
Membership Committee

Current Members

Chair: Zahra Fakhraai
Members: Scott Danielsen, Danielle Mai, Phil Rauscher, Rob Riggleman


The DPOLY Membership Committee is charged with tracking membership in DPOLY, and with promoting such membership. Activities of the DPOLY Membership Committee may include recruiting new members at or just before the APS March Meeting; soliciting individuals whose membership has lapsed or who have presented papers at recent APS March Meetings; identifying individuals to serve as institutional points of contact for the purpose of promoting DPOLY membership; taking other steps, which the DPOLY Membership Committee shall devise. It is particularly important to be aware of the percentage of DPOLY members with respect to the total APS membership. The DPOLY Membership Committee Chair is a DPOLY Member-at-Large; half the time, another DPOLY Member-at-Large also serves on the committee (and becomes DPOLY Membership Chair when the current DPOLY Membership Chair’s term as a DPOLY Member-at-Large expires). The committee also has three appointed members who serve for two-year terms, so one or two new appointments are made each year as needed.