Pierre-Gilles de Gennes Symposium
Simple Views on Polymer Physics
Session 1. Polymers in Bulk (T. Witten, Chair )
- P. Pincus: How Polymers Physics was Born
- R. Colby: Polyelectrolyte Solutions (abstract | talk)
- L. Leibler: Copolymers
- M. Daoud: Percolation & Gelation (abstract & extended | talk)
- M. Warner: Liquid Crystal Polymers and Networks
Session 2. Polymer Dynamics (A. Grosberg, Chair)
- J. Higgins: Quasi-Elastic Scattering Theory and Experiment Hand in Hand (abstract & extended | talk)
- E. Shaqfeh: The Coil-Stretch Transition after More than 30 Years (abstract | talk)
- W. Graessley: Dynamics of Polymer Solutions (abstract | talk)
- M. Rubinstein: Dynamics of Entangled Polymers (abstract | talk)
- J. Klein: Interdiffusion and disentanglement of polymer brushes (abstract | talk)
Session 3. Polymers at Surfaces and Interfaces (E. Raphael, Chair)
- J. Joanny: Adsorption (abstract | talk)
- E. Zhulina: Polymer Brushes (abstract | talk)
- H. Brown: Adhesion (abstract | talk)
- L. Leger: Slippage (abstract | talk)
- F. Brochard: Polymers in Confined Geometry (abstract | talk)