Archived Newsletters

Responses to "The Job Crisis and Women in Physics"

Gordon Freeman (January 1996) suggests that much of the increase in societal problems--unemployment, youth crime, civil strife--is generated by mothers who earn money. He suggests further that the APS is contributing to these problems by encouraging women to pursue careers in physics and that the APS should recommend there be only one income per family.

In response, I would like to reaffirm that the APS is proud of its efforts to increase the participation of women in the physics profession. We believe that our goal of advancing and diffusing the knowledge of physics is best served if the profession draws upon the widest possible spectrum of talented individuals. We are therefore committed to removing barriers that limit the participation of women in physics and to make available to women the same range of career choices traditionally open to men. Women have the right, the need and the talent to compete for these opportunities. The achievements of our female colleagues speak for themselves.

J. Robert Schrieffer, President
American Physical Society

As a new member of the FPS I was quite surprised to read Freeman's letter linking child, abuse, crime rates and women physicists. The publication of this letter is evidence of either the editorial board's desire to promote discussion on deeply held political beliefs, or their sense of humor. In either case, the idea that women who practice physics, or any other career, have abandoned their parental duties, abuse their children, and are responsible for the breakdown of society, must be seriously rebutted.

Freeman presents no numbers to support his conclusion that women working outside the home, as scientists or elsewhere, is the cause of ``the growth in youth crime.'' His statistics are limited to the rise and fall of total physics Ph.D.'s awarded to men and women. The causal link to an unsubstantiated rise in child abuse, youth crime, and civil strife, is missing. I could equally well conclude that the percentage of Ph.D.'s awarded to women (approximately 30%) in our department is related to the highly touted recent decrease in urban murder rates (up to 30%). The link in both cases is fictitious.

Furthermore, women do not choose to study physics because "the feminist propaganda machine has taken over to increase the number of women in physics." They choose a career in physics for the same reasons men do: to satisfy a basic need for intellectually stimulating work, and for the joy of understanding the physical world. These are not manly traits, as Freeman suggests, but human traits.

It is a credit to feminist organizations, and the physics community in general, that women have access to classrooms and laboratories where they can reach their full potential. Thirty years ago, when my own mother sought a degree in physics, she was told that the most she could hope for was a place in the library, or perhaps a high school teaching job. Although other women of her generation did go on to full time scientific careers, my mother focused her energy towards raising a family, an occasional part-time university teaching job, and volunteering in the local school system. It is only as I near the completion of my own Ph.D. in physics that I realize both the deep satisfaction she obtained as a mother, and the loss she feels for never becoming a practicing scientist. Today, many women and their partners are successfully combining family life with a career in physics. It will not be easy for both my husband and me to find jobs in physics and some day have a family, but we certainly face no more barriers than my parents did at the end of the sixties.

No one wants women to have "all that manly training, [and] become unwomanly enough to abandon their children." I doubt anyone wants men to have that kind of manly training either. Raising children is both challenging and rewarding in its own right. Let us encourage all members of the physics community to recognize the importance of bringing up the next generation of scientifically literate and socially responsible citizens. The solution is not a return to the days of fiercely maintained separation between the supposedly womanly sphere of the home and manly sphere of science. Instead we must work toward the existence of a full spectrum of opportunities, stretching from full-time homemaker to full-time scientist. Only in this way can all individuals make their greatest contribution to physics and society, while achieving intellectual and emotional satisfaction.

Rhonda Michele Stroud
Department of Physics
Washington University

The letter by Gordon Freeman (January) makes me wonder if he prefers freeman to freewoman. That is, if Mrs. Freeman made more money than Mr. Freeman, would Mr. Freeman stay home while Mrs. Freeman had power lunches and made money? Mr. Freeman, will you kindly check this question with Ms. Freeman and get back to Physics and Society about it?

David Hafemeister
Department of Physics
California Polytechnic State University

My reaction is that Freeman intends a "two-parent, one-income family" policy to result in less recruiting of women into physics. Clearly, though, such a policy would not result in fewer women in physics. Many of the women in physics I know do not have children, thus their pursuit must not offend Freeman's intent in social engineering. In fact, of the "two-parent, two-income families" I know, it is the father who is the physicist, and often he has tenure. Clearly, it would open up many more jobs for young physicists if such men (and the few women) were forced to take a sabbatical until their children were at least in middle school. Perhaps faculty with working spouses and school age children could work only part time, teaching morning classes and returning home in the early afternoon. Research could be postponed until the nest had emptied.

Such a policy would both provide more jobs for the current pool of postdocs, and would provide a more welcoming climate for the women and men physicists who feel penalized in the tenure track for wanting to spend time with their kids. Gordon Freeman has proposed something far more modest in solving the problem of unsupervised children than Johnathan Swift ever did.

Judith E. Bush
Physics Department
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6396

I was touched by Gordon Freeman's letter urging us to pay more attention to our children, not only in general, but to our own. He raises the question of whether we women physicists (maybe men physicists too?) should spend more time with our children rather than with our work.

I was particularly touched because my son is in prison. He is the one who came to us at 8, having had drug withdrawal symptoms at birth, and been sexually abused when he was young. He was the one we taught to read, to play the piano and trumpet, about clouds and climate and fractions and spelling and people and things. He is the one for whom I and my children and my husband and my parents and many others gave up weekends and summers and evenings and trips, to give him the structure which in the end was not enough. He was the one who tested the limits--of our love, our resolve, our flexibility, and our family.

But my older children seem to be as solid as they come, both my daughter who grew up with me through years of single parenting, and my son who came to us at 13, also from an earlier troubled life. Maybe we can be excused by Freeman, because much of the time we have been a single income family, as my husband--who decided to relocate where we live--looked for a job?

In raising my own children, what I found I wanted was the hours of 3-8pm, to spend with them. Fortunately, by putting back the hours other times, I was able to find that time, when I needed it. I applaud the modern trends that allow many young parents to find that flexibility.

No one can deny that young children need love and attention from those close to them. And parents who work, whether driven by a love of work or by more prosaic concerns like paying for groceries and rent, think hard about how to give that love and that attention.

Women still, even after all these years, are not much more than 10% of physics PhD's. So they are a very small part of the total employment market, and problem.

As a nation, we still need our very best talent if our science, economy and country are to move forward. It is a mistake to exclude any segments from the pool, just as it is a mistake to suppose that every person interested in physics should be a research physicist.

We have made progress in using both the scientific and parental talents of both the men and women in our society. I believe we will continue this successful trend.

Julia Thompson
Professor of Physics
University of Pittsburgh.

Further Responses to Vaclav Havel

In criticising the scientific validity of the Anthropic Principle and the Gaia Hypothesis, respondents Sher and Weinstein (January 1996) miss Havel's (October 1995) point. Havel nowhere claims that these ideas are "facts." He asks, rather, what makes these ideas so inspiring. A politician and scholar with no advanced scientific training, he has nevertheless reached to concepts involving science (rather than the usual supernatural foundations of traditional religions) in attempting to formulate a resolution of the cultural crisis that he identified. For that we should be grateful, and take note that even though the concepts he chooses are "on the border between... science and myth," they are not pseudoscience a la astrology, etc.

I suspect that if a purely "rationalist" view of existence were sufficient to satisfy our natures, it would long ago have attained dominance in the many societies where such views have been available. Those familiar with Joseph Campbell's work will recognize the need for myth in human thought. We will be better off if our myths incorporate concepts from science, however modified, than if they rely on the angels and angry gods of traditional religions. Most people, if suitably educated in basic science, will have no trouble distinguishing between the science and the myth. Earlier societies developed mythologies based on nature, and it is clear from their often-prosperous survival that they knew perfectly well how to distinguish myth from reality. Should we expect less of ourselves?

Many scientists, believing that "rational thought" alone will solve all human problems, may find this idea itself irrelevant or wrong. But surely, if pressed, they will agree that many human decisions and problems involve subjective considerations and hence cannot be addressed by logic alone. Value judgments must be made. Even after a value judgment is made, and logic then leads to a decision, the computation (involving some variant of "the greatest good for the greatest number") is often beyond practicality, and a further subjective decision is required. If these decisions are to be made in a way that leads to a successful society, then we must resolve the spiritual crisis that Havel has described. If the resulting world view incorporates, even in a "fuzzy" way, good science, we will be much better off than if it incorporates bad science (as did, for example, the world view of Nazi Germany).

