of the weapons complex. An ongoing emotional debate among the Russians themselves was whether they should sell the precious products of their life-long work for the motherland. In Kiev, new Ukrainian officials were taken with the idea that the Soviet weapons stationed on their territory could be worth money. By 1993, it was possible for the US to use this interest to help de-nuclearize the new country, by sponsoring a plan that shipped warheads back to Russia in exchange for the financial equivalent in fuel for Ukrainian reactors.

In April of 1992, I made a trip to Russia, Central Asia and Ukraine, for the purpose of further discussions, and to explore the potential for joint ventures between mineral enterprises in the former Soviet Union and Western companies. It was success in the latter that allowed me to work for the past five years to implement the HEU deal without institutional or other support. Ironically, one can get a grant to study something but not to do something.

Despite the power of the HEU idea, it was difficult to get governments to act. In the US, the interagency process makes it difficult to do anything new. But, paradoxically, the disruption of the Soviet world also meant the end of the Soviet equivalent of the interagency process. A minister could act alone. In June of 1992, I sent a letter to Victor Mikhailov, who had become head of MinAtom, suggesting that a Russian initiative would precipitate a positive US decision to proceed.

I do not know who ultimately approached whom (both sides remember it differently), but by August of 1992, the US and Russia were in serious discussion of a framework for an HEU purchase agreement. On August 31, President Bush announced that the US and Russia had agreed in principle for the US to purchase fuel products from produced Russian HEU.

On February 18, 1993, the US and Russia signed a bilateral Agreement for the US to undertake the purchase of 500 metric tonnes of HEU, the quantity contained in roughly 20,000 nuclear weapons. The initial rate was set at 10 tonnes HEU per year, increasing to 30 tonnes per year.

Under the terms of the inter-governmental agreement, Russia and the US were to appoint commercial executive agents to carry out the deal. Russia chose Techsnabexport (Tenex), essentially a government export agency, and the US chose the enrichment arm of the Department of Energy, which is now a government corporation (the US Enrichment Corporation or USEC) on its way to privatization. By May of 1993, the US Department of Energy (DOE) and Tenex officials had initialed a draft contract for the purchase of 500 tonnes HEU over 20 years, with an expected value of $12 billion. Used for making fuel, a kilogram of HEU is worth about $24,000, about twice the value of gold.

While these developments appeared to be a major victory for arms reductions and non-proliferation, it turned out to be only the beginning of a very difficult process of implementation. Some of these problems have been technical, some institutional, some relating to safeguards and "transparency," and some due to the difficulty of ensuring that commercial forces cooperate with national policy and the HEU deal rather than conflict with them.

Technical Problems: At least some Russian HEU contains small amounts of plutonium, most likely the result of hybrid weapon designs in which HEU came into metallic contact with plutonium. To meet commercial specifications, it has been necessary to purify the HEU by reprocessing.

When uranium is enriched to very high levels in the isotope U-235, those isotopes that are even lighter go to the "high end" faster than U-235. In other words, the ratios of isotopes change. Natural uranium contains U-234 and reprocessed uranium contains U-233 as well. The ratios of these lighter isotopes to U-235 in HEU will thus be higher than in natural or reprocessed uranium. As a result, blending down HEU with natural uranium does not result in a low-enriched uranium product (LEU) with the same ratios as in LEU produced from natural uranium. These ratios can exceed those specified as acceptable for commercial use if the level of HEU enrichment is above about 40 percent. While some weapons use HEU of such enrichment levels (typically in so-called "secondaries"), much is at or above 90 percent U-235. It has thus been necessary for Russia to enrich tails (the depleted stream from original enrichment) with up to 1.5 percent U-235 to produce a blend stock that has lower than natural ratios of U-234 and U-233 to meet commercial specifications.

Trade Problems: In November 1991 an antidumping action was brought against the Soviet Union for selling nuclear fuel products at too low a price. The antidumping action would have prevented the import into the US of fuel products made from Russian HEU, as well as conventional nuclear fuel products from successor states. It was thus necessary to negotiate a settlement, called a "Suspension Agreement." Because I was assisting the lawyers for Kazakhstan in negotiating a settlement, I was able to assist the Commerce Department in developing the Russian Agreement.

USEC Privatization and the Executive Agent: The US Enrichment Corporation took over the enrichment business of DOE in July 1993, and with it the draft commercial contract to buy LEU from Russian HEU. The final contract was signed by USEC and Tenex at the January 1994 summit meeting in Moscow. Even though USEC was a government corporation, there was little independent or effective oversight or control by US policy-makers. This set the stage for possible conflicts between the commercial objectives of the new Corporation and the national security objectives of the US government.

The first of these soon became apparent. The commercial contract called for USEC to take title to the LEU from HEU and to pay immediately for the enrichment content (the SWU) but to pay for the uranium content only "when used or sold." US trade restrictions allowed the enrichment content to be sold but effectively prevented Russia from being paid for the uranium; it could not even be returned to Russian control for sale outside the US. Lack of payment for the uranium component, about one-third of the value of the HEU, reduced incentives for Russia to continue in the HEU deal.

the first response to a new idea will be "It is impossible!" the second that "It is not my job!" and finally, "We did it!"

Legislation: After several unsuccessful efforts to resolve this administratively, it became apparent that the only remedy was through legislation. In the Fall of 1995, and working with Senator Domenici and his staff, who were drafting the legislation to privatize USEC, I met with affected US mining interests, USEC management, and other concerned parties to develop a compromise that could be legislated. The legislation, passed in 1996, returned title to the uranium to Russia and created a new quota for sales in the US. This combination allows Russia to sell the uranium forward, directly or with a partner, and receive cash today.

Because of likely delays in Russia finding workable commercial arrangements for the uranium, the US agreed to buy the uranium from HEU deliveries in 1995 and 1996. Russia is currently negotiating with several private companies to sell uranium from deliveries in 1997 forward.

Transparency: To alleviate concerns that Russia might simply enrich natural uranium to make LEU, instead of destroying weapons, the US has insisted on monitoring the destruction and blend down of HEU. Russia has understandably been sensitive about this issue, for general political reasons and because of fears that weapon design information might be disclosed. The solution to this problem was achieved in December 1996: US monitors are placing measurement devices at key points in the HEU destruction facilities. Russia has a reciprocal right to monitor the use of LEU from HEU in the US to make sure it is not being used to produce new weapons material.

Progress To Date: The above technical, economic, and institutional difficulties initially led to some delays in the original schedule for destruction of HEU. However, the resolution of the problems above and beginning of cash flow to Russia is rapidly eliminating bottlenecks.

