Archived Newsletters

Physics and Cancer, Further Responses

In a few years, if present trends continue, cancer will surpass heart disease as the leading cause of death in America, and will claim at least 500,000 deaths annually. Of those who survive, and 50% do survive for at least 5 years, the suffering involved in mutilative surgery, sickening drugs, and the side effects of radiation treatment properly make cancer the most dreaded of diseases. Yet there is no hint of compassion for those sufferers in Professor Finegold's response (January 1993) to my letter (October 1992), which chastises me by name seven times, and most unjustly in each case. Did he really read my letter before he fired off his error-filled, thoughtless missive?

The war on cancer had a political origin, as Professor Finegold says, but isn't that true of all wars? In the case of cancer the "war" metaphor is amply justified when one considers that the annual toll of dead and dying far surpasses the toll of any ordinary war. The metaphor is useful for other reasons. In war, when the commanders consistently fail to win battles and the war drags on, impatience grows and there is a call for a change of command. Isn't it time for such a change at the National Cancer Institute? And the term "war" reminds us of the profiteers, the turf minders, the complacent and the defeatists in war, all of whom are deterrents to success in the war on cancer as they are in ordinary wars.

We now know there will be a change in the top command of the Department of Health and Human Services, which controls the National Institutes of Health and the National Cancer Institute, from an experienced physician, Dr. Louis W. Sullivan, to Dr. Donna Shalala, a political scientist and academic administrator. Her announced priorities are child immunization, Head Start and AIDS. The mortality from AIDS is 6.5% that of cancer. Such a change is no more likely to give fresh impetus to the war on cancer than Professor Finegold's turf-protecting and patronizing remarks.

That fresh impetus might come from some lonesome genius laboring in a modest laboratory without the distractions of federal or Cancer Society grants, or from inside the cancer establishment. One can never tell. But we can be sure that it will be someone with the sincerity, compassion, fresh outlook and zeal for fundamental truth that have always animated our best minds.

Lawrence Cranberg

Teaming for National Competitiveness

While I enjoyed the wording and passion behind Don Runkle and Rich Marczewski's article (January 1993), I'm afraid that their passions are at least somewhat misplaced. Too many people, like the authors, think that "working on competitiveness" as an end in itself is a worthwhile primary activity of industry and government. Such thinking puts the cart in front of the horse.

Among the sine qua non for economic competitiveness is a well-educated population. For two decades, now, our country has graduated many millions of people from high schools who lack basic skills. It is not necessary for me to recite, yet again, the horrifying statistics and facts about recent graduates of the US public schools. The idea that such graduates can be somehow incorporated into an economically competitive society via teaming is just wrong.

Although some benefits might accrue from enhanced and coordinated government-industry-academia interaction, I suspect that the rewards to US industry will remain marginal, and probably negligible, until the primary problem has been solved. That problem is the public education disaster in the US. I'm afraid that teeming, rather than teaming, will be the fate of millions of Americans in the 21st century if we don't fix our schools now.

Jeffrey Marque

Principal Physicist Beckman Instruments, Inc. 1050 Page Mill Road, Box 10200 Palo Alto, California 94303-0803

Redefining Physics

If a for-profit scientific research corporation were established, with initial funding of $1 billion to $10 billion, from $1,000 or greater investments from the above group, the public, pension funds, endowment funds, and foundations, we could provide by demonstration the answer to your friend Greg's question,"What are physicists (and other scientists) good for, Hobson?" Income from patents and spin-off enterprises would provide the cash flow to support the work and dividends for the investors. Any issue of the Journal of Applied Physics (other journals also) has an embryonic form, ideas for dozens of new industries, and also identifies the key researchers to lead the projects.

Projects that need to be studied include new non-polluting processes for every manufactured product, energy-efficient processes, recycling technologies, safe nuclear energy, methods of cleaning the oceans and atmosphere, space propulsion systems, new transportation systems, etc. All of these require a blend of basic science, engineering, and inventiveness, similar to Thomas Edison's laboratory.

What is lacking is leadership in the scientific community, i.e. in the scientific societies. Science would rather live off the dole and complain, than take its fate in its own hands.

The first products of the new corporation should be a series of scientific toys and experiments for all ages, and sponsorship of a national science competition at each grade level, with cash, trips, internships, and scholarships as prizes. Science is fun, science is magic, science is exciting, science makes money, and it's time that the scientific community took the lead in demonstrating this, rather than talking about"natural philosophy" being ill. We, the scientific community, are ill, due to a lack of coherent inspired leaders, with the guts to do something on their own without relying on the government.

Physics and Society can take the lead in this. Readers can take an informal poll of colleagues, asking if they support the concept, and if they would invest in it, and whether they would recommend that their pension fund invest, and send the results to the editor. The Forum on Physics and Society could sponsor a symposium on the issue at one of the APS meetings.