All this leads me to comment on Karl Puechl's (January) preference that articles such as Havel's not be included in the Forum's newsletter. This letter is such a sick joke that it seems on the one hand that one should not respond to it, and yet its publication invites response. Furthermore I suspect that there are others who hold views that, while less extreme, are still along the lines of: "why do physicists need to be concerned with any ideas other than physics?" I am sure that most readers are clever enough to understand quite well why. I hope that the Forum will bring in more material of this sort.

James R. Sheats
Hewlett Packard Laboratories
Palo Alto, CA 94304

My previous letter (January 1996) was so scathing because I am deeply concerned. There are many Rintellectuals,S such as Vaclav Havel (October 1995), who apparently are for such good things as ecology, feminism, equality, etc., but who are at the same time opposed to rationalism. Two recently published books elaborate on this phenomenon. The first one, Uncommon Sense: The Heretical Nature of Science (Oxford University Press, New York, 1993) by Alan Cromer, a physics professor at Northeastern University, I put in the RgreatS category. The second, Higher Superstition: The Academic Left and Its Quarrel with Science (The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, 1994) by Paul R. Gross, a biologist at the University of Virginia, and Norman Levitt, a mathematician at Rutgers, is the more disturbing of the two.

Cromer believes that the scientific method does not automatically evolve with civilization and culture. He notes that it did not evolve in China or India, both of which had older and at one time more sophisticated cultures than those that had developed in the West. He believes that the scientific method is a unique derivative of Greek civilization with its admiration and near-obsession for open debate; hence, it is something that may be quite fragile. If he is correct, this makes Gross and Levitt's book all the scarier.

Let me cite some of the illogical and scary garbage that forced Gross and Levitt to write their indictment of the academic left:

Andrew Ross, Professor of English at Princeton writes: RAbove all, the old demon, rationalism, must be banished. How can metaphysical life theories and explanations taken seriously by millions be ignored or excluded by a small group of powerful people called TscientistsU?S Apparently, Ross believes that New Age beliefs, astrology, ESP, etc. must be true since so many people believe them. Ergo, since science can't explain them, there must be something wrong with science!

In his book, Strange Weather: Culture, Science and Technology in the Age of Limits, Ross further writes: RThis book is dedicated to all of the science teachers I never had. It could only have been written without them.S Strange it is that a well-known scholar should write a book on a subject about which he knows, evidently, virtually nothing. It is stranger still that the book can rise to almost biblical status within the humanist community.

Evelyn Fox Keller, another English professor and a feminist, writes about the need for a "feminist algebra." Gross and Levitt respond: "This feminism is no different from an imaginary Christian fundamentalist pedagogy requiring that all math problems illustrate biblical episodes and preach evangelical sermons." Keller further decries scientists for "torturing nature" in order to extract its secrets. One of her examples of such "torture" is subjecting matter to high energies in particle accelerators. Material abuse! Have you particle physicists no shame?

Cultural anthropologist Robin Fox has summed this up nicely as follows: "English literature departments are reconstituting themselves as cultural studies departments and are trying to take over the intellectual world. ItUs a heady time for them and a scary time for science."

In his review of Higher Superstition, Arthur R. Kantrowitz wrote in Physics Today (January 1995): "The pigeonholing of science as a white, European, bourgeois, male, etc. view of the world is taken seriously by many members of the humanities and social science faculties of our leading universities and by literary intellectuals generally. To such demystifiers, the knowledge produced by science is no more reliable than that produced by Rother ways of knowing.S

As Gross and Levitt put it, "Once it has been affirmed that one discursive community is as good as another, that the narrative of science holds no privileges over the narratives of superstition, the newly minted cultural critic can actually revel in his ignorance of deep scientific ideas."

IUll end with another excerpt by Gross and Levitt: "The left's flirtation with irrationalism, its reactionary rejection of the scientific worldview, is deplorable and contradicts its own deepest traditions. ...The literary intellectuals control most of the undergraduate years of people who go on to become teachers, lawyers and journalists. To an alarming degree they have broadcast the proposition that science is too dangerous, and they have given prominence to 'other ways of knowing,' which they have put forward as more politically correct."

Karl H. Puechl
26864 Stanford Street
Hemet, California 92544

The Information Age, and the Demand for Physicists

Tolerance, Shades of Gray, and Relativism

I found Art HobsonUs essay RZealots, Rational Decisions, and Science EducationS (January) very enjoyable reading! How true it is that someone can cause a tragedy by going to extremes, be they Yigal Amir, Timothy McVeigh or David Koresh. Extreme actions are definite signs of social disequilibrium, and we all know from Newton and LeChatellier what happens when disequilibrium occurs.

However, I would like to comment on the Rcore of scienceUs method.S Are we referring to the scientific method? If so, I hope we are aware that there are instances where those who deviate from the rigidity of that method have paid a very heavy price (although not to the level of an assassination). We are all aware that there are zealots in science and science education who would think nothing of blackballing scholars who conduct unconventional research or use unconventional methods.

A painful lesson I have learned from this tragedy in Eretz Israel is that we cannot be so Rblack-and-whiteS in our views. There are considerable shades of grey in society, government, religion, science, and education. Whether we agree with othersU policies or not, we must learn how to respect their viewpoints, and appreciate both the strengths and limitations of those views. RToleranceS should also be a significant factor in our decision-making process.

Yes, we do re-evaluate our views as we exchange them with others. Dialog enables thinking people to compare viewpoints, and thus to mature those views. This is a big part of social constructivism, which combines the interpersonal communication aspects of Lev VygotskyUs theories from the early 1900s and William PerryUs 1970 theory of cognitive development in young adults. People who defend their view with violence and social cruelty are at the lowest level of development, known as dualism. As we become more open in our thinking, we evolve to stages of multiplicity, skepticism, and finally relativism, where we can grasp (and respect) the contingency of our (and othersU) views.

Such personal evolutions take many years to occur. Peace is not a concept that came about suddenly; many years of fighting, debate, and anguish was the prelude. We didnUt learn about gravity, electricity, atomic structure, or electrodynamics overnight, either. The universe has patiently waited for humankind to learn things about it; maybe itUs time for humankind to be more patient with itself. The universe has survived a long time while humankind played out its conflicts; how much longer will humankind survive?

David B. Pushkin
Visiting Professor of Physics
College Misericordia
Division of Mathematics and Natural Science
Dallas, Pennsylvania 18612-1098

Another Way to Look at the Greenhouse Effect

The basic physics of the atmospheric greenhouse effect is well understood, but its possible effect on climate is still uncertain and controversial. I suggest another way to look at the problem, based on well-known information, but with an emphasis I have not seen given before.

The concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere was about 320 ppm in 1960, and is projected to reach 400 ppm in the year 2000 (1), a change of 25% in less than half a century. This change of concentration may affect our lives more directly, more profoundly, and sooner than we will be affected by climatic change. The reason is that the organic material of all living things derives from atmospheric CO2. Plants incorporate carbon from the atmosphere directly by photosynthesis. Animals derive their organic carbon either from plants or from other animals that consume plants.

Interestingly, the total amount of plant mass in the world (2) is about equal to the total mass of CO2 in the atmosphere. The total mass of animals is small compared with that of plants. Carbon is continually recycled between atmosphere and biosphere, with about equal amounts in each system.

In the dynamic global steady state that controls the biosphere, the concentration of the component crucial to the balance is abruptly changing by 25%. This must eventually have profound consequences, even if the climate never changes at all. I believe physicists could help to solve the problem by thinking about it from this point of view.

Richard Williams
Consultant, Physical Chemistry
25 Wheat Sheaf Lane
Princeton, New Jersey 08540

1. F.K. Lutgens and E.J. Tarbuck, The Atmosphere (Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs NJ, 3rd edition 1986), 382-3.