As of today, reactor fuel equivalent to 21 tonnes HEU has been delivered to the US, the equivalent of about 1,000 nuclear weapons. By the end of the five year contract, a total of 150 tonnes HEU, equivalent to about 6,000 nuclear weapons, will have been destroyed. MinAtom recently disclosed that more than half of Russian nuclear weapons have been destroyed, yielding 400 metric tonnes of HEU. Capacity limits on purification and blending are the only factors impeding more rapid destruction of the fissile material.

This year, Russia will receive about $450 million for the destruction of nuclear weapons; this will increase to more than $750 million per year by 1999. Minatom asserts that monies not spent on actual weapons destruction and LEU production will be used for improvements in reactor safety and other purposes.

A potential danger is that some of these funds will be used to enhance weapons design and production capabilities. However, the HEU deal was not primarily intended as a disarmament program-it would never succeed as such-but rather as a non-proliferation action that Russia and the US could agree on. Moreover, the US is hardly stopping its design activities, nor destroying its ability to produce nuclear weapons. There is thus still an important role to be played by traditional arms negotiations. The agreement to ban testing of nuclear weapons is an important first step. With some luck, the HEU deal will foster a better climate for arms agreements.

Reflections: In hindsight, the HEU deal -"A Grand Uranium Bargain" as the editors of the New York Times took the liberty of titling my article - appears to be an obvious idea. However, it follows Leo Slizard's axiom about colleagues confronted with a new idea: First, "They will say it's not true!" Next they'll say "If true, it's not very important." Finally, they'll say, "We knew it all along!" In the policy world, my experience is that the first response to a new idea will be "It is impossible!" the second that "It is not my job!" and finally, "We did it!"

In reality, a new idea is much like a child: conceiving one is nowhere near as hard and time-consuming as raising one. With a lot of work, as described above, the HEU deal has survived its childhood. Unfortunately, it may be entering adolescence, where outside influences may lead it astray. The large amounts of money involved are likely to tempt opportunists. The deal has already been challenged in Russia by conservative nationalists and some in the Russian government have been tempted to defend the HEU deal by saying that it is financing the weapons program. In the US, the privatization of USEC continues to raise the larger question about the relationships between domestic economic matters and international security imperatives.

In the case of plutonium, some new ideas are needed. For several years I have quietly been trying to encourage a relatively brief delay in civil reprocessing that would free up existing capacity in Europe to fabricate mixed uranium and plutonium fuel (MOX) from weapons plutonium. While the reprocessing industry has previously opposed such actions, their customers in Europe and Asia would welcome a slowdown in civil reprocessing and corresponding delay in return of nuclear waste. If the MOX industry can be convinced to take this course, the real challenge will be to convince the US and Russian governments to let their weapons plutonium be fabricated in Europe and potentially burned elsewhere.

In all of this we need better agreements with Russia, as well as with other nations. As Szilard wrote, the "problem is not to write an agreement that Russia will sign but to write one which Russia will be eager to keep, not only for the next few years but ten years and twenty years hence." Impatient with traditional diplomacy, Szilard went on to argue that "to devise such an agreement requires imagination and resourcefulness," qualities he obviously found wanting in government. I do not agree with Szilard on this point-there are many creative people in government-but do share the impatience. It seems better to make small timely efforts to direct the course of events than to respond more heavily to the crisis of events gone badly astray. The entropy of multiple actors and agendas in government may require the injection of large amounts of political energy to get anything done.

The broader challenge is to build on the success of the HEU deal to redirect both political systems and technological capabilities toward more peaceful and more economically productive ends. The US-Russian lab-to-lab and other programs are some help but they are elitist programs that reach only hundreds of top scientists, not the hundreds of thousands of scientists, engineers and technicians that constitute a potentially enormous economic capability. Because the HEU deal is bringing money to a number of secret cities, I have been approached by directors of other defense enterprises for ideas that would give them an economic role in the world. One person cannot do this alone, and the one US government program that was trying to do this was eliminated in the new budget.

To receive the Leo Szilard Award for 1997 is a great satisfaction. As Szilard himself said: "In life you must often choose between getting a job done or getting credit for it." Thanks to this award, I need not worry about that choice.

Thomas L. Neff is at the

Center for International Studies

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Seismic Event 130 Kilometers Se Of Novaya Zemlya,

August 16, 1997,

Earthquake Or "Clandestine Test"? by Jack Evernden

Introduction by Gerald E. Marsh

On August 28 Bill Gertz of the Washington Times broke the story that Russia was suspected of setting off a nuclear explosion near Novaya Zemlya. He quoted Ralph Alewine, the director of the Pentagon's nuclear treaty program office as saying that they had "information that a seismic event with explosive characteristics occurred in the vicinity of the Russian nuclear test range at Novaya Zemlya on August 16." He further went on to say that according to un-named Pentagon officials, "initial data on the event produced 'high confidence' that the activity detected was a nuclear test equivalent to between 100 tons and 1,000 tons of TNT." A "military officer" is reputed to have concluded that "the uncertainty surrounding the suspected test shows that either the Russians have violated their pledge not to conduct nuclear tests or that determining if low-yield nuclear tests were carried out cannot be verified under the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty."

A second story on the 29th of August quoted Sen. Jon Kyl, an Arizona Republican who is a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, as saying "Russia's action raises key questions: When will the Clinton administration get serious about Russian violations of its arms control commitments?...The reluctance of the administration to publicly conclude that Moscow has violated its pledge to halt nuclear testing raises serious concerns about the verifiability of a complete nuclear test ban."

Does this have echoes that sound like the claims of cheating during the Reagan administration? Having published an article with Jack Evernden that ended Reagan administration claims of cheating on the Threshold Test Ban Treaty back in 1987 [Physics Today, August 1987], I could not resist asking Jack - one of the world's foremost experts on seismology-to look into the issue. The result is the following article.

Gerald Marsh is a program manager and physicist at Argonne National Laboratory. He was a consultant to the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations for many years, served with the U.S. START delegation in Geneva during the latter part of 1990, and is a member of the Executive and Fellowship Committees of the Forum on Physics and Society of the American Physical Society."

U.S. Missile Defense Activities and the Future of the ABM Treaty

George Lewis and He Yingbo

On September 26, 1997, the United States and Russia signed several arms control agreements, including a set of "demarcation" agreements modifying the Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty [1]. The ABM Treaty bans (with one limited exception) strategic defenses intended to defend Russian or U.S. territory from long-range strategic ballistic missiles, but does not aim to limit theater missile defense (TMD) systems for defending troops in the field or allies' cities from shorter range missiles. However, the Treaty does not specify how to distinguish theater from strategic defenses, and establishing this distinction was the nominal objective of the TMD demarcation negotiations.

