Polymer Physics of Additive Manufacturing
The Polymer Physics of Separation Membranes
Sustainable Polymers: Physics of New Materials, Design for Sustainability, and End-of-Life
Macromolecular Engineering of Formulations
Machine Learning for Polymer Physicists
X-ray and Neutron Scattering for Polymer Science
GENE: the Gels, Elastomers, and Networks Experience
Polymer Colloids: Synthesis, Characterization and Applications
Polymer Nanocomposites: Challenges and Opportunities, Pinar Akcora, Rohan Hule and Russell Composto (Course | Flyer)
The glass transition in polymers, small molecule glass formers, and colloids: Recent advances in theory, experiment, and open challenges, Greg McKenna and Sindee Simon
Multiscale Computational Approaches for Simulating Polymers from Atomistic to Mesoscale, Gary Grest and Dvora Perahia
Membranes for Clean Energy and Water, Nitash Balsara and Evren Ozcam
Case Studies in Polymer Physics from the Industrial Research World, Chris Soles and Karen Winey
Advances in Scattering Techniques: Theory and Applications in Polymer Physics, Dvora Perahia
Polymers for Energy Generation and Storage, Rachel Segalman and Michael Chabinyc
Physics of Polymer Nanocomposites, Rich Vaia and Ramanan Krishnamoorti
High-throughput approaches to Polymer Physics and Materials Science, Michael Fasolka
Advances in the Use of Atomic Force Microscopy for Studies of the Physics of Macromolecular Materials, Christine Ortiz
Polymers in Existing and Emerging Patterning Technologies, Lynn Loo
Charged Polymers, Thomas Seery
Rheology and Dynamics of Polymers & Complex Fluids, Wes Burghardt
Polymer Chemistry for Physicists, Marc Hillmyer and Frank Bates
Glasses and the Glass Transition, Ralph Colby
Recent Advances in Polymer Simulations, Scott Milner
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