2. H. Walter, Vegetation of the Earth (Springer-Verlag, New York, 1977), 226.

Contributions Of Arms-Control Physicists To The End Of The Cold War

Frank von Hippel

Roald Z. Sagdeev and Evgeny P. Velikhov received the 1995 Szilard Award "for their unique contributions to Soviet Glasnost which was a major factor in reversing the nuclear arms race between the Soviet Union and the United States." Following is the introductory commentary to this award at the Forum on Physics and Society award program on 20 April 1995 at the APS meeting in Washington, DC.

Physicists produced the central technologies of the Cold War. Some of them also worried about the dangers of the arms race and tried to mitigate it. In part, they did this by trying to talk to each other across the chasm of the Cold War. Bohr suggested this to both Roosevelt and Churchill during the Manhattan Project. Churchill's reaction was that he should be locked up.

After the death of Stalin in 1953, however, it became possible for physicists from both sides of the Iron Curtain to meet again to discuss proposals that might help wind down the arms race. This started at a meeting convened in response to an appeal by Bertrand Russell and Albert Einstein, in the village of Pugwash, Nova Scotia. Thus began a dialogue that made credible the first tentative efforts to put the brakes on the nuclear arms race. These first efforts included most notably the Limited Nuclear Test Ban of 1963 and the Treaty on Limiting Anti-ballistic Missile Systems of 1972.

The committee of Soviet scientists
Velikhov and Sagdeev became heavily involved in this East- West dialogue following President Reagan's "Star Wars" speech in March 1983. They saw this as potentially the beginning of a new round of the arms race. They therefore organized the "Committee of Soviet Scientists for Peace and Against the Nuclear Threat"

Velikhov, the founding chairman, was leader of the Russian fusion-energy community. Fusion is the area of science in which the barriers to East-West cooperation had broken down most completely during the Cold War. Velikhov was therefore very comfortable with Americans--and was even wearing a Princeton tie when I first met him in November 1983. Sagdeev, initially a Deputy Chairmen of the Committee and later Velikhov's successor as chairman, had grown up professionally in the fusion community with Velikhov and then went on to create successful East-West collaborations in the space-science area as the Director of the Soviet Space Research Institute.

During the two years after its founding in the spring of 1993, the Committee conducted technical studies and had many meetings with Western arms-control experts. From a later perspective, they were preparing themselves for the opportunities that were to be created when Gorbachev came into power in March 1985. During the period before Gorbachev they were already instrumental in getting Gorbachev's predecessor as General Secretary, Yuri Andropov, to agree to a moratorium on the testing of the Soviet anti-satellite weapons system which was being used as a justification for the development of a much more capable U.S. system.

When Gorbachev came into power, however, Velikhov's committee persuaded him to undertake a much more important moratorium as his first arms-control initiative, namely a unilateral halt on Soviet nuclear tests starting on Hiroshima Day, August 6, 1985. Unfortunately, this initiative was brushed off by the Reagan Administration, which was adamantly opposed to a test ban. There was no U.S. testing moratorium in response and the pressure on Gorbachev began to mount to resume Soviet testing.

In-country seismic monitoring and asymmetric response
One of the arguments used by the Reagan Administration to belittle the Russian moratorium was that the Russians were probably continuing to test clandestinely. In October 1985, therefore, in the back of a bus in Copenhagen, where we were both at a conference in connection with the centennial of Niels Bohr's birth, Velikhov suggested to me that Moscow would let a nongovernmental group set up seismometers near its testing site in Kazakhstan to verify that not even small tests were being conducted. The following July, a group of University of California seismologists, organized by physicist Tom Cochran under the auspices of the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), set up their seismometers in Kazakhstan. They detected a test almost immediately--in Nevada.

Velikhov subsequently told me about going to the Politboro to get permission for the NRDC to set up a seismic monitoring station in Kazakhstan. Apparently, after a prolonged debate, the dominant attitude appeared to be negative. At this point, Velikhov apparently turned to Gorbachev and said, "There is only one problem. They are already there!"

The demonstrated willingness of the USSR to allow in-country monitoring caused more of a stir in the U.S. than the moratorium itself. Soviet suspicions about on-site inspection had been a key reason why Kennedy and Krushchev had only been able to achieve a Limited rather than a Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban in 1963. This physicist's initiative also provided a precedent for many other arms- control agreements that required on-site inspections for their verification. We do not yet have a Comprehensive Test Ban but hopefully we soon will.

Velikhov's and Sagdeev's Committee had a second great triumph in 1986, when they persuaded Gorbachev not to try to launch a Soviet "Star Wars" program. They produced an analysis that concluded that any such system could be neutralized at much less cost by countermeasures. Gorbachev accepted this conclusion and announced that the USSR response to the U.S. "Star Wars" program would be asymmetric. This undermined the U.S. program, which at that time desperately needed a Soviet competitor as an argument against domestic critics such as Richard Garwin.

Detecting warheads
But the high-water mark for Soviet nuclear glasnost was when Velikhov borrowed a Soviet nuclear warhead for a follow-on joint demonstration with the NRDC. One of the major obstacles to completing the START I Treaty was the problem of sea-launched cruise missiles. Russia wanted to define them as strategic weapons. The U.S. resisted, arguing that it would be impossible to verify whether a sea-launched cruise missile had a conventional or nuclear warhead. A joint study by Sagdeev's Committee and the Federation of American Scientists concluded that, in fact, the radiation from a nuclear warhead could be detected.

Tom Cochran therefore proposed that Velikhov obtain a nuclear-armed cruise missile for a joint demonstration with the NRDC. Much to our surprise, Velikhov did so and, in July 1989, we found ourselves on a Soviet nuclear-armed cruise-missile carrier off of Yalta in the Black Sea with physicist Steve Fetter of the University of Maryland's School of Public Affairs, measuring the spectrum of gamma rays coming out of a Soviet nuclear warhead.

In the end, this demonstration did not have a major impact on START I. However, it did help lay the basis for interest in negotiations on verification of warhead elimination. Since March 1994, the U.S. and Russia have been negotiating arrangements for verifying that a container contains a plutonium "pit" from a dismantled warhead using the same techniques that were pioneered in the Black Sea demonstration.

The killer laser and a fissile materials ban
On that same trip, Velikhov also arranged for the U.S. nongovernmental group, which included 3 Congressmen and reporters from the New York Times and Washington Post as well as Tom Cochran and myself, to make two other important first visits. The first was to a facility at the Soviet ABM test site at Sary Shagan in Kazakhstan that had been a centerpiece in U.S. government exposes of a Russian "Star Wars" program. This facility allegedly contained a huge multi-megawatt laser capable of destroying U.S. satellites and perhaps even reentry vehicles.

Velikhov flew us out to Sary Shagan in the private airplane of the Soviet Minister of Defense. When I asked him how he had managed to get the aircraft, Velikhov, who was then a member of the Supreme Soviet, responded that the Minister was up before the Supreme Soviet for confirmation. We inspected the facility and found that it contained only a set of 100-Watt ruby lasers and a 20- kW CO2 laser, not the megawatt-class lasers that the Defense Intelligence Agency had conjured up. This proved that we were in a new era where on-site inspections could be an antidote to worst-case conclusions based only, in this case, on the size of a building.

The group was also taken to see the first two Russian military plutonium production reactors which had just been shut down. Later that year, in part because of Velikhov's efforts, Gorbachev embraced a proposal which was being promoted by the U.S. arms-control community, namely a ban on the production of fissile materials for weapons. Four years later, in September 1993, President Clinton embraced the proposal as well and negotiations are expected to begin in Geneva this June.

Frank von Hippel is Professor of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University.

Employment Issues: Engineering Physics

Richard Wilkins

This article is based on one of the talks at the invited symposium "Employment Issues for Physicists" held at the APS March 1994 Meeting in Pittsburgh, PA. Another article from this symposium, "Physicists and Public Policy" by H. Keith Florig, appeared in the January 1995 issue.

Anyone who has received their physics Ph.D. in the past seven years or so has been concerned with the traditional job market for such an education. Often circumstances dictate consideration of non- traditional career avenues. It seems that the entire physics community has been soul searching for a better understanding of the community's role in society, looking for ways to better function in and contribute to it. Perusal of the Physics Today letters section will provide a somewhat gray (downright black in some instances) background for these statements. Thus it is not surprising that the APS session "Employment Issues for Physicists," that included speakers educated in physics but now employed in diverse fields, was well attended.