During the Cold War, the ABM Treaty was widely regarded as the foundation of strategic nuclear arms control. By assuring both the United States and the Soviet Union that their missile forces would not be threatened by strategic-capable defenses, it allowed them to retain confidence in their retaliatory capabilities as they first capped and eventually reduced their strategic nuclear forces. While the Cold War has ended, ballistic-missile-based nuclear deterrence has remained a central element of the security planning of both countries, and thus the logic underlying the ABM Treaty remains valid. In fact, since arms control now aims at deep reductions in nuclear forces, the Treaty may be more important than ever, since smaller forces are generally more vulnerable to defenses.

An examination of the TMD demarcation agreements shows, however, that it will effectively eliminate the ABM Treaty's ability to prevent the deployment of strategic-capable defenses. Together with the current direction of the U.S. missile defense program, this agreement indicates that the policy of tight restraints on ballistic missile defenses that has allowed the negotiation of nuclear reduction agreements such as START II is on the verge of collapse. The large-scale deployment of strategic-capable defenses that the United States plans for the next decade will not promote nuclear reductions, and is far more likely to bring them to an abrupt end. After first discussing the TMD demarcation agreement, we will review those aspects of the U.S. missile defense program that pose the most serious problems for future nuclear reductions, specifically: the development and planned deployment of high-altitude TMD systems with strategic-capable interceptors; the planned deployment of a space-based missile tracking system; and the development of a nationwide national missile defense (NMD) system.

The TMD demarcation agreement
The United States is currently developing and planning to deploy at least six TMD systems. Some of these systems, such as the Patriot PAC-3 or the Navy Area Defense, are clearly true TMD systems with no significant strategic capabilities. However, two systems, the U.S. Army's Theater High-Altitude Area Defense (THAAD), and the Navy Theater-Wide system, both use interceptors with clear strategic capabilities.

In December 1993, the U.S. Administration launched negotiations with Russia aimed at modifying the ABM Treaty in order to be able to proceed with the development of advanced TMD systems such as THAAD and Navy Theater-Wide. At the time, U.S. officials stated that THAAD testing and deployment could not proceed without Russian agreement on modifying the Treaty.

To prevent strategic defenses from being deployed under the guise of being TMD systems, the ABM Treaty bans giving TMD systems a "capability to counter" strategic missiles or testing them against strategic missiles, but does not define the dividing line between strategic and theater. The United States proposed changing the Treaty so that any missile defense would be defined as a Treaty-compliant TMD system if it was never tested against a strategic missile - defined as a missile with peak speed greater than 5 km/second. However, Russia insisted on additional limitations, primarily an interceptor speed limit of 3 km/second. This limit would have prohibited Navy Theater-Wide and was rejected by the United States, resulting in a stalemate in the negotiations.

In March 1995, with the negotiations stalled and THAAD's first test approaching, the Clinton Administration reversed its position and declared THAAD to be Treaty compliant. It also informed Russia that until an agreement was reached (in effect, until Russia accepted the U.S. position), the United States would make unilateral decisions about the compliance of its TMD systems. At the Helsinki summit in March 1997, Clinton and Yeltsin agreed on a set of negotiating guidelines for TMD demarcation, leading to the signing of the agreement in September.

The demarcation agreement legalizes the testing and deployment of missile defenses with interceptor speeds not more than 3 km/second if they are never tested against a target with a speed greater than 5 km/second. However, with respect to high-speed systems - those with interceptors faster than 3 km/second - the demarcation reflects the disagreement between the U.S. and Russian positions. It simply bans high-speed TMD systems from being tested against missile targets with speeds greater than 5 km/second, without clarifying whether such high-speed systems that obey this testing limit would be compliant. The ambiguity in this agreement leaves it open to unilateral interpretation. The United States has stated that under its interpretation of the agreement: (1) all currently planned U.S. TMD systems are legal; (2) there are no velocity limits on TMD interceptors; (3) other than the test target speed limit, there are no restrictions on testing and deployment of TMD systems; and (4) each country can unilaterally determine the Treaty compliance of high-speed TMD systems [2].

The TMD demarcation agreement will effectively eliminate the ABM Treaty's ability to prevent the deployment of strategic-capable defenses.

Thus, under the U.S. interpretation of the agreement, there are no limits whatsoever on the capability of a TMD system. As long as a defense obeys the test target speed limit, it is either explicitly legal or can be unilaterally declared to be so, regardless of its inherent capability. The only limit -- on test target speed -- can be easily circumvented, for example by boosting the interceptor to higher speeds to simulate the higher closing speeds involved against strategic targets. And testing against actual strategic targets, albeit on slower trajectories, is not prohibited. Given this situation, it is clear that the Treaty will retain little if any ability to prevent the deployment of strategic-capable defenses.

Strategic-capable TMD systems
The TMD demarcation agreement might not be of great concern if neither the United States nor Russia intended to deploy TMD systems with strategic capabilities.

A TMD system can lack strategic-capability either because it has a very low kill probability against a strategic target (that is, it cannot hit the strategic target) or because the size of the area it can defend (its "footprint") is so small that the number of defense units required to provide meaningful coverage is prohibitive. Patriot PAC-3 and Navy Area Defense meet both these criteria, and are clearly not strategic-capable. However, this is not the case with THAAD and Navy Theater-Wide.

Both of these systems are intended to defend large areas, with dimensions of hundreds of kilometers, from theater ballistic missiles with ranges up to 3,500 km. The only intrinsic difference between such a long-range theater missile and 10,000 km range strategic missile is that the strategic missile has a maximum speed of roughly 7 km/second, compared to 5 km/second for the theater missile. Depending on the speed of the interceptor (about 2.6 km/second for THAAD, 4.5 km/second for Navy Theater-Wide), this higher speed translates into a roughly 25% higher closing speed in the intercept attempt. For intercepts outside the atmosphere, the kill probability depends on the closing speed. Unless the TMD interceptor's capability against the theater warhead was already marginal, this somewhat higher closing speed would not be expected to seriously degrade the interceptor's kill probability, since it must be substantially overdesigned to counter the wide range of circumstances that will occur during intercept attempts against even theater warheads.

This conclusion is supported by a wide range of official statements. In 1994, then Director of the Ballistic Missile Defense Organization (BMDO), General Malcolm O'Neill, showed U.S. senators a defended footprint for THAAD against an ICBM [3]. He later stated that "...Analysis indicated that in one-on-one engagements against RVs deployed on some strategic missiles, THAAD, if cued from space, would have a capability to counter a non-trivial portion of Russia's strategic force."[4]

The Light-Weight Exo-Atmospheric Projectile (LEAP) kill vehicle in the Navy Theater-Wide system was originally developed for strategic defense, and more recently a LEAP mounted on a modified Minuteman III ICBM has been proposed as a potential strategic interceptor [5]. BMDO officials and others have also proposed Navy Theater-Wide as a basis for a nationwide strategic defense [6].

