View the APS MAS 2024 Program
(1) Agenda:
Friday, November 15, 2024:
01:00 pm - 02:30 pm: Registration / Welcome Coffee - Howard Gittis Student Center Room 200 (Enter from South Entrance): Map
02:30 pm - 03:00 pm: Welcome Address - Howard Gittis Student Center Room 200 (Enter from South Entrance): Map
03:00 pm - 05:00 pm: Plenary Session - Howard Gittis Student Center Room 200 (Enter from South Entrance): Map
05:00 pm - 05:30 pm: Break (Transition from Howard Gittis Student Center to Science Education and Research Center
05:30 pm - 07:00 pm: Reception - Science Education and Research Center Ground Floor: Map
Saturday, November 16, 2024:
08:00 am - 09:00 am: Registration / Breakfast - Science Education and Research Center Ground Floor: Map
09:00 am - 12:36 pm: Parallel Sessions - Science Education and Research Center Ground Floor: Map
12:36 pm - 02:00 pm: Lunch - Temple University Main Campus: Map
02:00 pm - 03:36 pm: Parallel Sessions - Science Education and Research Center Ground Floor: Map
03:36 pm - 04:00 pm: Coffee Break
04:00 pm - 06:00 pm: Poster Session - Science Education and Research Center Ground Floor: Map
Sunday, November 17, 2024:
08:00 am - 09:00 am: Registration / Breakfast - Science Education and Research Center Ground Floor: Map
09:00 am - 12:36 pm: Parallel Sessions - Science Education and Research Center Ground Floor: Map
12:36 pm - 02:00 pm: Lunch - Temple University Main Campus: Map
(2) Scope of the Meeting:
This regional APS meeting will cover all areas of physics, such as the latest advances in astrophysics and astroparticle physics, atomic and molecular and optical physics, biophysics, machine learning, solid-state physics, magnetism, quantum and 2D materials, physics education, and other subfields of physics. The sorting categories for abstract submission provide a more complete list.
Contributions by physicists at all career levels are welcome, including graduate and undergraduate students. Participation is not restricted to the Mid-Atlantic region, and participants from other regions and countries are welcome. We especially welcome diversity among the meeting participants and encourage every person interested in physics to participate.
When submitting an abstract, please select a sorting category matching your area of research; select your preferred category in case your research topic could be considered for more than one category.
Sorting Categories for Abstract Submission:
01.0 Solid state materials and Applied Physics (Semiconductors)
02.0 Magnetism and Spintronics
03.0 Superconductivity
04.0 Nanostructures and Thin Films
05.0 Focused Session on Quantum Materials
06.0 Polymer Physics and Soft Condensed Matter
07.0 Fluids
08.0 Chemical and Molecular Physics
09.0 Molecular and Cellular Biophysics
10.0 Biomaterials and Medical Engineering
11.0 Renewable Energy Research and Devices
12.0 Optical, Atomic, and Molecular Physics
13.0 Laser Physics, Imaging, and Remote Sensing
14.0 Astrophysics, Gravitational Physics, and Cosmology
15.0 Nuclear Physics
16.0 Space Physics, Plasma Physics, Solar-Terrestrial Physics, and Physics of Climate
17.0 High Energy and Particle Physics
18.0 Focused Session on Physics Educational Research, Policy, and Administration
19.0 Focus Session on Machine Learning in Physics
(3) Meeting Sessions:
To be completed!
(4) Invited Speakers:
To be completed!