Of the speakers, I am currently employed in the most traditional position for a Ph.D. physicist, as a research scientist at a university laboratory. As such, the message I brought to thesession was that there is still hope for those who wish to remain in research, but the research might be in an applied science area and/or have some demonstrable economic importance. I described a growing incentive to be involved in research that contributes to scientific understanding yet enhances the nation's competitiveness. The term for this idea at that time was "dual-use". My position at the Center for Applied Radiation Research (CARR) at Prairie View A&M University (PVAMU) has allowed me to interact with people from many disciplines and teach courses in the electrical engineering department. Figure 1 shows the inter-disciplinary nature of CARR. CARR serves as a national facility for radiation science, especially in space related applications, and as a liaison between PVAMU and outside institutions. Most importantly, given that PVAMU is a historically black university, CARR is a vehicle (no pun intended) for increasing minority participation in science and technology. Such university organizations, involving multiple investigators, departments and colleges, appear to be a growing trend and are apparently considered an efficient way of distributing research funds.

My job has given me the chance to learn how to set up a clean room, fabrication processes for electronic devices, new electronic materials, test and characterization methods for electronic devices, and many other things. My training as a physicist lets me identify problems that are important to the application at hand and has made me a valuable asset in finding solutions. And my physics background helps me recognize opportunities for fundamental research extracted from these problems. This is hardly surprising, as physicists have always been valuable contributors to many enterprises. As economic and social pressures increase, I believe there will be more participation by physicists in diverse fields. It has been my experience that this will lead to satisfying opportunities that will ultimately be to our advantage.

As an example of the dual-use concept mentioned above, I showed in the APS session some overheads from a paper, entitled "Ilmenite as a Dual-Use Material," that I presented to the Dual-Use Space Technology Transfer Conference at the NASA Johnson Space Center. Ilmenite is an iron titinate abundant in moon rock, and has recently been grown in large single crystals. It is a wide, apparently direct, band-gap semiconductor. As such, it has a number of possible applications of interest to NASA including radiation hardened electronics and photovoltaic cells. For industrial application, its potential lies in laser diodes, sensors, and high temperature and power electronics. These "dual-use" applications were carefully outlined by my colleagues and me when preparing the overheads for the talk. At my urging, we included a viewgraph entitled "Why is it interesting?" that outlined the scientifically intriguing aspects of this material. This reflects my belief that, as a physicist, I should not shy away from my inherent interest in a topic from a fundamental physics standpoint. It seems obvious that this curiosity is an asset to be shared and exploited. I feel that even the hint of intellectual denial and dishonesty will likely be viewed with contempt by technologists and business people, as well as by the general public.

Within the past month I talked with a physics Ph.D. friend who no longer works in physics but has been quite successful in other endeavors. He was at that APS session, while still working on his Ph.D. He mentioned that the message he remembered from my talk was "persistence is the most valuable thing" in your pursuits. I still believe this to be true.

The author is at the Center for Applied Radiation Research, Prairie View A&M University, Prairie View, Texas 77446.

Ballistic Missile Defense Negotiations

Peter B. Lerner

The following article was written in response to "Why No Progress in AMB/TMD Negotiations?" by Alvin M. Saperstein, which appeared in the October 1995 issue.

I agree with Saperstein's main conclusion, that the refusal to negotiate mutually acceptable limits on tactical missile defenses will be detrimental to strategic stability, and that "unilateral actions are not usually conducive to the building of communities, whether domestic or international." However, Saperstein sees the negotiations as a way to legitimize anti-ballistic missile technology because he exaggerates its military value and underestimates potential problems connected with its accelerated development. In the following article I re-examine those presumptions.

Costs of theater missile defenses
Saperstein outlines the dangers inherent in continuing uninhibited development of theater missile defense (TMD) in an outmoded Cold War paradigm: "If there is no agreement, TMD systems will probably still be deployed, with each side acting unilaterally, but the relationship between the two countries will be based more on weapons than on negotiations." Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) proponents, like Richard Perle, argue that Russia has neither the technology nor the financial resources to develop a similar system and thus precipitate a new round of the arms race, so "who gives a s--- about the ABM [anti ballistic missile] treaty? We could walk away from it--there is no way it could produce consequences. The Russians are not going to start an offensive- missile-building program. And if they did, it'd make no difference (1)."

However, if the assessment of the current state of Russian technology and economy by the missile defense buffs is correct, this should underline the necessity of TMD limitations much more than Sapirstein's argument. Indeed, Russia will probably respond not by futile attempts to imitate American TMDs based on high precision kinetic-kill interceptors but by a few much more obvious and dangerous steps.

First, it will probably scrap the START II treaty, thus forsaking elimination of many of its deliverable nuclear warheads. It is quite amazing that proponents of missile defenses, who coincidentally are among the authors of doomsday scenarios for the political future of Russia, are willing to endanger the elimination of MIRVed missiles under the START II treaty, when one SS-18 regiment has a larger number of more powerful warheads than any thinkable clandestine nuclear force.

Second, Russia could embark on a program of modernization of offensive weapons in order to compensate for its increased vulnerability resulting from American capacity to protect its own vital targets. The threat to the US is not that Russia can outdo it in offensive nuclear potential. Rather, the resumption of large-scale nuclear activities in a vast, unstable and relatively poor country will raise concerns for nuclear proliferation and accidents, as well as upset Russia's current attempts to stabilize itself. Poor discipline of the Russian military, widespread corruption in the nuclear design labs, and the demise of the security services, would only compound the gravity of the situation.

Third, because Russia hardly can be expected to develop high- precision kinetic-kill interceptors for its own TMD, a potential Russian system would rely instead on large numbers of nuclear- tipped interceptors with much higher tolerance for guidance errors (2). A mobile system of this kind will be necessarily less protected from attack by terrorists, more susceptible to clogging of communication channels and technical malfunction, and will constitute an even higher threat of nuclear proliferation, unauthorized launch, or accident than Russian offensive missiles. The losses to American security because of increased proliferation risks due to transportation, testing and storage of large numbers of relatively portable, hastily designed and poorly protected nuclear warheads, which the Russians will be forced to deploy, will greatly exceed any potential benefit from TMD. This underlines the schizophrenic quality inherent in all proposals for missile defenses: They improve stability only to the degree to which the other side (supposedly, the wicked aggressor--otherwise there is no need for defenses) not only subscribes to American strategic thinking but pursues strictly symmetric technological policies as well.

Fourth, Sapirstein's argument is formulated for a bipolar world which no longer exists. He ignores the probable reaction of other nuclear powers. Currently, France and China do not go beyond "minimal deterrence" despite obvious technical and economic capacities for further nuclear build-up. However in the "brave new world" dominated by defensive systems, they will see the cumulative value of their nuclear arsenals, as a deterrent and as the source of bargaining power, to be diminished. In order to retain the relative political leverage that they get from their status as nuclear powers, China and France are likely to respond by accelerated enlargement of their own quantity and assortment of nuclear weapons. China has already voiced its concerns with respect to the proposed deployment of TMD in Japan. French leadership may reassess its nuclear posture because, of all states, it regards nuclear potential not so much as a response to a particular foreign threat, but rather as a membership fee to the club of great powers, to which France otherwise wouldn't belong.

To summarize: potential losses from the unconstrained development of American TMDs include an impediment to strategic arms limitations, proliferation concerns resulting from resumption of large-scale Russian nuclear activities and, consequently, the increased risk of subversion or diversion of its nuclear materials and components, and an accelerated nuclear build-up by France and China. What are the benefits?