Allen Rothwarf

Professor Electrical & Computer Engineering Dept., Drexel University Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104

Global Warming and a Gasoline Tax

I write to comment on James Felton's (January 1993) criticism of higher gas taxes. In Australia we pay approximately $US 1.65 per US gallon of petrol of which approximately half is government tax. Australia's petrol is almost the cheapest in the world, with the USA having the cheapest.

Firstly, I would like to remind Mr. Felton that moneys from gas taxes should pay for much more than road construction: cars and their drivers being responsible for pollution and road accidents, to name just a few.

Secondly, higher prices charged for gas -- whether levied by the companies or the government -- is the only real way to spur conservation and the exploitation of new energy systems. At the moment there are many alternative, renewable, energy sources which are prevented from becoming viable on their own merits because our society is so dependent on the oil-driven automobile. Oil is a finite resource, so we can either wait for a final oil shortage crisis, or we can plan for the time that we no longer can simply dig our fuel up out of the ground.

Personally, I would be a little annoyed were our government to charge higher gas taxes, since it would increase the cost of my 20 km drive to work. However, if the government were able to fund alternative energy research and also reduce national debt by raising such extra taxes, they would get my vote. One has to look at the longer term view.

Philip Ryan

Research Scientist, Materials Research Laboratory Defence Science and Technology Organization Cordite Avenue Maribyrnong VIC 3032, Australia

A Proposal for an Extended Core Program

Paul Harris

The standard two semester college core science sequence is incapable of meaningfully presenting all of the important advances in science which have occurred to date. Either one presents a rather small number of topics in the maximum detail that the students can absorb (as we attempt to do at my institution), or more typically in the United States, one broad-brushes through all of modern science with the result that understanding and believability are sacrificed to completeness of content.

One way of rectifying the choice of presenting a small number of topics in detail is to offer science electives. In my institution, the Center for Worker Education of the City College of New York, a BA-granting evening program for working adults, we have been offering a semi-cohesive four semester science elective program in addition to our required two semester core science program. The elective program has two courses in the history of science, a course in solar systems physics, and a laboratory electricity-electronics course. In spite of the small number of topics treated and the slowness of the courses, the enrollments have been disappointing. Our average elective has an enrollment of eight out of a student population of approximately eight hundred. Yet, as Massey (1) has stated, "...a world class educational system will view the [learning of math and science] not as something that is isolated from the rest of life, but as a central part of life."

The spirit of Massey's statement is reflected in my proposal; science is "central" to mankind's present way of life and the proposed core program has science as its underpinning. The basis of the proposal can be thought of as based in part upon the marvelous work, The Timetables of Science by Hellemans and Bunch (2), but with their "general" social sciences/humanities column of events expanded to occupy approximately half of their presentation.

There are changes which can be made to insure that a larger percentage of students receives a realistic science education. The changes are radical, doable within current constraints of available time, and long overdue. How overdue can easily be judged by the fact that the curriculum requirements in mathematics and science, for non-science majors, remains essentially unchanged (3) in American universities since the 1930s. Yet since the 1930s there has been a blossoming of the sciences and technologies which are related to our understanding of our place in the universe as well as the tempos of our everyday lives.

There isn't any way to return to the classical curriculum (4) of the trivium and the quadrivium. Also, simply to complain as Snow (5) had done about the anti-science attitude of the intellectual "luddites" will not solve the problem. It is necessary to work within the competition for time.

I propose that the entire core social science, humanities, and science programs be reconstituted and integrated. As a brief but pointed example of the approach that I envision, consider the way in which science can be integrated into a lecture concerning the joining of continental America. That joining (Promontory Point, 1869) can be taught simply in terms of railroads, the politics of financing, and the sociology of cheap imported labor, or it can also be taught in terms of the physics, chemistry, and histories of the technologies of steam and metallurgy. I propose that we begin to back away from the simple approach to an approach which also emphasizes the fundamental things which made such events possible. The strength of the box containing high pressure steam, the thermodynamics of steam, the load bearing capacity of rails, and the inventiveness of scientists and engineers from the time of Priestley and Cavendish were of fundamental importance to the joining of the continent. Without a box capable of containing high pressure steam, and valving capable of transferring that steam power to wrought iron (6) track of then novel design (7), there would not have been any need to import Asian labor to lay rails or Finnish labor to dig coal along the Wyoming railroad tracks.

Below follows a brief outline of a sequenced twenty-four credit core program. The program explicitly addresses total background rather than, for example, "scientific literacy" as it is usually addressed (8). The spirit of the program is meant to be more important than the arguable details.

A multi-discipline core program
Core 11: Language and writing. 4 credits.

  • Language/word origins. Commonalty and the history of language. In addition to the Indo-European, the African and Far Eastern are to be treated. Social implications (SI). 6 weeks, 2 quizzes.
  • Structure of the human voice box and ear. Comparison with other primates. SI (e.g. of speech). 2 weeks, quiz.
  • History of paper and writing. Physically and chemically how do they work? Printing and moveable type, spread of printing. SI with emphasis on early politically important literature and the democratization of the intellect. 6 weeks, essay.

