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FOEP Mini-Grants and Travel Awards Continue in 2024!

By Madison Mincevich posted 09-19-2023 15:56


The Forum on Outreach and Engaging the Public wants to encourage and assist more of you to bring physics to your communities. In 2023 FOEP launched its first mini-grant for outreach and we  are  continuing  these  efforts  for  2024.  The  mini-grant  information  can  be  found  on  FOEP’s engage website under the Prizes and Awards link. Applications open Jan 1, 2024.

In 2023 we also launched our first student travel award and we are continuing this award for 2024. We encourage students to assist in outreach efforts and to share those efforts at APS’s March or April Meeting. The Forum for Outreach and Engaging the Public has contributed sessions at the March and April meetings. Please note that presenting in a Forum session does not count toward the APS limit of one first author presentation per meeting, so you can still submit a scientific presentation. Information on these travel awards can be found in FOEP’s engage website under the Prizes and Awards link. Applications open Jan 1, 2024.