Benefits of Theater Missile Defenses
Sapirstein states that "there is a good reason to believe that much more capable (in range, accuracy, load, ease in rapid and covert firing) missiles will soon be available around the world" (3). First, there is a confusion between the threat from ballistic missiles with nuclear and conventional warheads. In fact, ballistic missiles are relatively imprecise (US MX warheads have inaccuracies of about 90 m and this is considered by open sources as almost theoretical limit for such weapons. Even the most sophisticated Russian ICBMs have inaccuracies >250-400 m and throw the weight--typically not exceeding 1000 kg for theater missiles and 2500 kg for strategic missiles--much smaller than the payload of modern combat aircraft easily available on the world arms market (4). The weapon is not reusable. Even if, improbably, a third world country accumulates a large stock of missiles for repeated artillery-style missile barrages, accurate correction of fire is impossible without a sophisticated system of real-time battlefield reconnaissance integrated with the missile retargeting and command system. Even Russia doesn't have that, not to speak of the "rogue nations." Such a system may, in principle, rely on high-altitude reconnaissance and track-and-relay aircraft instead of satellites, but this will devalue the main advantage of ballistic missiles--simplicity, decentralization, covert action and attack on short notice--and it is out of reach for third world powers with or without a satellite component. To justify a threat which warrants a crash development of the TMDs one should suppose the emergence, in the near future, of the rogue power with missile and command, control, and communication technology on a par with the United States and vastly superior to that of Russia and China. This is utter nonsense.

The abovementioned combination of liabilities renders conventionally armed ballistic missiles totally unsuitable for attack on combat-ready formations. In fact, ballistic missiles with conventional warheads can be used only as a terror weapon against urban agglomerations (as in both Gulf Wars) or against other large and soft stationary targets such as airfields, railroad hubs, naval bases and radar networks. The protection of stationary outposts of forward deployment is the only imaginable military function which can be performed by TMDs. This limited task of protection from ballistic missiles with range < 900 km requires a TMD tested against missiles with re-entry velocity up to 3 km/s, which can be designed in a much more multi-purpose fashion, with improved capabilities against aircraft, "smart bombs," antiship missiles and cruise missiles.

On the contrary, even imprecise nuclear warheads can be quite deadly and cost efficient. However, the function of protection against nuclear attack has been successfully performed by nuclear deterrence. If deterrence is thought not to be sufficient, then recent progress in conventional munitions and delivery systems allows U.S. military commanders to disrupt the command and control functions of an opponent, and threaten high-value targets such as leaders and their families or nuclear research facilities, without resorting to nuclear weapons. Indeed, rogue leaders will hardly be impressed by destruction of unmanned vehicles by an American interceptor over some desert or ocean space so much as by the threat of obliteration of themselves and their families, or destruction of their structures of totalitarian control over their wretched nations--e.g. headquarters of secret police or state propaganda establishments. Indeed, the value of nuclear deterrence has been proven by forty years of the Cold War. Successful strikes against the headquarters of Iraq's secret police and similar high-value "civilian" targets, and the miserable results of "Scud-hunting," underscored the efficiency of conventional retaliation with high-precision munitions versus more esoteric strategies.

Besides, there is an obvious but little-mentioned difference in the performance criteria for anti-aircraft and anti-missile systems. Because a combat aircraft is a reusable, multi-purpose vehicle, manned by trained pilots, which by itself is a valuable asset and is much more expensive than a surface-to-air missile, its intercept always makes sense even after the aircraft has performed a combat mission, or even if its mission fails for reasons other than air defenses, e.g. weather. Thus a hypothetical air defense system intercepting 10% of modern aircraft is a great success, while an ABM system with such capacity is a flop. Missile defenses, to provide efficient deterrence against nuclear missile attack, need to satisfy unrealistic performance criteria such as intercept of almost 100 % of incoming missiles independently of the size of opponent's offensive potential. This dire picture of the usefulness of missile defense doesn't even take into account the possibilities for countermeasures on the side of an attacker. The 1972 ABM Treaty provided very little incentive for either the Soviet Union or the USA to invest seriously in defense-busting technologies, such as exotic trajectories, final-stage maneuverability and stealth features, to name a few.

The last-ditch argument of TMD proponents is that they are necessary because allied nations can be allegedly blackmailed, by foreign missile threat, into policies contravening that of the U.S. Their real value is most clearly indicated by the fact that Germany and Japan, which Saperstein states "now believe that an effective defense--is technologically feasible," remain lukewarm, despite their geopolitical situation and American basing presence (5). They prefer to rely on American nuclear deterrence (bankrolled by the U.S. taxpayers as well) instead.

The potential gains from TMD are thus restricted to small, densely populated nations in hostile environments, nations such as Israel or Taiwan. The value of TMDs for the U.S. is limited to the protection of large (> 1 km) stationary objects of forward deployment unless one conceives missile attack on the early warning radars--from Canada, and similar scenarios of the lunatic fringe. This limited goal doesn't warrant mothballing an ABM Treaty with unpredictable and potentially dire consequences. In short, the situation with TMDs closely resembles the situation with mine warfare--it is real, though the military advantages are fairly limited, while its potential for wreaking havoc in international relations is immense and none of the big states ever put serious bets on it anyway.

Domestic political debate
Congressional opponents of TMD limitations and perhaps some members of the Administration regard TMD not in their literal meaning as a system that can protect American troops on the battlefield. They think of it as a device of implicit abrogation of the ABM Treaty, i.e. as a Trojan horse for a resuscitated SDI, because TMD unlike the SDI has some technical merit and isn't just a PR hoax. The SDI was basically a nostalgic idea to return the US to the pre- WWII position of strategic invulnerability. As such, it retains some glamour with Buchanen-style isolationists dreaming of "Fortress America" which, in their thinking, can be spared the problems of the outside world through the use electronic gadgetry. The vitality of strategic defense is purported by pollsters and supposed experts with majors in law and political science and is completely unrelated to progress in technology or changes in military strategy.

However, there is little chance that the development of TMD with the deliberate aim at thwarting the ABM Treaty can be successfully opposed in the current political climate. The driving force behind it is a macho posturing with respect to foreign nations, posturing that especially appeals to rustic constituencies who are poorly acquainted with the outside world, and to the college kids brimming with testosterone, --two very important target groups for the current makeup of the U.S. Congress, and it has more to do with Freud than Clausewitz. Because such posturing deliberately ignores national security arguments in favor of displays of patriotic fervor there is little chance that it can be mitigated by sober analysis of TMD's costs and benefits.

A rational goal would be to dismantle the Ballistic Missile Defense Organization and to distribute approximately the same amount of money to the Air Force, Navy and the Army to develop technologies which will be more suitable to their needs and in strict compliance with the ABM Treaty. However, the notion of "compliance" has been deliberately watered down by "re- interpretation" (D.C. parlance for the dismissal of international treaty obligations because of domestic political expediency). Meanwhile, there is no convincing demonstration of the deterrent value of defenses against realistic threats, for example a hypothetical country possessing several hundred missiles of SCUD (ballistic) and/or Silkworm (cruise) type.

This limited objective of hedging theater missile defenses against other priorities of military R&D instead of providing them as "free gift" to the services on top of their demands, will help mend fences between the arms control community, which acknowledges the value of the treaties and those elements in the Pentagon who actually would benefit from restructuring the programs. Finally, despite low priority for arms control and initial gloomy predictions, recent years brought an unprecedented success in the extension of the Non Proliferation Treaty, alignment of the nuclear powers on the question of a Comprehensive Test Ban, and the nuclear disarmament of Soviet successor-states (Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus). Maybe in the case of BMDs as well, the combination of budgetary constraints, proliferation concerns and military rationality will prevail in the end.


  1. Seymour M. Hersh, The New Yorker 26 Sept. 1994, 98. 
  2. Historically, Soviet air defense systems relied on nuclear- tipped missiles much more than the US ones.  See e.g. E.  Luttwak, S. Koehl, The Dictionary of Modern War, (Harper  Collins, 1991), 255-258.  
  3. The argument of this section closely follows the treatment in  John R. Harvey, International Security  Fall 1992, 47.  The fact  that in a real third world there are severe constraints other  than technology and cost (e.g. rivalry between armed services  preventing allocation of resources in an optimum way) will, in  my view, further limit the opportunities provided by the  possession of ballistic missiles.  
  4. The Nonproliferation Review Fall 1993, 56-59. 
  5. Ironically, the entire German budget for military procurement  is less than the U.S. budget for ballistic missile defenses alone.  

The author is at 108 Osmond Lab, University Park, PA. This article expresses the private opinion of its author. It cannot be associated with any agency, present or past employer of an author, nor is it a result of any research performed under government or private contract or auspices. The address is provided exclusively for identification.