COMMENT: Human speech has often been cited as the driving force which served to separate homo sapiens from other primates. For an alluring recent popularized statement of that aspect of the "great leap forward" see Diamond's (9) The Third Chimpanzee.

Core 12: History and science of modern communication techniques. 4 credits.

  • Chemistry and physics of photography, spatial resolution. 2 weeks.
  • Light sources and optics (early light houses and the Fresnel lens), early movie houses. 3 weeks, quiz.
  • Magnetic induction, radio, and television. Detectors and phosphors. 3 weeks, quiz.
  • Vacuum tubes and semiconductors. 3 weeks, quiz.
  • Digital technology and storage. 3 weeks, essay on the SI of modern communication techniques.

COMMENT: The ending essays of each of the courses in the proposed program are meant to preserve the essay on social themes of presently offered core humanities courses.

Core 100: Great social ideas (with a science background). 4 credits.

  • The relationship between early mining, agriculture, and slavery. 3 weeks.
  • The universal abolition of slavery. 3 weeks, essay.
  • The growth of universities in the 13th century. 2 weeks.
  • The growth of craftsmanship and economic freedom. 2 weeks, essay.
  • Migration through the ages with a background in boat building and navigation. 4 weeks, essay.

Core 102: Great science ideas (with a social science background). 4 credits.

  • Early astronomy for navigation and the agricultural calendar. The Justinian calendar. 2 weeks, quiz.
  • The conceptual revolutions of Copernicus and Kepler. 2 weeks, quiz.
  • The conceptual revolutions of Newton and Faraday. 2 weeks, quiz.
  • The history of the use of metals. The properties of copper, iron, steel, and aluminum. The history of mining. 3 weeks, quiz.
  • The history of the science of agriculture. The science of selective breeding. 3 weeks, essay on SI.
  • The science of the industrial revolution. 3 weeks, essay on SI.

Core 104: Modern physical science ideas (with social science implications). 4 credits.

  • The constitution of the atmosphere. The science of flight and its implications. 3 weeks, quiz.
  • The science of rocketry and implications for our species. 2 weeks, quiz.
  • Atomic physics, nuclear physics, and special relativity. New ways of thinking and new forms of power. 5 weeks, quiz and SI essay.
  • Modern astronomy and cosmology. The new religion. 4 weeks, quiz and SI essay.

Core 106: Modern bioscience ideas (with social science implications). 4 credits.

  • Chemistry based upon valency. Burning of carbohydrates and photosynthesis. 2 weeks, quiz.
  • The chemistry and statistics of proteins and DNA. Crick and Watson. 3 weeks, quiz.
  • Wohler and urea, acids and bases and Miescher, Mendel, Griffith, and Avery et. al. Transformation, transduction, and lysogeny. 4 weeks, quiz
  • The Cambrian explosion of life forms. 3 weeks, SI essay.
  • Theory of evolution from Darwin to Margulis. Genetic engineering. Are we our own God? 4 weeks, SI essay.

The above core sequence would typically displace a sequence containing a radically different point of view. In my institution, for example, the first sixteen core credits presently involve "Literature, Film and Human Experience," and "Work, Family and Community." It is replaced with subjects which are much more fundamental to the way we live. Indeed it is my firm belief that the proposed core program can only help to strengthen humanities and social science education by presenting a firmer base for their traditional considerations to build upon.

The most important events in human history probably involve the cultivation of fire, agriculture, metals usage, the medical sciences, electronics, the atom and the nucleus, and the towering twentieth century all encompassing achievement of space flight. It's time to recognize what we have done as a species and begin to emphasize within education the science/technology that separates us from other Earth-based life forms.


  1. W.E. Massey, Am. J. Phys. Vol. 60, 295 (1992).
  2. A. Hellemans and B. Bunch, The Timetables of Science (Touchstone, New York, 1991).
  3. At the City College of New York the mid-1930s' degree required ten credits of science while the present requirement is for six credits of science plus an additional three credits of either astronomy, mathematics, or physics.
  4. R. Taton, editor, History of Science: Ancient and Medieval Science (Basic Books, New York, 1963), page 470.
  5. C.P. Snow, The Two Cultures: and a Second Look (Cambridge U. Press, Cambridge, 1964), pages 10-11, 29-30, 72-73.
  6. L. Warburton, Railroads: Bridging the Continents (Lucent Books, San Diego, 1991),page 21.
  7. R.W. Howard, The Great Iron Trail: The Story of the First  Transcontinental Railroad (Putnam Sons, New York, 1962), pages 27-29.
  8. R.M. Hazen and J. Trefil, Science Matters (Doubleday, New York, 1991);  J. Durant, G. Evans, and G. Thomas, Public Understanding of Science Vol. 1, 161 (1992).
  9. J. Diamond, The Third Chimpanzee (Harper Collins, New York, 1992). Pages 54-55, 141.

The author is at the Center for Worker Education and the Department of Physics, City Collegqe of New York, 138th Street and Convent Avenue, New York, New York 10031.

