
Prizes & Awards

FGSA Underrepresented Minority (URM) Student Awards 

The FGSA Underrepresented Minority (URM) Student Awards seek to address inequities and unique challenges often faced by underrepresented students in physics. The goal of the award is to support students while improving the attendee representation at APS conferences. This award covers conference registration fees with some travel for the 2024 APS April Meeting. This award will be given as reimbursement of expenses following the meeting.

Apply Now

The deadline to apply is March 1, 2024. Applicants will be notified by TBD

Award Allocation: Up to $500 (domestic students) or $1,000 (international students)

Eligibility: Graduate students who are members of APS and FGSA, and presenting during the 2024 APS April Meeting. We encourage graduate students of all stages to apply.

FGSA Travel Award for Excellence in Graduate Research

The FGSA Award for Excellence in Graduate Research recognizes graduate students who have made noteworthy progress in their academic careers. This includes both those who demonstrate great potential as well as those with considerable accomplishments in their field. 

Apply Now

The deadline to apply is March 1, 2024. Applicants will be notified by TBD

Award Allocation: Up to $500 (domestic students) or $1000 (international students)

Eligibility: Graduate students who are members of APS and FGSA, and presenting during the 2024 APS April Meeting. We encourage graduate students of all stages to apply.

More information including award policies and criteria can be found on the FGSA website.

Have all materials ready when submitting your application. If you have any questions, please email ajain431@gatech.edu.

FGSA Underrepresented Minority (URM) Student Awards

The FGSA Crisis Support and Underrepresented Minority (CSURM) Student Awards seek to address inequities and unique challenges often faced by underrepresented students in physics. The goal of the award is to support students while improving the attendee representation at APS conferences. This award covers conference registration fees with some travel for the 2024 APS March Meeting. This award will be given as reimbursement of expenses following the meeting.

Apply Now

The deadline to apply is Friday, January 19, 2024

Award Allocation: Up to $500 (domestic students) or $1,000 (international students)

Eligibility: Graduate students who are members of APS and FGSA, and presenting during the 2024 APS March Meeting. We encourage graduate students of all stages to apply.

FGSA Travel Award for Excellence in Graduate Research

The FGSA Award for Excellence in Graduate Research recognizes graduate students who have made noteworthy progress in their academic careers. This includes both those who demonstrate great potential as well as those with considerable accomplishments in their field.

Apply Now

The deadline to apply is Friday, January 19, 2024

Award Allocation: Up to $500 (domestic students) or $1000 (international students)

Eligibility: Graduate students who are members of APS and FGSA, and presenting during the 2024 APS March Meeting. We encourage graduate students of all stages to apply.

More information including award policies and criteria can be found on the FGSA website.

Have all materials ready when submitting your application. If you have any questions, please email ajain431@gatech.edu.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I apply for the award more than once?
Yes, but it is highly unlikely that you will receive the award more than once. 

What can the award be used for?
The award can be used for all reasonable travel expenses associated with attending the designated meeting for which the award is applied. This includes meeting registration, economy airfare, ground transportation, lodging, meals, etc. Personal expenses such as laundry, insurance, valet, or other conveniences are not allowable charges.

Does the FGSA provide feedback on individual applications?
The FGSA cannot provide feedback on individual applications due to the large number of applicants. Generally speaking, the FGSA Travel Award committee makes the selection based on achievement and potential. This is to award applicants who have shown success as young scientists as well as those who would get the most out of attending their specified conference, workshop etc. The statement of purpose is important for evaluation of the latter.

How many applications do you receive, and what percentage of applicants receive the award?
We receive an average of 35 +/-4 applications per award season. The average acceptance rate is 17%. We strongly encourage an applicant who has not been selected to reapply in the future.  

Am I still eligible to apply if the conference I'm planning on attending is after I graduate?
As long as the applicant is a graduate student at the time of application, they are eligible. Students who have not started their graduate program but will be a graduate student during the award period are welcome to apply. 

What can I do if I find an error in my application after it is submitted?
If an error is discovered after submission, an application can be opened for editing. Submit a request to open editing by viewing your submission within Submittable and sending a message to the APS team. The request must be received and the revised application must be submitted before the application period closes.

Nominees for and holders of APS Honors (prizes, awards, and fellowship) and official leadership positions are expected to meet standards of professional conduct and integrity as described in the APS Ethics Guidelines. Violations of these standards may disqualify people from consideration or lead to revocation of honors or removal from office.