Yuri Orlov Wins the 1996 Nicholson Medal Citation

The winner of the 1996 Nicholson Medal Citation is Yuri Orlov. The Nicholson Medal, which is established and supported jointly by the Forum on Physics and Society and the Division of Plasma Physics, recognizes the humanitarian aspect of physics and physicists. It is given to a physicist exhibiting extraordinary quality in one of the following areas: (1) a physicist who, through teaching, research, or science-related activities, has implemented a vision for improvement of the quality of life in our society; (2) a physicist who has demonstrated a giving and caring relationship with students or colleagues, has produced works of educational significance, or has created special opportunities for students or junior colleagues; (3) a physicist who has been a leader in promoting international human rights or peace, or international ties in science. The award citation to Yuri Orlov reads "For uniting his love of physics with an intense dedication to international human rights; for his public espousal of openness and freedom in the face of severe personal consequences; for co-founding the Moscow chapter of Amnesty International and founding the first Helsinki Watch group; for helping establish Helsinki groups elsewhere in the Soviet Union; for his outspoken support of Andrei Sakharov; and for his continuing work for democratic principles in former-USSR countries, in China and in Bosnia. Yuri Orlov's commitment and accomplishments have inspired a generation of fighters for freedom worldwide."

Report on the APS Council Meeting

The APS Council met in Irvine, California on 19 November 1995. Here are some meeting highlights:

Campaign for Physics. At the Council meeting, APS and AAPT launched the public phase of their campaign to raise $5 million for special public outreach programs, primarily those dealing with science education. The campaign has already raised over $3.2 million toward this goal. See APS News, December 1995.

Publications continue to be a source of activity and concern. APS has put Physical Review Letters on line. They are trying to move quickly into the fully electronic era.

Page Charges. The Publications Oversight Committee made several recommendations concerning the pricing and health of APS physics journals: (1) For all journals, phase out page charges for those articles submitted in CompuScript. (2) Reduce editorial costs by 15%. (3) Hold annual increases in library subscription rates to 10%. (4) Strengthen the acceptance criteria in order to reduce the acceptance rate.

The APS Centenary will be celebrated in Atlanta in 1999. Events being discussed include: a wall chart, a centenary postage stamp, historical booklets, an international day, a "best minds in physics" day, plenary sessions on major accomplishments in physics, etc. Heinz Barschall represents the Forum on Physics and Society on the Centenary planning committee.

The China Question. The Council was faced with conflicting resolutions on China: The Committee on International Scientific Affairs proposed that APS renew the memorandum of understanding that it signed with the Chinese Physical Society last year. The Committee on International Freedom of Scientists recommended that we dissolve the agreement. CISA felt that the telecommunication project and the joint scientific meetings being planned under the memorandum were very worthwhile. However, CIFS pointed out that China was not living up to its promise, under the memorandum, that its institutions would start subscribing to the APS journals in larger numbers. The Council saw merits in both viewpoints, and voted to instruct the APS president to convey APS's concern to the Chinese Physical Society, to monitor progress, and to report to the Council at its next meeting.

Forum on Careers and Professional Development. This group has the necessary numbers to become a forum, and applied for forum status. However, they had no representative at the meeting to answer questions about its activities and possible overlap with existing forums. The Council voted conditional approval with final approval reserved until a representative of the fledgling forum can come to the next Council meeting to discuss its plans. The new forum is already working with FPS to sponsor a joint session at the spring meeting.

POPA Statement on Helium Reserves. POPA presented a statement expressing concern because the US is not acting to maintain a reserve of helium. Council adopted the statement. It is published in this issue of Physics & Society.

Media Fellowship Program. The Forum on Education proposed to APS that it participate in an ongoing AAAS Mass Media Fellowship Program, which provides funds for scientists to spend three months working with the mass media. APS would sponsor two physicist in the early stages of their careers. POPA endorsed the concept, and the Council gave its approval.

The Public Affairs Office of APS has been trying to educate lawmakers about the value of various physics programs, and in particular has been helpful in maintaining support for NIST.

Barbara G. Levi

From the Chair: Report and Commentary on the APS Units Convocation

The APS held its annual one day "Units Convocation" on 20 January 1996, at its headquarters in College Park, MD. Roughly 50 leaders of its divisions, sections, topical groups, and forums attended. The Forum on Physics and Society (FPS) was represented by its Chair (myself) and its Chair-Elect (Ed Gerjuoy). The day started with small groups meeting with APS staff on issues such as unit budgets, meetings, membership, newsletters, prizes and on-line information services available to members. This was followed by presentations to the entire assembled group by APS senior staff on APS activities, finances, publications, and the up-coming APS Centennial. Next were unit reports by the representatives of the various APS units. Of greatest interest to me--and I suspect to most FPS members--was a dinner the previous evening with leaders of some of the other forums and the APS Associate Executive Officer, as well as the afternoon discussion by the entire assemblage on "APS unity in a time of tribulation."

The APS is concerned about declining attendance at its general meetings and the implications for the future coherence of the Society. "Unity of Physics" sessions have been instituted at the general meetings to counter this trend, but so far they have not succeeded. Our discussions concerned the "Unity of Physics", its relation to the roles of the various APS units, and their relationships to each other. The meeting ended with a talk on the changes in Washington and their effect on physics--a topic presumably well known to FPS members.

Clearly, the divisions and the forums have different agenda. The forums see themselves as the bonds holding physicists and the APS together, and are concerned about excessive overlap and proliferation among the "gluons". The divisions see themselves as offering the necessary smaller communities in which intellectual stimulation and professional advancement can occur. Divisions also believe that their only possibility for making the money necessary to carry on their activities is at separate divisional meetings. The costs of the "large" APS meetings are so great that most units make very little "profit" at them, in spite of large registration fees. There is very little support for raising APS unit dues, currently $6 per division or for membership in more than two Forums.

But in a time of limited resources and time, and proliferating divisional and topical meetings, attendance at such small meetings implies non-attendance at larger general meetings at which the forum gluons can do their work. Hence, there is fear that the increasing strength of the divisions will lead to the fragmentation of the APS and the demise of the unity of physics. The generation gap among the audience was illustrated by a question from one of the younger attendees: "What is the 'Unity of Physics' sought for in large APS meetings?" Answers given by older participants included: meeting old school comrades; interest in new developments in the basic ideas underpinning all of physics. Counter comments were that the meetings were too big to meet former fellow students, and were too busy to attend sessions outside of one's immediate professional interests.

Some interesting suggestions were made to improve the situation: (1) More APS members should join the geographically based sections and more sections should be created. Sectional meetings are small enough to meet a very diverse group of people, and wide enough to present the broad diversity of physics topics. They also allow students to give papers and be exposed to the variety of physics not seen in most departments. The sections may not be able to attract the forefront speakers characteristic of national meetings, but a diverse group of "second-line" speakers might do a good job of illustrating the unity of physics. (2) Divisions holding divisional meetings should invite "Unity" speakers from fields other than that represented by that Division. (3) Divisions should meet together with other divisions, although where such amalgamations end and general meetings begin is not clear. (4) The Internet can be used to enhance the unity of physics. "Physics Update," available via worldwide web and e-mail from AIP, gives a weekly update of new developments across the scientific board, thus helping to recapture the excitement and romance of science. APS members can get periodic scientific and political updates by subscribing to PGNet via APS's Director of Public Affairs, Michael Lubell . They will receive "FYI," "What's New," and periodic information and political alerts.

It became clear to me, during the meeting, that the forums and the APS Council--via its committees--do not necessarily have the same agenda. The committees are appointed and well supported (with staff and meeting expenses) by the Council, and are expected to give advice to the Council when called upon. The forums are membership groups. Their interests and activities may overlap with those of the committees (e.g., there is a Committee on Education and a Forum on Education, a Panel on Public Affairs and a Forum on Physics and Society, etc.). Forums and divisions do not have the resources available to the committees. Forum executive bodies meet, at their own expense, only once a year--too infrequently to establish the coherence and competence perhaps needed to consistently render useful advice and policy insights to the Council at the times it wants it. Guidelines have been established to attempt to avoid non-productive overlap between committees and their corresponding forums. If the APS is concerned about the lack of member participation at meetings, it should encourage high-impact activities by "bottom-up" subgroups as well as (or instead of) "top-down" subgroups. A possible set of significant actions would include responding to Council requests for advice and recommendations, which implies that the forums should be prepared to do so.