Thus it is clear that both the THAAD and Navy Theater-Wide interceptors are capable of hitting strategic targets. The sizes of their defended footprints are limited, however, by the detection ranges of their radars. Using only launch point cuing (information about the launch point of an attacking missile) from currently-deployed early warning satellites, THAAD could cover an area roughly comparable to the metropolitan area of a major city [7].

However, THAAD will be highly mobile and could be used to defend U.S. territory, in which case data from the existing U.S. network of early warning radars would give it a footprint with dimensions of hundreds of kilometers against a strategic missile. Moreover, upgrades to these radars are now being developed to enable them to obtain tracking information precise enough for direct interceptor guidance, and the deployment of a space-based missile tracking system (see next section) is planned. Direct interceptor guidance by either means would give THAAD and Navy Theater-Wide very large footprints. For example, with space-based guidance, the entire United States could be covered by no more than three to five Navy Theater-Wide equipped ships.

The United States currently intends to deploy nearly 2,000 interceptors for these two systems (1,200+ for THAAD, 650 for Navy Theater-Wide).

Space-based missile tracking and interceptor guidance system
The United States is currently developing a space-based missile tracking and interceptor guidance system, the low-earth-orbit component of the Space-Based Infrared System (SBIRS-Low). This system is a holdover from the "Star Wars" program, under which it was known as Brilliant Eyes. Deployment of about 24 satellites will begin in 2004.

SBIRS-Low will use infrared and visible-light sensors to track a missile over its entire trajectory. Its tracking data will be sufficiently accurate to guide interceptors even if the target cannot be seen by the defense's ground-based radar. This is a qualitatively new capability that can greatly expand the defended footprints of high-altitude missile defenses. SBIRS-Low is explicitly intended for use with both TMD and NMD systems.

The ABM Treaty forbids the testing or deployment of space-based strategic defense components. However, U.S. officials argue that SBIRS-Low is permissible because it is not a defense component, but only an "adjunct," which assists the defense but does not replace a component. However, since SBIRS-Low is not only able to substitute for a defense's radar but is expected to do so, its development and deployment appears to be a straightforward violation of the Treaty.

SBIRS-Low would also violate the Treaty's prohibition on providing a base for a nationwide defense by putting in place a complete sensor system for a nationwide defense. By doing so it cuts at the very heart of the Treaty, a central objective of which was preventing the emplacement of such a sensor infrastructure.

Nationwide strategic ballistic missile defense.
The United States is currently developing a "thin" national missile defense system, intended to counter small-scale attacks against U.S. territory. NMD advocates cite the possibility of an accidental Russian launch, a Chinese attack, or a future third world intercontinental missile threat. Under the Clinton Administration's "3 + 3" program, this system will be developed within three years -- by 2000 -- and could be deployed in an additional three years -- as early as 2003.

The 3 + 3 plan would initially deploy roughly 20 interceptors, subsequently to be increased to 100, at the former Safeguard site near Grand Forks, North Dakota. The main NMD radar, the Ground-Based Radar (GBR), would also be located at Grand Forks. Additional necessary missile tracking capabilities would be provided by upgraded early warning radars, a new GBR-like radar in Alaska, and by SBIRS-Low. The deployment of more interceptors and multiple interceptor deployment locations are envisioned as future "evolutionary options.".

The Clinton Administration plan does not commit to deployment. Rather, it only puts in place by the year 2000 the ability to deploy within three years. However, this program was created largely to fend off Republican efforts to mandate NMD deployment by 2003. Once development of the system is completed in 2000, the pressure to deploy will become much more difficult to resist.

Despite claims that an Treaty-compliant system could be deployed at Grand Forks, any nationwide NMD deployment will violate the ABM Treaty, for at least two reasons. First, the Treaty explicitly forbids any nationwide defense. It permits one single-site strategic defense system, but limits it to covering only "an individual region" of the country. Second, due to the curvature of the Earth, it is impossible for a ground-based radar at Grand Forks to see all missile trajectories threatening the 48 contiguous states, much less Alaska and Hawaii [8]. Covering the entire country requires missile tracking sensors at multiple locations, and this is banned by the Treaty.

The deployment of such a nationwide defense would be much more than a technical violation of the ABM Treaty. It would put in place much of the infrastructure -- most importantly, the sensor infrastructure -- needed for a much thicker defense. In particular, mobile THAAD and Navy Theater-Wide interceptors could be "plugged into" the NMD sensor infrastructure to provide a rapidly deployable, much thicker defense.

The TMD demarcation agreement will effectively eliminate the ABM Treaty's ability to prevent the deployment of strategic-capable defenses. The United States is planning to deploy large numbers of strategic-capable TMD interceptors and a space-based tracking system, and is developing a nationwide NMD system. It is clear that if U.S. missile defense activities follow their present course, both the ABM Treaty and the historic policy of restraining strategic defenses will be replaced by a new era of widespread ballistic missile defense deployments.

If the Russian Duma ratifies START II, it will surely attach, as it did for START I, a proviso stating the Treaty is contingent on the preservation of the ABM Treaty. Thus this U.S. missile defense program could block implementation of START II and would almost certainly prevent deeper reductions, raising the prospect of the two countries becoming locked in at levels of thousands of nuclear warheads for the indefinite future.

This is a high price to pay, particularly given that both the effectiveness of these defenses and the threat they are intended to counter are open to serious question. The deployment of countermeasures must be expected if defenses are deployed, and high-altitude defenses appear to be vulnerable to a wide range of relatively simple countermeasures. Moreover, the existing and likely future theater ballistic missile threat is from missiles with ranges less than 1,000 km, not the 3,500 km range missiles that THAAD and Navy Theater-Wide are designed to counter, and the United States is developing several other TMD systems intended to counter such shorter-range missiles.

Unfortunately, the U.S. missile defense program is proceeding with relatively little public scrutiny of its scope and ultimate consequences. In particular, unlike during the "Star Wars" days, the independent scientif

The American Physical Society Mass Media Fellowship Program for Students

In affiliation with the popular AAAS program, APS will sponsor two ten-week fellowships for physics students to work full-time over the summer as reporters, researchers, and production assistants in mass media organizations nationwide.

PURPOSE: The program is meant to improve public understanding and appreciation of science and technology and to sharpen the ability of the fellows to communicate complex technical issues to non-specialists.

ELIGIBILITY: Priority will be given to graduate students in physics, or a closely related field, although applications also will be considered from outstanding undergraduates and postdoctoral researchers. Applicants should possess outstanding written and oral communication skills and a strong interest in learning about the media.

STIPEND: Remuneration is $4,000, plus a travel allowance of approximately $1,000.

TERM: Following an intensive three-day orientation in early June at the AAAS in Washington, winning candidates will work full-time through mid-August.

SELECTION PROCESS: During February, a review committee will screen completed applications
received by the January 15 deadline. Files of the four or five most qualified applicants will be submitted, together with those of the AAAS finalists, to host media organizations for final selection in April.

