2024 Annual Meeting Information
2024 Scientific Program
Each year the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics presents the Fluid Dynamics Prize, the François N. Frenkiel Award, the Andreas Acrivos Dissertation Award, and the Stanley Corrsin Award. We are pleased to announce the 2024 award winners, each of whom will give a lecture at the Meeting.
Fluid Dynamics Prize and Otto Laporte Lecture
This prize is awarded for outstanding contributions to fundamental fluid dynamics research. It was established in 1979 with support from the Office of Naval Research. In 2004, the Otto Laporte Award was combined with the Fluid Dynamics Prize, so the Division of Fluid Dynamics would have a single major prize – the Fluid Dynamics Prize. The prize is now supported by the Division of Fluid Dynamics, friends of Otto Laporte, and the APS journal, Physical Review Fluids. It is awarded for outstanding contributions to fundamental fluid dynamics research.
Recipient: Javier Jiménez, Universidad Politécnica Madrid
Citation: “For groundbreaking advancements in unraveling turbulence through direct numerical simulation, conceptual experiments, and theoretical analysis.”
Stanley Corrsin Award
This award recognizes and encourages a particularly influential contribution to fundamental fluid dynamics. It is intended to honor a recent achievement of especially high impact and significance, a particular discovery, or an innovation in the field. It was established from an endowment fund contributed by the DFD and held by the APS.
Recipient: Bérengère Dubrulle, The National Centre for Scientific Research
Citation: “For seminal contributions to the theory of fully-developed turbulence and astro- and geophysical fluid dynamics, including illuminating intermittency and the role of multiple states in turbulent flows.”
Andreas Acrivos Dissertation Award in Fluid Dynamics
This award recognizes exceptional early-career scientists who have performed original doctoral thesis work of outstanding scientific quality and achievement in fluid dynamics. It was established in 1998 to honor the many outstanding contributions to fluid mechanics of Dr. Andreas Acrivos, particularly his years of distinguished editorship of Physics of Fluids. It is supported by donations from members and friends of the Division of Fluid Dynamics.
Recipient: Anuj Kumar, University of California, Santa Cruz
Citation: “For deep insight into the Navier-Stokes equations using novel analytical methods, establishing rigorous bounds for optimal turbulent transport, and bridging applied mathematics with fluid flow physics.”
François Frenkiel Award for Fluid Mechanics
The Division of Fluid Dynamics awards the François Frenkiel Award to young investigators to recognize significant contributions to Fluid Mechanics that have also been published during the previous year in Physical Review Fluids. Eligible authors must have not more than 12 years of full-time employment after their most advanced academic degree was awarded, before the paper’s year of publication.
Recipients: Callum Cuttle, Christopher W. MacMinn, and Liam C. Morrow.
Citation: For their paper "Compression-driven viscous fingering in a radial Hele-Shaw cell" which provides an elegant and rigorous demonstration by experiment, linear stability analysis, and simulation of the role of gas compressibility in a Hele-Shaw flow when gas displaces liquid.
2024 Invited Talks
For 2024, the scientific program will consist of 12 invited lectures on topics of broad interest to the DFD community. The program will also include four Minisymposia and three Focus Sessions dealing with exciting current research
Tarek Echekki, NC State University: Data-Driven Modeling and Simulation of Turbulent Combustion
Valeria Garbin, T.U. Delft: Bubble dynamics in complex fluids
Manuel Garcia-Villalba, University of Oxford: Bioinspired fluid-structure interaction: from winged seeds to flapping wings
Daniel Harris, Brown University: Propulsion and interaction of wave-propelled interfacial particles
Hassan Nagib, Illinois Institute of Technology: New fundamental developments in wall-bounded turbulence
Alban Sauret, UC Santa Barbara: Clogging in fluidic systems: the self-sabotage of suspensions
Outi Supponen, ETH Zurich: Capture the invisible: illuminating bubble acoustics for medicine
Takuji Ishikawa, Tohoku University: Ciliary fluid dynamics of swimming, feeding, pumping, and sensing
Alexander Morozov, University of Edinburgh: Elastic turbulence in parallel shear flows: Recent progress
Megan Leftwich, The George Washington University: An interdisciplinary study of sea lion swimming: from biological studies to a robotic platform
Ali Mani, Stanford University: Macroscopic Forcing Method: A computational approach for evaluation of turbulence closure operators
- Devaraj van der Meer, University of Twente: Impact of a Boiling Liquid
Gallery of Fluid Motion
The annual Gallery of Fluid Motion will be held during the DFD Meeting. The Gallery showcases posters and videos submitted by attendees, highlighting the captivating science and often breathtaking beauty of fluid motion. It serves as a platform to celebrate and appreciate the remarkable fluid dynamics phenomena unveiled by researchers and physicists.
