2021 Annual Meeting

2021 Annual Meeting of the APS Mid-Atlantic Section

December 3rd – 5th, 2021

The Executive Committee of the APS Mid-Atlantic Section (MAS) is pleased to announce that the Section will be holding its annual meeting MAS21 fully in-person on the campus of Rutgers University from December 3 to 5, 2021. If the meeting must move online due to unforeseeable causes, we will do our best to send out notice two weeks prior.

Established in 2013, the objective of APS MAS is to engage and strengthen the physics community in the Mid-Atlantic region of the United States, as well as to aid APS in its mission to advance and diffuse the knowledge of physics at the regional level. The section serves the District of Columbia, Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia.

Graduate and undergraduate students are especially welcome and encouraged to attend and submit an abstract for presentation. The meeting includes plenary and parallel sessions covering a broad range of current topics in physics research, a student poster session, and a graduate program fair.


Registration for the meeting is now open. The early registration period ends Friday, November 19 at 11:59 PM. Thereafter the regular rates apply. The regular registration will close on Tuesday, November 30 at 11:59 PM. (An extension has been applied to the regular registration because of the abstract deadline extension as well as the Thanksgiving Holiday.)

The on-site registration is NOT available. If you plan to attend MAS21, DO register before it closes.

Note that you MUST register to present at the MAS21 Meeting. 

Please read thoroughly the APS Covid-19 Disclaimer on the registration page to ensure full compliance before proceeding.


Registration Fees are:




Regular Members






Senior Member/Retired Members



Early Career/Post Doc Members



Grad students



Undergrad students



Non-members can join APS at the same time they register. All registration forms and membership forms must arrive together and be accompanied by full payment.

If you are an undergraduate or graduate student and not yet a member of APS, it may be free to join. Please join at APS.org before registering for the meeting. Joining APS has many benefits, including a subscription to Physics Today.  Be sure to check the box for the Mid-Atlantic Section!


ABSTRACT SUBMISSION DEADLINE has been extended to Monday, November 15 at 11:59 pm. 

We are asking for abstracts in all areas of physics and physics education. Please share your research by contributing an oral or a poster presentation.

Contributed Abstracts


Note that you MUST register to present at the MAS21 Meeting. 


Oral speakers will present live to an in-person audience. Prepare a graphically rich presentation of your research, highlighting both the main points and the most interesting details. 

Allotted times for 

o contributed talks are 12 minutes (10 minutes to present and 2 minutes for Q&A).
o invited talks are 36 minutes (30 minutes to present and 6 minutes for Q&A).
o plenary talks are 60 minutes (50 minutes to present and 10 minutes for Q&A).

Bring your device and media files (as a backup) to the assigned meeting room. Arrive 10 minutes before your session starts and test the presentation on the projector if possible. 

Follow the directions of the session chair and adhere to your allotted time strictly. Practice beforehand to ensure a smooth and timely delivery of your presentation. Prepare to answer short questions from the audience as moderated by the session chair.


Each poster must have a presenter. Posters should be no larger than 42” W x 36” H. Presenters must set up poster on the assigned board at least 60 minutes prior to the start of the poster session, and for the duration of the poster session. Poster presenters need to prepare a 5-min talk to help attendees navigate the presented work. Poster presenters are required to stand by the poster during the scheduled poster session to answer questions from attendees. Presenters may remove their posters immediately after the poster session or leave them there for further display as according to the instructions of the meeting organizer. 


  • Do I have to be an APS member to register?
    • No
  • Do I have to be an APS member in order to submit an abstract?
    • No, but you must create a free APS account before you submit your abstract
  • Do I have to be an APS member in order to be a presenter at the MAS21 Meeting?
    • No
If you have any additional questions, please post them to the Discussion pages on the APS/MAS Engage Site. Keep an eye out for announcements regarding the annual meeting.


You may find the full scientific program of MAS21 on the APS website. 

Scientific Program


 Session Index


     Invited Speakers


      1. Solid state materials and Applied Physics (Metals, Dielectrics, Semiconductors)
      2. Magnetism
      3. Superconductivity
      4. Nanostructures, Thin Films, and Spintronics
      5. Quantum Materials
      6. Polymer Physics and Soft Condensed Matter
      7. Fluids
      8. Chemical and Molecular Physics
      9. Molecular and Cellular Biophysics
      10. Biomaterials and Medical Engineering
      11. Renewable Energy Research and Devices
      12. Optical, Atomic, and Molecular Physics
      13. Laser Physics, Imaging, and Remote Sensing
      14. Astrophysics, Gravitational Physics, and Cosmology
      15. Space Physics, Plasma Physics, Solar-Terrestrial Physics, and Physics of Climate
      16. High Energy and Particle Physics
      17. Physics Educational Research, Policy, and Administration
      18. Undergraduate and K-12 Research


      Meeting Location

      Livingston Student Center
      84 Joyce Kilmer Ave

      Piscataway, NJ 08854 ​​

      Meeting Parking 

      Map of Livingston Student center and Visitor Parking Area

      Visitor parking 
      available in Green or Yellow lots on December 3-5, 2021.

      Register for visitor parking here.

      ​Special event parking is only for visitors to Rutgers University. Faculty, staff, and students must only park in lots they are authorized to park in. ​​

      Directions with a map link to Livingston Student Center can be found here. You can also find an interactive map of the Livingston Campus here. ​​

      Hotels Nearby 

      Rutgers University Inn (less expensive and closer to the meeting location)
      Hyatt Regency New Brunswick (more expensive and longer walking distance)
      Both hotels are on the Rutgers bus network.


      The deadline of application is November 28, 2021.
      The selected awardees will be notified by December 1
      , 2021.

      The MAS21 Meeting Committee is offering a limited number of student travel awards to support student participation at Rutgers University. The awardees will be selected on the basis of the quality of their work as evidenced by the submitted abstracts, the justification of the needs, and the letter of support from their advisors. The amount of award will be estimated from the travel distances and the nights of stay with the maximum amount set at $250.  

      Students who are eligible to apply for the travel award must
         (i) be the first author of the oral or poster presentation;
         (ii) present their research in person at MAS21;
         (iii) justify why the travel support is needed for attending MAS21.

      Please note that ONLY ONE application is allowed from each advisor.

      In the letter of support, the advisor must state
         (i) the applicant is in good standing as an undergraduate or a graduate researcher;
         (ii) why the travel support is needed;
         (iii) how the attendance of MAS21 will benefit the applicant’s academic goals.

      To apply>>>
      Complete the form below and email as an attachment to Qi Lu (qilu@desu.edu) by Nov 28, 2021. 