TO APPLY: The following materials must be received at the address below by JANUARY 15. Completed application form (available from the program office address below, or the APS home page:

A copy of your resume

Brief sample(s) of your writing (3-5 pages on any subject, written in language understandable to the general public -- no technical papers, please), on single-sided, 8 1/2" x 11" paper, unstapled Three letters of recommendation (to be mailed directly to the program). Two of these letters should be from faculty members; one should be a personal reference. Transcripts of your undergraduate and graduate work (to be mailed directly to the program)


APS Mass Media Fellowship Program

529 14th Street, NW, Suite 1050

Washington DC 20045

Using Technology for Education: Panel Recommendations

"During a period in which technology has fundamentally transformed America's offices, factories, and retail establishments, its impact within our nation's classrooms has generally been quite modest." --Panel on Education Technology Report. To support President Clinton's commitment to prepare American children for the twenty-first century, the President's Committee of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) formed a Panel on Education Technology. The Panel's findings were recently made available in a 135-page document entitled, "Report to the President on the Use of Technology to Strengthen K-12 Education in the United States" (March 1997.) "If the federal government is to play a meaningful role in applying technology effectively within the nation's elementary and secondary schools," the Panel states, "the deployment of computers and their interconnection...must not be viewed as an end in itself." The report emphasizes that importance must also be given to understanding methods of using technologies for teaching, developing appropriate software, providing teachers with the time and training to integrate it into the curriculum, and evaluating what methods are most successful. On the basis of its review of current policies, programs, and pedagogy, the Panel makes the following recommendations:

  1. Focus on Learning with Technology; Not About Technology. "Although universal technological literacy is a laudable national goal," the report says, "the Panel believes the Administration should work toward the use of computing and networking technologies to improve the quality of education in all subject areas."
  2. Emphasize Content and Pedagogy, and Not Just Hardware. Although "access to modern hardware remains a significant impediment," the Panel finds "widespread agreement that one of the principal factors now limiting the extensive and effective use of technology within American schools is the relative dearth of high-quality computer software and digital content designed specifically for that purpose."
  3. Give Special Attention to Professional Development. "The benefit to students increasingly will depend on the skill with which some three million teachers are able to use these new tools," the report claims. Yet the Panel's review shows that "among teachers who report having one or more computer systems readily available at school, only 62 percent use a computer regularly for instruction." It attributes this to the fact that teachers currently receive little technical, pedagogical, or administrative support for integrating educational technologies, and few education colleges prepare them to use such tools in the classrooms. The Panel calls for doubling the amount of the typical education technology budget devoted to teacher development from 15 percent to at least 30 percent.
  4. Engage in Realistic Budgeting. The Panel warns educators that "in the absence of realistic budgetary planning, schools and school districts are prone to overspending on the initial acquisition of hardware, and may find themselves with inadequate funding for upgrading and replacement, software and content, hardware and software maintenance, professional development for teachers, and the hiring and retention of necessary technical support personnel." It recommends that the amount of public investment in K-12 education devoted to technology-related expenditures be increased from approximately 1.3 percent to at least five percent (about $13 billion per year in 1996 dollars.)
  5. Ensure Equitable, Universal Access. The Panel comments that in recent years, "specifically targeted federal programs have...helped to substantially mitigate some of the disparities in access to educational technology." However, it finds reasons for continued concern, and notes that "systematic disparities in the availability of computers and modems within the home may represent an even greater problem from the viewpoint of equitable access."
  6. Initiate A Major Program of Experimental Research. "In the judgment of the Panel," the report says, "any research that sheds light on how technology might be employed in efficacious...or cost-effective manner would be of great value in maximizing the ratio of benefit to cost." It adds, "In the long run, the Panel believes that much of the promise of educational technology is likely to remain unfulfilled in the absence of a significant increase in the level of funding available for research in this area." The Panel recommends gradually increasing this percentage so that "a steady-state allocation of no less than 0.5 percent of our nation's aggregate K-12 educational spending (or approximately $1.5 billion per year at present expenditure levels) be made to federally sponsored research aimed specifically at improving the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of K-12 education in the United States." The fraction of educational spending currently devoted to this aspect is less than 0.1 percent. The report generally praises the Clinton Administration's current educational technology efforts, finding that "most of the areas the Panel has identified as critical to the successful deployment of educational technology are encompassed by the President's initiative." But it adds the following caveat: "The most important respect in which the Panel believes the President's initiative should be fundamentally broadened and strengthened, however, relates to the pressing need for large-scale, federally sponsored research and evaluation." Copies of the report can be obtained by calling 212-478-0608 or emailing a request to The full text is available on the Web at:

Reprinted from: The American Institute of Physics Bulletin of Science Policy NewsNumber 107: September 4, 1997

Good (relatively) News from TIMSS

A June 10, 1997 report on results from the Third International Mathematical and Science Study (TIMSS) states that "U.S. fourth-graders perform above the international average of the 26 TIMSS countries in both mathematics and science." For this grade level, only Korean students outperformed the U.S., whereas Japan, Austria, Australia, Holland, and the Czech Republic showed comparable performance. In math, fourth-graders from Singapore, Korea, Japan, Hong Kong, Holland, Czech Republic, and Austria all performed above U.S. fourth-graders. The U.S. showed no significant sex disparity in fourth-grade math, but did show disparity in science, especially physical science and earth science. Further details can be obtained from AIP's FYI #87, by Audrey Leath, from which all the information in this article was taken. In addition, Ms. Leath gives an internet address at which the 68-page report, "Pursuing Excellence: A Study of U.S. Fourth-Grade Mathematics and Science Achievement in International Context" can be obtained:

Summer Scare

In June of this year, the National Association of Graduate-Professional Students sent out an electronic alert with the title "House Cmte Votes 1000% Tax Increase on Grad Students". The alert went on to report that the House Ways and Means Committee had voted in favor of a tax bill that provided for elimination of Section 117d of the Internal Revenue Code. That Section protects from taxation the tuition wavers often granted by universities to graduate research and teaching assistants. The resolution of this alert/issue was described in Bob Park's What's New of August 15. In conference, the House-proposed tax waiver elimination was eliminated, and the Senate version, preserving the waiver, prevailed. Thus, the House bill that had been offered "to make taxes more fair" was not passed, much to the relief of many graduate students.

Physics Education and Employment

AIP's FYI #104, authored by Audrey Leath and dated August 21, 1997, gives detailed information regarding the current conditions of physics education and employment. Included in her article are quotes from the following reports from AIP's Division of Education and Employment Statistics:

  • 1995-96 Academic Workforce Report: Publication No. R-392.2, March 1997
  • Physicists in Government: Publication No. R-398.2, April 1997
  • Salaries 1996: Publication No. R-311.09a, April 1997
  • Enrollments and Degrees: Publication No. R-151.33, April 1997
  • 1996 Bachelor's Degree Recipients Report: Publication No. R-211.28, June 1997
  • 1996 Initial Employment Follow-Up of 1995 Physics Degree Recipients: Publication No. R-282.19, July 1997
  • All of these reports can be ordered by calling 301-209-3070. Below are some representative quotes from some of the above-listed reports.
  • "Although academia continues to be the largest single employer of PhD physicists who remain in physics...only 5% of 1995 PhD recipients who remained in the U.S. secured potentially permanent faculty positions within six months of completing their degrees. The vast majority of the remainder went on to postdoctoral fellowships..."
  • "Government workers with a physics background are more than twice as likely to have PhDs as their colleagues in the private sector..."
  • "...the median annual salary for full-time employed [AIP member] society members with PhDs reached $65,000, with master's degrees, $55,000, and with bachelor's degrees, $50,000."
  • "Enrollments in degree programs for both graduate and undergraduate majors are experiencing substantial declines...A decade-long increase in physics doctorate production appears to be leveling off, with the 1995 degree total at 1,461."

End of Cold Fusion?

Robert Park's What's New of August 29, 1997 contains a short piece on cold fusion. According to Park, Japan's Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) announced earlier that week that the odds of cold fusion being a viable source of energy no longer justify even a small research program in Japan. Since the Japanese government had been more tenacious than most other governments in keeping an open-mind toward cold fusion, MITI's announcement appears to represent a major nail in the coffin for cold fusion.

Vindication of APS?

Also from Park's August 29 piece: A federal judge in New York rejected all claims by the publisher Gordon & Breach, who had sued the APS, AIP, and Henry Barschall for Barschall's 1988 publication comparing the cost-effectiveness of physics journals. This means that the G&B suits in Germany, Switzerland, France, and the U.S. have all failed.

Mir Debate.

Recently added to the debate over the wisdom of building a new space station has been the issue of continued U.S. participation aboard the Russian MIR station. Herewith are quotations (all from AIP's FYIs, authored by Audrey Leath) from American elected representatives regarding U.S. participation in the new [Freedom] and the old [MIR] space stations:

Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison, "Part of the American dream is the commitment to research. It is the commitment to the future. An important part of that is space and the space station [Freedom].... To walk away from that would be un-American and it would be unthinkable."

House Science Committee Chairman James Sensenbrenner, on June 25 following that morning's collision of an unmanned resupply vehicle with MIR , "I, for one, can no longer sit idly by as mishap after mishap occur while we continue to plan the next Shuttle mission to Mir hoping for, but not really expecting, the mission will succeed without a potentially life-threatening situation."

Senator Christopher Bond," ...the vast body, I think, of scientific knowledge and scientific expertise indicates that the space station is a tremendous opportunity for us to expand our knowledge not only about space but to develop new processes, new pharmaceuticals, medical advancements, and items that can be of tremendous benefit for us here on Earth."

Senator Dale Bumpers ," Almost all the scientists in the country, virtually every Nobel physicist, virtually every scientific group in America, opposes the space station... Do you have any idea, when we sit in the Agriculture Committee talking about research, how we have to grovel and fight and scratch and claw for every dime we get for research? Do you know the National Institutes of Health can only fund one out of every four good scientific projects that are brought to them? Do you know what real medical research could be done if we simply gave them the cost of one space shuttle flight?...virtually 99% of all the physicists in the world...oppose this thing and say we ought to be spending the money on legitimate medical research. You are not going to get a cure for warts out of the space station."

Senator John Glenn, "Furthermore, the international space station will continue research into fundamental physics. Scientists use low gravity to test fundamental theories of physics with degrees of accuracy that far exceed the capacity of earthbound science....The long-term benefits will challenge and expand our theories of how matter organizes as it changes state, and that is especially important in understanding superconductivity and its advantages. We can also test the theory of relativity with precision beyond the capacity of earthbound science."
Senator Phil Gramm,"This ultimately comes down to a debate between investing in the next election and investing in the next generation."

NSF Budget.

AIP's FYI #122, written by Richard M. Jones on October 10, 1997, gives some of the final 1998 budget figures for NSF. According to Jones, the following actions followed less than three minutes of debate in the Senate regarding H.R. 2158, the VA, HUD, and Independent Agencies Appropriations Bill:

Congress approved $62 million more than requested by the Clinton Administration. Instead of the Administrations 3% increase over FY 1997, the funded increase was 5%, or $ 159 million. The breakdown is as follows:

Research and related activities increases $114 million, to $ 2.546 billion. This includes funding for work on Knowledge and Distributed Intelligence, Life and Earth's Environment, Next Generation Internet activities, peer-reviewed plant genome research, and the U.S./Mexico Foundation for Science. NSF was encouraged to "study how it would establish and operate a National Institute for the Environment...".

Major Research Equipment increases $29 million to $ 109 million. This includes $ 4 million for technical enhancements to the Gemini telescope project and $ 70 million for upgrades to Antarctic facilities.

Education and Human Resources increases $ 14.5 million to $ 632.5 million. From this, $2 million will be provided for Advanced Technology Education and $ 5 million for an initiative to improve the production of science and engineering doctorates drawn from under-represented groups.

Nuclear Energy: Principles, Practices and Prospects

by David Bodansky. American Institute of Physics Press (now Springer-Verlag), New York 1996. ISBN 1-56396-244-6, 396 pages, $65.

The 16 chapters of David Bodansky's book, comprising 344 content-filled pages, offer an unusually objective, wide-ranging and thorough discussion of, as the title states, the "principles, practices, and prospects" of nuclear energy. A notion of the range is conveyed by the chapter titles: nuclear power development, natural radioactivity and radiation exposures, neutron reactions, nuclear fission, chain reactions and nuclear reactors, types of nuclear reactors, nuclear fuel cycle, nuclear waste disposal, magnitudes of waste, storage and disposal of nuclear wastes, administrative and policy issues in nuclear waste disposal, nuclear reactor safety, nuclear reactor accidents, reactor safety and future nuclear reactors, nuclear energy and nuclear-weapons proliferation, costs of electricity from nuclear power, and the prospects for nuclear power. Each chapter is fully referenced and examines a broad selection of subtopics, often in very considerable technical detail. For example, chapter 7, on the nuclear fuel cycle, includes a section on uranium enrichment which reproduces a graph of the gaseous diffusion "separative work" (a measure of the energy required to produce one kilogram of enriched uranium product) as a function of the percentage of U-235 enrichment; the eleven information-packed pages on the Chernobyl accident in Chapter 12, nuclear reactor accidents, contain expressions for computing the void coefficient (the derivative of the reactivity with respect to the fraction of the reactor coolant water that is steam) in a graphite-moderated Chernobyl-type reactor. Moreover the book's discussions, even of highly contentious nuclear energy issues on which Bodansky undoubtedly has his own strong opinions, e.g., nuclear waste disposal and the risks of nuclear weapons proliferation, are uniformly thoughtful and fair.