Trashing the Planet

Dixie Lee Ray, with Lou Guo Published by Perennial (Harper-Collins), 1992, $10 paper, $20 cloth.

This is a provocative book. The reader is continually presented with assertions that are contrary to majority views. Dr. Ray asserts as her motivation that "--I do part company with alarmists that misuse science to foment fear and who clamor with increasing stridency that industrial progress must stop or be redirected into uneconomical alternatives--."

She provides interesting evidence for her assertion that the dangers to the public and ecosphere of Alar, DDT, dioxin, and PCB have been exaggerated by overzealous environmental organizations, although I suspect there would be considerable scientific disagreement with her assertions as well.

Very few people would dispute her claims as to the benefits of nuclear radiation as used in nuclear medicine. In attempting to argue the possibility that a small amount of ionizing radiation may be beneficial, Dr. Ray presents some thought-provoking data, but also ignores some information to the contrary.

The BEIR V report of the National Academy of Sciences uses a linear no-threshold model for solid tumors. Their recommendation is that the cancer incidence is 800 cancers per million people exposed to 1 rem. This is eight times greater than the figure used by Dr. Ray. It is also known that, contrary to her claim that there is no evidence of linearity below 10 rem exposure, there is a linear induction of cancer due to x-ray exposure in the pelvic region down to 0.8 rem, and to 6.5 rem for thyroid carcinoma induced by x-rays. Since the normal cancer rate is 1500 persons per year, proof of radiation-induced cancer at low doses presents a formidable statistical problem. However, because it is difficult to measure at low doses, it does not necessarily mean that cancer induction is negligible, as Dr. Ray implies. When ignorant it is prudent to be conservative, in the opinion of this reviewer.

Dr. Ray argues that energy conservation produced by sealing homes is a health hazard because of increased radon concentration. Actually radon concentration in homes arises by percolation from the soil beneath the home and not from building materials. It can be substantially decreased in areas of high radon containing soils by improved ventilation in the crawl space beneath the home. In condemning conservation and arguing for building new electrical generating plants, Dr. Ray ignores the benefits of improved insulation of structures that require heating and cooling, and improved efficiency of lighting and appliances. She ignores the fact that in the period 1973 to 1986 US. GNP improved 35% with no increase in the use of energy due to conservation efforts. The energy thus saved per year is equivalent to all the present US. electrical generating capacity.

In stating the case against renewable energy sources Dr. Ray argues, in connection with wind energy for electricity production, that "most of the efforts have failed and been abandoned." Although some wind turbines have failed, the development in the last decade in California has produced wind turbines that are 98% reliable and have an installed capacity of 1600 megawatts, enough to supply the city of San Francisco. Wind resources in the midwest alone could supply all the country's electrical needs using this proven technology.

Dr. Ray dismisses solar energy as being too diffuse. She quotes the high cost of Solar One in the Mojave Desert. This was a pilot project funded by DOE and not intended to be cost-effective in the marketplace. She ignores the fact that production of electricity is occurring for the Southern California grid using solar-thermal energy from parabolic reflectors located in the California desert with an installed capacity of 430 megawatts. Using this known technology it is estimated that a 6000 square mile desert area could also supply all US electrical needs.

Having dismissed renewable energy sources, Dr. Ray argues that nuclear power has less environmental impact than use of fossil fuels for production of electricity (acid rain, no greenhouse gases, releases less radioactivity to the environment than coal burning). As to nuclear waste she argues that it should be reprocessed since nuclear waste repositories are politically difficult, and disposed at sea. This is surely a controversial and unproved proposal.

Although Dr. Ray laments "environmental extremism," her book is hardly an example of a measured and balanced discussion of the complex issues involved. However, it does present the reader with a viewpoint stressing unlimited energy production and de-emphasizing environmental caution that is not often presented in such frank terms.

John A. Jungerman
Physics Department
University of California
Davis, CA

Global Warming: Physics and Facts

Edited by Barbara Goss Levi, David Hafemeister and Richard Scribner. AIP Conference Proceeding 247, AIP, New York, 1992, 512 pages, $76 for AIP or APS member.

[This review is reprinted, with permission, from Contemporary Physics, Volume 33, Number 3. See also the description of this Forum-sponsored conference and conference proceedings, in Physics and Society July 1992.]

First the title: Physics and facts? Since when was physics not facts? What it means is physics and policy, which makes the blunder even worse. However, it is a good book, and we had better forgive the choice of label, which was obviously made for alliterative rather than descriptive purposes.

These days, there is a steady stream of books about the climate, and the harmful changes that are threatening or, according to some, already appearing as the thin end of the wedge. Many of these books are cobbled together out of the proceedings of some conference or another, with all that that implies for hastily thrown together manuscripts, uneven treatment and fragmentary coverage. Despite appearances -- the cover of this book is emblazoned with the subtitle AIP Conference Proceedings 247 in letters larger than those of the main title already criticized -- this book is not one of those. It is in fact based on a short course held at Georgetown University in Washington in April 1991. This, of course, is not the same thing at all as a conference, especially when it comes to proceedings. The lecturers at short courses tend to be motivated (by a fee, if nothing else) to teach, and the lectures themselves are carefully chosen by the organizers and speakers to form a comprehensive set, pre-prepared and written up. The lectures and subsequent discussions tend to highlight any shortcomings and allow the author to hone the notes and proceedings to a high standard. So it is here. The fact that the principal editor of this volume is also senior associate editor of Physics Today probably helped as well.