All of these issues were discussed, at length, at both the dinner and the Convocation. No alleviations ofthe apparent contradictions, nor new policy directions, were apparent to me. However, I believethat most participants came away with better understanding of the problems facing APS members, of day-to-day services available from theAPS, and of some suggestions to consider. Hopefully this understanding is now available,via this report, to FPS membership who areencouraged to continue the discussion via letters and e-mail.

It was a useful day. I'm thankful that the APS Executive Officer initiated this annual event some years ago, and hopeful that it will be continued. The problems discussed won't go away quickly, but thoughtful meetings among a diverse and committed group can help create an informed and involved membership.

Alvin M. Saperstein, FPS Chair
Physics Department
Wayne State University
Detroit, MI 48202

From the Chair Elect

Elsewhere in this issue you will find an announcement of the rewarding invited paper sessions, including our Forum Award session, that FPS has organized for presentation at the Indianapolis meeting, May 2-5. I will say no more about those sessions, other than to express my hope that many of readers will attend.

I would like to urge you to participate in our 1996 annual FPS membership meeting at Indianapolis, scheduled for 11:00 AM Saturday May 4. And, whether you can attend that meeting or not, please advise me as to what activities and invited paper session subjects you would like to see FPS concentrate on during the coming year.

Also, please send me, before May 4, your nominations, including self-nominations, for FPS committee memberships. The FPS standing committees are Awards, Fellowship, Membership, Nominating, and Program. If there are any ad hoc committees you feel should be appointed to deal with special topics, I very much would like to hear about them. I am attempting to fill all committee vacancies before we meet in Indianapolis, so that we can have a fruitful meeting and get off to a good start on our 1996-97 activities. I remind you that these are troubled times for both physics and society. It is my belief, which I trust you share, that FPS--cutting across all physics specialties as it does--can illuminate our present shoals and help the APS to chart a successful course through them.

Edward Gerjuoy
Department of Physics
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh Pa. 15260

Forum Sessions at the May 2-5 Meeting in Indianapolis

We list here invited sessions sponsored by each of the five forums. Abbreviations: FPS, FED, FHP, FIP, and FIAP are the Forums on Physics and Society, Education, History of Physics, International Physics, and Industrial and Applied Phyiscs. DAMOP is the Division on Atomic and Molecular Physics. AAPT is the American Association of Physics Teachers.

Futures of Renewable Energy: Efficiency, Fission and Fusion, organized by A. Rosenfeld. Thursday 8:00 AM. Cosponsored by FPS and FIAP.

  • Steve Selkowitz, "Windows and the plasma frequency equation"
  • Allan Hoffman, "Renewables"
  • "Fusion", speaker to be determined
  • Carlo Rubbia, "A new thorium cycle"
  • Art Rosenfeld, "From the lab to the marketplace"

Critique of Modern Science and Scientific Practices, organized by J.D. Garcia. Thursday 2:30 PM. Cosponsored by FPS and AAPT. Chaired by Bob Park.

  • Evelyn Keller, "Critique of modern science"
  • Sandra Harding, "Modern science in history and culture"
  • Rustum Roy, "Critique of science practices"
  • Daryl Chubin, "Science choices"

The Future of Physics Careers, organized by Glen Crawford. Friday 8:00 AM. Cosponsored by FPS and FED. Chaired by Brian Schwartz. This session will consist of relatively brief initial remarks by the speakers, who then will constitute a panel responding to questions and comments from the audience.

  • Daniel Larson, "The future of academic research"
  • Roland Schmitt, "The future of industrial research"
  • Kevin Aylesworth, "The future of government-sponsored research"
  • Tony Fainberg, "Career change:  what can you do when the funding stops" 
  • Barrie Ripin, "What can the APS do to help"

Forum Awards Session.. Friday 2:00 PM. Speakers will be David W. Hafemeister (1996 Szilard Award), Kevin D. Aylesworth (1996 Forum Award), Yuri Orlov (1996 Nicholson Medal Citation), and John Holdren (1995 Forum Award).

The Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT): Winning the Endgame, organized and chaired by Peter Zimmerman. Saturday 8:00 AM. Sponsored by FPS.

  • John D. Holum, "The CTBT:  history in the making"
  • Jeremiah Sullivan, "Getting to zero yield:  the JASON study"
  • Harold Agnew, "Objections to a CTBT"
  • John Immele, "Challenges of stockpile stewardship under a zero-yield CTBT"
  • Pierre Corden, "Prospects for the CTBT:  arms control and monitoring issues"

Effects of Radiation at Low Doses, organized and chaired by Richard Wilson. Sunday 8:00 AM. Cosponosred by FPS and DAMOP.

  • Dr. Mabuchi, "Extrapolation of the data on the LSS50 cohort to low doses"
  • Elizabeth Cardis, "Cancers caused by occupational doses of radiation"
  • Bernard Cohen, "The radon puzzle:  is radon really good for you?"

Other invited sessions, sponsored by others among the five APS forums:

  • Measuring Fundamental Properties of Complex Materials, FIAP
  • Particle Beam Processing of Materials I, FIAP
  • Particle Beam Processing of Materials II, FIAP
  • Nuclear Imaging Techniques, FIAP
  • Contributions of Women to Physics, FHP and the Committee on the Status of Women in Physics History of Computing in Physics, FHP and the Division of Computational Physics

APS Statement on Conservation of Helium

The American Physical Society is profoundly concerned about the potential loss of the nation's accumulated helium reserves. Helium is essential for achieving the extremely cold temperatures required by many current and emerging technologies as well as for advanced scientific research. The overall demand for helium has been steadily increasing, and there is every reason to believe that this trend will continue.

Although the United States is fortunate in having a greater abundance of this critical element than any other nation, the supply has severe natural limits. Helium is obtained by extraction from natural gas fields. If not extracted, the helium is irretrievably lost to the atmosphere when the gas is burned. For this reason, the federal government prudently established a storage program for helium, but legislation now being considered would dispose of virtually this entire helium store within two decades.

In view of the importance of this unique and irreplaceable natural resource to modern science and technology, the American Physical Society urges that measures be adopted that will both conserve and enhance the nation's helium reserves. Failure to do so would not only be wasteful, but would be economically and technologically shortsighted.

Commentary on John Ziman's "Prometheus Bound: Science in a Dynamic Steady State"

John Ziman, a distinguished scientist and long-time observer of the research scene, has written several books on the sociology, philosophy, and politics of science. In his recent book Prometheus Bound: Science in a Dynamic Steady State (Cambridge University Press, 1994), he identifies his central theme as Rthe profound transformation that is taking place in the institutional arrangements for undertaking research and invention.S

Three hundred years of rapid exponential growth in scientific activity are giving way to a relatively steady state. RThe likely prospect is that science will have to exist for the future within a fixed or slowly growing envelope of resources.S Nevertheless, Rit is expected to contribute increasingly to national prosperity.S Under this pressure, science is becoming Rmore tightly organized, rationalized, and managed.S It is being Rcollectivized,S and this transition Raffects the whole research system, from the everyday details of laboratory life to the politics of national budgets.S The change is bringing with it a new policy language, a Rbuzzword blizzardS of largely management-oriented terminology. Overall, the transition is inevitable and irreversible, but we can reflect on the history of science, identify those features that were essential to its success, and try to preserve them.

This book is fascinating for what it reveals, not so much of science, but of unexamined political and economic assumptions still prevalent among scientists and academics generally. Ziman takes government funding of science as a given, because the market cannot be trusted to allocate resources wisely and, anyway, research now costs so much that only government can pay the bill. The unstated assumptions here are that government is wise and that the high cost of research is not itself the result of government largesse. If science funding were substantially limited to the corporate and philanthropic, billions of dollars and priceless intellectual talent might not be available for space boondoggles, decades of fruitless fusion research, and a fifty-mile-long particle accelerator. Where is the proof that society would be less well served?

Frequently, Ziman undermines his own viewpoint without seeming to notice. For example, he complains that government sponsored research is being pushed toward short-term applicability at the expense of relatively free-wheeling basic research. But that is a standard argument against private industrial research, one of the main reasons why government funding and direction are presumed necessary.