In short, for any physicist who is not expert on nuclear power matters but is concerned about their societal implications, i.e., for the typical reader of Physics & Society, Bodansky's Nuclear Energy is an excellent reference work on the "principles, practices and prospects" of nuclear energy, circa 1997 and probably for a good many years beyond. Certainly I endorse the conclusions of previous reviewers: "[T]his is by far the best book I have seen on nuclear energy for the interested scientist. Every physics professor and physics library should have a copy" (1). "The book provides a superb background for scientists and those in technical fields. It provides probably all the information that many people, including government policy makers, will ever need" (2). The book is intended for a larger audience than "scientists and those in technical fields," however. In its preface Bodansky writes, "I therefore hope that the book will be useful to readers with a wide variety of backgrounds who have an interest in nuclear energy matters." Especially for the benefit of such readers "with relatively little background in physics and engineering" (again quoting from the preface), the book includes: an 18-page appendix "elementary aspects of nuclear physics"; a second appendix listing selected physical constants, conversion factors, the elements from Z = 1 to 105, and properties of selected radionucleides; a three-page list of acronyms and abbreviations used in the text; and a 14-page glossary of defined terms, from "absorbed dose" through "mean free path" to "zircaloy" and "zirconium".

Despite these laudable efforts by Bodansky, I greatly doubt the book "will be useful" to, or even will come to the attention of, readers who are not already technically trained. Such a reader is unlikely to gain much understanding of nuclear physics, even in its elementary aspects, from an 18-page capsulation, especially one that is chock full of equations, for example the derivation of the mean life of a radioactive species from the integral over its exponential probability of decay. In any event, and wholly aside from its liberal use of equations (which, as Bodansky notes in the Preface, is not customary in a book for a "lay audience"), only a highly dedicated "lay" reader can be expected to work his/her way through the many detailed technical discussions the book contains. Consequently it is not surprising that I could not find Bodansky's book on the shelves of my local Barnes & Noble and Borders bookstores, or that the only previous reviews to which his publisher could refer me--namely the reviews referenced below--are, like this review, confined to physics journals.

Although this is not surprising, it is nevertheless regrettable, since Bodansky's technical discussions of nuclear energy issues have important public policy implications which many influential nonscientist segments of our society, from anti-nuclear environmentalists to nuclear power advocates to Congressmen, can grasp. Therefore, particularly because Bodansky's balanced low-key style carries conviction, I hope he will consider writing a second book, frankly addressed to nonscientist readers solely, wherein the many discussions of consequential nuclear energy issues his book offers, e.g., of the links between nuclear power and nuclear weapons, are intelligibly recast (as I believe they can be) without equations beyond the obvious, and without attempting to instruct the reader in any aspects of nuclear physics beyond the most elementary. It is in society's interest that he do so. I don't know whether Professor Bodansky will thank me for this suggestion, but I am reasonably confident that if he acts on it his publisher will be grateful.

1. Richard Wilson, Physics Today 50, 64 (May 1997).

2. Stephen Frantz, Am. J. Phys. 65, 453 (May 1997).

Edward Gerjuoy

University of Pittsburgh

Pittsburgh, PA 15260

The Future of U.S. Nuclear Weapons Policy

by the Committee on International Security and Arms Control of the National Academy of Sciences, National Academy Press, Washington, DC, 1997, 110 pages, $15

At the close of the Cold War in 1991, the National Academy of Sciences released a landmark report, The Future of the U.S.-Soviet Nuclear Relationship. The report advised the U.S. and USSR. to reduce to 3500 weapons, to eliminate land-based MIRVed ICBMs, to remove most of the tactical weapons from Europe, to reduce the target base from 5,000-9,000 to 1,000-1,600, and so forth. These recommendations were quickly popularized by the Congressional testimony of Michael May and Wolfgang ("Pief") Panofsky. In a nutshell, the Academy gets high credit for encouraging the executive branch and congress to move the world to more sensible nuclear policies.

A half-dozen years later, the Academy has released the sequel, The Future of U.S. Nuclear Weapons Policy, which is intended to move strategic arms control beyond START II towards the deeper cuts of STARTs III, IV and V. The second report appears now at a time when the Russian military colossus is stumbling and the DUMA has START II on hold. The lack of viable economics limits Russia's choices, but it is imperative for both dance partners that they waltz together to the ratification rumba. Without the DUMA's ratification of START II, the political will to follow the Academy's recommendations will be slowed. Some of the 1997 recommendations are as follows:

After the reductions envisioned in a START III accord (to some 2,000 to 2,500 strategic warheads), reductions to about 1,000 total (strategic and tactical) warheads each for the U.S. and Russia would be logical. A force of this size could effectively maintain the core function against the most challenging potential U.S. adversaries under any credible circumstance.

At lower levels of warheads, it is necessary to begin counting individual warheads and verifying warhead dismantlement. Even an imperfect verification regime would greatly reduce the uncertainties in present U.S. estimates of the number of Russian warheads.

The U.S. has a far greater potential for uploading its systems than Russia because of the capabilities of U.S. delivery vehicles. The Committee recommends reconsideration of the Nuclear Posture Review's "hedge" strategy, the ability to deploy thousands of additional warheads by increasing warhead loading on existing missiles and bombers.

The Committee recommends that the nuclear postures be softened by removing the launch-on warning, massive attack options. They recommend adopting a more flexible planning system of "adaptive targeting" that would not be based on predetermined prompt attacks on counterforce targets.

The decline in Russian conventional military forces, the decline in Russian national technical means of verification and radar warning systems, and the garrisoning of SS-25s and in-port SLBMs have probably pushed the Russians towards closer to hair-trigger responses. The Committee recognizes that removing systems from alert could lessen these problems, but recognizes that further work is needed to determine which systems should be removed from continuous-alert practices in ways to avoid instabilities.

If the strides between the dance partners are orchestrated with the ratification of START II, some of the NAS recommendations should be relatively simple, such as reducing to 2,000 (and even 1,000) warheads. Some of the other steps will be more difficult, such as meaningful warhead dismantlement and counting. For centuries, military leaders have said that dangerous threats come from a combination of good military capabilities and bad political intentions. If the intentions of both partners are pure, even the more difficult tasks become possible. In the meantime, retaining a survivable deterrent under the sea should keep the dance floor dry. I heartily recommend The Future of U.S. Nuclear Weapons Policy for a good discussion of current strategic nuclear issues.

