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The call for abstracts is open for the Joint March Meeting and April Meeting, called the APS Global Physics Summit. Share your March Meeting and April Meeting research at the APS Global Physics Summit. All abstracts are due Oct. 25. Become a presenter today ! #FeaturedNews
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NSF Director Explains Vision for Science Agency in APS News In the June edition of APS News, National Science Foundation (NSF) Director Sethuraman Panchanathan discusses his vision for the science agency, including its role in supporting research and training the future STEM workforce. Panchanathan is a computer scientist and engineer, and NSF’s 15 th director, after being confirmed by the US Senate on June 18, 2020. Additionally, he is a leader in science, engineering, and education with more than three decades of experience. Read about his vision for NSF here . #FeaturedNews ​
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APS has released a new report that provides recommendations to strengthen the nation’s STEM workforce, including building research capacity among emerging research institutions (ERIs), establishing a clear path for international talent to study and work in the US, confronting hostile work environments, and addressing the shortage of qualified STEM teachers. Titled “Building America’s STEM Workforce: Eliminating Barriers and Unlocking Advantages,” the report examines both domestic and international challenges and opportunities. It synthesizes a range of public data and reports—complemented with surveys of physics department chairs and APS ...
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The Executive Committee of the APS Mid-Atlantic Section (MAS) is pleased to announce that the Section will hold its Annual Meeting, in a virtual format, on Friday December 4th to Sunday December 6th. For full details, please see this webpage on the MAS website. Hosted by the Section and with the theme “Transforming Challenges into Opportunities,” the annual meeting is going fully virtual! All sessions will have live or taped video presentations by presenters and a chat function for attendees to ask questions. In most other respect, the Meeting will be run much like other APS meetings: with some parallel sessions and some focus sessions. We are asking for ...