What we have then is one of the best and most up-to-date books on global warming available so far. It begins with a tutorial on elementary radiative transfer, including some of the relevant parts of cloud physics (clouds are the biggest unknown in the climate system), continues with the atmospheric and oceanic circulations, and the numerical models which attempt to describe them, the Earth's radiation budget, the carbon cycle and trace gases, a little about the basis of climatic records. All of these are written by researchers in the field who really know their stuff but are not so famous that they disdain to write it down carefully. Even the policy chapters, on how we might lower carbon emissions and so forth, often so vague and dull, are surprisingly good, and manage to be quite incisive and even fairly quantitative.

A regrettable omission is the lack of a chapter on the details of climate-related measurements, their problems and prospects, the more so because these lie on the "critical path" as much or more than models and policies do. Notwithstanding this one shortcoming, this book is an excellent place to start for any physicist wishing to understand what global warming is all about.

Professor F.W. Taylor
Clarendon Laboratory
Oxford University
Oxford, England

Chernobyl: Insight from the Inside

V.M. Chernousenko

Springer-Verlag, 1991, $34 hardcover

Mr. Chernousenko's work on the accident at Chernobyl proved to be one of the least readable books that I have ever come upon. In addition to the obvious translation difficulties, much of the book consists of a listing of "facts" regarding contamination levels, and other statistics, that could best have been left to the appendix. As a result of this emphasis on relating the contamination data, the central tenets of the book, including the details of the accident and the clean-up efforts, are obscured. This is most unfortunate, because this material is of the greatest importance, both for understanding the accident itself and for understanding the Soviet system.

The author sets out to demonstrate that the information released by the Soviet government regarding the accident was deliberately erroneous. Indeed, he refers to the series of myths -- 21 in all -- purportedly released by the government to make the rest of the world, and, perhaps of greatest importance, the people of the Soviet Union, believe that the accident was not very significant and that the clean-up proceeded rather smoothly. Unfortunately, the 21 myths are not of equal value, and, indeed, are often overlapping to the extent that the reader cannot regard them as separate. This is particularly true of the myths about the extent of the low level radiation contamination.

In addition, the author offers only limited support for his contentions of mythical status for some issues, whereas the support for other issues is extremely strong. For instance, that a 35 rem lifetime exposure is too high (myth 11) is certainly debatable, and is by no means on the same level as the clear myth that the death toll from the accident was only 31.

The author has two goals in this work: to inform the world of the true extent of the accident, and to secure proper protection from radiation contamination for the people of the former Soviet Union still living in affected zones. Unfortunately, the book was written while the affected zones were part of the Soviet Union. With the breakup, the zones now lie in three countries -- Russia, Byelorus, and the Ukraine -- and the government he attacks no longer exists, deflating the impact of his appeal and the importance of this second goal. In addition, while the extent of the data on contamination is overwhelming, the data has not been verified by outside groups. He also strives hard to make the case that low level radiation contamination is extremely dangerous, but again the verification is lacking.

On the other hand, Chernousenko was certainly an insider on the accident clean-up, having worked in the zone as scientific director of the Ukrainian Academy of Science's task force for the rectification of the consequences of the accident. Indeed, he was one of three authors of the secret report on the accident prepared for the Soviet government. Thus, his accounts of the accident itself, and work on the reactor after the accident, are the most detailed and well-prepared sections. They include very compelling interviews with some of those involved, making his account of the extent of the accident extremely convincing.

The Soviet government was determined to restart the other reactors at the site. To do this, they concluded that they had to cover the destroyed reactor with a sarcophagus. The highly radioactive debris from the destroyed reactor -- including core material -- had to be removed as well. It was determined that this material would be dumped into the shell of the destroyed reactor prior to sealing off the sarcophagus.

Robots were brought in to do this work, but were unable to withstand the radiation. It was then left up to "biorobots," humans, to clean up the site. Dressed in makeshift radiation suits, the workers were sent into areas where radiation levels exceeded 1000 rem per hour. Due to the high dose levels, a large number of workers were needed. The author contends that six hundred and fifty thousand workers were directly involved in the clean-up, many of them needlessly. For example, the building of the sarcophagus was given priority over clearing the rest of the debris, even though the debris could not be cleared once the sarcophagus was closed. As a result of this stupid decision, cranes that could have been used to help remove the debris from the buildings adjacent to the destroyed reactor were employed instead to build the sarcophagus, and many more workers were thus exposed to high radiation levels.

Many of these workers, mostly soldiers drawn from throughout the Soviet Union, were exposed to sufficient radiation that illness resulted. According to the author, in order to hide the extent of radiation exposure, the medical organization in the Soviet Union refused to regard their subsequent illness claims as having any relation to their radiation exposure, and they were consequently left unable to work and with a pension insufficient to meet their medial needs. Again, interviews and other personal accounts by many of these workers are included, and are the most effective elements in the book.

The book's arguments are enhanced by photographs, including some of the reactor after the accident, showing the extent of the damage far more clearly than can be conveyed by words. There are also photographs of the "biorobots," workers dressed in radiation suits sent to clean up the site in place of robots that could not withstand the high radiation levels.

The Chernobyl accident must be regarded as a prime example of the danger of government secrecy. Actions taken by the government time and again were aimed at maintaining the official line. Anything that could embarrass government officials was kept classified, even from those whose lives were literally dependent on the knowledge. Millions of people have been placed at risk by a government most concerned with saving itself. This work is must reading, not as a tome on the dangers of nuclear power, but on the dangers of a government allowed to operate beyond the view of the people it governs.

James R. Treglio

ISM Technologies, Inc.

Recent Publications on Arms Control

A September, 1992, Congressional Budget Office report, "Limiting Conventional Arms Exports to the Middle East", by Michael O'Hanlon, Victoria Farrell, and Seven Glazerman, has a number of sections that might be of interest to the physics community. It is not an analysis of the technical capabilities of weapons, but does have some discussion of methods for quantitative evaluation of weapon effectiveness, methods which have generally been quite primitive. In the mid-east, as an example, the air forces of post-Gulf War Iraq are outranked only by those of Israel, Libya, and Syria. A chapter covers the effect of arms trade limitations on US technical industries. Related government studies include the Congressional Budget Office's "The Economic Effects of Reduced Defense Spending," and the Office of Technology Assessment's "Global Arms Trade" and "After the Cold War."

The Programme for Promoting Nuclear Non-proliferation publishes quarterly news briefs with encyclopedic coverage of this broad policy issue, reporting on diplomatic activities, trade in nuclear materials, IAEA operations, nuclear power and waste storage developments, nuclear testing, relevant conferences and publications, etc. Recently the Programme began preparing its own studies. The first, published in March 1992, is on the relationship between the Non-Proliferation Treaty and a possible complete ban on nuclear testing. Information about these publications may be obtained from the Mountbatten Centre for International Studies, University of Southampton, Southampton, S09 5NH, UK.

Further on nuclear testing, the September 1992 Arms Control Today contains an article by Ray Kidder summarizing his position that "only a small number -- if any -- further nuclear tests are needed for these purposes [to ensure reliability and safety], and with proper planning, these could be accomplished in a period of three years." The article also refers to two reports from 1987 and 1991 where details may be found.

A simmering arms control question during the Cold War period was the possible development by either of the superpowers of depressed trajectory missiles. Such trajectories, which are lower than the "minimum energy" trajectories and hence faster, are feasible though they pose some technical difficulties, and could possibly undermine the deterrent capabilities of the nation attacked -- for example, by destroying aircraft on the ground. This issue was aired in a Forum-sponsored APS session in April 1990, and in this newsletter in January 1991. Concerns remain while large numbers of nuclear warheads are present in an unstable world. Lisbeth Gronlund and David Wright present their technical analysis of depressed trajectories and a possible ban on testing in Vol. 3, No. 1 (1992) of Science and Global Security.

A follow-up to my mention in the July 1992 Physics and Society of controls on ballistic missiles: John Harvey compares the threats of missiles and of advanced strike aircraft in a detailed study in the Fall 1992 issue of International Security.

Michael Sobel
Brooklyn College

Kidder, Woodruff and Brooks Win Forum Award

The winners of the Szilard Award for 1993 are Ray Kidder of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and Roy Woodruff of Los Alamos National Laboratory. The joint citation states "For courageous efforts to provide the government with reliable and objective science advice on critical issues affecting national security and arms control policy."

Kidder provided both written reports and oral testimony to Congress from 1987 to 1992 on the question of whether nuclear weapons testing was necessary to assure weapons reliability and to improve nuclear weapons safety. His reports focused on the empirical test record and an analysis of its implications. Kidder has been a senior physicist at the Livermore lab for 35 years, where he has developed models and methods in thermonuclear physics and hydrodynamics that have been used in the nuclear weapons program. Kidder directed the inertial confinement fusion program at Livermore for the first ten years of its existence, and recommended that the lab pursue its current program in the atomic-vapor laser isotope-separation process.

Woodruff was the head of the nuclear weapons research program at Livermore in 1983, the time of Reagan's "star wars" speech. Although Woodruff was a supporter of x-ray laser development, he felt that unjustified claims were being made about the state of the research on this potential star wars weapon, and he worked to set the record straight with the appropriate government officials, often at odds with the Livermore management. Woodruff resigned as associate director for defense systems in 1985 and left Livermore for Los Alamos in 1990. Currently he is the program director for nonproliferation and arms control.

