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APS FECS exec nomination open house

By Wennie Wang posted 08-13-2024 10:28


Dear FECS members,


As a follow up to our call for nominations, we will be holding an open house to answer any potential questions from those who have or are interested in submitting a nomination for our current open positions:


   * Chair-Elect (3 yrs)

   * Secretary (2 yrs)

   * Members-at-Large (x2) (2 yrs)

   * Communications Officer (2 yrs)


The open house will be held virtually through zoom on the following days and times (30 min each):


* Wednesday August 14, 3:30 pm CST/4:30 pm EST

* Thursday August 15, 3 pm CST/4 pm EST

* Friday August 16, 10 am CST/11 am EST


Zoom link:

Meeting ID: 952 9972 7995


Briefly, a short description of these positions can be found [here|]. A summary of past and on-going efforts may be found [here|].


As a reminder, a complete nomination consists of a 800 character bio, 800 character candidate statement, and headshot.

A nomination may be submitted via this [survey|]. Self-nominations are encouraged. 


Hope to see you at the open house!


Wennie Wang

FECS Past Chair

Assistant Professor, University of Texas at Austin

