Physics Outreach Grant Proposal Guidelines
A. Purpose
The program is funded by the NYSS-APS to provide seed money for projects intended to bring physics-related learning experiences to the general public, and in particular to K through 12 students. Projects that will potentially lead to sustained programming are particularly encouraged. Special consideration will be given to proposals that increase the participation and achievement of underrepresented groups in the sciences, mathematics, and engineering.
B. Eligibility
Proposals will be accepted from individuals associated with non-profit institutions (including universities, colleges, community colleges, secondary schools, museums and other non-profits with educational missions) who intend to carry out educational activities within the area served by the NYSS-APS. The targeted audience must be located in New York or contiguous states/provinces. Undergraduate and graduate students are particularly encouraged to submit proposals. One of the proposers must have a current or prior affiliation with an institution of higher education, a New York State-based industrial R&D center, or not-for-profit educational organization. If a previous outreach was granted to an institution or organization, all reports and presentations must be fully completed before a new proposal will be accepted.
C. Size of Awards
Proposers may request up to $2,000, smaller grants are encouraged, The number of grants funded and budget for each grant will depend upon the merit of proposals and availability of funds in the NY State Section budget. An additional $200 may be granted to each individual/group for travel to present their results at a meeting of the Section.
D. Proposal Format
Proposals must include:
- A completed grant application form with all signatures (see Outreach web-site).
- A project summary suitable for posting on the Outreach web-site (in electronic format.)
- A two page (maximum) narrative that includes:
- Planned activities;
- Targeted audience/grade level(s);
- A statement of how the planned activities will increase the awareness of physics topics among the general population and/or facilitate/encourage the study of physics among K-12 students;
- The names of those who will plan and carry out the activities;
- A timeline;
- An itemized budget detailing the use of requested funds and any "matching" funds. Include the source of the matching funds as well as the amount and purpose. See the suggested format below:
Download the NYSS Outreach Grant Application Form »
E. Deadlines
Proposals may be submitted each funding cycle (upon completion of the previous year's reports and presentations if applicable) to the chair of the outreach committee of the NYSS-APS (see contact information below) no later than one week prior to the NYSSAPS Fall or Spring Meeting.
Grants will be awarded at the Fall and Spring NYSS-APS meetings, which will be held typically in October and April, respectively.
F. Criteria for Judging
The primary criterion used by the committee is the potential positive impact on educating the general public (K-12 students and underrepresented groups in STEM in particular) about physics-related topics. Evidence of plans to disseminate information about the project especially preparation of educational materials for distribution is particularly encouraged.
G. Eligible Expenses
Supplies, equipment, printing, computing costs and local travel costs are all eligible; no salaries or overhead (indirect costs) can be charged. Proposals where in-kind costs are borne by other parties (proposer's academic institution, beneficiary elementary or secondary school, etc.) will be given preference, everything else being equal.
H. Report
A short report that describes the activities and accomplishments and includes the final accounting is required by January 1 or June 1 of the following year for grants awarded at the previous Fall or Spring meeting, respectively. The report should be submitted to the chair of the Outreach committee.
An oral or poster presentation is required at the respective Fall or Spring NYSS symposium one year after the grant has been awarded.
The narrative portion will be posted on the Outreach web-site. Please indicate whether you are willing to have contact information included with the narrative. The submission of digital photographs of outreach activities for the web-site is highly encouraged as is electronic submission of the final report.
No further outreach grants will be awarded until both the report and poster presentation has been fully completed.
I. Operation
The program is administered by the Executive Committee of the NYSS-APS. A committee of members selected by the Executive Committee and duly appointed by the Section Chair will review proposals and make decisions about awards.
Chair of the Outreach Committee:
Dr. Erica Simoson
SUNY Fredonia