Executive Committee

Past Officers 

Officers in the Chair line serve four year terms. First, they serve as Vice Chair, then as Chair-Elect, followed by Chair and, finally, as Past Chair. The term for Secretary/Treasurer is three years and the term for Councillor is four years. All Members-at-Large serve a three year term, starting in March.

2023 - 2024

Chair: Michael Kesden, Univ. of Texas, Dallas (04/24)

Chair-Elect: Kenichi Hatakeyama, Baylor Univ. (04/24)

Vice-Chair: Jeremy Holt, Texas A&M Univ. (04/24)

Past Chair: Barbara Szczerbinska, Texas A&M, Corpus Christi (04/24)

Secretary/Treasurer: Amena Khan, Univ. of Dallas Texas (04/26)

Council Observer: Kenneth Podolak, SUNY Plattsburgh

Members-at-Large: David Garrison, Univ. of Houston Clear Lake (04/25), Allison Deiana, Southern Methodist Univ. (04/25), Joel Walker, Sam Houston State Univ. (4/26), Joe Haley, Oklahoma State Univ. (4/26)

Student Member-At-Large: MacKenzie Warrens, Rice Univ. (4/24), Jorge Andujo, Univ. of Texas at El Paso (4/25)

2022 - 2023

Chair: Barbara Szczerbinska, Texas A&M, Corpus Christi (04/23)

Chair-Elect: Michael Kesden, Univ. of Texas, Dallas (04/23)

Vice-Chair: Kenichi Hatakeyama, Baylor Univ. (04/23)

Past Chair: Roland Allen, Texas A&M Univ. (04/23)

Secretary/Treasurer: Walter Wilcox, Baylor Univ. (04/23)

Council Observer: Nora Berrah, New England Section

Members-at-Large: Donna Stokes, Univ. of Houston (04/23), Can Kilic, Univ. of Texas, Austin (04/23), David Garrison, Univ. of Houston Clear Lake (04/25), Allison Deiana, Southern Methodist Univ. (04/25)

Student Member-At-Large: Taylor Hutchison, Texas A&M, College Station (04/23), MacKenzie Warrens, Rice Univ. (4/24)

2021 - 2022

Chair: Roland Allen, Texas A&M, College Station (03/23)

Chair-Elect: Barbara Szczerbinska, Texas A&M, Corpus Christi (03/24)

Vice-Chair: Michael Kesden, Univ. of Texas, Dallas (03/25)

Past Chair: Rene Bellwied, Univ. of Houston (03/22)

Secretary/Treasurer: Walter Wilcox, Baylor Univ. (03/23)

Council Observer: Nora Berrah, New England Section

Members-at-Large: Donna Stokes, Univ. of Houston (03/23), Can Kilic, Univ. of Texas, Austin (03/23), Jennifer Marshall, Texas A&M Univ. (03/22), Joseph Haley, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater (03/22)

Student Member-At-Large: MacKenzie Warrens, Rice Univ. (03/22), Taylor Hutchison, Texas A&M, College Station (03/23)

2020 - 2021

Chair: Rene Bellwied, Univ. of Houston (03/22)

Chair-Elect: Roland Allen, Texas A&M, College Station (03/23)

Vice-Chair: Barbara Szczerbinska, Texas A&M, Corpus Christi (03/24)

Past Chair: Sally Hicks, Univ. of Dallas (03/21)

Secretary/Treasurer: Walter Wilcox, Baylor Univ. (03/23)

Council Observer: Nora Berrah, New England Section

Members-at-Large: Donna Stokes, Univ. of Houston (03/23), Can Kilic, Univ. of Texas, Austin (03/23), Jennifer Marshall, Texas A&M Univ. (03/22), Joseph Haley, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater (03/22)

Student Member-At-Large: MacKenzie Warrens, Rice Univ. (03/22)

2019 - 2020

Chair: Sally Hicks, Univ. of Dallas (03/21)

Chair-Elect: Rene Bellwied, Univ. of Houston (03/22)

Vice-Chair: Roland Allen, Texas A&M, College Station (03/23)

