Education Committee
Current Members
Chair: Bradley Olsen
Vice Chair: Christopher Soles
Members: Andrew Spakowitz, Vivek Sharma, Moon Park
The DPOLY Education Committee is responsible for arranging the Padden Award. The Education Committee consists of an appointed Chair and Vice Chair who each serve staggered two-year terms; the advisor of the previous Padden Award winner; the first-year Member-at-Large; and the DPOLY Vice Chair. The Education Committee solicits suggestions for topics and instructors for the short course to be sponsored by the Division, evaluates the suggestions and makes recommendations to the Executive Committee. The Education Committee oversees presentation of short course.
- Padden Award nominations are due by the APS March Meeting deadline.
- Padden Finalists are selected by the Education Committee in the beginning of December before the Sorter’s meeting.
- Padden Award winner is selected by the Education Committee at the March Meeting after the Padden Symposium and awarded at the DPOLY Business Meeting.
- The short course selection occurs at the executive committee meeting in March.
- Short course description is finalized by June.