David Hafemeister

Physics Department

California Polytechnic State University

San Luis Obispo, CA 93407

Forum Launches Campaign to Endow the Szilard Lectureship

The APS Forum on Physics and Society has launched an effort to establish a $60,000 endowment for a Leo Szilard Lectureship for Physics in the Public Interest. Prominent physicists, such as Hans Bethe, Sid Drell, Wolfgang Panofsky, Dick Garwin, Art Rosenfeld and some 20 others, have won the Szilard Award. The proposed award and lectureship, which would replace the currently unfunded award, would provide exposure for outstanding physicists who have applied their science for the benefit of society. Recipients would receive an honorarium of $1000 and travel funds to at least two institutions where they would speak about their work.

In the dawn of the nuclear age, prominent physicists led the debate over the control of nuclear weapons; subsequently physicists lent their insights to the discussion of such issues as the impacts and shortfall of energy, the antiballistic missile treaty and Star Wars. But physicists involved in public service seem to be less visible today, so that younger physicists have fewer positive examples to follow. At the same time, the young PhDs are under great pressure to get and keep a job, and they are often shown only traditional paths. We would like to expose them to new directions, many of them still compatible with careers in traditional disciplines, and introduce them to many individuals who have done excellent physics to solve or elucidate problem of importance to society.

Stimulated by the American Physical Society's Forum on Physics and Society, we are proposing the Leo Szilard Lectureship to increase the visibility of physicists working for the public good and to provide positive role models. The lectureship would be named for Leo Szilard, an eminent physicist whose career was dominated by concern for the social consequences of science. Hopefully the award could be funded in 1998, the 100th anniversary of Szilard's birth. Thus far we have obtained slightly over 25% of the $60,000 endowment, with help from a lead donation by the Packard Corporation. We will continue to solicit foundations, but we also hope you can join with us and former winners of the Szilard Award as an individual donor. Please send your contribution (payable to the APS) to Barbara Levi, 1616 La Vista del Oceano, Santa Barbara, CA 93109. Twenty recipients of the Szilard Award have signed on as members of the Leo Szilard Lectureship Committee. The working committee consists of David Hafemeister, Tina Kaarsberg and Barbara Levi. Thank you for your support.

Ethical Issues in Physics Workshop II Proceedings

Synopsis prepared by Marshall Thomsen and Bonnie Wylo

The second workshop to study ethical issues in physics was held at Eastern Michigan University's Corporate Education Center on July 19-20, 1996. The purpose of the second workshop was to study issues time had not permitted the 1993 workshop to address. The Proceedings have recently been published and will soon be available on the World Wide Web. Preparation for the 1996 workshop began in 1995 with a survey of physicists to help identify ethical issues of most importance to the physics community. Some results of that survey are discussed in the first paper, by Bonnie Wylo and Marshall Thomsen. The survey targeted primarily members of the Forum onPhysics and Society. All those surveyed were asked to identify specific ethical issues of relevance to them in their job setting, and those in academia were also questioned on the possibility of offering formal training to students on ethical issues. While there did seem to be a fair number of respondents in academia who thought offering a course in ethics was a possibility, it was interesting to note that some of the stronger sentiment for the need for such a course came from respondents in industry. Given recent employment trends in physics, this is a result worth noting.

Following the paper on the survey results, Caroline Herzenberg discusses organizational pressures which may come to bear on a physicist trying to act in accordance with ethical standards. Such pressure may become a form of harassment. While discussions on ethics often revolve around the obligation to act ethically, Herzenberg's paper focuses on the right to act ethically. Her identification of different harassment mechanisms provides a useful framework for studying harassment in the workplace. An appendix to the paper provides numerous concrete descriptions of harassment and could itself be a springboard for classroom discussion. Alvin Saperstein addresses several ethical issues faced by physicists who teach, looking at both institutional pressures affecting the balance between teaching and research as well as at the methods used by physicists as they teach. He calls into question the apparently generally accepted model of a research university in which the number one priority of faculty is research and teaching is handled primarily by traditional methods. While doctors are held accountable for keeping up with the latest medical techniques which are of most benefit to their patients, the same is not in general true for physicists keeping up with the latest research on teaching methods. While there have been significant discussions on the content of physics courses and curricula, Saperstein's paper is a call for physicists to pay more attention to the teaching process.

Tina Kaarsberg discusses the obligation of the physics community as a whole to provide input into important public policy decisions. She uses the broad set of issues related to the sustainability of present natural resource utilization trends to illustrate the ethical obligation of physicists to become more active in public policy matters. She examines the present status of public policy input and argues the need for more physicists specifically trained in this area of public policy input and for greater institutional support for physicists who choose to get involved in public policy debate. David Resnik provides insight into the nature of interactions between scientists and the media, in particular highlighting some of the problems associated with differing priorities between these two groups. If the general public is misled by the representation of science in the media, then they will be unable to make informed decisions which have a technological component. Thus scientists need to pay careful attention to how they relate to the media. The paper describes in detail the most common forms of interaction of scientists with the media and also provides a good overview of public perceptions and misperceptions about science and how these relate to the media portrayal of science.

Priscilla Auchincloss introduces the question of gender and how this may affect ethical issues in physics. Presumably the physics community does not intend to exclude women, and many of the social barriers to women's participation have been removed. Yet women continue to be more underrepresented in the physics community than in most other sciences. It is therefore reasonable to ask whether physicists have an ethical obligation to ensure that their community encourages women (and minorities) to participate, what the nature of this obligation might be, and how the community could or should meet it. The under representation of women challenges the notion that science is gender neutral and invites a reexamination of values (like objectivity) linked to the making of knowledge.

Finally Marshall Thomsen gives an overview of the numerous ethical issues associated with the publication process in physics and how those issues will be affected by likely changes associated with electronic forms of information storage and communication. The paper is tutorial in nature, providing a brief overview of the publication process so that it can be understood by students without much experience in this area. Relevant ethical standards as described by the APS code for professional responsibility and the Physical Review Letters instructions to authors are discussed, and unresolved problem areas are identified.

Bound copies of the proceedings are available by contacting Marshall Thomsen, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, MI 48197, or by sending an e-mail request to . We have funds to distribute a limited number of these at no charge for either personal use or inclusion in a library. We hope to have these proceedings as well as most of the proceedings from the first workshop available the World Wide Web (check The intent is to allow this material to be freely copied for personal and educational uses. Papers in the first Proceedings include "Philosophical Foundations of Scientific Ethics" by David Resnik, "Introducing Ethical Issues in the Physics Classroom" by Marshall Thomsen, "Good to the Last Drop? Millikan Stories as 'Canned' Pedagogy" by Ullica Segerstrle, "Some Issues of Government- sponsored Research in Industry" by J. P. Sheerin, "Physics and the Classified Community" by Ruth Howes, and "Public Science" by Francis Slakey. The paper by Segerstrle will not be available on the web site since it has been published elsewhere. A limited number of printed copies of the Proceedings from the first workshop still remain and are available upon request. This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. SBR-9511817. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.