Past Chair: Carlos Bertulani, Texas A&M-Commerce (03/20)

Secretary/Treasurer: Walter Wilcox, Baylor Univ. (03/20)

Council Observer: Carlos Wexler, Univ. of Missouri

Members-at-Large: Michael Kesden, Univ. of Texas, Dallas (03/20), Christina Markert, Univ. of Texas, Austin (03/20), Jennifer Marshall, Texas A&M, College Station (03/22), Joe Haley, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater (03/22)

2018 - 2019

Chair: Carlos Bertulani, Texas A&M University - Commerce (04/17 - 03/18)

Chair-Elect: Sally Hicks, University of Dallas (04/17 - 03/18)

Vice Chair: Rene Bellwied, University of Houston (04/18 - 03/19)

Past-Chair: Jodi Cooley, SMU (07/16 - 03/18)

Secretary/Treasurer: Walter Wilcox, Baylor University (04/17 - 03/20)

Member-at-Large: Lorenzo Brancaleon, University of Texas, San Antonio (04/16 - 03/19), Alexander Weiss, University of Texas, Arlington (04/16 - 03/19), Michael Kesden, Unviersity of texas, Dallas (04/17 - 03/20), Christina Markert, University of Texas, Austin (04/17 - 03/20)

Assigned Council Representative: Carlos Wexler, Prairie Section

2017 - 2018 

Chair: Jodi Cooley, SMU (07/16 - 03/18)

Chair-Elect: Carlos Bertulani, Texas A&M University - Commerce (04/17 - 03/18)

Vice Chair: Sally Hicks, University of Dallas (04/17 - 03/18)

Secretary/Treasurer: Walter Wilcox, Baylor University (04/17 - 03/20)

Member-at-Large: Lorenzo Brancaleon, University of Texas, Arlington (04/16 - 03/19), Alexander Weiss, University of Texas, Arlington (04/16 - 03/19), Michael Kesden, University of Texas, Dallas (04/17 - 03/20), Christina Markert, University of Texas, Austin (04/17 - 03/20)

Assigned Council Representative: Carlos Wexler, Prairie Section

2016 - 2017

Chair: Vivian Incera (replaced by Jodi Cooley)

Chair-Elect: Jodi Cooley (replaced by Carlos Bertulani)

Vice-Chair: Carlos Bertulani (and then vacant)

Past Chair: Peter McIntyre, Texas A&M University (03/17)

Secretary/Treasurer: Heather Galloway, Texas State University (03/17)

Council Observer: Harry Swinney, University of Texas at Austin (03/17)

Members-at-Large: Lorenzo Brancaleon, University of Texas at Austin (03/19), Alex Weiss, University of Texas at Arlington (03/19), Jorge Lopez, University of Texas at El Paso (03/17), Jason Slinker, University of Texas at Dallas (03/17)

2015 - 2016

Chair: Peter McIntyre, Texas A&M University (03/17)

Chair-Elect: Vivian Incera, University of Texas at El Paso (03/18)

Vice-Chair: Jodi Cooley, Southern Methodist University (03/19)

Past Chair: Mike Sadler, Abilene Christian University (03/16)

Secretary/Treasurer: Heather Galloway, Texas State University (03/17)

Council Observer: Suresh Sharma, University of Texas at Arlington (03/16)

Members-at-Large: Donna Stokes, University of Houston (03/16), Walter Wilcox, Baylor University (03/16), Jorge Lopez, University of Texas at El Paso (03/17), Jason Slinker, University of Tecas at Dalls (03/17)

2014 - 2015

Chair: Mike Sadler, Abilene Christian University (03/16)

Chair-Elect: Peter McIntyre, Texas A&M University (03/17)

Vice Chair: Vivian Incera, University of Texas at El paso (03/18)

Past Chair: Kelvin Cheng, Trinity University (03/15) 

Secretary/Treasurer: Heather Galloway, texas State University (03/17)

Council Observer: Suresh Sharma, University of Texas at Arlington (03/15)

Members-at-Large: Donna Stokes, University of Houston (03/16), Walter Wilcox, Baylor University (03/16), Jorge Lopez, University of texas El Paso (03/17), Jason Slinker, University of Texas at Dallas (03/17)

2013 - 2014

Chair: Kelvin Cheng, Trinity University (03/16)

Chair-Elect: Mike Sadler, Abilene Christian University (03/16)

Vice Chair: Peter McIntyre, Texas A&M University (03/17)

Past Chair: Harry Swinney, University of Texas, Austin (03/14)

Secretary/Treasurer: Heather Galloway, Texas State University - San Marcos (03/14)

Council Observer: Suresh Sharma, University of Texas, Arlington (03.14)

Members-at-Large: Marjorie Corcoran, Rice University (03/14), Jennifer Steele, Trinity University (03/14), Donna Stokes, University of Houston (03/16), Walter Wilcox, Baylor University (03/16)

2012 - 2013

Chair: Harry Swinney, University of Texas, Austin (03/14)

Chair-Elect: Kelvin Cheng, Trinity University (03/15)

Vice-Chair: Mike Sadler, Abilene Christin University (03/16)

Past Chair: Mario Diaz, University of Texas, Brownsville (03/13)

Secretary/Treasurer: Heather Galloway, Texas State University - San Marcos (03/14) 

Council Observer: Suresh Sharma, University of Texas, Arlington (03/14)

Members-at-Large: Carlos Bertulani, Texas A&M University - Commerce (03/13), Sacha Kopp, University of Texas, Austin (03/13), Marjorie Corcoran, Rice University (03/14), Jennifer Steele, Trinity University (03/14)

2011 - 2012

Chair: Mario Diaz

Chair-Elect: Harry Swinney

Vice Chair: Kelvin Cheng

Past Chair: Wilhelmus Geerts

Secretary-Treasurer: Heather C. Galloway

Council Observer: Suresh Sharma

Members-at-Large: Carlos Bertulani, Marjorie Corcoran, Sacha Kopp, Jennifer Steele

2010 - 2011

Chair: Wilhelmus Geerts

Chair-Elect: Mario Diaz

Vice Chair: Harry Swinney

Past Chair: Suresh Sharma

Secretary-Treasurer: Charles W. Myles

Councilor: Heather C. Galloway

Members-at-Large: Carlos Bertulani, Sacha Kopp, Michael Sadler, Lorenzo Brancaleon

2009 - 2010

Chair: Suresh Sharma

Chair-Elect: Wilhelmus Geerts

Vice Chair: Mario Diaz

Past Chair: David Hough

Secretary-Treasurer: Charles W. Myles

Councilor: Heather C. Galloway

Members-at-Large: Felicia Manciu, Albert Ford, Michael Sadler, Lorenzo Brancaleon

2008 - 2009

Chair: David Hough

Chair-Elect: Suresh Sharma

Vice Chair: Wilhelmus Geerts

Past Chair: Dwight P. Russell

Secretary-Treasurer: Charles W. Myles

Councilor: Heather C. Galloway

Members-at-Large: Felicia Manciu, Albert Ford, Michael Sadler, James Horwitz

2007 - 2008

Chair: Dwight P. Russell

Chair-Elect: David Hough

Vice Chair: Suresh Sharma

Past Chair: Carlos R. Ordonez

Secretary-Treasurer: Charles W. Myles

Council Observer: Heather C. Galloway

Members-at-Large: Alexander A. Demkov, Felicia Manciu, Albert Ford

2006 - 2007

Chair: Carlos R. Ordonez

Chair-Elect: Dwight P. Russell

Vice Chair: David Hough

Past Chair: Heather C. Galloway

Secretary-Treasurer: Charles W. Myles

Council Observer: Bruce Miller

Members-at-Large: Roland E. Allen, Dhiraj K. Sardar, Alexander A. Demkov, Stefan Zollner

2005 - 2006

Chair: Heather C. Galloway

Chair-Elect: Carlos R. Ordonez

Vice Chair: Dwight P. Russell

Past Chair: Bruce Miller

Secretary-Treasurer: Charles W. Myles

Council Observer: C.A. Quarles

Members-at-Large: Jack M. Hirsch, Roland E Allen, Dhiraj Sardar, Alexander A. Demkov

