
Proposed Bylaws Changes

The Executive Committee proposes two changes to the Bylaws. The complete Bylaws can be found on the Bylaws page; only the proposed changes are written below (A and B):

Article V - Executive Committee

A. We propose to change the term of the member-at-large from two years to three years, which will be consistent with the society standard.

Composition: The Executive Committee shall consist of the Officers of the Section, the most recent Past-Chair, between four and six Members-at-Large elected to staggered two-year three-year terms and one student member of the Section, elected to a one-year term.

Article VII - Election and Tenure of the Officers, Executive Committee Members, and Section Councilor

B. We propose to change minorities to underrepresented minorities, which was the original intent.

Nomination and Election of the Vice-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Section Councilor, Council Observer, and Executive Committee Members: Each year the Nominating Committee shall nominate at least two candidates for the Office of Vice-Chair and for each open Members-at-Large position on the Executive Committee. The Nomination Committee shall endeavor to nominate a diverse set of candidates that includes female candidates and minorities candidates who are members of underrepresented minority groups. The Nominating Committee shall make every reasonable effort to propose a slate of nominees to include representation from small colleges as well as from the larger institutions, industry, government laboratories, and also a post-doctoral or early career member. During the final year of the terms of the current Secretary or Treasurer, the Nominating Committee shall endeavor to nominate at least two candidates for this position. The Nominating Committee shall notify the Secretary of the slate of nominees not later than sixty days before the Annual Meeting, except under extraordinary circumstances. The Nominating Committee shall also nominate at least two names of student-member candidates.