The uncritical attitude toward government is reflected in an uncritical use of language. When he says that science is being Rcollectivized,S Ziman lumps together state collectivism (coercive, tax-based, usual meaning of the word) with large-scale organization and integration of activity (which occurs in a free market). His use of the word RmarketS fails to distinguish between a (free) market in which private parties support the research they choose with their own money, and a RmarketS in which research entities compete for limited government funding. Most bizarrely, he refers to no-strings government largesse as Rlaissez faire!S

Ziman frequently appeals to economics concepts, but it is the sociologistUs dismal caricature of economics where competition thwarts cooperation, private good benefit undermines public good, a Rruthlessly selective market systemS generates Rhuman wastage,S employers shirk supposed non-contractual responsibilities to their employees, nothing matters but cash, and the Rinvisible handS has more thumbs than fingers. Unfortunately, such a perspective is not conducive to appreciating the genuine economic insights that are available regarding major themes in this book.

I offer an instructive example: Times were good for scientists when funding was increasing rapidly. The leveling off of funding (even though the actual amount is higher than before) has produced a situation of Rextreme resource scarcity,S a disruptive, disheartening Rtightening of the financial screwS in which careers are destabilized as research projects are canceled or scaled back. There is a good analogy here to what happens when government artificially inflates the money supply in an economy. The monetary expansion stimulates capital investment and new business ventures at a rate that cannot be maintained. When, inevitably, the inflation must be reined in, there is a painful period of adjustment in which some investments are liquidated.

Similarly, the flood of government funding for science in the decades after World War II created an unrealistic expansionist momentum. The bubble has now burst, and resulting capital liquidations include cancellation of the Superconducting Supercollider and the superfluity of many expensive, highly specialized graduate educations.

In the 1920s economists pointed out that without a functioning market system there is no way to calculate how to allocate labor and resources to generate the goods that people want in an industrial society. Government cannot access all the relevant information, and it will choke on the information it does obtain. Bureaucracy proliferates, then rigor mortis sets in. Today, in science, the symptoms of governmental ineptitude are fully apparent in escalating formal accountability requirements--a bureaucratization of science that, as Ziman notes, threatens to stifle progress.

In some passages the economic message seems to have penetrated: REverybody now appreciates the practical impossibility of planning in advance, from a single centre, the routine manufacture of all manner of standard products to meet the foreseeable needs of a nation: it is scarcely credible that this approach could succeed [in science] where every item is novel, where the means of production are uncertain, and where the needs to be met are not even clearly conceived.S

But collectivist imperatives prevail: RThere can be no objection in principle to setting general priorities among the various long-term objectives of a national research system, and allocating resources accordingly.S Such decisions Rarise naturally out of the normal responsibilities of a democratic government towards its tax-paying citizens.S

Prometheus Bound was written before Republican budget-cutters swept into control of Congress. Shall we anticipate a sequel entitled Prometheus Gutted? It would be truer to the myth, if not to reality.

Allan Walstad
Physics Department
University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown
Johnstown Pennsylvania 15904

Reflections on Our Forum, Physics, and Society

With this issue of Physics & Society, I'm stepping down as editor. It's been an exciting nine years, filled with the thoughts and words of the many contributors to these pages. My heartfelt thanks go to the APS, and to our forum, for allowing me to pursue this task.

I assumed the editor's job in 1987 with a mandate from our forum's Executive Committee to make Physics & Society into more than a newsletter, into a quarterly that would feature researched articles, especially articles based on our invited sessions at APS meetings. Such articles are the backbone of this publication. They expand the audience for these ideas far beyond the attendees at the sessions themselves, to our 5000 forum members and to others who might read these pages. Thus, looking toward the future, it is vital that our forum maintain a series of significant invited sessions, and capture those sessions for the permanent record in these pages.

Physics & Society has also functioned, in its Letters, Reviews, and Commentary sections, as a forum of ideas and opinion. In my view there is a vital need for such an outlet, especially within the physics community. We physicists, accustomed as we are to rigorous evidence, clear proof, and discreet solvable problems, have difficulty when our field bumps up against the blurred outlines of politics, world affairs, philosophical discourse, and feelings. We feel uncomfortable with opinions, especially controversial ones, and most especially ones that seem to reflect unfavorably upon what we regard as our dignity as pure scientists. We feel more secure remaining above the fray.

But it is our forum's mission to try to bring into focus the inherently fuzzy societal and cultural milieu of our science. The Forum on Physics and Society formed 25 years ago within the controversial context of the war in Vietnam, emerging from the protest against that war. We should keep that historical link in mind as we pursue our physics-and-society task, for insofar as we provide a true forum for ideas about the societal impact of physics, we will continue to tread beyond the comfort zone of the "pure" scientist.

Let us not fear to maintain a broad vision and to entertain unpopular ideas, including ideas with which we ourselves disagree. Our forum broadened during the 1970s from concern with a single issue to a concern with war and peace issues generally, and then, during the 1980s, to a concern also with environmental questions as well. Today, we cooperate with newly-emerged forums and other groups to deal with a range of issues that includes education, women, minorities, jobs, the unity of physics, and the future of physics. So long as we maintain the central link to physics, this broadening of outlook is commendable.

In fact, we need to broaden that vision even further. In this time when science is under attack from zealots of all sorts, when the unity of physics is under attack from the forces of narrow specialization that have always operated within our own profession, when the employability of physicists is in deep question, when the physics community is doing such a deplorable job of relating to the public, and when science education is in such a sad state, our forum especially needs the vision to hear all sides, to ask the full range of questions, and to entertain unconventional solutions.

I think for example of such issues as pseudoscience, science and religion, scientific literacy in the United States and the world, anti-intellectual and anti-scientific views, and the rising worldwide influence of fundamentalism and fanaticism. Perhaps even more than such traditional physics-and-society issues as nuclear weapons and the environment, these science-related cultural issues will dominate the coming decades. Scientific methodology, a topic which should be dear to the heart of every scientist, is the unifying thread in all these cultural issues. If Homo sapiens were more willing to follow the evidence, and to use its rational intellect, fanatics and emotionally-based views would not today be causing the immense misery and environmental destruction that they are causing. The fundamental contradiction of the scientific age might be the one between our eager embrace of the technological fruits of science, and our lazy rejection of the ways of thinking that made it all possible.

A cautionary note: In dealing with such topics, we must take care not to indulge in a kind of scientific zealotry ourselves. It is all too easy to quickly dismiss views that we regard as non-scientific, without seriously examining those views or the reasons for their existence.

There is an analogy here with the mistakes of nuclear power. Many nuclear power enthusiasts have historically been quick to dismiss non-expert views as technically flawed, naive, ignorant, or worse. Besides being terrible public relations, such a cult of expertise is intellectually mistaken. The fact is that there are no real authorities on an issue of such broad significance as nuclear power, for the same reason that there are no authorities on say love, or war. One can be an expert on, at most, a relatively small piece of the puzzle. It can be argued that the demise of nuclear power during the past two decades has had a lot to do with the inability of nuclear power proponents to really listen to disagreeable opinions, and to consider nuclear power within a sufficiently broad societal context.

Let not physics go the same way. I am certainly not arguing here that we give any intellectual quarter to, say, pseudoscience. What I am arguing is that we listen, and listen sympathetically, to pseudoscientists and others with whom we might have fundamental disagreements. Most importantly, we must be quick to admit our own mistakes, and to set about correcting them. We have paid gross inattention to the education of the non-scientists such as lawyers, teachers, reporters, and businesspeople who determine the shape of both our society and our science. We have been too quick to escape the classroom for our laboratories. We have paid insufficient attention to the social uses of our science, making the lazy argument that those uses are not really part and parcel of our supposedly value-free science. We have succumbed to the many pressures to over-specialize, to focus on one narrow question and so attain the coveted title of "expert." The exclusivity of our focus is destroying not only the unity of physics, but physics itself.

We must descend from our towers of expertise and enter more fully into the messy and controversial world of social impact and cultural context. This challenge is the purpose behind our forum, but it is not only for our forum. In fact, if the physics community in general cannot rise to this challenge then I fear for the future of our beautiful subject. Still more generally, if science itself cannot rise across the board to this challenge, than I fear for science itself, and thus for society.

Art Hobson