
About the Division of Polymer Physics

The Division of Polymer Physics, established in 1944, focuses on the physics of natural and synthetic macromolecular substances.

Join DPOLY - First Year Free!

The Division of Polymer Physics will pay the divisional dues for new DPOLY members. Here's how to take advantage of this special offer.

(1) If you are a CURRENT APS member, send an email message to the DPOLY Secretary-Treasurer, Dr. Vivek Prabhu. Please include:

Subject Header: New DPOLY Member
Message: Your name
Your APS membership number (if available)
Your email address
Your mailing address

(2) If you are a NEW APS member, either joining APS today or within the last month, send an email message to the DPOLY Secretary-Treasurer, Dr. Vivek Prabhu. Please include:

Subject Header: New DPOLY Member
Message: Your name
The date you joined APS
Your email address
Your mailing address

Benefits of DPOLY Membership

The Division of Polymer Physics (DPOLY) has a long history of being a vibrant research community within the American Physical Society (APS) that welcomes perspectives from a diverse array of members. Membership in DPOLY supports the activities and continued growth of this important forum for research in polymer physics and provides opportunities for professional growth through all phases of one’s career. DPOLY is comprised of an international pool of members and includes representation from people at all stages of academic and professional careers. Some benefits of membership include:

  1. Advanced notice and receipt of the DPOLY Booklet, a compact and popular guide which summarizes polymer and soft-matter related symposia and other events at the annual APS March meeting.
  2. Invitation to attend the evening DPOLY reception during APS March Meetings.
  3. The opportunity to serve the Division and the Society through elective offices and appointed committees of the Division.
  4. An opportunity to suggest and/or organize focused sessions in APS March Meetings in the contemporary areas of polymer physics.
  5. Access to DPOLY Short Courses that provide instruction on contemporary topics of interest within polymer physics and access to any associated student travel scholarships.
  6. A newsletter containing information on polymer-related opportunities, as well as news and events.
  7. The opportunity to be considered for nomination to APS Fellowship and for the following prizes and awards:
    • The Frank J. Padden Jr. Award
    • UKPPG/DPOLY Polymer Lecture Exchange
    • The Dillon Medal
    • The Polymer Physics Prize

The DPOLY membership fee is only $10 per year for APS members. Graduate students can join both DPOLY and the APS at no cost during their first year of membership.