2004 - 2005

Chair: Bruce Miller

Chair-Elect: Heather C. Galloway

Vice Chair: Carlos R. Ordonez

Past Chair: C.A. Quarles

Secretary-Treasurer: Walter L. Borst

Council Observer: Stephen D. Baker

Members-at-Large: Donald H. Kobe, Jack M. Hirsch, Roland E. Allen, Charles W. Myles

2003 - 2004

Chair: C.A. Quarles

Chair-Elect: Bruce Miller

Vice Chair: Heather C. Galloway

Past Chair: Jorge A. López

Secretary-Treasurer: Walter L. Borst

Council Observer: Stephen D. Baker

Members-at-Large: Hal Edwards, John L. Fry, Donald H. Kobe, Jack M. Hirsch

2002 - 2003

Chair: Jorge A. López

Chair-Elect: C.A. Quarles

Vice Chair: Bruce Miller

Past Chair: Wayne Saslow

Secretary-Treasurer: Walter L. Borst

Council Observer: Stephen D. Baker

Members-at-Large: Heather C. Galloway, Hal Edwards, John L. Fry, Donald H. Kobe

2001 - 2002

Chair: Wayne Saslow

Chair-Elect: Jorge A. López

Vice Chair: C.A. Quarles

Past Chair: Lawrence C. Shepley

Secretary-Treasurer: Walter L. Borst

Council Observer: Stephen D. Baker

Members-at-Large: Carlos A. Ordonez, Heather C. Galloway, Hal Edwards, John L. Fry

2000 - 2001

Chair: Lawrence C. Shepley

Chair-Elect: Wayne Saslow

Vice Chair: Jorge A. López

Past Chair: John K. Lowell

Secretary-Treasurer: Walter L. Borst

Council Observer: Stephen D. Baker

Members-at-Large: Stefan K. Estreicher, Heather C. Galloway, Carlos A. Ordonez, Byron G. Zollars

1999 - 2000

Chair: John K. Lowell

Chair-Elect: Lawrence C. Shepley

Vice Chair: Wayne Saslow

Past Chair: Sam D. Matteson

Secretary-Treasurer: Walter L. Borst

Council Observer: Stephen D. Baker

Members-at-Large: Stefan K. Estreicher, Carlos A. Ordonez, Byron G. Zollars, Jorge A. López

1998 - 1999

Chair: Sam Matteson

Chair-Elect: John Lowell

Vice Chair: Larry Shepley

Past Chair: Carl Collins

Secretary-Treasurer: C.A. Quarles

Council Observer: Stephen D. Baker

Members-at-Large: Naomi Halas, Jorge López, Byron Zollars, Stefan Estreicher

1997 - 1998

Chair: Carl Collins

Chair-Elect: Sam Matteson

Vice Chair: John Lowell

Past Chair: Manfred Fink

Secretary-Treasurer: C.A. Quarles

Council Observer: Stephen D. Baker

Members-at-Large: Naomi Halas, Jorge López, Thomas Shafner, Stefan Estreicher

1996 - 1997

Chair: Manfred Fink

Chair-Elect: Carl Collins

Vice Chair: Sam Matteson

Past Chair: S. Peter Rosen

Secretary-Treasurer: C.A. Quarles

Council Observer: Stephen D. Baker

Members-at-Large: Ed Biegert, John Lowell, Naomi Halas, Thomas Shafner

1995 - 1996

Chair: S. Peter Rosen

Chair-Elect: Manfred Fink

Vice Chair: Carl Collins

Past Chair: Edward S. Fry

Secretary-Treasurer: C.A. Quarles

Council Observer: Stephen D. Baker

Members-at-Large: Ed Biegert, John Lowell, Thomas Shafner, Jerome L. Duggan

1994 - 1995

Chair: Edward S. Fry

Chair-Elect: S. Peter Rosen

Vice Chair: Manfred Fink

Past Chair: Billy Bonner

Secretary-Treasurer: C.A. Quarles

Council Observer: Stephen D. Baker

Members-at-Large: Ed Biegert, Charles W. Myles, Elmer Eisner, Jerome L. Duggan

March 10 1993

Chair: Billy Bonner

Chair-Elect: Edward S. Fry

Vice Chair: S. Peter Rosen

Past Chair: Michael A. Gorman

Secretary-Treasurer: C.A. Quarles

Council Observer: Stephen D. Baker

Members-at-Large: James H. Luscombe, Charles W. Myles, Elmer Eisner, Jerome L. Duggan