The recipient of the 1993 Forum Award is Harvey Brooks, the Benjamin Pierce Professor of Technology and Public Policy, Emeritus, in the Kennedy School of Government and Gordon McKay Professor of Applied Physics, Emeritus, in the Division of Applied Science at Harvard University. He was cited "for elucidating the role that science and technology plays in modern society, for exemplifying the best in science advising through participation in numerous important studies and for supporting the creation and sustenance of institutions of science and technology policy in the US and abroad." Over a long career Brooks has written widely about the relationship between science and public affairs. He has been a key participant in numerous studies, including the National Research Council's Committee on Nuclear and Alternative Energy Systems (CONAES). And he has helped to create some of our most important institutions of science and technology policy, among them the Congressional Office of Technology Assessment. Brooks got a Ph.D. from Harvard in 1940 and worked both at Harvard and at Pennsylvania State College before joining General Electric in 1946. He returned to Harvard in 1950.

Call for Forum Awards Nominations!

The chairman of the 1994 Forum Awards Committee is Lawrence Badash, Department of History, University of California at Santa Barbara. Please send any nominations, with supporting documentation, to him.

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Threshold: From Coastal to Global Ocean Use

[The following article is reprinted with permission from Sea Technology magazine, May 1992. The author has served as scientific liaison officer at the US Embassy in London, and has done research under Wolfgang Pauli, and at CERN, and with Werner Heisenberg, and then with Abdus Salam. During the past two decades, his attention has shifted towards developing the "new ocean technology."]

For some time now, it has been known that there exists an exceptional major part of the world ocean, encircling the Antarctic continent, where completely unobstructed surface winds, with a dominant westerly component, flow at speeds whose annual average is greater than can be found almost anywhere else worldwide. This seaway of about 16,000 miles in circumpolar girth, possessing a total area greater than that of the whole Antarctic continent, constitutes an exclusively renewable ocean energy resource that in the future could fully meet world energy requirements.

In the past, the notion that such an energy source could be massively and profitably tapped for useful purposes would have seemed unthinkable, given the traditional tacit perception that science and engineering are unable to master violent storms at sea. But now, when oceangoing platforms can be cost-effectively built and utilized in ways that will far surpass the current state of the art, such an ideal energy source can be immediately tapped, just for starters, by a large number of oceangoing wind farms whose platforms are of a uniquely seaworthy kind.

In order to build and use such platforms, I believe that an integrated plan of action implementing an evolving international Global Change Research Program (GCRP) might reap major benefits. These benefits would come from undertaking a role as "global precursor" of possible future grand experiments at sea. More specifically, we should take early advantage of those technological advances that led to the concept and plans for a single sea-borne platform that could function as a maritime settlement of the kind defined above. Furthermore, the GCRP affords the first and best of all possible mediums through which productive use of these technological advances might be undertaken on a global scale.

Indeed, it is only in this way, through implementing the technological advances and through the strictest conformity with the technology policy criteria of Rodney W. Nichols (most recently discussed by him in Sea Technology, October 1991), that I have found it possible to address all relevant environmental concerns, to the satisfaction of all those who share such concerns.

One might ask why much greater attention must be paid to technology policy today than in any time in the past. And one might ask how a technology policy can be set so as to be pertinent to and adapted for treating any given potentially amenable problem. Such a problem might even be so complex as to affect humanity as a whole: the present global economic crunch, for example, or the threat of man-made global environmental change, or the crisis now confronting Russian reformists in their struggle for democracy. In the end, however, the solution to every such problem must commence with the solution of some underlying economic problem and therefore with the setting of prerequisite technology policy.

Actually, the most pressing of all such problems -- because it must be resolved first -- has been unambiguously pointed out by Nichols: "Since circumstances have changed a great deal over the past 30 years, R&D management for the 1990s cannot mindlessly mimic past patterns. Still the American R&D system -- must reemphasize principles recently ignored." In both respects, present conditions are such that the research community simply cannot "reach the discoveries and applications expected from science and engineering." Therefore the bottom line must be, as he has expressed it: "Something has got to change."

Encouragingly, however, at least within the framework of the new ocean technology, the Antarctic seaway scenario constitutes just one example of many concrete and far-reaching "oceanic test cases" in which, for the first time, one can prove it to be actually possible to reach such discoveries and applications. And finally, an equally encouraging consequence will be a rising tide of wealth that will benefit both developed and developing nations.

Edward Jay Schremp
226 South Fairfax Street
Alexandria, VA 22314

Quantum Theory and Relevant Education

I recently re-read a most fascinating book: Edwin Arthur Burtt's Metaphysical Foundations of Modern Physical Science, published in 1924. This classic was last republished in 1980 and is available from Humanities Press International, 165 First Avenue, Atlantic Highlands, NJ 07716-1289, phone 908-872-1441 ($15, paperback).

Letting the principal players, Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, Descartes, Newton, and others, speak for themselves, Burtt recounts the transition from the medieval to the Newtonian worldview. Burtt's analysis makes clear, if it wasn't already, that Newtonian physics reformed not only science but also the entire philosophical foundation of European culture during the 16th through the 19th centuries. The "clockwork universe" framed the worldview of the creators of European culture during those centuries. It is a worldview that continues to powerfully influence western thought in ways both direct and indirect. We still live in the Newtonian age.

