
Nominating Committee

Current Members

Chair: Richard Register
Members: Sanat Kumar, Whitney Loo, Lilo Pozzo, Jennifer Laaser, Liliana Bello, Danielle Mai


The DOLY Nominating Committee’s task is to draw up the annual DPOLY election slate (two candidates for DPOLY Vice-Chair, two for DPOLY Member-at-Large), and every four years, for DPOLY Secretary- Treasurer. The Nominating Committee consists of four members appointed by the chair to staggered two-year terms and one member appointed by Council for a one-year term. The Chair ascertains through the Executive Officer the identity of this member. The Chair appoints the Chair of the Nominating Committee from among its members, with the restriction that the member appointed by Council for a one-year term is not eligible for Chair. The Nominating Committee advises the Chair on suitable candidates for Society committees, including relevant Society Prize and Award committees, and on candidates for Society offices.

The Nomination Committee makes selection of candidates by July 1.