Spring 1992

Chair: Michael A. Gorman

Chair-Elect: Billy Bonner

Vice Chair: Edward S. Fry

Past Chair: Peter M. McIntyre

Secretary-Treasurer: J. David Gavenda

Council Observer: Stephen D. Baker

Members-at-Large: James H. Luscombe, Charles W. Myles, Elmer Eisner, John L. Fry

Spring 1991

Chair: Peter M. McIntyre

Chair-Elect: Michael A. Gorman

Vice Chair: Billy Bonner

Past Chair: Walter L. Borst

Secretary-Treasurer: J. David Gavenda

Council Observer: Stephen D. Baker

Members-at-Large: Billy C. Covington, Jerome S. Danburg, John L. Fry, James H. Luscombe

March 3 1990

Chair: Walter L. Borst

Chair-Elect: Michael A. Gorman

Vice Chair: Peter M. McIntyre

Past Chair: Austin M. Gleeson

Secretary-Treasurer: J. David Gavenda

Council Observer: Stephen D. Baker

Members-at-Large: Graham Arthur Winbow, Billy C. Covington, Jerome S. Danburg, John L. Fry

August 30 1989

Chair: Austin M. Gleeson

Chair-Elect: Peter M. McIntyre

Vice Chair: Walter L. Borst

Past Chair: Stephen D. Baker

Secretary-Treasurer: J. David Gavenda

Council Observer: Stephen D. Baker

Members-at-Large: C.A. Quarles, Graham Arthur Winbow, Billy C. Covington, Jerome S. Danburg

Jan 1 1989

Chair: Stephen D. Baker

Vice Chair: Austin M. Gleeson

Past Chair: J. David Gavenda

Vice-Chair-Elect: Walter L. Borst

Secretary-Treasurer: Robert Beck Clark

Councilor: J. David Gavenda

Members-at-Large: Robert T. Bate, Billy C. Covington, C.A. Quarles, Graham Arthur Winbow

August 7 1987

Chair: Stephen D. Baker

Vice Chair: Austin M. Gleeson

Past Chair: J. David Gavenda

Secretary-Treasurer: Robert Beck Clark

Councilor: J. David Gavenda

Members-at-Large: Robert T. Bate, Ed V. Hungerford III, C.A. Quarles, Graham Arthur Winbow

Mar 7 1985

Chair: J. David Gavenda

Vice Chair: Stephen D. Baker

Past Chair: Leonard M. Diana

Secretary-Treasurer: Robert Beck Clark

Councilor: Leonard M. Diana

Members-at-Large: Robert T. Bate, E. V. Hungerford III, Arthur H. Thompson, Thomas L. Estle

March 4 1983

Chair: Leonard M. Diana

Vice Chair: J. David Gavenda

Secretary-Treasurer: Robert Beck Clark

Members-at-Large: Arthur H. Thompson, Thomas L. Estle, C.E. Hathaway, Joe S. Ham

November 11 - 13 1982

The first meeting of Texas Section APS in Austin

Interim Chair: Leonard M. Diana

Interim Vice Chair: J. David Gavenda

Interim Secretary-Treasurer: Robert Beck Clark

Interim Members-at-Large: Charles K. Manka, Bowen Loftin, Rogers W. Redding, Ben M. Doughty, Thomas L. Estle

November 13 1981

Meeting at TCU to discuss creation of Texas Section of APS

Interim Committee: Robert Beck Clark (Chair); Leonard M. Diana and J. David Gavenda (Members)

Interim Secretary: James Crawford

Section Organizing Committee Chair:  Leonard M. Diana