Burtt sees "need for a critical, historical study of the rise of the fundamental assumptions characteristic of modern [post-medieval] thinking," and sets out to begin filling this need. More recently, Arthur Koestler took on a similar task in The Sleepwalkers, a more poetic but more dogmatic and less compelling work than Burtt's.

The theme that emerges is that the giants of Newtonian physics did not take their philosophy sufficiently seriously, and that western culture has for many centuries accepted the mechanical universe uncritically, without serious analysis of its validity or consequences. In Koestler's metaphor, we have "sleepwalked" into a worldview that might or might not be valid, that might or might not be healthy, but that has assuredly dominated industrial societies for centuries.

One science-and-society lesson that I take from this is that our scientific worldview is more important, socially, than we might have thought. If so, we should take the philosophical and cultural implications of science far more seriously than we do. It is a delusion to argue that physics has no philosophical impact, or that physicists should refrain from philosophy. Everything has philosophical impact, science most of all today, and the only question is whether that impact will be conveyed thoughtfully, or thoughtlessly.

In particular, we physicists should do more to communicate the meaning of physics, and its possible cultural impact. Our textbooks and our lectures, so full of formulas, techniques, and problems, pay much attention to getting the "right answer," and little attention to the ideas. But it is the ideas that count. Physics is, after all, about understanding ("standing beneath") nature, not about manipulating her.

The most glaring example is "quantum mechanics." The very term, an oxymoron if there ever was one, indicates our lack of interest in the theory's meaning. Quantum theory is our most general, and most accurate, conception of the natural world. So far it has worked perfectly. Yet the entire topic gets crowded into a week or two of introductory physics, following nearly a full year of Newtonian physics. And in those few lectures it is the most Newtonian topics, such as the Bohr atom and the photoelectric effect, that get the most attention.

This is a matter of some societal significance, because scientific worldviews have social impacts. At least in our teaching, we continue the sleepwalk that perpetuates Newtonianism. The universe is quite non-Newtonian, but few students coming out of two-semesters of introductory physics would suspect any such thing. In a course that includes among other things a week on torque, a week on statics, a week on geometrical optics, a week on alternating currents, and a week on quantum theory, students come away believing that all these are of equal significance, and that quantum theory is just a small correction to Newtonian physics.

Shouldn't students come out of some 90 contact hours of physics "lecture" and 90 hours of lab with a rough idea of how the universe actually works? For example, how it started, its general shape, what it is made of, and how its parts change and interact? In our teaching of technique, understanding has nearly vanished into the calculational fog.

Topics that illuminate quantum theory include the double-slit experiment with matter and with radiation, wave-particle duality, the meaning of the wave function, Schroedinger's equation as an idea (students don't need to use it--they need to know about it and see a few solutions), quantum uncertainties, the uncertainty principle, Bell's theorem, non-locality with examples such as Aspect's experiment, the debate about hidden variables, and the measurement problem including collapse of the wave function, the role of the observer, observer-created reality and Schroedinger's cat. For good books on these topics, see Nick Herbert's Quantum Reality (Anchor Press, Doubleday, New York, 1985), and Jim Baggott's The Meaning of Quantum Theory (Oxford University Press, New York, 1992). And see N. David Mermin's articles in Physics Today.

There is no reason not to teach students, without the equations but with the concepts, the full quantum theory of a universe made of interacting quantized fields. Some will say that we can't teach such topics without the proper math. I don't believe it. Richard Feynman, for one, believed that if you can't teach some specialized technical topic, such as your own research, to an intelligent non-mathematical non-scientist, then you don't understand your topic.

If you are a teacher, then you have probably noted by now that there is at least one slight problem with all of this: time. How can any of this be accomplished, in already-bloated introductory courses, especially when some very good physics educators such as Arnold Arons urge us to devote even more attention to Newtonian accelerations and forces in order to deal with student learning difficulties? Good question.

The Introductory University Physics Project is one attempt to deal with this question. It has made many good suggestions. I would suggest devoting much less time to technique and more to concepts, and dropping less-than-fundamental topics such as torque, angular motion, statics, electric circuits, and geometric optics. And do we still need the Bohr atom?

But this approach probably doesn't go far enough, because it starts from the present course and asks "how can we improve it?" Instead of improving on the present course, perhaps we need to start over and ask what we really want to communicate, and invent a course that does it. If our goal is to communicate science's view of nature, then I'm certain we can find a way to do it, with enough calculations included to satisfy any reasonable desire for developing students' technical skills, in 90 contact hours. But we need to start with that goal, and then decide what we should and could teach toward that goal.

Physics is not about this or that technical problem. Physics is about understanding nature, and it is ultimately about ourselves. The point is not just "academic." Four centuries of the clockwork universe testify that this point is socially significant.

Art Hobson

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