Outstanding posters and video submissions are judged by a panel of referees for their combination of striking visual qualities and scientific interest. The top-ranked video and poster entries will be designated as Milton Van Dyke or Gallery of Fluid Motion Winners and subsequently
receive invitations to publish their work in an upcoming issue of the Physical Review Fluids. DFD Meeting attendees are invited to view this year’s GFM videos and posters in Hall A/1 of the Convention Center from November 24-26, 2024. You can view entries from previous years online.
Gallery of Fluid Motion Award Ceremony
The GFM Award Ceremony will be held in Hall A/1 of the Convention Center during the Afternoon Refreshment Break on Monday, November 25, between 3:47-4:45 p.m. A representative from all submissions should be in attendance.
Student Poster Presentations
The Student Poster Presentations will be held in Hall A/1 of the Convention Center during the Afternoon Refreshment Break on Monday, November 25, between 3:47-4:45 p.m.
Traveling Gallery of Fluid Motion
Everyone is invited to view the second Traveling Gallery of Fluid Motion exhibit at The Leonardo Museum, located at 209 East 500 South, Salt Lake City, UT. This museum-like exhibit perfectly aligns with their showcase on Flight, inspired by Leonardo da Vinci’s fascination with fluid dynamics. This exhibit will be on display from November 1, 2024, to January 31, 2025, supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF). Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to engage with the fascinating world of fluid dynamics through art!
November 1, 2024 – January 31, 2025
Open daily from 10 a.m.-6 p.m., closed on Mondays.
The Leonardo Museum, 209 E 500 S, Salt Lake City, UT 84111.
Networking Events
For Sunday through Tuesday events, a $10 fee will be charged for breakfast or lunch events. Space is limited and often sells out. However, you may check with the DFD staff at the event room for possible openings. All Networking events listed below are at the Salt Palace Convention Center unless noted.
Traveling Gallery of Fluid Motion Reception
All the Faces of Fluid Dynamics
Fluid Education Lunch
Student Lunch with the Experts
Underrepresented Minorities in Research
Women in Fluid Dynamics Lunch
Young Investigators Lunch
2024 Exhibitors & University Sponsors
Exhibitors and Sponsors
AIP Publishing
Cambridge University Press
Dantec Dynamics, Inc.
Integrated Design Tools, Inc.
LaVision Inc.
Measurement Science Enterprise, Inc.
Microvec Pte Ltd
Photron USA, Inc.
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM)
Spraying Systems Co.
Vision Research
Gallery of Fluid Motion Sponsors
Upcoming APS DFD Annual Meetings
2024: Salt Lake City, UT
Meeting Co-Chairs
Marc Calaf, University of Utah
Henry Fu, University of Utah
2025: Houston, TX
Meeting Co-Chairs
William Anderson, University of Texas-Dallas
Paul Krueger, Southern Methodist University
2026: Orlando, FL
Meeting Co-Chairs
Sivaramakrishnan "Bala" Balachander, University of Florida
Jason Butler, University of Florida
2027: Boston, MA
Meeting Co-Chairs
Roberto Zenit, Brown University
JC Bird, Boston University
2028: Chicago, IL
Meeting Chair
Daniel Bodony, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign