Announcement of 2022 GIMS Student Presentation Awards Dear GIMS members: As announced in Fall 2021, we held our 2022 Student Presentation Awards sponsored by the Topical Group on Instrument & Measurement Science (GIMS), in conjunction with the American Physical Society (APS) 2022...
Dear GIMS members: As announced in Fall 2020, we successfully launched our first 2021 Student Presentation Award sponsored by GIMS in conjunction with the American Physical Society (APS) 2021 March meeting. We had ~ 50 student participants in GIMS sessions competing for the awards. On the...
American Physical Society, Topical Group on Instrumentation and Measurement Science (APS GIMS) Colloquium Friday, June 11, 2021, 3 pm EDT This GIMS colloquium will be on instrumentation at LCLS, the free-electron laser at SLAC. The colloquium will have two half-hour talks, with the first one...
NSF Director Explains Vision for Science Agency in APS News In the June edition of APS News, National Science Foundation (NSF) Director Sethuraman Panchanathan discusses his vision for the science agency, including its role in supporting research and training the future STEM workforce....
American Physical Society, Topical Group on Instrumentation and Measurement Science (APS GIMS) Colloquium Friday, May 14, 2021, 3 pm eastern time "What limits the time resolution of properties measured by Atomic Force Microscopy?" Presented by Peter Grütter (McGill University) and Zeno...
GIMS Colloquium: CCD Cameras for Dark Energy Searches Stephen Holland, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Javier Tiffenberg, Fermilab American Physical Society, Group on Instrumentation and Measurement Science (APS-GIMS) Online colloquium Friday, April 9, 2021, 3-4 pm Eastern time ...
APS has released a new report that provides recommendations to strengthen the nation’s STEM workforce, including building research capacity among emerging research institutions (ERIs), establishing a clear path for international talent to study and work in the US, confronting hostile work...
Stay tuned for the GIMS Monthly Seminar Series, hosted every 2nd Friday of each month! Fri, Oct 9 2020 3:00 PM ET First half: “Synchrotron Infrared Nano Spectroscopy” Mike Martin, Senior Staff Scientist, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Second half: “Modern History of...
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